Mitt Romney suddenly agrees with everything foreign. Who knew?



I never said Russia is the US Geopolitical foe.

I never said we shouldn't have a time table in Afghanistan.

I would have given the order to take out Bin Laden in Pakistan.


I don't want the military involved in Syria.

I don't want the military involved in Iran.

One hilarious part. Mitt said Obama never went to Israel. Obama said he went to the holocaust museum in Israel and not "fund raisers".

I believe it was right to use drones.

One very strange thing. Romney went on about developing the economies of other countries. About investing in education in other countries. About helping the 47% in other countries. About investing in Egypt, Pakistan and other countries. But here? Here? Nothing.
He is about gender equality overseas, but wouldn't sign Lily Ledbetter here. He's for democracy overseas, but for voter suppression here.

It was a very, very strange debate.
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Seems Mitt didn't know we have submarines and aircraft carriers.

We do have fewer horses and bayonets.
Quelle surprise. Mitts runnin' to the middle. The USMB Righties will like that :) Oh wait... :(
Quelle surprise. Mitts runnin' to the middle. The USMB Righties will like that :) Oh wait... :(

Middle? It was extreme the other way. Republicans say government can't create jobs but Mitt wants our government to create jobs in foreign countries?

Mitt wants to cut education here but wants to pay for education in other countries?

Mitt wants limit women's right here but expand them overseas?

Mitt wants democracy overseas but here he supports voter ID where even other Republicans say it's designed to suppress the vote.

He was all over the map. He just looked strange.
Face it lefties, the former dope smoking community activist and his side kick former world class enabler for her husband's sodomy escapades aren't up to the task.
Face it lefties, the former dope smoking community activist and his side kick former world class enabler for her husband's sodomy escapades aren't up to the task.

What a creep you are. Pathetic.
Seems Mitt didn't know we have submarines and aircraft carriers.

We do have fewer horses and bayonets.

Hey look, it's the board pussy.

You gonna turn and run with your tail between your legs when we shove this thread up your sorry ass ?
Now, the WH is saying that sequestration "should" not happen.

Now, Ed Shultz is talking economics.....he's an embarassment.
Seems Mitt didn't know we have submarines and aircraft carriers.

We do have fewer horses and bayonets.

Hey look, it's the board pussy.

You gonna turn and run with your tail between your legs when we shove this thread up your sorry ass ?

he has about 7 going now that he has run he even asked me to prove he said something.....i Dean!.....:confused:......i wonder why.....
Seems Mitt didn't know we have submarines and aircraft carriers.

We do have fewer horses and bayonets.

Hey look, it's the board pussy.

You gonna turn and run with your tail between your legs when we shove this thread up your sorry ass ?

To shove the thread up his ass you would first have to disprove the OP. The fact is that Romney has run towards the middle now that he is out of the primaries and Republicans either won't acknowledge it or don't care.
I liked it when Obama said, "Gov Romney, every time you offered an opinion, you've been wrong, you are all over the map".

Well, not this time. He agreed with Obama on almost everything. Except when Obama said that wasn't your opinion previously.

Remember when Mitt said we shouldn't keep troops in Iraq? Then Obama said two weeks ago you said we should keep 30,000 and Romney said, "No I didn't". That's not a debate. That's a Republican lying.
I took notes during the debate. That's how I know what was said. These asshat USMB right wingers only have name calling and empty accusations because they are empty people. Don't know anything and proud of it.

One of the most strange parts was when Obama went on about the 30,000 killed in Syria and his plans and then Romney repeated everything Obama said, sometimes word for word for about 4 minutes. It reminded me of Tina Fey and Sarah Palin.
I liked it when Obama said, "Gov Romney, every time you offered an opinion, you've been wrong, you are all over the map".

Well, not this time. He agreed with Obama on almost everything. Except when Obama said that wasn't your opinion previously.

Remember when Mitt said we shouldn't keep troops in Iraq? Then Obama said two weeks ago you said we should keep 30,000 and Romney said, "No I didn't". That's not a debate. That's a Republican lying.

LOL Even Andrea Mitchell has already come out and said that Romney was correct in that exchange. Romney never said that and Obama did try to get a SOFA with Iraq and failed.
If you're a liberal, you know things are bad when you're attacking the republican for being too moderate. It's over kids.
If you're a liberal, you know things are bad when you're attacking the republican for being too moderate. It's over kids.

People are attacking Romney for being a flip-flopper, and Republican voters for falling for it. He will say anything he has to to win, and Republicans have such an irrational hatred of Obama that they don't care.
I liked it when Obama said, "Gov Romney, every time you offered an opinion, you've been wrong, you are all over the map".

Well, not this time. He agreed with Obama on almost everything. Except when Obama said that wasn't your opinion previously.

Remember when Mitt said we shouldn't keep troops in Iraq? Then Obama said two weeks ago you said we should keep 30,000 and Romney said, "No I didn't". That's not a debate. That's a Republican lying.

LOL Even Andrea Mitchell has already come out and said that Romney was correct in that exchange. Romney never said that and Obama did try to get a SOFA with Iraq and failed.

Romney Hosts Veterans Round Table in S.Carolina -

“It is my view that the withdrawal of all of our troops from Iraq by the end of this year is an enormous mistake, and failing by the Obama administration,” Mr. Romney said. “The precipitous withdrawal is unfortunate — it’s more than unfortunate, I think it’s tragic. It puts at risk many of the victories that were hard won by the men and women who served there.” : Homestretch Fact-Stretchers

He called it a “tragic” mistake to bring them all home so quickly. His exact words, as reported by the New York Times on Nov. 11, 2011, were: “It is my view that the withdrawal of all of our troops from Iraq by the end of this year is an enormous mistake, and failing by the Obama administration. The precipitous withdrawal is unfortunate — it’s more than unfortunate, I think it’s tragic.”
And finally, Romney did not say he would leave 30,000 troops in Iraq, but put the number at somewhere between 10,000 and 30,000. His exact words were: “[W]e should have left 10-, 20-, 30-thousand personnel there to help transition to the Iraqis’ own military capabilities.”


Saying thirty thousand instead of between ten and thirty thousand is "splitting hairs".
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