Mitt Romney Sure Does Lie a Lot, Doesn't He?

The American private sector gets tax cuts on the promise that it will create American jobs. Then it uses those tax cuts to buy politicians who create the legal framework for destroying American jobs so an elite group of investors can benefit from cheap labor.

Mitt Romney represents an elite private sector in its war against American labor.

More neg rep for spamming.

You've never supported any of these arguments.

You are an asshole and Obama is a one-termer.

Who gives a shit? Negs are for children and retards. Which are you?

The person who owns you on just about everyone one of your worthless posts.

Next question.......pissant.

Obama and Wright are of the same mind — now and then!

2008 March 14th — OK, OK! Maybe he didn’t hear those words. But what about Reverend White’s words that appear in Obama’s very own book, “Dreams of My Father.”"It is this world, a world where cruise ships throw away more food in a day than most residents of Port-au-Prince see in a year, where white folks’ greed runs a world in need, apartheid in one hemisphere, apathy in another hemisphere… That’s the world! On which hope sits!”Reverend Wright spoke of Sharpsville and Hiroshima, the callousness of policy makers in the White House and in the State House.

That was 13 years ago, in 1995.
2008 March 14th — Barack may not have heard Wright’s rants, but did he read them?In the Trinity United Church of Christ Bulletin, January 21, 2007, on pages 9 and 10, “The Pastor’s Page,” are these words:”We have lost over 3,000 boys and girls in an illegal and unjust war, and the media is on a feeding frenzy about Barack Obama’s church. Where is the outrage about the 3,000 dead American military personnel and the 600,000 dead Iraqi civilians who are dead for no reason other than greed and ego? What’s goin’ on?”"I use his words today on the third Sunday of a New Year to keep before you the painful truth of who we are and where it is we are in this racist United States of America! What’s goin’ on?”"The reality, however, is that the entire war in Iraq and the larger “war on terror” have been based on lies, half-truths and distortions to serve the agenda of the United States imperialism. Where is the public outcry? Where is the outrage? What’s goin’ on?”He may never have heard Wright actually say the U. S. was racist or some aspiring empire. But he never read it in his bulletin? Ever?
2008 On Friday, the 14th, presidential candidate Barack Obama repudiated what he called “inflammatory and appalling remarks” made by his Chicago pastor.Obama said he had not been present during the sermons in question.Obama told MSNBC, “Had I heard them in church I would have expressed that concern directly to Rev. Wright.”Please note, he says that he would have expressed concern, not repudiate, the wordsYet, in this video, “the Rev” places Obama in the congregation, by saying, “There is a man here, who can take this country in a new direction” and he points at him.In the next clip, during Wright’s 2007 Christmas services, Wright rails, “Barack knows what it means to be a black man living in a country and a process that is controlled by rich white men, Hillary can never know that, Hillary ain’t ever been called a ******!”

While Wright rails, “Bill did us like he did Monica Lewinsky,” Wright’s successor, Otis Moss III, jumps into the picture frame, attempting to high-five “the Rev.”

Barack was in Chicago for Christmas 2007 and Wright is addressing him from the pulpit. Will Barack say me didn’t attend Christmas services?

When Obama said, “Had I heard them in church …” Obama lied. He listened to Wright’s sermons for 20 years.

These two men, Obama and Wright, are two peas in the same pod.And before I get feedback from the loony libs, remember, it was Obama, himself, that wrote these words in “‘Dreams of My Father,” — “I found solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother’s race.”

And, please notice the congregation in that video. They are going nuts during Wright’s preaching. All of them believe this “evil white man” crap and eat it up.

The whole bunch of them are the worst kinds of hateful racists — and remember, Wright’s congregation is composed of successful, educated African-Americans.

Oh fuck offfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff.



Someone makes a post making the assertion "a lot". First, we need to look at what she defines as lies. For her, a lie is anything said by someone they don't agree with.

The drivel just keeps coming.

When the same standard is used to judge her messiahloser, she gets all pissy and makes comments about debating.

Even though she's never engaged in a debate on this board.

It is amazing what constitutes a quality of life for those on the left.
Oh fuck offfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff.

Typical of you. That's all you can come back with is "Fuck Off!"

That's because you are completely incapable of responding with legitimate argument. Your adolescence is showing.

Attention all conservatives! It is futile to argue with dimwitted children that have been taught to believe that lying and dismissal of truth means that you always win the argument.

This forum is replete with such children.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Why am I not surprised you missed the point entirely. He may have had some valid points in that screed he posted, but that was fucking LOOOONNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG winded and wholly unnecessary. Cut and paste isn't always your friend.
i agree here.....that was way fucking too long.....just give us the real pertinent stuff....i dont need to know what kind of mouthwash he uses....point 1,005.....
The American private sector gets tax cuts on the promise that it will create American jobs. Then it uses those tax cuts to buy politicians who create the legal framework for destroying American jobs so an elite group of investors can benefit from cheap labor.

Mitt Romney represents an elite private sector in its war against American labor.

Chris you never answered is your Helen Thomas Sex Doll working out? it true? has removable Dentures?....
George W. Bush inherited a strong economy, a budget surplus, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later, he left Obama with a shattered economy, a trillion dollar deficit, and two useless wars.

Obama saved the country from another Great Depression, rebuilt GM, reformed healthcare, reformed Wall Street, doubled the stock market, created 12 straight quarters of GDP growth, created 29 straight months of private sector job growth, got Bin Laden, got Gaddafi, and got us out of Iraq.

And now with the automatic spending cuts and the expiration of the Bush tax cuts in 2012, Obama has solved the deficit problem as well.

Obama has done a very good job.
im glad its working out for you Chris.....i live in a State with 10.8% unemployment.....were the fuck are these jobs your talking about?....
The people he is trying to reach don't care if he is blantantly lying or not. They simply hate the fact that there is a xxxxxxxx in the White House and would vote for Satan himself if it meant the xxxxxxx was gone.

hey Boo a question for i allowed to be against Obamas policies without being considered a Bigot?....just askin.....

The answer is no. To the OWS parasites, the only reason for not singing " mmm mmmm mmmm Barack Hussein Obama" every morning is racism and bigotry. Their evidence? If you were not a racist and a bigot, you would be singing the tune along with the rest of the OWS parasites.

thanx for answering.....i wonder why the blind fella did not answer that one?....:eusa_eh:
YES WE CAN ...worked so well. YES WE CAN killed an already weak economy. I'm done with the bullshit. Let's have a "vote for leadership" campaign instead of cash for clunkers!!!!
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Bush vs. Obama: Jobs

By Andrew Leonard

During George W.'s first term, big government boosted employment. For Obama, it's the opposite.

There is a number buried in today’s government labor report that deserves closer examination: 35,000. That’s the net number of private sector jobs created during the Obama administration to date. That’s right, it’s a positive number. After the worst economic disaster to befall the United States in 80 years, that’s a number that maybe we should be applauding. Remember: The private sector hemorrhaged more than 2 million jobs in the first three months of 2009 alone. The hole was deep.

Unfortunately, it’s still a tiny number, and it is dwarfed by a much larger figure: 607,000. That’s the number of public sector jobs — federal, state and local — that have been lost since Obama took office. It’s a story that probably isn’t getting told enough about the Obama administration: Big government keeps getting smaller.

But the real eye-opener comes when we compare Obama’s numbers to George W. Bush’s. In Bush’s first term, the economy shed 913,000 private sector jobs! 913,000! The only thing that saved Bush’s first term from being a complete economic disaster, in terms of employment, was robust public sector growth: The economy added 900,000 government jobs. One wonders: Without the massive growth in the public sector during Bush’s first term, would he have been reelected?

More: Bush vs. Obama: Jobs -
Romney Campaign Falsely Accuses Obama Of Gutting Welfare In New Ad

Mitt Romney's campaign continued to attack President Barack Obama over welfare reform with the release of a new ad on Monday, once again falsely stating that the president dropped work requirements from welfare.

The ad, titled "Long History," is the second ad from the Romney campaign to claim that Obama has "gutted" welfare. The campaign's previous ad on welfare, released just last week, was widely criticized as inaccurate and debunked by numerous fact checkers.

Romney Campaign Falsely Accuses Obama Of Gutting Welfare In New Ad
The people he is trying to reach don't care if he is blantantly lying or not. They simply hate the fact that there is a xxxxxxxx in the White House and would vote for Satan himself if it meant the xxxxxxx was gone.

hey Boo a question for i allowed to be against Obamas policies without being considered a Bigot?....just askin.....

I guess you would have to ask your handlers what you are or are not allowed to be for or against. Why are you asking me?
Must be the DNC Talking Point of the day. All the usual suspect wingnuts keep regurgitating it. Way to think for yourselves dipshits.
Why does a religious man like Romney continue to lie about Obama regarding Medicare and Obamacare?

The Romney campaign’s new ad blitz reinforces its latest attack – that President Obama cut Medicare spending by $716 billion – with an ominous warning to seniors. But the Affordable Care Act’s cuts and other Medicare reforms don’t touch benefits, they target waste in provider payments. In fact, the totality of Obama’s Medicare reforms expand benefits for seniors and lower out-of-pocket costs. The Affordable Care Act actually enhances Medicare benefits by closing the prescription drug coverage gap known as the “doughnut hole” and expanding free preventive services, including an annual wellness visit.

More: Obama’s Medicare Reforms Expanded, Not Cut, Benefits For Seniors | TPMDC
CNN anchor Soledad O'Brien debunked the pervasive right-wing media falsehood that President Obama "stole $700 billion" from Medicare.

Right-wing media have repeatedly claimed that the Medicare savings included in Obama's Affordable Care Act (ACA) "gutted" the Medicare program. However, on CNN's Starting Point, when Romney senior adviser John Sununu claimed that Obama "gutted Medicare by taking $717 billion out of it," O'Brien was quick to correct him.

O'Brien pointed out that Sununu's talking point has been debunked by the Congressional Budget Office, which found that the Medicare savings in the ACA are not cuts, but rather a reduction in the expected rate of growth of the program.

O'Brien also noted that independent fact-checkers have found that the Affordable Care Act does not cut Medicare benefits. These fact-checkers also determined that the claim that hundreds of billions of dollars have been cut from Medicare is outright false.

When Sununu continued to claim that Obama had gutted Medicare, O'Brien confronted him with even more facts, citing evidence that drug providers and hospitals agreed to the Medicare savings because their "theory is that what they're going to be able to do is make up by the number of people who come into the system. It doesn't reduce or cut the benefits.

More by Medody Johnson: CNN's O'Brien Corrects Right-Wing Media Medicare Falsehood | Blog | Media Matters for America
By Kevin Drum

Paul Waldman has done a lot of academic research on political ads. In fact, he says, he has personally watched "every single presidential general election campaign ad ever aired since the first ones in 1952." So what does he think of Mitt Romney's new ad that claims President Obama has a plan for "dropping work requirements" for welfare? "Under Obama's plan," says the narrator, "you wouldn't have to work and wouldn't have to train for a job. They just send you your welfare check."

I've seen ads that were more inflammatory than this one, and ads that were in various ways more reprehensible than this one (not many, but some). But I cannot recall a single presidential campaign ad in the history of American politics that lied more blatantly than this one.​

This is what's so striking about Romney's campaign. As Paul says, it's common to twist and distort and cherry pick. But Romney has flatly claimed that Obama said something that, in fact, a John McCain aide said. He's snipped out sentences from an Obama speech and spliced the two halves back together so nobody could tell what he did. Then he did it again to another Obama speech. And he unequivocally said that Obama plans to drop work requirements for welfare even though he's done nothing of the sort.

This is a presidential candidate just baldly making stuff up on the assumption that nobody will ever know.

More: Mitt Romney Sure Does Lie a Lot, Doesn't He? | Mother Jones

[ame=]Romney: Obama 'Nice Guy' We Can't 'Afford' - YouTube[/ame]

He lied about Obama in the first 12 seconds of this video.

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