Mitt Romney Sure Does Lie a Lot, Doesn't He?

By Kevin Drum

Paul Waldman has done a lot of academic research on political ads. In fact, he says, he has personally watched "every single presidential general election campaign ad ever aired since the first ones in 1952." So what does he think of Mitt Romney's new ad that claims President Obama has a plan for "dropping work requirements" for welfare? "Under Obama's plan," says the narrator, "you wouldn't have to work and wouldn't have to train for a job. They just send you your welfare check."

I've seen ads that were more inflammatory than this one, and ads that were in various ways more reprehensible than this one (not many, but some). But I cannot recall a single presidential campaign ad in the history of American politics that lied more blatantly than this one.​

This is what's so striking about Romney's campaign. As Paul says, it's common to twist and distort and cherry pick. But Romney has flatly claimed that Obama said something that, in fact, a John McCain aide said. He's snipped out sentences from an Obama speech and spliced the two halves back together so nobody could tell what he did. Then he did it again to another Obama speech. And he unequivocally said that Obama plans to drop work requirements for welfare even though he's done nothing of the sort.

This is a presidential candidate just baldly making stuff up on the assumption that nobody will ever know.

More: Mitt Romney Sure Does Lie a Lot, Doesn't He? | Mother Jones

If he keeps lying he might start encroaching on Obama's territory. I don't know if he can actually lie enough to catch him though.
If so many jobs were created, why is unemployment still so high?

What do you think my answer to that question would be?

Not quite sure. Seems to me that if millions of jobs were being created without any being lost, the unemployment rate would go down. Maybe i'm just naive and stupid.

No. You've used logic and are relying on reality.

Thus, you have confused the hell out of lonelyLaughable.
1. Obama had little to do with those jobs in the private sector. You'd be more accurate to thank the state governors for those.

2. If you factor in the amount of jobs lost, plus the number of new people coming into the job market, Romney's claim is correct.

But hey, the Democrats never let anything like facts and logic get in their way.
The people he is trying to reach don't care if he is blantantly lying or not. They simply hate the fact that there is a xxxxxxxx in the White House and would vote for Satan himself if it meant the xxxxxxx was gone.

hey Boo a question for i allowed to be against Obamas policies without being considered a Bigot?....just askin.....

I guess you would have to ask your handlers what you are or are not allowed to be for or against. Why are you asking me?

gee you dont remember what you posted?....nice dance though.....was that a Rumba?....

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