Mitt told the most lies in a debate in US History!

Ah yes. Chinese trade debate and Bain taking tax breaks to move American jobs to China. Should be a good subject right there.


Obama tried those sort of lies in the last debate and had them shoved right back up his ass.

I can't freaking wait to see it again!

The Arab spring had nothing to do with Obama or anyone else in the World. And it was given that name by the media. Arabs never saw it as a spring. They wanted reform in their countries


More Lefty horseshit which Mitt will cram right back up Obama's ass if he tries to spin it that way. Obama took credit for Arab Spring before he was against it.:

'Julian Assange: Obama is exploiting Arab spring for political gain

WikiLeaks founder, speaking via videolink to the UN, says it is 'audacious' for US to take credit for Middle East progress'

Julian Assange: Obama is exploiting Arab spring for political gain | Media |
Has anyone read whether he has changed his website to reflect his latest batch of lies from the debate? Or is he just expected flip flop back to the old lies?

I would also like to know if its true that he's such a pathological liar that he believes his own lies.
Every politician does at some point. You're just to gullible to realize your side does it too

Gullible has nothing to do with my opinion of Obama , it might have a lot to do with your love for mush mouth mittens though:eusa_whistle:

Spoken like a true idiot. I've blasted Romney on MANY occasions on this very forum. Can you say the same of Obama? I don't know you all that well but I doubt it.

Take your idiot & raise u to dumbass . Obama has not been perfect by no means.

You can look back on Obama he has said the same thing over & over . You can't

Even go back two years to find the same mitt . It called integrity an mittens has

The democrats were so heavily invested in what they attributed to Romney, they have completely lost sight of the fact that none of it was true.

Romney wants to cut taxes for the rich. Democrats said it, they heard it, when they heard it, it must be true.

No. And now with the 7.8 UE figure, the whole democrat house of cards will start to crumble.
Has anyone read whether he has changed his website to reflect his latest batch of lies from the debate? Or is he just expected flip flop back to the old lies?

I would also like to know if its true that he's such a pathological liar that he believes his own lies.

Are you referring to the encyclopedia of lies, half-truths, and falsehoods presented by O.
Yup, the truth is coming out now about Mitt's "impressive" debate performance. He lied, changed positions, and basically reverted to something between and liberal and a moderate.

The GOP handlers need to be a little concerned that he might do the same thing if elected. He pretty mcuh admitted that Obamacare will stay with some tweaks....Hilarious!!!

According to lying Liberals A Republican told the most lies.


Repeal and Replace has always been his stated Goal fuck wit.
Did you hear the one Mitt told about the Ambassador to Libya being assassinated on the anniversary of 9/11 over a movie?

Anyone that could tell THAT lie with a straight face is the King of all Liars, hands down.

Oh...sorry, my mistake...that was Obama. :redface:
Can't wait for the foreign policy debate!


Arab Spring?

Spiking the football?

Benghazi lies and coverup?

Border security?

Energy security?

Nuclear Iran, abandonment of Israel - and looming major ME war?

Chinese trade policy?

What a massacre.

You left out a Big One....Bin Laden is dead and GM is alive...:clap2:
The left is desperate. They've spent over a year "defining" Romney as some out of touch, plastic figurine, intent on destroying the middle class, rewarding his rich friends, and throwing granny off the cliff. It didn't work. Romney destroyed $250 Million in Obama advertising in 38 minutes during the debate!

Now with only 30 days to go, they realize they must do the one thing they fear the most - talk about Obama's actual record! He's got some splainin' to do!!!

Gullible has nothing to do with my opinion of Obama , it might have a lot to do with your love for mush mouth mittens though:eusa_whistle:

Spoken like a true idiot. I've blasted Romney on MANY occasions on this very forum. Can you say the same of Obama? I don't know you all that well but I doubt it.

Take your idiot & raise u to dumbass . Obama has not been perfect by no means.

You can look back on Obama he has said the same thing over & over . You can't

Even go back two years to find the same mitt . It called integrity an mittens has


Obama was against gay marriage UNTIL the gays threatened to pull their financing.

Obama said raising taxes in a slow economy would hurt the nation. Now that it's election time he has changed his tune.

Obama sent home more Mexicans until election time when he gave them amnesty

Obama said we must have a more civil tone then he called Romney a felon and murderer

Obama said superpacs were a threat to our democracy then he got one for himself

Yep, you're a gullible fool
The Arab spring had nothing to do with Obama or anyone else in the World. And it was given that name by the media. Arabs never saw it as a spring. They wanted reform in their countries


More Lefty horseshit which Mitt will cram right back up Obama's ass if he tries to spin it that way. Obama took credit for Arab Spring before he was against it.:

'Julian Assange: Obama is exploiting Arab spring for political gain

WikiLeaks founder, speaking via videolink to the UN, says it is 'audacious' for US to take credit for Middle East progress'

Julian Assange: Obama is exploiting Arab spring for political gain | Media |

Wow republicans want Assange in prison. Yet they quote him. How ironic. It still doesn't the change the fact that Obama isn't responsible for worldwide protests

They left out the Biggest Lie....3 of 38 green businesses have failed. Mitt called that Half....

I really think his Soul is on the line...The wife should be concerned. Maybe he can come out in the nexxt debate and admit that he lied. That could help him with the Smith Brothers...wait...the wrong Smith:lol:

Sorry bub, this election is not about Romney - It's about Obama's record....that's what people are talking about. His record, well, it sucks ass! Because he's an incompetent dilettante and a terrible leader. He thinks he can go out in front of people, read some flowery prose off the TOTUS, and solve the worlds problems in time for a round of golf. He's an out of touch fool and his record is the proof.

The only bigger fools are his defenders and sycophants.......people like you!
Last edited:
Can't wait for the foreign policy debate!


Arab Spring?

Spiking the football?

Benghazi lies and coverup?

Border security?

Energy security?

Nuclear Iran, abandonment of Israel - and looming major ME war?

Chinese trade policy?

What a massacre.

You left out a Big One....Bin Laden is dead and GM is alive...:clap2:

Terry and Stevens are dead too and GM owes the taxpayers billions.
The left is desperate. They've spent over a year "defining" Romney as some out of touch, plastic figurine, intent on destroying the middle class, rewarding his rich friends, and throwing granny off the cliff. It didn't work. Romney destroyed $250 Million in Obama advertising in 38 minutes during the debate!

Now with only 30 days to go, they realize they must do the one thing they fear the most - talk about Obama's actual record! He's got some splainin' to do!!!


Now why would the Dems be desperate? Have you seen the latest poll numbers? Did you miss the 7.8% unemployment rate on Friday? If you need more information on the current political environment, let me know. I will send you some links...cause you are obviously misinformed. It may help if you watched something other than FOX news all day. Just a suggestion...

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