Mitt told the most lies in a debate in US History!

It's OK. Republicans know Mitts lying. They "approve". Anything to get rid of this, uh, how did they put it?

Negro, boi king, man child, Keynan Colonial Marxist Mau Mau, not an American, Muslim, gay, corrupt, lying, empty suit, Nazi, communist, socialist mulatto? Did I get most of them?

They also know that Mitt doesn't care about half of America which is fine since they think it's the SAME half they hate.

Hilariously, it's not. Mitt hates the middle class and the poor. That includes plenty of Republicans. We know this because he wants to bring immigrants here with degrees so he doesn't have to waste money on trying to teach a base Rick Santorum says isn't "smart".

Immigration | Mitt Romney for President


Reminds me of that tee shirt that says:


I'll bet your wife wears that.
Yup, the truth is coming out now about Mitt's "impressive" debate performance. He lied, changed positions, and basically reverted to something between and liberal and a moderate.

The GOP handlers need to be a little concerned that he might do the same thing if elected. He pretty mcuh admitted that Obamacare will stay with some tweaks....Hilarious!!!

And Obama stood there and took every word of it and didn't say squat....
The guy practiced his bullshit for months, so much so that I think he really believes his own lies.
Spoken like a true idiot. I've blasted Romney on MANY occasions on this very forum. Can you say the same of Obama? I don't know you all that well but I doubt it.

Take your idiot & raise u to dumbass . Obama has not been perfect by no means.

You can look back on Obama he has said the same thing over & over . You can't

Even go back two years to find the same mitt . It called integrity an mittens has


Obama was against gay marriage UNTIL the gays threatened to pull their financing.

Obama said raising taxes in a slow economy would hurt the nation. Now that it's election time he has changed his tune.

Obama sent home more Mexicans until election time when he gave them amnesty

Obama said we must have a more civil tone then he called Romney a felon and murderer

Obama said superpacs were a threat to our democracy then he got one for himself

Yep, you're a gullible fool

Obama called Mitt Romney a "felon" and a "murderer"?????

I know you have a link to that otherwise, people might think you are a stinking and lying sack of shit. Don't worry about what I think. My mind is made up but there might be others who are on the fence. So come on, put up a link You said it. Show us the "quote".
The guy practiced his bullshit for months, so much so that I think he really believes his own lies.

Get the guy his teleprompter back. Even with all that practice...Obama still sucked......

Was romney that good or did The O suck that bad.

I say
The Arab spring had nothing to do with Obama or anyone else in the World. And it was given that name by the media. Arabs never saw it as a spring. They wanted reform in their countries


More Lefty horseshit which Mitt will cram right back up Obama's ass if he tries to spin it that way. Obama took credit for Arab Spring before he was against it.:

'Julian Assange: Obama is exploiting Arab spring for political gain

WikiLeaks founder, speaking via videolink to the UN, says it is 'audacious' for US to take credit for Middle East progress'

Julian Assange: Obama is exploiting Arab spring for political gain | Media |

Wow republicans want Assange in prison. Yet they quote him. How ironic. It still doesn't the change the fact that Obama isn't responsible for worldwide protests

You can't even follow your own moronic logic.


More Lefty horseshit which Mitt will cram right back up Obama's ass if he tries to spin it that way. Obama took credit for Arab Spring before he was against it.:

'Julian Assange: Obama is exploiting Arab spring for political gain

WikiLeaks founder, speaking via videolink to the UN, says it is 'audacious' for US to take credit for Middle East progress'

Julian Assange: Obama is exploiting Arab spring for political gain | Media |

Wow republicans want Assange in prison. Yet they quote him. How ironic. It still doesn't the change the fact that Obama isn't responsible for worldwide protests

You can't even follow your own moronic logic.


LOL LOL LOL. you support Assange now?
Yup, the truth is coming out now about Mitt's "impressive" debate performance. He lied, changed positions, and basically reverted to something between and liberal and a moderate.

The GOP handlers need to be a little concerned that he might do the same thing if elected. He pretty mcuh admitted that Obamacare will stay with some tweaks....Hilarious!!!

It's OK. Republicans know Mitts lying. They "approve". Anything to get rid of this, uh, how did they put it?

Negro, boi king, man child, Keynan Colonial Marxist Mau Mau, not an American, Muslim, gay, corrupt, lying, empty suit, Nazi, communist, socialist mulatto? Did I get most of them?

They also know that Mitt doesn't care about half of America which is fine since they think it's the SAME half they hate.

Hilariously, it's not. Mitt hates the middle class and the poor. That includes plenty of Republicans. We know this because he wants to bring immigrants here with degrees so he doesn't have to waste money on trying to teach a base Rick Santorum says isn't "smart".

Immigration | Mitt Romney for President


Reminds me of that tee shirt that says:


I'll bet your wife wears that.

No, this is what her shirt says:


She is not a Republican. She would NEVER applaud being called stupid.

Still find it hard to believe an entire crowd of Republicans did that. Think about it.

We will never have smart people in the Republican party:

[ame=]cheering crowd - sound effect - YouTube[/ame]
Take your idiot & raise u to dumbass . Obama has not been perfect by no means.

You can look back on Obama he has said the same thing over & over . You can't

Even go back two years to find the same mitt . It called integrity an mittens has


Obama was against gay marriage UNTIL the gays threatened to pull their financing.

Obama said raising taxes in a slow economy would hurt the nation. Now that it's election time he has changed his tune.

Obama sent home more Mexicans until election time when he gave them amnesty

Obama said we must have a more civil tone then he called Romney a felon and murderer

Obama said superpacs were a threat to our democracy then he got one for himself

Yep, you're a gullible fool

Obama called Mitt Romney a "felon" and a "murderer"?????

I know you have a link to that otherwise, people might think you are a stinking and lying sack of shit. Don't worry about what I think. My mind is made up but there might be others who are on the fence. So come on, put up a link You said it. Show us the "quote".

Last edited:
Yup, the truth is coming out now about Mitt's "impressive" debate performance. He lied, changed positions, and basically reverted to something between and liberal and a moderate.

The GOP handlers need to be a little concerned that he might do the same thing if elected. He pretty mcuh admitted that Obamacare will stay with some tweaks....Hilarious!!!

Got a link or a source to back this claim up or you just trying to pass your opinion off as a fact again?
10 Most Shameless Romney Debate Lies -- Debunked | Alternet

I don't think dupes know what a lie IS's not a promise that was obstructed by Pubs, it's not an position that changes, it's a statement that is FACTUALLY WRONG, like "Obama gutted Medicare, Workfare, had control for 2 years", or the BS in my sig pp3.

O fought for ACA for 2 years? Passed after 13 months.
Half of alt energy projects failed? 3 of 38?

Pubs kill the nonrich, see sig pp1. Romney's plans are BS. The 5 trillion deal...HIS experts are the Heritage Foundation LOL.

So much BS. Seniors will lose donut hole again, 716 billion medicare figure is SAVINGS, don't hurt benefits- the whole pile usual Pubcrappe. He's a GREAT Con man/ BS.salesman.

He did zip for Mass. education.
Obama called Mitt Romney a "felon" and a "murderer"?????

I know you have a link to that otherwise, people might think you are a stinking and lying sack of shit. Don't worry about what I think. My mind is made up but there might be others who are on the fence. So come on, put up a link You said it. Show us the "quote".

since i am "on the fence" Dean to speak.....why dont you convince me why i should vote for the Democrats over the Republicans.....because here in California the Democrats dont look any better Governing than that Party you hate......10.6% unemployment.....Companies and people leaving......a Governor who hates Education and the poor and disabled......its like i live in a red go ahead.....convince me.....
It's OK. Republicans know Mitts lying. They "approve". Anything to get rid of this, uh, how did they put it?

Negro, boi king, man child, Keynan Colonial Marxist Mau Mau, not an American, Muslim, gay, corrupt, lying, empty suit, Nazi, communist, socialist mulatto? Did I get most of them?

They also know that Mitt doesn't care about half of America which is fine since they think it's the SAME half they hate.

Hilariously, it's not. Mitt hates the middle class and the poor. That includes plenty of Republicans. We know this because he wants to bring immigrants here with degrees so he doesn't have to waste money on trying to teach a base Rick Santorum says isn't "smart".

Immigration | Mitt Romney for President


Reminds me of that tee shirt that says:

Dean you and Frankie need some new material.....just about the same shit over and over......i can understand Frankie doing this....he dont come off as being to bright....but you Dean?.....come on you can do better.....your act is getting pretty old....
Yup, the truth is coming out now about Mitt's "impressive" debate performance. He lied, changed positions, and basically reverted to something between and liberal and a moderate.

The GOP handlers need to be a little concerned that he might do the same thing if elected. He pretty mcuh admitted that Obamacare will stay with some tweaks....Hilarious!!!
I saw a woman interviewed, about the debate, who said that Romney brought some new ideas to his campaign ... yea, it's called shape-shifting.
Can't wait for the foreign policy debate!


Arab Spring?

Spiking the football?

Benghazi lies and coverup?

Border security?

Energy security?

Nuclear Iran, abandonment of Israel - and looming major ME war?

Chinese trade policy?

What a massacre.

Not necessarily. . .


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