Mitt Wins So What Does That Say? What's The Message?

Asking what's the message if Mitt Romney is elected is a rather silly question. This is not an open election. This is a reelection with a incumbent. It is, as all reelection campaigns are, a referendum on how well obama has performed so far. If obama loses the message is clear, he was a piss poor president.

But if he wins, then what? Was he awesome so far, or did Romney just suck that bad?

The majority of voters were in favor of his policies and ideals. That's all it means.
That's not necessarily true. You know as well as I do that there's quite a lot of Romney voters who aren't voting FOR him, but against Obama...they hate BOTH policies and ideals, but just hate one of them less than the other.
Libertarians are making such progress the most moderate, capitalistic, corporationistic guy is going to be nominated.

Clearly, we have a long way to go. But the numbers supporting Ron Paul's efforts to transform the Republican party have doubled to tripled over '08 - and that IS progress.

And that's to say nothing of the local and state victories all around the country. We took some state GOP chairs, as well as several other top brass positions around the country. It's going to be really hard for the party to screw the libertarians with the Paul supporter placements we won this year.
Libertarians are making such progress the most moderate, capitalistic, corporationistic guy is going to be nominated.

Clearly, we have a long way to go. But the numbers supporting Ron Paul's efforts to transform the Republican party have doubled to tripled over '08 - and that IS progress.

And that's to say nothing of the local and state victories all around the country. We took some state GOP chairs, as well as several other top brass positions around the country. It's going to be really hard for the party to screw the libertarians with the Paul supporter placements we won this year.

Watch us do just that.
Clearly, we have a long way to go. But the numbers supporting Ron Paul's efforts to transform the Republican party have doubled to tripled over '08 - and that IS progress.

And that's to say nothing of the local and state victories all around the country. We took some state GOP chairs, as well as several other top brass positions around the country. It's going to be really hard for the party to screw the libertarians with the Paul supporter placements we won this year.

Watch us do just that.

Bring it! ;)

I have no doubt that's what the establishment Republicans will be trying to do. My hope is that you'll fail - but I admit that's a slim hope in the immediate future. A more achievable goal is to make sure the Republican establishment pays the price for ignoring their own limited-government rhetoric and screwing libertarians - to reward their efforts with another failed candidacy by voting for "anyone but Romney".
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Clearly, we have a long way to go. But the numbers supporting Ron Paul's efforts to transform the Republican party have doubled to tripled over '08 - and that IS progress.

And that's to say nothing of the local and state victories all around the country. We took some state GOP chairs, as well as several other top brass positions around the country. It's going to be really hard for the party to screw the libertarians with the Paul supporter placements we won this year.

Watch us do just that.

Parasites of the World Unite

Those who oppose libertarians are the workers of the world, the ones who work hard, and you freaks will not get your hands on our efforts.
No libertarians are going to get the profits of hard working citizens, C. Why don't you really tell folks here why you support libertarianism? Tell us the real reason,
No libertarians are going to get the profits of hard working citizens, C. Why don't you really tell folks here why you support libertarianism? Tell us the real reason,

Yeah, Contumacious, tell us the real reason. You're not one of those whack jobs who actually believes in constitutionally limited government, are you? No room for the likes of you in the Republocratic party!
No libertarians are going to get the profits of hard working citizens, C. Why don't you really tell folks here why you support libertarianism? Tell us the real reason,

Yeah, Contumacious, tell us the real reason. You're not one of those whack jobs who actually believes in constitutionally limited government, are you? No room for the likes of you in the Republocratic party!

Nah, those are not the primary reason. Tell us, C.
No libertarians are going to get the profits of hard working citizens, C. Why don't you really tell folks here why you support libertarianism? Tell us the real reason,

Yeah, Contumacious, tell us the real reason. You're not one of those whack jobs who actually believes in constitutionally limited government, are you? No room for the likes of you in the Republocratic party!

Nah, those are not the primary reason. Tell us, C.

Ohh... are you..., are you suggesting he favors real liberty? The freedom to think for ourselves without being told how to live by government???!?! The horror. :eek:

Something should be done!
Nope, not at all. C tell us the real reason you favor libertarianism. If you won't post it publicly, PM dblack.
No libertarians are going to get the profits of hard working citizens, C. Why don't you really tell folks here why you support libertarianism? Tell us the real reason,

Hard working citizens do not support parasitism, looting, or plunder. They work too hard for their money to waste in Iraq, AfPak, or parasites.

No libertarians are going to get the profits of hard working citizens, C. Why don't you really tell folks here why you support libertarianism? Tell us the real reason,

The reason I support Libertarianism is simple.... person and economic freedom.
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This has been a really strange GOP primary. Almost the whole way through we've seen an almost rabid attempt to deny Mitt the nomination so a REAL conservative can be nominated. But the primary electorate would have none of it.

Since Mitt's got this all wrapped up what does this say about conservatism and the GOP party?

Is Mitt the REAL conservative and the rest RINO's?

Is this the fallout from the Citizen's United ruling?

Is the religous wing of the party losing it's influence?

Is the Tea Party no longer a driving force?

Will we see moderates gaining power in congress?

What say you? What's the message? Or is there a message? How can a moderate win the nomination in a party full of hard core conservatives?

If Mitt wins, I would feel most sorry for the poor, the middle class, and women. I would also feel sorry for social programs, such as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and many others. IMO, having Mitt in the White House would be like having the Koch brothers in the White House. Not good...

I remain curious how the wingnut base will react when Mitt turns left heading into the General Election.
No libertarians are going to get the profits of hard working citizens, C. Why don't you really tell folks here why you support libertarianism? Tell us the real reason,

The reason I support Libertarianism is simple.... person and economic freedom.

Support Anarchism and really support freedom!

OK i'll bite Rabbi. You think I am milquetoast because I am in favor of liberty and freedom?:cuckoo:

I do not support anarchy because it does not support freedom....get it.....:eusa_pray:

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