Mitts speech on the senate floor.... a lesson to democrats

Biden announced his candidacy in April 2019, when did Trump ask Ukraine to investigate the Bidens…...I mean corruption in Ukraine. :abgg2q.jpg:

he started his investigation almost 2 yrs before the phone call,,,

that was revealed on rachel maddow,,,

Anything to back that up with.

the rachel maddow show,,,she never lies,,,

Post it.

go look it up,,,

You made the claim, back it up.
God Bless Acquitted Exonerated President Trump.

He wasn't exonerated, Republican senators didn't have the balls to judge him.

The entire idea that President Trump would need to go to the President of Ukraine for special favors to defeat 1% Joe, Slow Joe, Sleepy Joe, Corrupt Joe- whatever you want to call him- is ridiculous and absurd.

He couldn't even beat the 37 year old homo mayor of a small college town.

Finished in 4th place.
Even funnier is that at the time Biden was not even a declared candidate. I guess Trump can see into the future too.

Biden announced his candidacy in April 2019, when did Trump ask Ukraine to investigate the Bidens…...I mean corruption in Ukraine. :abgg2q.jpg:
Listen, unless your some brain dead hick from Who'sville, which most Trump supporters are, we all know the man needs interference help to win anything in life. Because that's what lazy losers do, reach out and corrupt in order to advance in life. But here's the deal, Biden without Trump, is not a good candidate, I mean the man's bus has Malarky pasted all over it, he's so yesterday. (sigh) That shit will not play well in urban areas and I don't care what connections you had or have with Obama.

That boy wants Bloomberg.
God Bless Acquitted Exonerated President Trump.

He wasn't exonerated, Republican senators didn't have the balls to judge him.

The entire idea that President Trump would need to go to the President of Ukraine for special favors to defeat 1% Joe, Slow Joe, Sleepy Joe, Corrupt Joe- whatever you want to call him- is ridiculous and absurd.

He couldn't even beat the 37 year old homo mayor of a small college town.

Finished in 4th place.

Hind sight is 20/20. Biden's poll numbers were a lot higher when this call was made.
He wasn't exonerated, Republican senators didn't have the balls to judge him.

The entire idea that President Trump would need to go to the President of Ukraine for special favors to defeat 1% Joe, Slow Joe, Sleepy Joe, Corrupt Joe- whatever you want to call him- is ridiculous and absurd.

He couldn't even beat the 37 year old homo mayor of a small college town.

Finished in 4th place.
Even funnier is that at the time Biden was not even a declared candidate. I guess Trump can see into the future too.

Biden announced his candidacy in April 2019, when did Trump ask Ukraine to investigate the Bidens…...I mean corruption in Ukraine. :abgg2q.jpg:
Listen, unless your some brain dead hick from Who'sville, which most Trump supporters are, we all know the man needs interference help to win anything in life. Because that's what lazy losers do, reach out and corrupt in order to advance in life. But here's the deal, Biden without Trump, is not a good candidate, I mean the man's bus has Malarky pasted all over it, he's so yesterday. (sigh) That shit will not play well in urban areas and I don't care what connections you had or have with Obama.

That boy wants Bloomberg.

Mr. Big Gulp? LMAO
It was a great speech by Romney. However, he was wrong on obstruction. The evidence of obstruction was unassailable.
Yeah.....Which is why the Trump defense eviscerated that claim.

Unassailable. LOL. Good one.
What is she doing about open borders what is she doing about the flooding of a poor neighborhoods with the world poor and illiterate! Do you like your wages being lowered do you like seeing fucking people high on drugs on the street dying of overdoses??

BTW, it get's a little old listening to you anti conservative, die hard republicans take up for American corporation who've moved to Mexico, talk about sovereignty and patriotism. All so you can get you new starters from Pep Boys for $29.99, with the lifetime warranty.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

There are no caveats in that. It doesn't say "All Americans." It says all men. You blame people for trying to better their lives and the lives of their families, and completely overlook the root cause. That's like trying to use a bandaid to close an open heart surgery operation.

BTW, it sounds like you need a higher priced doctor and need to move to a better neighborhood. I've lived in Texas almost my entire life. We have a lot of mexicans. And I've never once had to step over needles, wait in line for hours behind mexicans or any of the other BS you mentioned.
You must Retarded, we don’t live in the United States of the world we live in the United States of America divided by a border.. Mexicans South Americans and Latinos only came here after welfare was introduced in America and was easily accessible to them they are using this country the country that my family fight for.. American wages have been diminished by these people, The result is millions of Americans hooked on drugs , no way to go to live the standard American life.. You cater to these people you’re disgusting and like I said all of you people that it has allowed this to happen will pay

"All men" has no borders. We're all born with rights that no government can take away. Or should not have the authority to take away. Be it the USA or central Africa. Their location does not matter.

BTW, I'd like to see you bash Trump for hiring migrant workers at his FL resort for 2/3's less than the American going rate, instead of hiring Americans. Migrant workers devalue American labor value just as much as illegals.

Also, if the government(s) state and federal were to eliminate all forms of welfare, your taxes wouldn't go down on cent.

As far as Americans on drugs, WTF does that have to do with illegals? Americans are getting busted all day everyday for making meth. If you want to blame someone for all the drugs, why not blame Trump for not destroying the poppy fields?

I know why? Because you're head is stuck so far up Trumps ass, that you can see what he's having for lunch. You're not allowed to think about all the factors involved in these issues. You go with what the president says. It's easier that way.
I’m an American before I am a republican, and if you belive we have no Borders go across Mexico with your daughters. Or move to a Mexican neighborhood in America with your daughters.. I’m Done with your fallacies.
When Americans went from one job to another, with American wages to being told no because you work work for shit money, then those Americans will struggle, which leads to addiction. It’s why you see in towns with alot of illegals. I’m done see you in American struggle and I’m done debating people that hate America

Why don't you fucking move to North Korea where those who go there illegally are put to death, or put in situations where they wish they were dead. You call yourself American, but you stand against the bill of rights and Declaration of Independence. You stand against "freedom and liberty."
You're anti freedom BS got old with McCarthy.
Because I live in America and up until the 70’s Texas rangers used to pile their bodies up at the border! Foreigners were scared to come here. I want to be what my blood is.. and it will get back that!

You would've made a GREAT NAZI sympathizer. Killing people, or supporting the death of those that you don't even know is insane.
It was a great speech by Romney. However, he was wrong on obstruction. The evidence of obstruction was unassailable.
Yeah.....Which is why the Trump defense eviscerated that claim.

Unassailable. LOL. Good one.

Dude, you gotta admit (well, you don't have to) that this wasn't really a real trial. It was a "Get Trump off asap" kind of thing. Trump was guilty, by his own words. He admitted to getting the president of Ukraine to help him with the 2020 election against Biden.
The difference being, Trump supporters don't see that as an impeachable offense, because they support the POTUS that did it. Plain and simple.

Don't get me wrong, I think it's a stupid law. But it is the law.
But the bribery part of it, isn't a stupid law. And Trump is guilty of that too.
What is she doing about open borders what is she doing about the flooding of a poor neighborhoods with the world poor and illiterate! Do you like your wages being lowered do you like seeing fucking people high on drugs on the street dying of overdoses??

BTW, it get's a little old listening to you anti conservative, die hard republicans take up for American corporation who've moved to Mexico, talk about sovereignty and patriotism. All so you can get you new starters from Pep Boys for $29.99, with the lifetime warranty.

You must Retarded, we don’t live in the United States of the world we live in the United States of America divided by a border.. Mexicans South Americans and Latinos only came here after welfare was introduced in America and was easily accessible to them they are using this country the country that my family fight for.. American wages have been diminished by these people, The result is millions of Americans hooked on drugs , no way to go to live the standard American life.. You cater to these people you’re disgusting and like I said all of you people that it has allowed this to happen will pay

"All men" has no borders. We're all born with rights that no government can take away. Or should not have the authority to take away. Be it the USA or central Africa. Their location does not matter.

BTW, I'd like to see you bash Trump for hiring migrant workers at his FL resort for 2/3's less than the American going rate, instead of hiring Americans. Migrant workers devalue American labor value just as much as illegals.

Also, if the government(s) state and federal were to eliminate all forms of welfare, your taxes wouldn't go down on cent.

As far as Americans on drugs, WTF does that have to do with illegals? Americans are getting busted all day everyday for making meth. If you want to blame someone for all the drugs, why not blame Trump for not destroying the poppy fields?

I know why? Because you're head is stuck so far up Trumps ass, that you can see what he's having for lunch. You're not allowed to think about all the factors involved in these issues. You go with what the president says. It's easier that way.
I’m an American before I am a republican, and if you belive we have no Borders go across Mexico with your daughters. Or move to a Mexican neighborhood in America with your daughters.. I’m Done with your fallacies.
When Americans went from one job to another, with American wages to being told no because you work work for shit money, then those Americans will struggle, which leads to addiction. It’s why you see in towns with alot of illegals. I’m done see you in American struggle and I’m done debating people that hate America

Why don't you fucking move to North Korea where those who go there illegally are put to death, or put in situations where they wish they were dead. You call yourself American, but you stand against the bill of rights and Declaration of Independence. You stand against "freedom and liberty."
You're anti freedom BS got old with McCarthy.
Because I live in America and up until the 70’s Texas rangers used to pile their bodies up at the border! Foreigners were scared to come here. I want to be what my blood is.. and it will get back that!

You would've made a GREAT NAZI sympathizer. Killing people, or supporting the death of those that you don't even know is insane.
National Socialist workers party I will never be a democrat
It was a great speech by Romney. However, he was wrong on obstruction. The evidence of obstruction was unassailable.
Yeah.....Which is why the Trump defense eviscerated that claim.

Unassailable. LOL. Good one.

Dude, you gotta admit (well, you don't have to) that this wasn't really a real trial. It was a "Get Trump off asap" kind of thing. Trump was guilty, by his own words. He admitted to getting the president of Ukraine to help him with the 2020 election against Biden.
The difference being, Trump supporters don't see that as an impeachable offense, because they support the POTUS that did it. Plain and simple.

Don't get me wrong, I think it's a stupid law. But it is the law.
But the bribery part of it, isn't a stupid law. And Trump is guilty of that too.
He did no such thing. Where do you people come up with this nonsense? The President of Ukraine didn't even start an investigation into corruption in Ukraine, let alone one onf Biden. Trump never asked him to, either.

Never mind that asking for Ukraine to follow the rules (our law) regarding their reduction of corruption in their country in order to get US aid, the very fact Trump did NOT ask anyone to help him with a political opponent. Even the guy in question said that.

Trump wasn't guilty of anything but winning an election.
It was a great speech by Romney. However, he was wrong on obstruction. The evidence of obstruction was unassailable.
Yeah.....Which is why the Trump defense eviscerated that claim.

Unassailable. LOL. Good one.

Dude, you gotta admit (well, you don't have to) that this wasn't really a real trial. It was a "Get Trump off asap" kind of thing. Trump was guilty, by his own words. He admitted to getting the president of Ukraine to help him with the 2020 election against Biden.
The difference being, Trump supporters don't see that as an impeachable offense, because they support the POTUS that did it. Plain and simple.

Don't get me wrong, I think it's a stupid law. But it is the law.
But the bribery part of it, isn't a stupid law. And Trump is guilty of that too.
He did no such thing. Where do you people come up with this nonsense? The President of Ukraine didn't even start an investigation into corruption in Ukraine, let alone one onf Biden. Trump never asked him to, either.

Never mind that asking for Ukraine to follow the rules (our law) regarding their reduction of corruption in their country in order to get US aid, the very fact Trump did NOT ask anyone to help him with a political opponent. Even the guy in question said that.

Trump wasn't guilty of anything but winning an election.

Read the transcript.
I know this is already said and my post will disapear.....but until goes.

GOP senator Mitt Romney gave the speech of his life condoning Trump and his fellow senators for acquitting the clown Trump and he did so alone and with a feeling of doom from fellows GOP Trump supporters...BUT THAT'S WHAT BIG MONEY CAN DO AMERICA!!

Big money could give a rats fuck about Trump, his tweets, his supporters, Mitch, the GOP senators, even his home base. He has no one to answer to, but his concious and his will to seek satisfaction from his immortal soul of what is right.

I say this because if Democrats are now left with the people deciding Trumps fate and we are backing a socialist old white man Bernie, who's core supporters are young people wanting gov. handouts and a Gay guy, who's more than qualify, but will turn off 1/3 of our base, BOTH CAN NOT SUSTAIN THEMSELVES WITHOUT SELLING THEIR SOULS TO BIG CORPORATIONAL DONORS. WHO WILL IN FACT ONCE AGAIN, OWN THEM AND US

Obviously you would sell your soul and allow a billionaire to buy the election in order to get rid of trump. All we need to know about your character.
It was a great speech by Romney. However, he was wrong on obstruction. The evidence of obstruction was unassailable.
Yeah.....Which is why the Trump defense eviscerated that claim.

Unassailable. LOL. Good one.

Dude, you gotta admit (well, you don't have to) that this wasn't really a real trial. It was a "Get Trump off asap" kind of thing. Trump was guilty, by his own words. He admitted to getting the president of Ukraine to help him with the 2020 election against Biden.
The difference being, Trump supporters don't see that as an impeachable offense, because they support the POTUS that did it. Plain and simple.

Don't get me wrong, I think it's a stupid law. But it is the law.
But the bribery part of it, isn't a stupid law. And Trump is guilty of that too.
He did no such thing. Where do you people come up with this nonsense? The President of Ukraine didn't even start an investigation into corruption in Ukraine, let alone one onf Biden. Trump never asked him to, either.

Never mind that asking for Ukraine to follow the rules (our law) regarding their reduction of corruption in their country in order to get US aid, the very fact Trump did NOT ask anyone to help him with a political opponent. Even the guy in question said that.

Trump wasn't guilty of anything but winning an election.

The President of Ukraine didn't even start an investigation into corruption in Ukraine because he perceived Donald Trump's demand to be an act of corruption.
It was a great speech by Romney. However, he was wrong on obstruction. The evidence of obstruction was unassailable.
Yeah.....Which is why the Trump defense eviscerated that claim.

Unassailable. LOL. Good one.

The Trump defense emasculated and eviscerated GOP Senators with the thought of their head on a pike.

The GOP senators didn't want to be on the Wrong Side of history, that was the point.

President Trump just let them know what was at stake
It was a great speech by Romney. However, he was wrong on obstruction. The evidence of obstruction was unassailable.
Yeah.....Which is why the Trump defense eviscerated that claim.

Unassailable. LOL. Good one.

Dude, you gotta admit (well, you don't have to) that this wasn't really a real trial. It was a "Get Trump off asap" kind of thing. Trump was guilty, by his own words. He admitted to getting the president of Ukraine to help him with the 2020 election against Biden.
The difference being, Trump supporters don't see that as an impeachable offense, because they support the POTUS that did it. Plain and simple.

Don't get me wrong, I think it's a stupid law. But it is the law.
But the bribery part of it, isn't a stupid law. And Trump is guilty of that too.
He did no such thing. Where do you people come up with this nonsense? The President of Ukraine didn't even start an investigation into corruption in Ukraine, let alone one onf Biden. Trump never asked him to, either.

Never mind that asking for Ukraine to follow the rules (our law) regarding their reduction of corruption in their country in order to get US aid, the very fact Trump did NOT ask anyone to help him with a political opponent. Even the guy in question said that.

Trump wasn't guilty of anything but winning an election.

The President of Ukraine didn't even start an investigation into corruption in Ukraine because he perceived Donald Trump's demand to be an act of corruption.

The President of Ukraine wasn't even called to testify by Schiff or Nadler.
It was a great speech by Romney. However, he was wrong on obstruction. The evidence of obstruction was unassailable.
Yeah.....Which is why the Trump defense eviscerated that claim.

Unassailable. LOL. Good one.

The Trump defense emasculated and eviscerated GOP Senators with the thought of their head on a pike.

The GOP senators didn't want to be on the Wrong Side of history, that was the point.

President Trump just let them know what was at stake

They are on the wrong side of history and have possibly corrupted US presidential politics forever by granting Trump impunity for the articles of impeachment.

No POTUS will ever have to cooperate with congress or senate investigations.
It was a great speech by Romney. However, he was wrong on obstruction. The evidence of obstruction was unassailable.
Yeah.....Which is why the Trump defense eviscerated that claim.

Unassailable. LOL. Good one.

Dude, you gotta admit (well, you don't have to) that this wasn't really a real trial. It was a "Get Trump off asap" kind of thing. Trump was guilty, by his own words. He admitted to getting the president of Ukraine to help him with the 2020 election against Biden.
The difference being, Trump supporters don't see that as an impeachable offense, because they support the POTUS that did it. Plain and simple.

Don't get me wrong, I think it's a stupid law. But it is the law.
But the bribery part of it, isn't a stupid law. And Trump is guilty of that too.
He did no such thing. Where do you people come up with this nonsense? The President of Ukraine didn't even start an investigation into corruption in Ukraine, let alone one onf Biden. Trump never asked him to, either.

Never mind that asking for Ukraine to follow the rules (our law) regarding their reduction of corruption in their country in order to get US aid, the very fact Trump did NOT ask anyone to help him with a political opponent. Even the guy in question said that.

Trump wasn't guilty of anything but winning an election.

The President of Ukraine didn't even start an investigation into corruption in Ukraine because he perceived Donald Trump's demand to be an act of corruption.

The President of Ukraine wasn't even called to testify by Schiff or Nadler.

He would have been in physical danger from Trump and his criminal associates.
Yeah.....Which is why the Trump defense eviscerated that claim.

Unassailable. LOL. Good one.

Dude, you gotta admit (well, you don't have to) that this wasn't really a real trial. It was a "Get Trump off asap" kind of thing. Trump was guilty, by his own words. He admitted to getting the president of Ukraine to help him with the 2020 election against Biden.
The difference being, Trump supporters don't see that as an impeachable offense, because they support the POTUS that did it. Plain and simple.

Don't get me wrong, I think it's a stupid law. But it is the law.
But the bribery part of it, isn't a stupid law. And Trump is guilty of that too.
He did no such thing. Where do you people come up with this nonsense? The President of Ukraine didn't even start an investigation into corruption in Ukraine, let alone one onf Biden. Trump never asked him to, either.

Never mind that asking for Ukraine to follow the rules (our law) regarding their reduction of corruption in their country in order to get US aid, the very fact Trump did NOT ask anyone to help him with a political opponent. Even the guy in question said that.

Trump wasn't guilty of anything but winning an election.

The President of Ukraine didn't even start an investigation into corruption in Ukraine because he perceived Donald Trump's demand to be an act of corruption.

The President of Ukraine wasn't even called to testify by Schiff or Nadler.

He would have been in physical danger from Trump and his criminal associates.

Why would you think that? President Trump is a businessman, and he realizes that blood is a big expense.

Further, the Presidents of America and Ukraine are tremendous friends.
BTW, it get's a little old listening to you anti conservative, die hard republicans take up for American corporation who've moved to Mexico, talk about sovereignty and patriotism. All so you can get you new starters from Pep Boys for $29.99, with the lifetime warranty.

"All men" has no borders. We're all born with rights that no government can take away. Or should not have the authority to take away. Be it the USA or central Africa. Their location does not matter.

BTW, I'd like to see you bash Trump for hiring migrant workers at his FL resort for 2/3's less than the American going rate, instead of hiring Americans. Migrant workers devalue American labor value just as much as illegals.

Also, if the government(s) state and federal were to eliminate all forms of welfare, your taxes wouldn't go down on cent.

As far as Americans on drugs, WTF does that have to do with illegals? Americans are getting busted all day everyday for making meth. If you want to blame someone for all the drugs, why not blame Trump for not destroying the poppy fields?

I know why? Because you're head is stuck so far up Trumps ass, that you can see what he's having for lunch. You're not allowed to think about all the factors involved in these issues. You go with what the president says. It's easier that way.
I’m an American before I am a republican, and if you belive we have no Borders go across Mexico with your daughters. Or move to a Mexican neighborhood in America with your daughters.. I’m Done with your fallacies.
When Americans went from one job to another, with American wages to being told no because you work work for shit money, then those Americans will struggle, which leads to addiction. It’s why you see in towns with alot of illegals. I’m done see you in American struggle and I’m done debating people that hate America

Why don't you fucking move to North Korea where those who go there illegally are put to death, or put in situations where they wish they were dead. You call yourself American, but you stand against the bill of rights and Declaration of Independence. You stand against "freedom and liberty."
You're anti freedom BS got old with McCarthy.
Because I live in America and up until the 70’s Texas rangers used to pile their bodies up at the border! Foreigners were scared to come here. I want to be what my blood is.. and it will get back that!

You would've made a GREAT NAZI sympathizer. Killing people, or supporting the death of those that you don't even know is insane.
National Socialist workers party I will never be a democrat

What's it like to wish death on people you don't even know? I can't even fathom that.

I've worked, lived around and been friends with a lot of Mexicans my entire life, who were either here illegal at the moment, or had come here illegally and got their citizenship later on. And I can honestly tell you, that every single one of them are/were hard working, god fearing decent folks. Extremely family oriented. Rarely to do see them getting a divorce. That's with the exception of the youngers Mexicans who've grown up in this country and have become what the old mexicans calls "Americanized."

I can't imagine someone wishing death or injury to those kind of folks. Or what kind of evil mentality it takes to even think that way.
It was a great speech by Romney. However, he was wrong on obstruction. The evidence of obstruction was unassailable.
Yeah.....Which is why the Trump defense eviscerated that claim.

Unassailable. LOL. Good one.

Dude, you gotta admit (well, you don't have to) that this wasn't really a real trial. It was a "Get Trump off asap" kind of thing. Trump was guilty, by his own words. He admitted to getting the president of Ukraine to help him with the 2020 election against Biden.
The difference being, Trump supporters don't see that as an impeachable offense, because they support the POTUS that did it. Plain and simple.

Don't get me wrong, I think it's a stupid law. But it is the law.
But the bribery part of it, isn't a stupid law. And Trump is guilty of that too.
He did no such thing. Where do you people come up with this nonsense? The President of Ukraine didn't even start an investigation into corruption in Ukraine, let alone one onf Biden. Trump never asked him to, either.

Never mind that asking for Ukraine to follow the rules (our law) regarding their reduction of corruption in their country in order to get US aid, the very fact Trump did NOT ask anyone to help him with a political opponent. Even the guy in question said that.

Trump wasn't guilty of anything but winning an election.

The President of Ukraine didn't even start an investigation into corruption in Ukraine because he perceived Donald Trump's demand to be an act of corruption.

The President of Ukraine wasn't even called to testify by Schiff or Nadler.

Could they have even done that?

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