Mitts speech on the senate floor.... a lesson to democrats

I know this is already said and my post will disapear.....but until goes.

GOP senator Mitt Romney gave the speech of his life condoning Trump and his fellow senators for acquitting the clown Trump and he did so alone and with a feeling of doom from fellows GOP Trump supporters...BUT THAT'S WHAT BIG MONEY CAN DO AMERICA!!

Big money could give a rats fuck about Trump, his tweets, his supporters, Mitch, the GOP senators, even his home base. He has no one to answer to, but his concious and his will to seek satisfaction from his immortal soul of what is right.

I say this because if Democrats are now left with the people deciding Trumps fate and we are backing a socialist old white man Bernie, who's core supporters are young people wanting gov. handouts and a Gay guy, who's more than qualify, but will turn off 1/3 of our base, BOTH CAN NOT SUSTAIN THEMSELVES WITHOUT SELLING THEIR SOULS TO BIG CORPORATIONAL DONORS. WHO WILL IN FACT ONCE AGAIN, OWN THEM AND US

Romney belongs in the Senate Hall of Fame; Moscow Mitch and Leningrad Lindsay, the Senate Hall of Shame! Bigly!!!!!!

Actually, Sen. Romney was called out as a Pussy yesterday by Don Jr. So far, no response or rebuttal at all

How hard is it to call a man a pussy behind his back.

Romney is hiding from the Trumps. BTW, as well he should. Mitt went to Trump Tower and begged President elect Trump to become Sec. of State. The President graciously gave him a seat in the Senate with his endorsement.

Is Romney is such a big man why doesn't he go the WH to confront the Trumps?

What? Are you kidding. I respect Mitt for being his own man and that is hard to do sometime, you Trump Humpers are just pissed that he didn't do like the rest of those republican cowards and just fall on their knees for Trump. Nobody respects a lap dog flunky.
God Bless Acquitted Exonerated President Trump.

He wasn't exonerated, Republican senators didn't have the balls to judge him.

The entire idea that President Trump would need to go to the President of Ukraine for special favors to defeat 1% Joe, Slow Joe, Sleepy Joe, Corrupt Joe- whatever you want to call him- is ridiculous and absurd.

He couldn't even beat the 37 year old homo mayor of a small college town.

Finished in 4th place.

So why did he do it, hell he even admitted it and it was proven over and over that is exactly what he did.

Trump was and is interested in fighting Corruption in places like Ukraine. That's the reason.

Bullshit, he should start with himself.
I love hearing the libtards crying. Romney is a piece of shit and his state will through him out of office. Get use to losing. Your going to lose more and more.

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America lost in Nov 2016.

No we didn’t. Only the Democrats and there ignorant followers did. Guess what. You will lose again in November.

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Yes America lost, racist trash won. That's why we vote.
God Bless Acquitted Exonerated President Trump.

He wasn't exonerated, Republican senators didn't have the balls to judge him.

The entire idea that President Trump would need to go to the President of Ukraine for special favors to defeat 1% Joe, Slow Joe, Sleepy Joe, Corrupt Joe- whatever you want to call him- is ridiculous and absurd.

He couldn't even beat the 37 year old homo mayor of a small college town.

Finished in 4th place.
Even funnier is that at the time Biden was not even a declared candidate. I guess Trump can see into the future too.

Biden announced his candidacy in April 2019, when did Trump ask Ukraine to investigate the Bidens…...I mean corruption in Ukraine. :abgg2q.jpg:
What? Are you kidding. I respect Mitt for being his own man and that is hard to do sometime, you Trump Humpers are just pissed that he didn't do like the rest of those republican cowards and just fall on their knees for Trump.
How angry are you at all the democrats that voted to impeach based on a laughable case by Schiff and Gerald Nads Nadler?

Nobody respects a lap dog flunky.
Yeah, all that boot licking and the Obamas still think you're a butthole!
The evidence of obstruction was unassailable

And yet ...


... assailed like a rented step-mule.
God Bless Acquitted Exonerated President Trump.

He wasn't exonerated, Republican senators didn't have the balls to judge him.

The entire idea that President Trump would need to go to the President of Ukraine for special favors to defeat 1% Joe, Slow Joe, Sleepy Joe, Corrupt Joe- whatever you want to call him- is ridiculous and absurd.

He couldn't even beat the 37 year old homo mayor of a small college town.

Finished in 4th place.
Even funnier is that at the time Biden was not even a declared candidate. I guess Trump can see into the future too.

Biden announced his candidacy in April 2019, when did Trump ask Ukraine to investigate the Bidens…...I mean corruption in Ukraine. :abgg2q.jpg:

he started his investigation almost 2 yrs before the phone call,,,

that was revealed on rachel maddow,,,
God Bless Acquitted Exonerated President Trump.

He wasn't exonerated, Republican senators didn't have the balls to judge him.

The entire idea that President Trump would need to go to the President of Ukraine for special favors to defeat 1% Joe, Slow Joe, Sleepy Joe, Corrupt Joe- whatever you want to call him- is ridiculous and absurd.

He couldn't even beat the 37 year old homo mayor of a small college town.

Finished in 4th place.
Even funnier is that at the time Biden was not even a declared candidate. I guess Trump can see into the future too.

Biden announced his candidacy in April 2019, when did Trump ask Ukraine to investigate the Bidens…...I mean corruption in Ukraine. :abgg2q.jpg:

God Bless Acquitted Exonerated President Trump.

He wasn't exonerated, Republican senators didn't have the balls to judge him.

The entire idea that President Trump would need to go to the President of Ukraine for special favors to defeat 1% Joe, Slow Joe, Sleepy Joe, Corrupt Joe- whatever you want to call him- is ridiculous and absurd.

He couldn't even beat the 37 year old homo mayor of a small college town.

Finished in 4th place.
Even funnier is that at the time Biden was not even a declared candidate. I guess Trump can see into the future too.

Biden announced his candidacy in April 2019, when did Trump ask Ukraine to investigate the Bidens…...I mean corruption in Ukraine. :abgg2q.jpg:

he started his investigation almost 2 yrs before the phone call,,,

that was revealed on rachel maddow,,,

Anything to back that up with.
He wasn't exonerated, Republican senators didn't have the balls to judge him.

The entire idea that President Trump would need to go to the President of Ukraine for special favors to defeat 1% Joe, Slow Joe, Sleepy Joe, Corrupt Joe- whatever you want to call him- is ridiculous and absurd.

He couldn't even beat the 37 year old homo mayor of a small college town.

Finished in 4th place.
Even funnier is that at the time Biden was not even a declared candidate. I guess Trump can see into the future too.

Biden announced his candidacy in April 2019, when did Trump ask Ukraine to investigate the Bidens…...I mean corruption in Ukraine. :abgg2q.jpg:

he started his investigation almost 2 yrs before the phone call,,,

that was revealed on rachel maddow,,,

Anything to back that up with.

the rachel maddow show,,,she never lies,,,
The entire idea that President Trump would need to go to the President of Ukraine for special favors to defeat 1% Joe, Slow Joe, Sleepy Joe, Corrupt Joe- whatever you want to call him- is ridiculous and absurd.

He couldn't even beat the 37 year old homo mayor of a small college town.

Finished in 4th place.
Even funnier is that at the time Biden was not even a declared candidate. I guess Trump can see into the future too.

Biden announced his candidacy in April 2019, when did Trump ask Ukraine to investigate the Bidens…...I mean corruption in Ukraine. :abgg2q.jpg:

he started his investigation almost 2 yrs before the phone call,,,

that was revealed on rachel maddow,,,

Anything to back that up with.

the rachel maddow show,,,she never lies,,,

Post it.
He wasn't exonerated, Republican senators didn't have the balls to judge him.

The entire idea that President Trump would need to go to the President of Ukraine for special favors to defeat 1% Joe, Slow Joe, Sleepy Joe, Corrupt Joe- whatever you want to call him- is ridiculous and absurd.

He couldn't even beat the 37 year old homo mayor of a small college town.

Finished in 4th place.
Even funnier is that at the time Biden was not even a declared candidate. I guess Trump can see into the future too.

Biden announced his candidacy in April 2019, when did Trump ask Ukraine to investigate the Bidens…...I mean corruption in Ukraine. :abgg2q.jpg:

he started his investigation almost 2 yrs before the phone call,,,

that was revealed on rachel maddow,,,

Anything to back that up with.

Here's where you got things Half Assed Backwards.

Its never up to the accused to prove their innocence.

The persecutors have to prove the accused's guilt. It was up to the Libs to show that Donald J. Trump was guilty of a High Crime beyond a reasonable doubt. Otherwise, the accused is Innocent.
"The acquittal of Trump has been a traumatic event for the Democrats and they need Romney for support; you know how people who suffer trauma have therapy animals? Romney is their therapy weasel."
Even funnier is that at the time Biden was not even a declared candidate. I guess Trump can see into the future too.

Biden announced his candidacy in April 2019, when did Trump ask Ukraine to investigate the Bidens…...I mean corruption in Ukraine. :abgg2q.jpg:

he started his investigation almost 2 yrs before the phone call,,,

that was revealed on rachel maddow,,,

Anything to back that up with.

the rachel maddow show,,,she never lies,,,

Post it.

go look it up,,,
Even funnier is that at the time Biden was not even a declared candidate. I guess Trump can see into the future too.

Biden announced his candidacy in April 2019, when did Trump ask Ukraine to investigate the Bidens…...I mean corruption in Ukraine. :abgg2q.jpg:

he started his investigation almost 2 yrs before the phone call,,,

that was revealed on rachel maddow,,,

Anything to back that up with.

the rachel maddow show,,,she never lies,,,

Post it.

Romney to Republicans after biting them: "You knew I was a snake when you took me into your bosom".
Trump is like a mob boss and for some odd strange reason, his comments made today about his hatred of Mitt and Nancy, at that prayer meeting, was kinda like a "signal" to his core cra cra supporters. Its like he put a target on their backs??? I'm feeling kinda uneasy about this guy now, I think Trump is up to something. I hope the Intel community gets it.
Romney to Republicans after biting them: "You knew I was a snake when you took me into your bosom".
Yeah, everybody's a gotdamn snake, but that boa constrictor in the white house that is squeezing the life out of this country.
God Bless Acquitted Exonerated President Trump.

He wasn't exonerated, Republican senators didn't have the balls to judge him.

The entire idea that President Trump would need to go to the President of Ukraine for special favors to defeat 1% Joe, Slow Joe, Sleepy Joe, Corrupt Joe- whatever you want to call him- is ridiculous and absurd.

He couldn't even beat the 37 year old homo mayor of a small college town.

Finished in 4th place.
Even funnier is that at the time Biden was not even a declared candidate. I guess Trump can see into the future too.

Biden announced his candidacy in April 2019, when did Trump ask Ukraine to investigate the Bidens…...I mean corruption in Ukraine. :abgg2q.jpg:
Listen, unless your some brain dead hick from Who'sville, which most Trump supporters are, we all know the man needs interference help to win anything in life. Because that's what lazy losers do, reach out and corrupt in order to advance in life. But here's the deal, Biden without Trump, is not a good candidate, I mean the man's bus has Malarky pasted all over it, he's so yesterday. (sigh) That shit will not play well in urban areas and I don't care what connections you had or have with Obama.
God Bless Acquitted Exonerated President Trump.

He wasn't exonerated, Republican senators didn't have the balls to judge him.

The entire idea that President Trump would need to go to the President of Ukraine for special favors to defeat 1% Joe, Slow Joe, Sleepy Joe, Corrupt Joe- whatever you want to call him- is ridiculous and absurd.

He couldn't even beat the 37 year old homo mayor of a small college town.

Finished in 4th place.
Even funnier is that at the time Biden was not even a declared candidate. I guess Trump can see into the future too.

Biden announced his candidacy in April 2019, when did Trump ask Ukraine to investigate the Bidens…...I mean corruption in Ukraine. :abgg2q.jpg:
Listen, unless your some brain dead hick from Who'sville, which most Trump supporters are, we all know the man needs interference help to win anything in life. Because that's what lazy losers do, reach out and corrupt in order to advance in life. But here's the deal, Biden without Trump, is not a good candidate, I mean the man's bus has Malarky pasted all over it, he's so yesterday. (sigh) That shit will not play well in urban areas and I don't care what connections you had or have with Obama.

If not Biden, who should the D's nominate?

How about Romney, if he switches parties? A Romney candidacy could put Utah as well as other Mormon Hot Spots in play for the D'a.

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