Mizzu racism scandals are ALL hoaxes. University president forced out for NOTHING

I wonder if U of Missou will ban songs like this....

or this

Those who think this is about racism are fools. This is about the ayotolla in the white house transforming this country into what he was supposed to transform it into ever since he was shaped to be president.

It is about destroying the constitution that he and all of his little followers hate. Of course his stupid followers think the pieces of marxist shit in power actually care about them. They ignore ALL of the lies. They ignore ALL of the facts.

As a result, we will be getting what they all deserve. Their situation never changes. They remain poor. They think raising minimum wage will help them, when it will only cause inflation in their neighborhoods. They are too ignorant to understand that.

This country is lost and that is all to the gleeful delight of the marxists in power and the losers that follow them who are too ignorant to understand that the free market is the best friend to anyone in poor class. With out the free market, none of them have any hope of getting out of it.

Fucking dumb ass ignorant hypocrites do not get shit. They have no clue they are all pawns. I blame the elite liberal morons. The spoiled white guilt assholes. Like all of the loser left wing bags of shit that post here for example.

You fucking hypocrites.

Blacks are allowed to use the N word, whites are not

Chris Rock explained it best

Two fat girls can joke about how fat they are, but if a skinny girl does it, it's just plain mean
Two poor people can joke about how poor they are, but if a rich person does it, it's just plain mean

You stupid fucking double talking hopeless goddamn hypocrite.

Went right over your head didn't it?
"Mizzu racism scandals are ALL hoaxes. University president forced out for NOTHING"

Further proof that most on the reprehensible right are in fact reprehensible.
mop rule has replaced due process
Ignorant nonsense.

Those engaged in lawful protest pursuant to the First Amendment do not constitute a 'mob'; no due process has been 'replaced.'

Due process concerns the relationship between government and those governed, where the former seeks to take the life, liberty, or property of the latter – there is no government involvement in this issue, no citizen's rights, liberty, life, or property is in jeopardy.
and now some University wants blacks to report any racial slurs? really? do we really live in an age when normal white people are yelling out the N word to blacks on a regular basis? i thought this all ended in the 60's. lets just see them make up more stories without any evidence, like they did with the tea party calling congressmen the N word a long time ago.
Ok so wait. Now the blacks want the police. I thought they hated them.
I read of one actual account, which was dealt with.
I don't understand the guys willingness to throw his career away because some snots said he should....
More than likely he saw the direction the university was headed and wanted no part of it.
He better have got nice going away present then cause who is going to hire an admitted "racist"
He didn't call anyone anything. He was probably sick of the bullshit.
I wonder if U of Missou will ban songs like this....

or this

Those who think this is about racism are fools. This is about the ayotolla in the white house transforming this country into what he was supposed to transform it into ever since he was shaped to be president.

It is about destroying the constitution that he and all of his little followers hate. Of course his stupid followers think the pieces of marxist shit in power actually care about them. They ignore ALL of the lies. They ignore ALL of the facts.

As a result, we will be getting what they all deserve. Their situation never changes. They remain poor. They think raising minimum wage will help them, when it will only cause inflation in their neighborhoods. They are too ignorant to understand that.

This country is lost and that is all to the gleeful delight of the marxists in power and the losers that follow them who are too ignorant to understand that the free market is the best friend to anyone in poor class. With out the free market, none of them have any hope of getting out of it.

Fucking dumb ass ignorant hypocrites do not get shit. They have no clue they are all pawns. I blame the elite liberal morons. The spoiled white guilt assholes. Like all of the loser left wing bags of shit that post here for example.

You fucking hypocrites.

Blacks are allowed to use the N word, whites are not

Chris Rock explained it best

Two fat girls can joke about how fat they are, but if a skinny girl does it, it's just plain mean
Two poor people can joke about how poor they are, but if a rich person does it, it's just plain mean

You stupid fucking double talking hopeless goddamn hypocrite.

Don't hold back, Owl.....

....tell him how you really feel!
No that goes too far

What doesn't go too far is not tolerating offensive behavior

Since white skin offends you democrats, how will you punish white devils? Flogging?

You know, I generally just mock you racist pukes, but seriously, do you want a race war?
Blacks are allowed to use the N word, whites are not

Chris Rock explained it best

Two fat girls can joke about how fat they are, but if a skinny girl does it, it's just plain mean
Two poor people can joke about how poor they are, but if a rich person does it, it's just plain mean

So, you're not JUST a racist, you're a fucking hypocrite to boot! :thup:
Better than bucket rule

What due process was replaced?

I suspect that a decade ago, the University president would have had a hearing of some sort, Now a glance at his skin is all that is needed. He is white, white is guilty. They WILL replace him with a black person, which is what this is all about.
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Former Mizzou Star Michael Sam: ‘I Did Not Experience Any Racial Issues’

Former star football player at the University of Missouri Michael Sam said on MSNBC Monday that he was sad to see University President Tim Wolfe leave the way he did, and that he never personally experienced any racism at the school.

Wolfe was forced to resign after a student protest of his handling of racial issues and after the Missouri football team refused to practice until he was gone. “First off, I really have a lot of respect for Tim, and it’s sad he had to leave under these circumstances,” Sam said, before adding that he agreed with the decision.

“During your time as a student, did you feel any type of undercurrent of entrenched racism on campus?” asked host Thomas Roberts.

“As a former student-athlete here, I did not experience any racial issues here,” he admitted.

Former Mizzou Star Michael Sam: ‘I Did Not Experience Any Racial Issues’
Better than bucket rule

What due process was replaced?

I suspect that a decade ago, the University president would have had a hearing of some sort, Now a glance at his skin is all that is needed. He is white, white is guilty. They WILL replace him with a black person, which is what this is all about.
what you suspect means exactly dick.
why do you think there would ever be a 'hearing' for a president to tender their resignation? why do you think there would be one to fire him?
what you suspect means exactly dick.
why do you think there would ever be a 'hearing' for a president to tender their resignation? why do you think there would be one to fire him?

Everyone in this thread knows I'm right. Whitey was driven out - the position is only open to those with the preferred skin color.

Welcome to the Obamanation.
what you suspect means exactly dick.
why do you think there would ever be a 'hearing' for a president to tender their resignation? why do you think there would be one to fire him?

Everyone in this thread knows I'm right. Whitey was driven out - the position is only open to those with the preferred skin color.

Welcome to the Obamanation.
everyone knows you're talking out of your ass.
he was forced out, you're right. but there would never, ever have been a 'hearing'
everyone knows you're talking out of your ass.
he was forced out, you're right. but there would never, ever have been a 'hearing'

Shall we place a wager?

IF they put a black person in, you leave the forum for a week. If they replace with a white president I leave for a week?

You're right to not take this, after all, even you KNOW I'm right.

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