Mob of Democrats swarm woman at Trump rally, assault her, smash eggs on her; Who is for women?

Whigs are liberals duh

Have any of you rodents ever opened a textbook not about mysticism or communism?

The Whig Party was a political party active in the middle of the 19th century in the United States. Four Presidents belonged to the Party while in office.[1] Along with the rival Democratic Party, it was central to the Second Party System from the early 1830s to the mid-1850s.[2] It originally formed in opposition to the policies of President Andrew Jackson (in office 1829–37) and his Democratic Party.

the "Whig" name to echo the American Whigs of 1776, who fought for independence. "Whig" meant opposing tyranny.[3] Historian Frank Towers has specified a deep ideological divide:
So....THIS is how Democrats MEN treat Trump's FEMALE supoorters:

Rot in hell you left wing cock suckers. She should've shot em all in the chest with .45 hollow points.

what identified them as democrats? their hatred for the Donald?

that doesn't make them democrats. but thanks for playing

They identified themselves as Democrats by waving the Mexican flag and burning the American flag.

No loon. They didn't.
It is a book about ignoring white voters who even slightly disagree with them and embracing non-whites who will vote for them despite not embracing any left wing principles.

If you think the left can win by insulting and dismissing white people for much longer you are in for a rude awakening.

The only reason why there aren't more principled white leftists who vote GOP like myself is because most white leftists are idiots who simply need to have more factors taken away to reach the truths that I did. But there will be a time when Democrats and other left wing parties will destroy any opportunities for white people to succeed, and that will be the end for you.
Most of the left is white people. White people who respect each others background and culture as well as those of minorities. The right wants to ship away brown people and bar them from the country so that it never has to hear from them again. I guess we'll see which ideology wins out.
All of the left is white people, on a global scale. The Republican Party is technically leftist compared to the vast majority of the non-white world.

None of your non-white buddies give a shit about your beliefs or causes, they would just as soon ship you away to the Arctic so total fascism dominates every corner of the globe.
I'm one of those evil brown people you hate actually. Don't worry, I don't want to ship you to the arctic. I just want you to stop embarrassing my country.
You are embarrassing yourself fascist.
Lol okay. Please funny my post, I appreciate the free ratings :thup:
Dont let the cat out of the bag. :laugh:
Why didn't she go inside ferchrissake? lol. She was smiling. How bout shutting up your thug orange idiot candidate? later much...

That's not "smiling" ya fucking moron....she's trying to be brave.
She was sexually stimulated idiot. She liked what the egg slime represented from mexican men.
We really need a "neg rep" option, just for such nasty, repulsive comments like that.
What will a neg rep do? I got negged a lot when they had that option and it never altered my life at all.
Your "brown is the new white" Southern Strategy will lose you the entire east coast, Midwest and Northeast much faster than we lose Texas.
In the end, racists lose. That may be hard for you to believe in your backwater racist jackass area.
You are right. Racists lose. You will soon be no more.
A racist believes certain races are inferior, and discriminates against them, not the bs the 50%+ racist GOP is peddling. Duh.
Exactly what 90% of the Democrats do to white people.

To a Democrat white people are too morally inferior to control their own native homelands or their own schools or their own neighborhoods etc without plotting to kill non-whites. To a Democrat European culture is inferior to non-European cultures. To a Democrat black people are physically and sexually superior to white people while also being at least equal to white people mentally.

Your anti-white party will get yours though. Count on it.
You are out of your tiny little racist mind. That's the racists' ridiculous spin on we're all equal. The prime directive of sociology is that all cultures are equal. Ignoramus.
I am the egalitarian, you are the dipshit who sided with known fascists like assclaps and Guno.

The "prime directive" of sociology is nothing but a platitude that never gets followed through with.
In the end, racists lose. That may be hard for you to believe in your backwater racist jackass area.
You are right. Racists lose. You will soon be no more.
A racist believes certain races are inferior, and discriminates against them, not the bs the 50%+ racist GOP is peddling. Duh.
Exactly what 90% of the Democrats do to white people.

To a Democrat white people are too morally inferior to control their own native homelands or their own schools or their own neighborhoods etc without plotting to kill non-whites. To a Democrat European culture is inferior to non-European cultures. To a Democrat black people are physically and sexually superior to white people while also being at least equal to white people mentally.

Your anti-white party will get yours though. Count on it.
You are out of your tiny little racist mind. That's the racists' ridiculous spin on we're all equal. The prime directive of sociology is that all cultures are equal. Ignoramus.
I am the egalitarian, you are the dipshit who sided with known fascists like assclaps and Guno.

The "prime directive" of sociology is nothing but a platitude that never gets followed through with.
Speak for yourself, ignorant racist. Another jerk enabled by the orange
In the end, racists lose. That may be hard for you to believe in your backwater racist jackass area.
You are right. Racists lose. You will soon be no more.
A racist believes certain races are inferior, and discriminates against them, not the bs the 50%+ racist GOP is peddling. Duh.
Exactly what 90% of the Democrats do to white people.

To a Democrat white people are too morally inferior to control their own native homelands or their own schools or their own neighborhoods etc without plotting to kill non-whites. To a Democrat European culture is inferior to non-European cultures. To a Democrat black people are physically and sexually superior to white people while also being at least equal to white people mentally.

Your anti-white party will get yours though. Count on it.
You are out of your tiny little racist mind. That's the racists' ridiculous spin on we're all equal. The prime directive of sociology is that all cultures are equal. Ignoramus.
I am the egalitarian, you are the dipshit who sided with known fascists like assclaps and Guno.

The "prime directive" of sociology is nothing but a platitude that never gets followed through with.
You don't know what a fascist is lol...
You are right. Racists lose. You will soon be no more.
A racist believes certain races are inferior, and discriminates against them, not the bs the 50%+ racist GOP is peddling. Duh.
Exactly what 90% of the Democrats do to white people.

To a Democrat white people are too morally inferior to control their own native homelands or their own schools or their own neighborhoods etc without plotting to kill non-whites. To a Democrat European culture is inferior to non-European cultures. To a Democrat black people are physically and sexually superior to white people while also being at least equal to white people mentally.

Your anti-white party will get yours though. Count on it.
You are out of your tiny little racist mind. That's the racists' ridiculous spin on we're all equal. The prime directive of sociology is that all cultures are equal. Ignoramus.
I am the egalitarian, you are the dipshit who sided with known fascists like assclaps and Guno.

The "prime directive" of sociology is nothing but a platitude that never gets followed through with.
Speak for yourself, ignorant racist. Another jerk enabled by the orange
You are right. Racists lose. You will soon be no more.
A racist believes certain races are inferior, and discriminates against them, not the bs the 50%+ racist GOP is peddling. Duh.
Exactly what 90% of the Democrats do to white people.

To a Democrat white people are too morally inferior to control their own native homelands or their own schools or their own neighborhoods etc without plotting to kill non-whites. To a Democrat European culture is inferior to non-European cultures. To a Democrat black people are physically and sexually superior to white people while also being at least equal to white people mentally.

Your anti-white party will get yours though. Count on it.
You are out of your tiny little racist mind. That's the racists' ridiculous spin on we're all equal. The prime directive of sociology is that all cultures are equal. Ignoramus.
I am the egalitarian, you are the dipshit who sided with known fascists like assclaps and Guno.

The "prime directive" of sociology is nothing but a platitude that never gets followed through with.
You don't know what a fascist is lol...
You don't even know how to properly use the "quote" function on an Internet forum.

I am honestly surprised when one of your ilk spells the word "fascist" correctly.
...and you notice how not one damn media outlet has brought up the phrase 'War on Women' over this liberal crime?

Hey, moron, you want to be POOLED in to any stupid act committed by your like-minded right wing nut?
If so, let us know.

Apparently most libs here do, given their comments

"Damn they got her good :thup:"

"Mess with the bulls, you get the horns."

"She placed herself in harm's way. If you stand in the middle of the tracks before an oncoming train, that makes you the stupid one, it doesn't mean the train is not respecting your rights."

"I'm justifying it the way I justify gravity when you get drunk and fall off your bar stool."

"Someone should have brought toilet paper and TP'd her :thup:"

"In case your mothers never told you, don't fuck with a mob, run away instead. Mobs get ugly, fast."

"Egg on her face? A living idiom."

"Be careful what you ask for."

"She was getting sexually stimulated."

"She is sorta freaky. She got a little moist downstairs when they threw the egg on her. Did you see that smile?"

"I think that Trumpette whore had her first orgasm in years during that video"

You must be of the rare kind of regressive that condemns violence, even if coercion is the core belief of your ideology.
What interests me here is that there are so many trying to justify the violence, deflect away from it or outright defend it when there were so many of the left condemning Trump because one of his supporters punched a protester months ago.

Trump was attacked rather relentlessly for instigating violence. Many of those same posters remain eerily silent concerning VASTLY MORE VIOLENT actions here by the protesters.
...and you notice how not one damn media outlet has brought up the phrase 'War on Women' over this liberal crime?

Hey, moron, you want to be POOLED in to any stupid act committed by your like-minded right wing nut?
If so, let us know.

Apparently most libs here do, given their comments

"Damn they got her good :thup:"

"Mess with the bulls, you get the horns."

"She placed herself in harm's way. If you stand in the middle of the tracks before an oncoming train, that makes you the stupid one, it doesn't mean the train is not respecting your rights."

"I'm justifying it the way I justify gravity when you get drunk and fall off your bar stool."

"Someone should have brought toilet paper and TP'd her :thup:"

"In case your mothers never told you, don't fuck with a mob, run away instead. Mobs get ugly, fast."

"Egg on her face? A living idiom."

"Be careful what you ask for."

"She was getting sexually stimulated."

"She is sorta freaky. She got a little moist downstairs when they threw the egg on her. Did you see that smile?"

"I think that Trumpette whore had her first orgasm in years during that video"

You must be of the rare kind of regressive that condemns violence, even if coercion is the core belief of your ideology.
What interests me here is that there are so many trying to justify the violence, deflect away from it or outright defend it when there were so many of the left condemning Trump because one of his supporters punched a protester months ago.

Trump was attacked rather relentlessly for instigating violence. Many of those same posters remain eerily silent concerning VASTLY MORE VIOLENT actions here by the protesters.

They have no principles. Whatever people buy, they sell.
...and you notice how not one damn media outlet has brought up the phrase 'War on Women' over this liberal crime?

Hey, moron, you want to be POOLED in to any stupid act committed by your like-minded right wing nut?
If so, let us know.

Apparently most libs here do, given their comments

"Damn they got her good :thup:"

"Mess with the bulls, you get the horns."

"She placed herself in harm's way. If you stand in the middle of the tracks before an oncoming train, that makes you the stupid one, it doesn't mean the train is not respecting your rights."

"I'm justifying it the way I justify gravity when you get drunk and fall off your bar stool."

"Someone should have brought toilet paper and TP'd her :thup:"

"In case your mothers never told you, don't fuck with a mob, run away instead. Mobs get ugly, fast."

"Egg on her face? A living idiom."

"Be careful what you ask for."

"She was getting sexually stimulated."

"She is sorta freaky. She got a little moist downstairs when they threw the egg on her. Did you see that smile?"

"I think that Trumpette whore had her first orgasm in years during that video"

You must be of the rare kind of regressive that condemns violence, even if coercion is the core belief of your ideology.
What interests me here is that there are so many trying to justify the violence, deflect away from it or outright defend it when there were so many of the left condemning Trump because one of his supporters punched a protester months ago.

Trump was attacked rather relentlessly for instigating violence. Many of those same posters remain eerily silent concerning VASTLY MORE VIOLENT actions here by the protesters.

They have no principles. Whatever people buy, they sell.
I agree. Trump supporters are probably the stupidest primates on the face of the planet.
What interests me here is that there are so many trying to justify the violence, deflect away from it or outright defend it when there were so many of the left condemning Trump because one of his supporters punched a protester months ago.

Trump was attacked rather relentlessly for instigating violence. Many of those same posters remain eerily silent concerning VASTLY MORE VIOLENT actions here by the protesters.

What you right wing imbeciles conveniently forget is this SIMPLE fact.......

In Trump's case as the GOP was HE......TRUMP himself.....who stated stupid taunts that stimulated the violence by his demented supporters against his protesters.

In these latest violent acts by Trump's protesters, they were NOT instigated by the 2 Dem candidates....rather, they are a result of Trump's xenophobic statements.
What interests me here is that there are so many trying to justify the violence, deflect away from it or outright defend it when there were so many of the left condemning Trump because one of his supporters punched a protester months ago.

Trump was attacked rather relentlessly for instigating violence. Many of those same posters remain eerily silent concerning VASTLY MORE VIOLENT actions here by the protesters.

What you right wing imbeciles conveniently forget is this SIMPLE fact.......

In Trump's case as the GOP was HE......TRUMP himself.....who stated stupid taunts that stimulated the violence by his demented supporters against his protesters.

In these latest violent acts by Trump's protesters, they were NOT instigated by the 2 Dem candidates....rather, they are a result of Trump's xenophobic statements.
^case in point.
What interests me here is that there are so many trying to justify the violence, deflect away from it or outright defend it when there were so many of the left condemning Trump because one of his supporters punched a protester months ago.

Trump was attacked rather relentlessly for instigating violence. Many of those same posters remain eerily silent concerning VASTLY MORE VIOLENT actions here by the protesters.

What you right wing imbeciles conveniently forget is this SIMPLE fact.......

In Trump's case as the GOP was HE......TRUMP himself.....who stated stupid taunts that stimulated the violence by his demented supporters against his protesters.

In these latest violent acts by Trump's protesters, they were NOT instigated by the 2 Dem candidates....rather, they are a result of Trump's xenophobic statements.
^case in point.
You right wing retards start violence then complain when its dished back to you. If you cant take the violence dont start any violence. Or like they said in my hood "dont start nothin and there wont be nothin"
What is sad about the whole pot of beans is,,,,,the leaders in the USA are laughing at the ability of leaders and would be leaders to control the mob with just a few words or actions.Instead of the mob saying, fuck you...We won't play your game...
So....THIS is how Democrats MEN treat Trump's FEMALE supoorters:

Rot in hell you left wing cock suckers. She should've shot em all in the chest with .45 hollow points.

That is one dumb bitch, not that I excuse their actions.

Mess with the bulls, you get the horns.

She's not 1/10th as stupid as you.

I would never walk into an angry mob, and would especially not provoke it. It doesn't get much dumber than that.

A dandy way to end up dead.

God, what a terminal douche bag!

Jack thinks she's not a woman, but something in between.

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