Mockery of Jesus in Toledot Yeshu, a Kosher story.

lots of people joke about the holocaust-------usually the survivors.
This is what you said dip shit...LOTS of people. Not Jews...LOTS of PEOPLE. What does the statement LOTS OF PEOPLE mean to you?

My Response

Lots of 'people' DON'T make jokes about the holocaust in entertainment circles. As a matter of fact a quick way to see yourself out of the entertainment industry is to touch on that subject in a light hearted way.
I mean...seriously lady? Do you not live in reality?
Go me one Gentile comedian or director who has spoofed the holocaust who has not been forced to rabidly apologize.

When you state...LOTS OF PEOPLE you are making a BLANKET STATEMENT you dimwit.

I thought kikes were smart?

try again LOTS OF PEOPLE, USUALLY SURVIVORS---does come out meaning----many people----and since "survivors" are mostly jews----the OBVIOUS to the intelligent is ---lots of jews and some others. **** is a slang word used by gutter pimps. What are you-----a stinking WOP? or a FILTHY POLACK?------besides being dog shit?
lots of people joke about the holocaust-------usually the survivors.
This is what you said dip shit...LOTS of people. Not Jews...LOTS of PEOPLE. What does the statement LOTS OF PEOPLE mean to you?

My Response

Lots of 'people' DON'T make jokes about the holocaust in entertainment circles. As a matter of fact a quick way to see yourself out of the entertainment industry is to touch on that subject in a light hearted way.
I mean...seriously lady? Do you not live in reality?
Go me one Gentile comedian or director who has spoofed the holocaust who has not been forced to rabidly apologize.

When you state...LOTS OF PEOPLE you are making a BLANKET STATEMENT you dimwit.

I thought kikes were smart?

try again LOTS OF PEOPLE, USUALLY SURVIVORS---does come out meaning----many people----and since "survivors" are mostly jews----the OBVIOUS to the intelligent is ---lots of jews and some others. **** is a slang word used by gutter pimps. What are you-----a stinking WOP? or a FILTHY POLACK?------besides being dog shit?
Bullshit can't play that double talkin horseshit with me. You knew EXACTLY what you meant when you typed it.
I am American...unlike you and your allegiance in Israel.
This conversation is done.
lots of people joke about the holocaust-------usually the survivors.
This is what you said dip shit...LOTS of people. Not Jews...LOTS of PEOPLE. What does the statement LOTS OF PEOPLE mean to you?

My Response

Lots of 'people' DON'T make jokes about the holocaust in entertainment circles. As a matter of fact a quick way to see yourself out of the entertainment industry is to touch on that subject in a light hearted way.
I mean...seriously lady? Do you not live in reality?
Go me one Gentile comedian or director who has spoofed the holocaust who has not been forced to rabidly apologize.

When you state...LOTS OF PEOPLE you are making a BLANKET STATEMENT you dimwit.

I thought kikes were smart?

try again LOTS OF PEOPLE, USUALLY SURVIVORS---does come out meaning----many people----and since "survivors" are mostly jews----the OBVIOUS to the intelligent is ---lots of jews and some others. **** is a slang word used by gutter pimps. What are you-----a stinking WOP? or a FILTHY POLACK?------besides being dog shit?
Bullshit can't play that double talkin horseshit with me. You knew EXACTLY what you meant when you typed it.
I am American...unlike you and your allegiance in Israel.
This conversation is done.

your response is a non-sequitor <<< that means it has NOTHING to do with that which I wrote, ----It has every thing to do with the shit in your head.------
lots of people joke about the holocaust-------usually the survivors.
This is what you said dip shit...LOTS of people. Not Jews...LOTS of PEOPLE. What does the statement LOTS OF PEOPLE mean to you?

My Response

Lots of 'people' DON'T make jokes about the holocaust in entertainment circles. As a matter of fact a quick way to see yourself out of the entertainment industry is to touch on that subject in a light hearted way.
I mean...seriously lady? Do you not live in reality?
Go me one Gentile comedian or director who has spoofed the holocaust who has not been forced to rabidly apologize.

When you state...LOTS OF PEOPLE you are making a BLANKET STATEMENT you dimwit.

I thought kikes were smart?

try again LOTS OF PEOPLE, USUALLY SURVIVORS---does come out meaning----many people----and since "survivors" are mostly jews----the OBVIOUS to the intelligent is ---lots of jews and some others. **** is a slang word used by gutter pimps. What are you-----a stinking WOP? or a FILTHY POLACK?------besides being dog shit?
Bullshit can't play that double talkin horseshit with me. You knew EXACTLY what you meant when you typed it.
I am American...unlike you and your allegiance in Israel.
This conversation is done.

You’re an American? LMAO. You’re a Padres fan and an antisemite. Aka loser.
They mock our Jesus, and wonder why they were targeted,
well why mock Jesus, in the first place?

The Jewish Jesus Story: 'Toledot Yeshu'
Are you purposely trying to be the dumbest antisemite on this board?
Yeshu lived in 100 bc in Jannaeus Alexanders era not Herod or Pilates era.
Therefore Jesus can't be Yeshu son of Mary of 100bc, but proves Jesus is a portion created out of the many christ figures along with mythologies of pagan deities.
1)Yeshu100bc (widows mite era, stoned & hanged on passover per Mark and John and Acts)(out of wedlock birth per Matt)
2)Tax revolter (as in Mark)crucified by Rome
Yehuda of Galilee died 6bc lived in King Herod(dird 4bc) and Lysanias (died)35bc era per NT accounts Jesus in Lysanias era far from Pilates ad era.
3) Christ Theudas by the Jordan river crucified by Rome for his revolt, whos appostles were also martyrs died 35ad Pilates era christ figure.
"Trinity" of christs making a created image given a taunting new name by Rome (Iesous=the swine) and given powers of previous mythologies including their same Dec 25th birthday and rituals.
Learn your history, your post only exposed Christianity as "FAKE" NEWS.
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See right there, isn't laughing better then feeling hate and animosity?
The stress felt in hate and animosity causes a shorter life expectancy as well. Perfect example is how long George Burns lived even though he smoked cigars, humor kept him sharp and full of life all those years.
The choice is always there to choose humor in life or choose resentment and hostility that leads to destruction, and shortens and hinders life.
Deuteronomy\Devarim: 30:19
I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day,That I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse;Therefore choose life, that you may live, you and your children.
lots of people joke about the holocaust-------usually the survivors.
This is what you said dip shit...LOTS of people. Not Jews...LOTS of PEOPLE. What does the statement LOTS OF PEOPLE mean to you?

My Response

Lots of 'people' DON'T make jokes about the holocaust in entertainment circles. As a matter of fact a quick way to see yourself out of the entertainment industry is to touch on that subject in a light hearted way.
I mean...seriously lady? Do you not live in reality?
Go me one Gentile comedian or director who has spoofed the holocaust who has not been forced to rabidly apologize.

When you state...LOTS OF PEOPLE you are making a BLANKET STATEMENT you dimwit.

I thought kikes were smart?

try again LOTS OF PEOPLE, USUALLY SURVIVORS---does come out meaning----many people----and since "survivors" are mostly jews----the OBVIOUS to the intelligent is ---lots of jews and some others. **** is a slang word used by gutter pimps. What are you-----a stinking WOP? or a FILTHY POLACK?------besides being dog shit?

Lol, because Von Ingerslaben is a Pole, or Italian name?

You are so delusional.
Why can't you attack Germ- Mans?
ROFLMAO "your Jesus....." when he said "CAST NOT YOUR PEARLS BEFORE SWINE" he was talking about YOU. Toledot Yeshu is a satire written in Medieval days------when filth like you were slaughtering jews in the streets and looting and raping

So, why mock someone's God of Christ?

Only Blacks can use the N word for it comes from within the group. Any other using it would be offensive.

Jesus was a Jew. Understand?
lots of people joke about the holocaust-------usually the survivors.
This is what you said dip shit...LOTS of people. Not Jews...LOTS of PEOPLE. What does the statement LOTS OF PEOPLE mean to you?

My Response

Lots of 'people' DON'T make jokes about the holocaust in entertainment circles. As a matter of fact a quick way to see yourself out of the entertainment industry is to touch on that subject in a light hearted way.
I mean...seriously lady? Do you not live in reality?
Go me one Gentile comedian or director who has spoofed the holocaust who has not been forced to rabidly apologize.

When you state...LOTS OF PEOPLE you are making a BLANKET STATEMENT you dimwit.

I thought kikes were smart?

try again LOTS OF PEOPLE, USUALLY SURVIVORS---does come out meaning----many people----and since "survivors" are mostly jews----the OBVIOUS to the intelligent is ---lots of jews and some others. **** is a slang word used by gutter pimps. What are you-----a stinking WOP? or a FILTHY POLACK?------besides being dog shit?
Bullshit can't play that double talkin horseshit with me. You knew EXACTLY what you meant when you typed it.
I am American...unlike you and your allegiance in Israel.
This conversation is done.

Hey, Nutzi, shut the fuck up
This is just another thread complaining that you are not allowed to mock Lucifer (the first fallen failed messiah=Jesus).
They better throw away their "Holy Bible"(=666 in ascll numerology) because it mocks Jesus throughout.
1)mocking his mother by calling her a virgin, even though scripture shows he had brothers even one before him. She had a fling with a Roman soldier(Panderas) which produced Jesus which is why Matthew 1:19 says Joseph had a mind to divorce her Quietly.
This is so she wouldn't be stoned.
It's also why they call the Marian church
"the harlot church", as it venerates the great harlot and in typical mocking fashion places Jesus' lineage through all the harlots of the bible as if mocking the religions it was stealing from(as satanism does that kind of mockery).

The name from the Greek writings= IeSous could be a derrogatory label for the character and not a name at all, as it means;
"the Swine".
If you look at emulations today at how today's Satanists mock the church and it's rituals and holidays, then you get an idea at what Rome created was liken to Anton Lavey's satanic church(snide mockery of religion).
Mocking the faith of the revolters they were opposition to and trying to squelch:
1)calling their christ Jesus, steming from the enscribed Greek IeSous (the swine).
Swine are forbidden especially in the temple.
So was a bastard child (in Deut), so they used the Illigitimate son of the 100bc
Harlot Mary as the main image of the satanic idol.
2)calling him the lamb of passover which was the Egyptian idol god, that label is also a bad thing and mockery.
3)creating a new non Jewish name for a claimed Jewish messianic character, SIMILAR to calling a messianic figure by a non Hebrew term Christos (predated word used for Krishna).
4)placing the figure's lineage through all the harlots of the Bible.
Matthew mentions four sinful harlot women of the bible conveniently and coincidentally in the Joseph genealogy:
1-(Genesis 38:12-19) Tamar who was the one who disguised herself as a harlot to seduce her father-in-law Judah.
2-(Joshua 2:1) Rahab who was a harlot living in the city of Jericho. And note wasn’t even of Jewish lineage, she was a Canaanite. The creators of the legend/image icon in trying to create his lineage and plagiarizing the OT goofed this one big time.
3- (Ruth 3:1-14) Ruth who was the one through her mother-in-law Naomi's request, came secretly to where Boaz was sleeping and spent the night with him. Later Ruth and Boaz were married.
4-(2 Samuel 11:2-5) Bathsheba was the controversial one who became pregnant by King David while she was still married to Uriah.

5)claiming Jesus the nemesis of God- Lucifer the morning star son of Baal
in Rev 22:16.
All jokes have their punchline at the end.

6)claiming him the gatekeeper of hell in
Rev 1 & 9.
7)claiming his kingdom in death not in life.
8)using the mithraic and the baal crosses,
Mithras who's enemy was
the Night (Evening Star) so they call Jesus the thief of the Night (Shalem the Evening Star=Archangel Michael).
9)calling him the scarab (dung beetle).
10) calling him the Apollyon not to bring peace, but to bring division and burning up of our planet.
11)breaking all 10 commands through the image.
12)reinventing the holidays
13)creating new book and new God in place of. Suddenly YHWH wasn't good enough they tried converting people already in YHWH to Jesus even as they claimed them the same.
14)made the anointed priests and leaders the bad guys in the twisted accounts.
15)made Jesus the responsible accessory to the killing of righteous John the Baptist.
16)used the offshoot cult (hanotzrim) to create the satanic church-which had the same luciferous rays of light sun worship.
17)used underworld death cult teachings opposing the God of Life & his messenger of life-creating the opposition to life for their kingdom in death.
18) claiming the scattering and slaughtering of the flock as being a "good shepherd" is total mockery.
Clearly they created an opposite-adversary(sawtawn) version in mockery liken to today's satanist.
hashev----my talmid chacham is sleeping----I assume toledot is Aramaic----
how do you translate that word
hashev----my talmid chacham is sleeping----I assume toledot is Aramaic----
how do you translate that word
I'm guessing the OP had spell check on and confused the word for Talmud, because Toledot means generations. Talmud however is a book of generations of Rabbis and figures being recorded which is important historically. The OP's post didn't make sense, but I knew he was referring to Talmud recording of Yeshu ben Stada, because all Nazis propaganda bring up Talmud as a tactic improperly in ad hominem arguments.
Sources for the history of (Yeshu) Jesus: philosopher Celsus (178 CE) Christian writer Epiphanius (c.320-403 CE), the Christian apologist Origen (c.185-254 CE) Within the Talmud Shabbos 104, the gemara explicitly discusses the mother being Stada and the father being Pandera. Jerusalem Talmud (Avodah Zerah II 40d)and in the Tosefta on Hullin II, and (Sanhedrin 43a & 67a). This story is further expanded upon in the Tosefta and Baraitas.
2 accounts:
-Dr. Franz Hartman -
& Gerald Massey's Lectures Originally published in a private edition c. 1900

According to the Babylonian Gemara to the Mishna of Tract "Shabbath," this Jehoshua, the son of Pandira and Stada, was stoned to death as a wizard, in the city of Lud, or Lydda,

Jesus ben Stada (or Pandera) was placedin the time period of about 90 B.C. in Lydda, a town Peter is said tohave visited in ACTS.interestingly the early church father Epiphanius around 400 said Pandera was the grandfather of Jesus.
ROFLMAO "your Jesus....." when he said "CAST NOT YOUR PEARLS BEFORE SWINE" he was talking about YOU. Toledot Yeshu is a satire written in Medieval days------when filth like you were slaughtering jews in the streets and looting and raping

So, why mock someone's God of Christ?

because when people are being oppressed and murdered and seeing their daughters raped and their sons murdered-------they sometimes resort to satire.
Jews did satire EVEN in the DEATH CAMPS IN POLAND. Jews still do satire---but you need a brain to understand it-------not a brain soaked in WODKA

Hmm, living in Christian nations, while mocking their Christ, no wonder why you people had so much trouble.

Blaming Poland for Nazi German atrocities?
Just another fight your people are picking, with people.

Maybe you should've just Assimilated to Christ, instead you had a tiff with Christ.

Assimilation refers to the process through which individuals and groups of differing heritages acquire the basic habits, attitudes, and mode of life of an embracing culture

This is the definition of assimilation. It says NOTHING about being the same religion; It actually talks about DIFFERING HERITAGES , The Pollack is too DUMB and STUPID to understand that,
Yet he says nothing about other Non Christians in this Country or elsewhere, Does he " think" that Christians in Non Christian Countries have no right to be there?

Anti-Semitism of the "Church Fathers"

The Pro Hitler Pollack sees nothing wrong with this. Just one example
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