Moderates Bush, Christie Pulling Away in Polls

The Myth of Ronald Reagan won a 49 State reelection.*

* Note to Obama Base, there are 50, not 57 states in the USA
I have always been a true blue Republican, from my youth, and I am so proud that I have stood up to you squibs, from the JBS days to the TPM. You are nothing more than blood sucking ass squibs that we clean from GOP every generation. You are powerless now, and will remain so.

Jake, there's not a person on this Board who believes you are a Republican. You are a Reactionary

Ha yeah, hard to fathom why he's still pretending to be a Republican. He sides with the Democrats on every single issue, yet claims to be a Republican. Dang kookball. :cuckoo:
To the farrrrr right wingers like you, no amount of logic, reasoning or hitting them over the head with FACTS matters Bubba

Hugo Chavez was far to the right of you, Comrade Dumb2three.

One cannot take your position seriously, as you lack any sort of perspective.

Their revisionist history makes Reagan into a small-government fiscal conservative, but he actually grew the government by 53% (Mises Institute), increasing military expenditures by 27% and creating another new department, Veterans’ Affairs. He never submitted a balanced budget and ended up tripling the national debt to $3 trillion. His S&L bailout cost 2.4 times more to fix (relative to GDP) than Bush’s financial crisis. The Washington Post reported in Reagan's last year that "In less than a decade, the world's largest creditor nation has become its leading debtor….”

Once again, Reagan grew government in MILITARY spending.

The left, while at once attempting to recreate Reagan in their own image, still falls for the bait when confronted by the defeat of their beloved USSR.

Reagan will ALWAYS be the one who ended your dream - always.
I have always been a true blue Republican, from my youth, and I am so proud that I have stood up to you squibs, from the JBS days to the TPM. You are nothing more than blood sucking ass squibs that we clean from GOP every generation. You are powerless now, and will remain so.

Anybody know of an inexpensive medication to moderate megalomania?

We don't need a Presidential size dose....well, not on this's only to try to help Jammie Jake. For Our Kenyan Emperor? A pill big enough to help would break His Imperial Foot were it dropped.

Not that it might be a bad thing......

Reagan was a big government progressive conservative who spent money like he was Midas.

Henry is babbling because he can do nothing else. Kenyan? Every time one of the far right nuts use the term, you know he is running scared.
I voted for Reagan twice - are you EVER going to get tired of making up shit about people and then arguing with what you made up.

It really makes you look silly.

Link to your facebook or some other social media or gtfo. Impossible claim coming from you.

Absolutely true - which is a heck of a lot more than I can say for your made-up bullshit.
show me the quotes

Quotes of what?

The question was why you would have voted for a man who supported everything you oppose? Despite your attempts to change reality, Reagan did not advocate "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need."
So if Ronald Reagan was the conservative poster boy who the radical right is trying so hard to resurrect in 2016 - consider this:

Mitt Romney got more conservatives to the polls (Conservatives were 35% of the electorate in 2012 - In 1984 conservatives were 33% of the electorate.)

Romney, in 2012, got the same percentage of the conservative vote as Reagan did in 1984 - 82%.

I'm telling you - there is absolutely no reason for the GOP to move to the right. They have maxed out on the far-right vote.

Romney only got 41% of moderates in 2012. Reagan got 54% in 1984.

If you want to follow the Reagan model - you gotta up your game with the moderates.
To the farrrrr right wingers like you, no amount of logic, reasoning or hitting them over the head with FACTS matters Bubba

Hugo Chavez was far to the right of you, Comrade Dumb2three.

One cannot take your position seriously, as you lack any sort of perspective.

Their revisionist history makes Reagan into a small-government fiscal conservative, but he actually grew the government by 53% (Mises Institute), increasing military expenditures by 27% and creating another new department, Veterans’ Affairs. He never submitted a balanced budget and ended up tripling the national debt to $3 trillion. His S&L bailout cost 2.4 times more to fix (relative to GDP) than Bush’s financial crisis. The Washington Post reported in Reagan's last year that "In less than a decade, the world's largest creditor nation has become its leading debtor….”

Once again, Reagan grew government in MILITARY spending.

The left, while at once attempting to recreate Reagan in their own image, still falls for the bait when confronted by the defeat of their beloved USSR.

Reagan will ALWAYS be the one who ended your dream - always.

Yes, thanks for agreeing Ronnie grew Gov't AS he tripled the US debt, AND CUT TAXES ON THE 'JOB CREATORS', but increased it on the Avg people

USSR? Who is Putin? Oh right the guy right wingers LOVE, lol
show me the quotes

Quotes of what?

The question was why you would have voted for a man who supported everything you oppose? Despite your attempts to change reality, Reagan did not advocate "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need."

"Reagan did not advocate "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need.""

The nation is still recovering from a crushing recession that sent unemployment hovering above nine percent for two straight years. The president, mindful of soaring deficits, is pushing bold action to shore up the nation's balance sheet. Cloaking himself in the language of class warfare, he calls on a hostile Congress to end wasteful tax breaks for the rich. "We're going to close the unproductive tax loopholes that allow some of the truly wealthy to avoid paying their fair share," he thunders to a crowd in Georgia. Such tax loopholes, he adds, "sometimes made it possible for millionaires to pay nothing, while a bus driver was paying 10 percent of his salary – and that's crazy."

Preacherlike, the president draws the crowd into a call-and-response. "Do you think the millionaire ought to pay more in taxes than the bus driver," he demands, "or less?"

The crowd, sounding every bit like the protesters from Occupy Wall Street, roars back: "MORE!"

The year was 1985. The president was Ronald Wilson Reagan.

How the GOP Became the Party of the Rich Rolling Stone

Reagan strongly supported the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), which sends checks to Americans who work but earn less than around $46,000 a year, depending on family size.
Recipients of the credit are among those who don’t pay income tax, but Reagan never regarded that as a problem. His administration estimated that the 1986 reform of the tax code would remove 6 million working poor from the tax rolls. Reagan called the reform a “sweeping victory for fairness” and “perhaps the biggest antipoverty program in our history.”
Ronald Reagan and the 47 Percent - Businessweek

A sober review of Reagan's presidency doesn't yield the seamlessly conservative record being peddled today. Federal government expanded on his watch. The conservative desire to outlaw abortion was never seriously pursued. Reagan broke with the hardliners in his administration and compromised with the Soviets on arms control. His assault on entitlements never materialized; instead he saved Social Security in 1983. And he repeatedly ignored the fundamental conservative dogma that taxes should never be raised.

All of this has been airbrushed from the new literature of Reagan

Reagan s Liberal Legacy by Joshua Green
show me the quotes

Quotes of what?

The question was why you would have voted for a man who supported everything you oppose? Despite your attempts to change reality, Reagan did not advocate "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need."

That's what I'm asking for - some evidence that I support what you say I support. You've just made that bullshit up
Chrstie appears to be faltering in the latest polls that have Romney in the race.
Undecided: 45%
Romney 16%
Bush 13%
Carson 6%
Cruz, Rubio 3%
Christie, Huckabee, Paul 2%
Palin, Walker, Rice, Perry 1%

USA TODAY poll Among GOP voters Kentucky s Rand Paul at 2 percent undecideds 45 percent

(This was NOT a real well-conducted poll - imho. After all this time and effort, I have a hard time believing Paul is at just 2%)

But it is interesting
show me the quotes

Quotes of what?

The question was why you would have voted for a man who supported everything you oppose? Despite your attempts to change reality, Reagan did not advocate "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need."

That's what I'm asking for - some evidence that I support what you say I support. You've just made that bullshit up

So you got that yet?
Dr. Ben Carson, next POTUS- book it.

lol, GOP getting Carson? PULLLEASE. No way the GOP is that crazy, and they are plenty fukkkking nuts!

why are you a racist lib? And whats wrong with Ben?

Sorry Bubba, you are confusing me with right wing morons talking about Obama going back to Kenya or dressed in Muslim gear or the ring in his noise the TeaTards favored. Me I think Carson was a good doc, who is a dishonest right wing POS. For some reason, dishonesty and bullshit runs among right wingers in today's environment

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