Modern conservatives sympathizing with The Confederacy... Is this a thing now?

Every state has representatives in the federal government.

And what conclusion do you draw from that, Grasshopper?

That your claim that other states impose their will on a state without the consent of the governed, that claim is false.

You are confusing political phrases. Representation doesn't mean you have the consent of the governed. So if we invade Canada and give them two Senators and a few representatives, we can tell them STFU, they are represented?

If you are mugged by three guys and they let you vote with them whether or not to take your wallet, you consented to the robbery?

The depth of your failure to follow conversations never ceases to amaze me
Every state has representatives in the federal government.

And what conclusion do you draw from that, Grasshopper?

That your claim that other states impose their will on a state without the consent of the governed, that claim is false.

You are confusing political phrases. Representation doesn't mean you have the consent of the governed. So if we invade Canada and give them two Senators and a few representatives, we can tell them STFU, they are represented?

If you are mugged by three guys and they let you vote with them whether or not to take your wallet, you consented to the robbery?

The depth of your failure to follow conversations never ceases to amaze me

All you're saying is that consent of the governed has to be unanimous or it isn't consent.

That's idiotic.
A perpetual Union was what was extended when 'a more perfect Union' was mentioned in the Constitution. Everyone at the time knew that. For those who insist on 'original intent' especially, this is clear.

Rights are what one has the power to use. The states could have chosen to 'leave' and then see if that succeeded. Later, some did, and didn't succeed.

What is a 'right' that cannot be used? It is just a word. Perpetual is also a word. It is the word chosen by the founders at the time. Any person who understands linguistics knows that words are human creations and totally relative to what humans wish.
If Lincoln had not been assassinated we would not have African Americans today. It was his intention to round them up and return all of them to Africa. As it was he removed hundreds.

Abraham Lincoln wanted to deport slaves to new colonies - Telegraph

That was bullshit

It was never a practical option
That is not the point silly senior dude.

The point is, which sadly I must spell it out for you due to you lack of...something, Lincoln considered deporting all blacks and hoped to get it accomplished in his second term. It was not practical, but it should tell you something about your beloved Dishonest Abe, but you being you, I have no hope.
Every state has representatives in the federal government.

And what conclusion do you draw from that, Grasshopper?

That your claim that other states impose their will on a state without the consent of the governed, that claim is false.

You are confusing political phrases. Representation doesn't mean you have the consent of the governed. So if we invade Canada and give them two Senators and a few representatives, we can tell them STFU, they are represented?

If you are mugged by three guys and they let you vote with them whether or not to take your wallet, you consented to the robbery?

The depth of your failure to follow conversations never ceases to amaze me

All you're saying is that consent of the governed has to be unanimous or it isn't consent.

That's idiotic., how do you possibly...


I can't do anything with you until you learn to read
If Lincoln had not been assassinated we would not have African Americans today. It was his intention to round them up and return all of them to Africa. As it was he removed hundreds.

Abraham Lincoln wanted to deport slaves to new colonies - Telegraph

That was bullshit

It was never a practical option
That is not the point silly senior dude.

The point is, which sadly I must spell it out for you due to you lack of...something, Lincoln considered deporting all blacks and hoped to get it accomplished in his second term. It was not practical, but it should tell you something about your beloved Dishonest Abe, but you being you, I have no hope.

Actually, the country of Liberia was formed for free slaves

Lincoln understood what bunch of racist assholes existed in the south and doubted if blacks could ever be "free" there. As it is, Lincoln was right and it took force 100 years later to finally give blacks freedom in the south
A perpetual Union was what was established. It is therefore clear that leaving the Union was not part of the deal

Where does the Constitution say either of those?

So can a man force a woman to have sex with him because she once married him even though she wants a divorce? I know you wont' get this point, it's butt obvious, but you are a liberal and liberals never get points. The will of the rest of the States continues to be imposed on the people of a State without consent of the governed.

Your reply will not show you don't agree with what I just said, it will show you didn't grasp what I just said

Every state has representatives in the federal government.

I fail to see the connection there.
They simply cannot justify slavery though for it is morally, ethically, and legally wrong and always has been.

So the belief that States can secede from the union now means we believe in slavery.


Have you ever been tested to see if you have an IQ?
You dont have a right to secede first ....Second If you are a supporter of confederates you support slavery since that was what they were about....I know you like to believe they were for states rights but the only right they cared about was the one that wrongly said they could own people.
A perpetual Union was what was established. It is therefore clear that leaving the Union was not part of the deal

Where does the Constitution say either of those?

So can a man force a woman to have sex with him because she once married him even though she wants a divorce? I know you wont' get this point, it's butt obvious, but you are a liberal and liberals never get points. The will of the rest of the States continues to be imposed on the people of a State without consent of the governed.

Your reply will not show you don't agree with what I just said, it will show you didn't grasp what I just said

Every state has representatives in the federal government.

And what conclusion do you draw from that, Grasshopper?

That your claim that other states impose their will on a state without the consent of the governed, that claim is false.

It's 100% true.
Lincoln understood what bunch of racist assholes existed in the south

Yet you continue to gladly take their votes, don't you big guy? The fiscal cons left, the racists still love the Democratic party

Avtually...they switched to Republican in the last ten Presidential elections

You know nothing about the south. Liberals are experts in everything that you know nothing about, all we have to do is ask you.

Fiscal conservatives left. The voting is clear. Then again I live her and you look down your nose at the south. Obviously you know more
If Lincoln had not been assassinated we would not have African Americans today. It was his intention to round them up and return all of them to Africa. As it was he removed hundreds.

Abraham Lincoln wanted to deport slaves to new colonies - Telegraph

That was bullshit

It was never a practical option
That is not the point silly senior dude.

The point is, which sadly I must spell it out for you due to you lack of...something, Lincoln considered deporting all blacks and hoped to get it accomplished in his second term. It was not practical, but it should tell you something about your beloved Dishonest Abe, but you being you, I have no hope.

Actually, the country of Liberia was formed for free slaves

Lincoln understood what bunch of racist assholes existed in the south and doubted if blacks could ever be "free" there. As it is, Lincoln was right and it took force 100 years later to finally give blacks freedom in the south

ROFL! So Lincoln's plan to send them back to Africa was to protect them from American racists? I've got news for you, bub, Lincoln was a white supremacist:

“I will say, then, that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races—that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this, that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I, as much as any other man, am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.”

Abraham Lincoln, Charlston IL, 1858
They simply cannot justify slavery though for it is morally, ethically, and legally wrong and always has been.

So the belief that States can secede from the union now means we believe in slavery.


Have you ever been tested to see if you have an IQ?
You dont have a right to secede first ....Second If you are a supporter of confederates you support slavery since that was what they were about....I know you like to believe they were for states rights but the only right they cared about was the one that wrongly said they could own people.

That's three idiocies you spouted in a single paragraph.

Also, learn how to punctuate.
They simply cannot justify slavery though for it is morally, ethically, and legally wrong and always has been.

So the belief that States can secede from the union now means we believe in slavery.


Have you ever been tested to see if you have an IQ?
You dont have a right to secede first ....Second If you are a supporter of confederates you support slavery since that was what they were about....I know you like to believe they were for states rights but the only right they cared about was the one that wrongly said they could own people.

kaz: I don't support the confederacy, I support the right of secession

Thanatos: Duh, dar, drool, oh, that means you support slavery since you support the confederacy. Drool, drool, hic

Thanks for reminding us not all stupid people are liberals. Sometimes it seems that way, but I think it's important to remember you're well represented on the right too
If Lincoln had not been assassinated we would not have African Americans today. It was his intention to round them up and return all of them to Africa. As it was he removed hundreds.

Abraham Lincoln wanted to deport slaves to new colonies - Telegraph

That was bullshit

It was never a practical option
That is not the point silly senior dude.

The point is, which sadly I must spell it out for you due to you lack of...something, Lincoln considered deporting all blacks and hoped to get it accomplished in his second term. It was not practical, but it should tell you something about your beloved Dishonest Abe, but you being you, I have no hope.

Actually, the country of Liberia was formed for free slaves

Lincoln understood what bunch of racist assholes existed in the south and doubted if blacks could ever be "free" there. As it is, Lincoln was right and it took force 100 years later to finally give blacks freedom in the south

ROFL! So Lincoln's plan to send them back to Africa was to protect them from American racists? I've got news for you, bub, Lincoln was a white supremacist:

“I will say, then, that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races—that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this, that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I, as much as any other man, am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.”

Abraham Lincoln, Charlston IL, 1858
Dummy it is called a contingency plan.....Believe it or not they still make stupid shit like that up.... It is sad you think you are conservative with you lack of actual historical knowledge.
If Lincoln had not been assassinated we would not have African Americans today. It was his intention to round them up and return all of them to Africa. As it was he removed hundreds.

Abraham Lincoln wanted to deport slaves to new colonies - Telegraph

That was bullshit

It was never a practical option
That is not the point silly senior dude.

The point is, which sadly I must spell it out for you due to you lack of...something, Lincoln considered deporting all blacks and hoped to get it accomplished in his second term. It was not practical, but it should tell you something about your beloved Dishonest Abe, but you being you, I have no hope.

Actually, the country of Liberia was formed for free slaves

Lincoln understood what bunch of racist assholes existed in the south and doubted if blacks could ever be "free" there. As it is, Lincoln was right and it took force 100 years later to finally give blacks freedom in the south

ROFL! So Lincoln's plan to send them back to Africa was to protect them from American racists? I've got news for you, bub, Lincoln was a white supremacist:

“I will say, then, that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races—that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this, that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I, as much as any other man, am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.”

Abraham Lincoln, Charlston IL, 1858
It is amazing the lengths in which the Lincoln cultists will go to venerate him. Ultimately they end up looking like a fool.
Every state has representatives in the federal government.

And what conclusion do you draw from that, Grasshopper?

That your claim that other states impose their will on a state without the consent of the governed, that claim is false.

You are confusing political phrases. Representation doesn't mean you have the consent of the governed. So if we invade Canada and give them two Senators and a few representatives, we can tell them STFU, they are represented?

If you are mugged by three guys and they let you vote with them whether or not to take your wallet, you consented to the robbery?

The depth of your failure to follow conversations never ceases to amaze me

In the liberal mind a majority vote justifies virtually anything. That is, so long as the majority goes along with the liberal agenda.
They simply cannot justify slavery though for it is morally, ethically, and legally wrong and always has been.

So the belief that States can secede from the union now means we believe in slavery.


Have you ever been tested to see if you have an IQ?
You dont have a right to secede first ....Second If you are a supporter of confederates you support slavery since that was what they were about....I know you like to believe they were for states rights but the only right they cared about was the one that wrongly said they could own people.

kaz: I don't support the confederacy, I support the right of secession.

Thanatos: Duh, dar, drool, oh, that means you support slavery since you support the confederacy. Drool, drool

Thanks for showing all stupid people are not liberals. Sometimes it seems that way, but I think it's important to remember you're well represented on the right too
Maybe you should read what I wrote dumbass. There is no right to secede. None. It is not in the constitution or bill of rights.....These little truth seem to stump you.

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