Mom of Mauled Boy Says People More Concerned About the Dog

^^^ A fly is not the same as a dog or a person. Why should the dog get away with what was done to the child whether the dog knows that it is guilty of it or not? Also if a child did such a thing to another person, they would most likely get worse, but since this is a dog that we are talking about and as you say they do not understand what they do like a person does, I believe that what they do to a person should be done to them and since the dog that is being talked about here is not guilty of killing anyone, why should it be killed?

God bless you and the child always!!!


P.S. Flies only last for a day anyways whether anything is done to them or not.

You're sick. And I'm not going to apologize for "being mean" this time. I think you should quit saying "God bless" all the time because you don't represent God very well.
Puppies pushed away from their mother and still "saved" by the person watching the birth, should think twice. Sometimes bad dogs are born just like bad people. Ticking time bombs. I think Mickey is one of those dogs maybe. Then again, maybe not. The owner is a moron and SHOULD feel extremely guilty. The judge letting the dog live but live that kind of life should be off the bench. The babysitter was supposed to watch the kid, not sit with the dogs owner and chitchat. The apartment complex is liable for damages to the kid because they ALLOWED the dog to be staked out unattended. At least, in California and all the properties I managed, that was not allowed.

Gracie, the dog is going to prison where he will be cared for by female inmates. He will probably be showered with attention all the time and spoiled rotten. I also think I read that they are looking for a no-kill shelter where they will take a problem dog and give him a home for life. Not just a cage, but a good home where people who really love animals take care of him. Even if he has to stay at the facility his entire life, he'll be well cared for and get plenty of love and attention. Don't worry.
They behave according to their instincts - they are strangers in a strange land, living by and expecting to understand human (primate) rules. It's a foreign language, and it's up to us to help them be good citizens in a human world.

Too often we fail at our responsibilities.

I think the public needs further education when it comes to responsible dog ownership. Not only that, but owners need to take full responsibility for what their dogs do, within reason.

The poor mother is heavily influenced by her anger and sorrow. Her judgement is affected.

Not just owners but parents too need to educate their children on how to behave around dogs. I can't tell you how many times I've had children run up to my dogs yelling "doggie doggie" while the parents just smile indulgently.:doubt:

While I do think kids should be taught the proper way to behave around animals, that's still no excuse for what this dog did. It never should have been there. It should have been put to sleep after killing the other dog.
Puppies pushed away from their mother and still "saved" by the person watching the birth, should think twice. Sometimes bad dogs are born just like bad people. Ticking time bombs. I think Mickey is one of those dogs maybe. Then again, maybe not. The owner is a moron and SHOULD feel extremely guilty. The judge letting the dog live but live that kind of life should be off the bench. The babysitter was supposed to watch the kid, not sit with the dogs owner and chitchat. The apartment complex is liable for damages to the kid because they ALLOWED the dog to be staked out unattended. At least, in California and all the properties I managed, that was not allowed.

Gracie, the dog is going to prison where he will be cared for by female inmates. He will probably be showered with attention all the time and spoiled rotten. I also think I read that they are looking for a no-kill shelter where they will take a problem dog and give him a home for life. Not just a cage, but a good home where people who really love animals take care of him. Even if he has to stay at the facility his entire life, he'll be well cared for and get plenty of love and attention. Don't worry.

They're pulling the dogs teeth. If they have to do that, then the dog shouldn't be allowed to live. Obviously they know the dog is a danger. Even after pulling the teeth, they are still keeping the dog in prison for the rest of it's life. This is a terrible waste of time, and money and on top of that's, it's just plain wrong.

Put the dog to sleep.
Yeah I think everybody is off track here. Destroying the dog isn't about PUNISHING the dog. Dogs have no concept of accountability after the fact, and when one dog is destroyed it doesn't act as a deterrent for other dogs who have no clue what is going on.

Dogs are destroyed because they're a menace.

I have no problem with this dog being rehabbed. I don't think there's any indication that he's a killer. He did what dogs on chains do. It's patently obvious that the child wasn't being properly supervised and the dog was in a not great situation.

At the same time, I understand that the mother is upset. In a sane world, dogs that hurt kids are dispatched and there is no huge discussion about it. I sympathize with her. I find it distressing when people show a LOT more concern for animals than they do for children, as well.

But there are people like that. And this dog isn't likely to have the opportunity to hurt another kid, so honestly, that's all there is.
P.S. It isn't like another bone couldn't have been found for the animal to feast on instead of the face of a child who can not just go out and get themselves another one.
You must be jerking us around. A lot of humans don't use common sense or reason and this dog story is an prime example. Animals don't have a moral compass or sense of right or wrong. He's too far gone to trust because of human failures. Putting him down isn't justice or punishment, it's preventative maintenance. Sad but true.
^^^ A fly is not the same as a dog or a person. Why should the dog get away with what was done to the child whether the dog knows that it is guilty of it or not? Also if a child did such a thing to another person, they would most likely get worse, but since this is a dog that we are talking about and as you say they do not understand what they do like a person does, I believe that what they do to a person should be done to them and since the dog that is being talked about here is not guilty of killing anyone, why should it be killed?

God bless you and the child always!!!


P.S. Flies only last for a day anyways whether anything is done to them or not.

You're sick. And I'm not going to apologize for "being mean" this time. I think you should quit saying "God bless" all the time because you don't represent God very well.

I agree. That rankles me as well because she is one of the least Christian-like people on the board.

This is not the first time she has posted something ignorant and hateful.
CaféAuLait;9034011 said:
Mom of Mauled Boy Says People More Concerned About the Dog

A Phoenix judge decided to keep the dog named Mickey alive instead of being euthanized. The dog will be defanged and remain in the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office MASH unit for the rest of his life without any chance of being adopted, according to Melissa Gable, a spokeswoman for the Maricopa County Animal Care and Control. Sheriff Joe Arpaio took custody of the dog Thursday.

Kevin’s mother, Floridalma Vicente, wants Mickey to be put down and she is taken aback by the online support to keep Mickey alive and opposed to having the dog serving a “life sentence.” There is even a Facebook page in Mickey’s behalf with over 70,000 likes

Mom of Mauled Boy Says People More Concerned About the Dog - ABC News

The boy won't be able to see from one eye and his food falls from his mouth due to muscle and nerves being damaged. Not to mention scaring.

I tend to agree with this boys mother, it seems more concern has gone towards the dog then the child.

I also wonder why taxpayers will have to take care of this dog for the rest of its life... and pay to have the dogs teeth removed, food and housing. Why not take care of a child who lost part of his face... Donations poured in for Mickey as opposed to Kevin.

It seems lopsided to me.

If a dog attacks a child it should be put down.
^^^ Thank you. :) :) :)

You're sick. And I'm not going to apologize for "being mean" this time. I think you should quit saying "God bless" all the time because you don't represent God very well.
Oh well. I do appreciate your honesty though. :) :) :)

P.S. It isn't like another bone couldn't have been found for the animal to feast on instead of the face of a child who can not just go out and get themselves another one.
You must be jerking us around. A lot of humans don't use common sense or reason and this dog story is an prime example. Animals don't have a moral compass or sense of right or wrong. He's too far gone to trust because of human failures. Putting him down isn't justice or punishment, it's preventative maintenance. Sad but true.
Obviously you have not paid enough attention to what I have said because I have never once said that I think that the dog should be put down.

^^^ A fly is not the same as a dog or a person. Why should the dog get away with what was done to the child whether the dog knows that it is guilty of it or not? Also if a child did such a thing to another person, they would most likely get worse, but since this is a dog that we are talking about and as you say they do not understand what they do like a person does, I believe that what they do to a person should be done to them and since the dog that is being talked about here is not guilty of killing anyone, why should it be killed?

God bless you and the child always!!!


P.S. Flies only last for a day anyways whether anything is done to them or not.

You're sick. And I'm not going to apologize for "being mean" this time. I think you should quit saying "God bless" all the time because you don't represent God very well.

I agree. That rankles me as well because she is one of the least Christian-like people on the board.

This is not the first time she has posted something ignorant and hateful.
I don't hate anyone.

God bless you four always!!! :) :) :)

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Puppies pushed away from their mother and still "saved" by the person watching the birth, should think twice. Sometimes bad dogs are born just like bad people. Ticking time bombs. I think Mickey is one of those dogs maybe. Then again, maybe not. The owner is a moron and SHOULD feel extremely guilty. The judge letting the dog live but live that kind of life should be off the bench. The babysitter was supposed to watch the kid, not sit with the dogs owner and chitchat. The apartment complex is liable for damages to the kid because they ALLOWED the dog to be staked out unattended. At least, in California and all the properties I managed, that was not allowed.

Gracie, the dog is going to prison where he will be cared for by female inmates. He will probably be showered with attention all the time and spoiled rotten. I also think I read that they are looking for a no-kill shelter where they will take a problem dog and give him a home for life. Not just a cage, but a good home where people who really love animals take care of him. Even if he has to stay at the facility his entire life, he'll be well cared for and get plenty of love and attention. Don't worry.

They're pulling the dogs teeth. If they have to do that, then the dog shouldn't be allowed to live. Obviously they know the dog is a danger. Even after pulling the teeth, they are still keeping the dog in prison for the rest of it's life. This is a terrible waste of time, and money and on top of that's, it's just plain wrong.

Put the dog to sleep.

I agree.

This is no life for a dog for one.

For another, all that money could have saved the lives of how many dogs being euthanized despite having great temperments? Why can't that emotion and energy go there?
^^^ Justice. Why should the dog get away with what it did to the boy?

God bless you and the boy always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. The boy may have to live with what the dog did to him for the rest of his life which is why I think that doggy jail is not enough.


Justice is a human concept meant to be applied to humans.

Other species don't understand "Justice".

Your concept of justice is cruel and barbaric - you advocate torture to a creature that has no understanding of why it's being tortured - none. Ripping it's face out.

That is sick. That is not the values we should be teaching our children.

Compassion? Empathy? And you are supposed to be a Christian? You suppposedly care about children but you want to teach them it's ok to rip another animal to shreds? I've never encountered someone like you before.

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^^^ Justice. Why should the dog get away with what it did to the boy?

God bless you and the boy always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. The boy may have to live with what the dog did to him for the rest of his life which is why I think that doggy jail is not enough.

Yes, he will. And that is why the dog should be euthanized.

Not tortured.
I love watching the allegedly compassionate and *smart* people dogpiling on Jos.

You guys realize you look like idiots, I hope. If not, I'm here to tell look like idiots.

VIDEO: Group of Kids Violently Bully 3-Year-Old | American Overlook

She is advocating ripping the dog's face off as "justice" rather than euthanizing it.

Seriously - you support that? What is gained by that except some sort of warped pleasure at causing punative pain to another creature that doesn't have a clue?

It makes no sense to me KG.
^^^ Justice. Why should the dog get away with what it did to the boy?

God bless you and the boy always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. The boy may have to live with what the dog did to him for the rest of his life which is why I think that doggy jail is not enough.


Justice is a human concept meant to be applied to humans.

Other species don't understand "Justice".

Your concept of justice is cruel and barbaric - you advocate torture to a creature that has no understanding of why it's being tortured - none. Ripping it's face out.

That is sick. That is not the values we should be teaching our children.

Compassion? Empathy? And you are supposed to be a Christian? You suppposedly care about children but you want to teach them it's ok to rip another animal to shreds? I've never encountered someone like you before.

It doesn't matter if the guilty person or animal understands what it is that they have done. When they do any damage, it should never be swept under the rug and to me, doggy jail is not enough for that dog when its victim will have to live with the damage for the remainder of their life.

God bless you and the victim always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Why should the dog die when its victim is still here?
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You must be jerking us around. A lot of humans don't use common sense or reason and this dog story is an prime example. Animals don't have a moral compass or sense of right or wrong. He's too far gone to trust because of human failures. Putting him down isn't justice or punishment, it's preventative maintenance. Sad but true.
Obviously you have not paid enough attention to what I have said because I have never once said that I think that the dog should be put down.

Obviously you didn't pay attention to what I said. I didn't claim you did. You keep babbling about the Bible and justice. WTF?
CaféAuLait;9034011 said:
Mom of Mauled Boy Says People More Concerned About the Dog

A Phoenix judge decided to keep the dog named Mickey alive instead of being euthanized. The dog will be defanged and remain in the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office MASH unit for the rest of his life without any chance of being adopted, according to Melissa Gable, a spokeswoman for the Maricopa County Animal Care and Control. Sheriff Joe Arpaio took custody of the dog Thursday.

Kevin’s mother, Floridalma Vicente, wants Mickey to be put down and she is taken aback by the online support to keep Mickey alive and opposed to having the dog serving a “life sentence.” There is even a Facebook page in Mickey’s behalf with over 70,000 likes

Mom of Mauled Boy Says People More Concerned About the Dog - ABC News

The boy won't be able to see from one eye and his food falls from his mouth due to muscle and nerves being damaged. Not to mention scaring.

I tend to agree with this boys mother, it seems more concern has gone towards the dog then the child.

I also wonder why taxpayers will have to take care of this dog for the rest of its life... and pay to have the dogs teeth removed, food and housing. Why not take care of a child who lost part of his face... Donations poured in for Mickey as opposed to Kevin.

It seems lopsided to me.

If a dog attacks a child it should be put down.

That is the long and short of it.

Most dogs would never harm a child, no matter what. Maybe a quick nip if the kid gets out of hand. You wouldn't believe how much my autistic boy mauled our dog and our dog did nothing to her short of a little growl and a sharp bark. When my brother wanted to discipline his girls, he'd have to put his dog outside Any dog that does this to a child is missing something important. He needs to be put down. Pulling all his teeth? What kind of idiot thought that up? Who pays for it? Why does the dog deserve the pain? It's more humane to just put the dog down. Sometimes I think our society has completely lost it's common sense.
I love watching the allegedly compassionate and *smart* people dogpiling on Jos.

You guys realize you look like idiots, I hope. If not, I'm here to tell look like idiots.

VIDEO: Group of Kids Violently Bully 3-Year-Old | American Overlook

She is advocating ripping the dog's face off as "justice" rather than euthanizing it.

Seriously - you support that? What is gained by that except some sort of warped pleasure at causing punative pain to another creature that doesn't have a clue?

It makes no sense to me KG.

What on earth possesses you to think I support it?

My point is that jumping on her, attacking her religion, calling her names, achieves exactly zip.
Oh well. She's an idiot and an animal torturer. She deserves what she gets.

And may God Bless You Everyone.

P.S. She is a moron and I hope like hell she does not have children OR pets.

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