Mom with cancer: "I Want to Apologize to Obama"

YAY! Lets bankrupt America but for a good, no, a GREAT cause!
This is a great lesion on how to buy votes btw… Make, people, dependant!

I like your style. I own a lot of gold & have thoughts of voting for the biggest spenders just to make it go up in value even faster. We are almost to the point of no return so we might as well crash the system so we can say I told you so whiles sitting on a pile of gold laughing.:badgrin::lol::badgrin::lol:

You should sell your gold. Gold is a purely speculative investment, driven mainly by fear-mongering. The bubble in gold will collapse, just like it did before. Don't say you weren't warned.
This woman had been uninsured for at least six months & now we have to pay for her ass. Yea, this is going to have a happy ending for our country.

This is the reason that when the new health care legislation kicks in, there is a mandate for everyone to have insurance. It is understood that the system cannot work if people can wait until they become sick before buying insurance.

The reason it was put in place was to allow those who had pre-existing conditions the opportunity to purchase insurance at a fair price. I am one of those who took advantage of the high risk pool in my state. After I moved from Colorado to Ohio, the insurance companies in Ohio told me they would not insure me, even though I had had insurance in Colorado for over ten years. I had Anthem in Colorado. While Anthem in Ohio is a separate company, both are owned by parent company Wellpointe. But they would not insure me. Since I had a private policy because I am self-employed, HIPAA rules did not apply to me. In other words, the insurance companies found a way to get out of insuring a high risk individual.

So fucking eh, thank you Obama. Now I have insurance again. And guess what? Medical Mutual, the company providing my insurance, is making a lot of money off of me. Despite being a high risk, all of my treatment costs fall within my yearly deductible, so they pay nothing other than a couple of doctor visits per year. And despite being high risk ( I have cirrhosis of the liver due to Hemochromatosis), I don't drink or do anything that would automatically make my condition worse. In fact, I quit smoking and started working out and eating better. My doctor tells me that despite my condition, I'm in better shape for my age than 90% of people my age. But I'm high risk, and if the insurance companies had it their way, they would not insure me. Great fucking country we live in.

Oh, one last thing: I pay for my insurance. It ain't fucking free.

Health insurance only works if everyone is insured. That's the point of Obamacare. Insurance companies are out to make a profit. If they can pick and choose their customers, they'll choose only the ones who aren't likely to need health care. It's not rocket science.
This woman had been uninsured for at least six months & now we have to pay for her ass. Yea, this is going to have a happy ending for our country.

This is the reason that when the new health care legislation kicks in, there is a mandate for everyone to have insurance. It is understood that the system cannot work if people can wait until they become sick before buying insurance.

The reason it was put in place was to allow those who had pre-existing conditions the opportunity to purchase insurance at a fair price. I am one of those who took advantage of the high risk pool in my state. After I moved from Colorado to Ohio, the insurance companies in Ohio told me they would not insure me, even though I had had insurance in Colorado for over ten years. I had Anthem in Colorado. While Anthem in Ohio is a separate company, both are owned by parent company Wellpointe. But they would not insure me. Since I had a private policy because I am self-employed, HIPAA rules did not apply to me. In other words, the insurance companies found a way to get out of insuring a high risk individual.

So fucking eh, thank you Obama. Now I have insurance again. And guess what? Medical Mutual, the company providing my insurance, is making a lot of money off of me. Despite being a high risk, all of my treatment costs fall within my yearly deductible, so they pay nothing other than a couple of doctor visits per year. And despite being high risk ( I have cirrhosis of the liver due to Hemochromatosis), I don't drink or do anything that would automatically make my condition worse. In fact, I quit smoking and started working out and eating better. My doctor tells me that despite my condition, I'm in better shape for my age than 90% of people my age. But I'm high risk, and if the insurance companies had it their way, they would not insure me. Great fucking country we live in.

Oh, one last thing: I pay for my insurance. It ain't fucking free.

I applaud you. :eusa_clap: At least you acted responsibly & utilized the state insurance pool that was around for at least a decade before Obamacare.

The family in this story decided to not pay their premium for 2 years & suddenly voilà mom gets cancer & suddenly wants to be insured. :eusa_boohoo: She describes her family as middle-class, so obviously they could afford insurance. They just decided to have fun instead of paying their bills. Now it is our responsibility. This shit should not be tolerated & will not stand for long!

Read the story. Breast cancer, health insurance and an apology to President Obama -

With the recession, both of our businesses took a huge hit — my husband's income was cut in half, and the foundations that had supported my small nonprofit were going through their own tough times. We had to start using a home equity line of credit to pay for our health insurance premiums (which by that point cost as much as our monthly mortgage). When the bank capped our home equity line, we were forced to cash in my husband's IRA. The time finally came when we had to make a choice between paying our mortgage or paying for health insurance. We chose to keep our house. We made a nerve-racking gamble, and we lost.
'Obamacare' to the rescue
A woman who felt President Obama had let the middle class down has changed her mind.

Fortunately for me, I've been saved by the federal government's Pre-existing Condition Insurance Plan, something I had never heard of before needing it. It's part of President Obama's healthcare plan, one of the things that has already kicked in, and it guarantees access to insurance for U.S. citizens with preexisting conditions who have been uninsured for at least six months. The application was short, the premiums are affordable, and I have found the people who work in the administration office to be quite compassionate (nothing like the people I have dealt with over the years at other insurance companies.) It's not perfect, of course, and it still leaves many people in need out in the cold. But it's a start, and for me it's been a lifesaver — perhaps literally.

Which brings me to my apology. I was pretty mad at Obama before I learned about this new insurance plan. I had changed my registration from Democrat to Independent, and I had blacked out the top of the "h" on my Obama bumper sticker, so that it read, "Got nope" instead of "got hope." I felt like he had let down the struggling middle class. My son and I had campaigned for him, but since he took office, we felt he had let us down.

So this is my public apology. I'm sorry I didn't do enough of my own research to find out what promises the president has made good on. I'm sorry I didn't realize that he really has stood up for me and my family, and for so many others like us. I'm getting a new bumper sticker to cover the one that says "Got nope." It will say "ObamaCares."

Republicans want everyone to have guns, and no one to have healthcare.

The richest country in the world should be able to take care of the old and the sick.

It's the right thing to do.
For all of you who think that Medicare is a failure, I have a question for you:

Are you willing to reject Medicare coverage? Are you willing to finance your own medical care when you turn 65? Or are you going to bad mouth it for years, and THEN.....hold out your hand when it comes time for you to get the benefit?

You paid into it.

If you give me back my contributions with bet I'd reject it.
Republicans want everyone to have guns, and no one to have healthcare.

The richest country in the world should be able to take care of the old and the sick.

It's the right thing to do.

No one ? Why do I buy it ? Hhhhhmmmmm......more ink.

Get rid of President Obama in 2012.

It's the right thing to do.

Liberals hate liberty.
For all of you who think that Medicare is a failure, I have a question for you:

Are you willing to reject Medicare coverage? Are you willing to finance your own medical care when you turn 65? Or are you going to bad mouth it for years, and THEN.....hold out your hand when it comes time for you to get the benefit?

You paid into it.

If you give me back my contributions with bet I'd reject it.

You bet.

Give me back every dime I have in both SS and Medicare.

I can take better care of my money than any Clown in DC ever could.
'Obamacare' to the rescue
A woman who felt President Obama had let the middle class down has changed her mind.

Fortunately for me, I've been saved by the federal government's Pre-existing Condition Insurance Plan, something I had never heard of before needing it. It's part of President Obama's healthcare plan, one of the things that has already kicked in, and it guarantees access to insurance for U.S. citizens with preexisting conditions who have been uninsured for at least six months. The application was short, the premiums are affordable, and I have found the people who work in the administration office to be quite compassionate (nothing like the people I have dealt with over the years at other insurance companies.) It's not perfect, of course, and it still leaves many people in need out in the cold. But it's a start, and for me it's been a lifesaver — perhaps literally.

Which brings me to my apology. I was pretty mad at Obama before I learned about this new insurance plan. I had changed my registration from Democrat to Independent, and I had blacked out the top of the "h" on my Obama bumper sticker, so that it read, "Got nope" instead of "got hope." I felt like he had let down the struggling middle class. My son and I had campaigned for him, but since he took office, we felt he had let us down.

So this is my public apology. I'm sorry I didn't do enough of my own research to find out what promises the president has made good on. I'm sorry I didn't realize that he really has stood up for me and my family, and for so many others like us. I'm getting a new bumper sticker to cover the one that says "Got nope." It will say "ObamaCares."

If I had cancer I would NEVER expect you to pay for my treatment ...

Someone needs to learn how insurance works.
For all of you who think that Medicare is a failure, I have a question for you:

Are you willing to reject Medicare coverage? Are you willing to finance your own medical care when you turn 65? Or are you going to bad mouth it for years, and THEN.....hold out your hand when it comes time for you to get the benefit?

You paid into it.

If you give me back my contributions with bet I'd reject it.

You bet.

Give me back every dime I have in both SS and Medicare.

I can take better care of my money than any Clown in DC ever could.

Oh I would LOVE to have back everything I've paid in! But I know that I, and my generation, and probably the next generation is SOL. :eusa_boohoo::(
Oh I would LOVE to have back everything I've paid in! But I know that I, and my generation, and probably the next generation is SOL. :eusa_boohoo::(


I think we need to honor your payments into the system.

We need to gradually get off the current paygo in very small degrees. It is going to be a painful too (in small degrees).
If you give me back my contributions with bet I'd reject it.

You bet.

Give me back every dime I have in both SS and Medicare.

I can take better care of my money than any Clown in DC ever could.

Oh I would LOVE to have back everything I've paid in! But I know that I, and my generation, and probably the next generation is SOL. :eusa_boohoo::(

You'd love to get what you paid, but only if you haven't been sick or disabled - and don't think you will be in the future.

I'd love to get back what I've paid in fire insurance - but only because I haven't had a fire.
How many people are going to die when resources are rationed because Obama's policies impose huge costs on insurance companies. Too bad they can't write to newspapers telling Obama to go fuck himself because they can't get life saving care.


You miss the whole point of Obamacare. More paying customers = More resources and bigger pool over which to broadcast risk.

Why do you think the insurance industry wrote it that way? :eusa_eh:
How many people are going to die when resources are rationed because Obama's policies impose huge costs on insurance companies. Too bad they can't write to newspapers telling Obama to go fuck himself because they can't get life saving care.


You miss the whole point of Obamacare. More paying customers = More resources and bigger pool over which to broadcast risk.

Why do you think the insurance industry wrote it that way? :eusa_eh:

You certainly have blind faith regarding our government.
How many people are going to die when resources are rationed because Obama's policies impose huge costs on insurance companies. Too bad they can't write to newspapers telling Obama to go fuck himself because they can't get life saving care.


You miss the whole point of Obamacare. More paying customers = More resources and bigger pool over which to broadcast risk.

Why do you think the insurance industry wrote it that way? :eusa_eh:

You certainly have blind faith regarding our government.

What does that even mean? How does that relate to what he said and the fact that more customers equals a bigger pool to share the risk.
The GOP has to change on this or be returned to the minority permanently.

You miss the whole point of Obamacare. More paying customers = More resources and bigger pool over which to broadcast risk.

Why do you think the insurance industry wrote it that way? :eusa_eh:

You certainly have blind faith regarding our government.

What does that even mean? How does that relate to what he said and the fact that more customers equals a bigger pool to share the risk.

Fuck it, I am done paying for insurance. I am going to spend that money on something I can enjoy. :cheers2: If I get sick:puke:then you guys get to pay.:woohoo:

Look at the idiots agreeing with you.

First you go bankrupt.

Then, every cent you own is taken.

Finally, we pay for substandard care which is what you will get.

And, you will have Republicans screaming for you to die.

THAT is the "reality".
This woman's fortunate luck will be the end of real healthcare for the rest of us if this bullshit law isn't overturned.

You morons realize that premiums for this kind of forced coverage of bank breaking illnesses will price the costs through the roof for everyone right? Even the healthy will have to pay out the ass for basic coverage just so the ins industry can break even.

Were all so fucked.

When you have health care CEO's making a hundred million dollars, I suspect the industry isn't finding times that "hard".

Sick for Profit - Insurance CEOs

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