Moms demand guns....a new PSA featuring Dana Loesch for women who want guns to protect their family.

And here we have studies that show that guns are the most effective way to stop a rape.....
Guns Effective Defense Against Rape

A woman using a gun is less likely to be raped and more likely to not be injured during the attack....

Guns Effective Defense Against Rape

However, most recent studies with improved methodology are consistently showing that the more forceful the resistance, the lower the risk of a completed rape, with no increase in physical injury. Sarah Ullman's original research (Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1998) and critical review of past studies (Criminal Justice and Behavior, 1997) are especially valuable in solidifying this conclusion.

I wish to single out one particular subtype of physical resistance: Use of a weapon, and especially a firearm, is statistically a woman's best means of resistance, greatly enhancing her odds of escaping both rape and injury, compared to any other strategy of physical or verbal resistance. This conclusion is drawn from four types of information.

First, a 1989 study (Furby, Journal of Interpersonal Violence) found that both male and female survey respondents judged a gun to be the most effective means that a potential rape victim could use to fend off the assault. Rape "experts" considered it a close second, after eye-gouging.

Second, raw data from the 1979-1985 installments of the Justice Department's annual National Crime Victim Survey show that when a woman resists a stranger rape with a gun, the probability of completion was 0.1 percent and of victim injury 0.0 percent, compared to 31 percent and 40 percent, respectively, for all stranger rapes (Kleck, Social Problems, 1990).

Third, a recent paper (Southwick, Journal of Criminal Justice, 2000) analyzed victim resistance to violent crimes generally, with robbery, aggravated assault and rape considered together. Women who resisted with a gun were 2.5 times more likely to escape without injury than those who did not resist and 4 times more likely to escape uninjured than those who resisted with any means other than a gun. Similarly, their property losses in a robbery were reduced more than six-fold and almost three-fold, respectively, compared to the other categories of resistance strategy.

Fourth, we have two studies in the last 20 years that directly address the outcomes of women who resist attempted rape with a weapon. (Lizotte, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 1986; Kleck, Social Problems, 1990.) The former concludes,"Further, women who resist rape with a gun or knife dramatically decrease their probability of completion." (Lizotte did not analyze victim injuries apart from the rape itself.) The latter concludes that "resistance with a gun or knife is the most effective form of resistance for preventing completion of a rape"; this is accomplished "without creating any significant additional risk of other injury."

The best conclusion from available scientific data, then, is when avoidance of rape has failed and one must choose between being raped and resisting, a woman's best option is to resist with a gun in her hands.


So, again a woman's best chance for stopping the rape and ultimately surviving the situation is to use a gun.....

44% of victims under 18, can't own a gun
80% are committed by someone the victim knows, not going to use a gun for defense.
And a high percent involve drugs or alcohol so the victim can't effectively use a gun.

Want to really prevent rape?

Not interested cause it doesn't sell more guns right?
And an actual real world example of how women learning to own and carry guns lowered the rape rate..... Ownership Stops Rape/
In Orlando, Florida, in 1966 a series of brutal rapes swept the
community. Citizens reacted to the tripling in the rate of rape
over the previous year by buying handguns for self-defense; 200-300
firearms were being purchased each week from dealers, and an unknown
number more from private parties.

The newspaper there, the _Orlando
Sentinel Star_, had an anti-gun editorial stance and tried to pressure
the local police chief and city government to stop the flow of arms.
When that tactic failed, the paper decided that in the interest of
public safety, they would sponsor a gun-training seminar in conjunction
with the local police. Plans were made for a one-day training course at
a local city park.

Plans were made for an expected 400-500 women. However,
more than 2500 women arrived, and brought with them every conceivable
kind of firearm. They had to park many blocks away, and the weapons
were carried in in purses, paper bags, boxes, briefcases, holsters,
and womens' hands. One police officer present said he'd never been so
scared in his life. [It must have been quite a sight! :) ]

Swamped, the organizers hastily dismissed the women with promises for
a more thorough course with scheduled appointments. The course offered
was for three classes/week, and within 6 months, the Orlando police had
trained more than 6000 women in basic pistol marksmanship and the law
of self-defense.

The results?

In 1966 there were 36 rapes in Orlando, triple the 1965 rate. In 1967,
there were 4.

Before the training, rape rates had been increasing in
Orlando as nationwide.

5 years after the training, rape was still
below pre-training levels in Orlando, but up 308% in the surrounding
areas, 96% for Florida overall, and 64% nationally.

Also in 1967, violent assault and burglary decreased by 25% in Orlando,
in addition to the rape reductions.

In 1967, NOT A SINGLE WOMAN HAD FIRED HER WEAPON in self-defense. In
(No data are available for later years.)

The reason the program worked so spectacularly well is that it was
widely known that Orlando women had the means and training to defend
themselves from attackers. Rapists, being (somewhat) human, they are
learning engines; they took their business elsewhere--to the detriment
of the defenseless in those other locations.
Department of Justice victim studies show that overall, when rape is
attempted, the completion rate is 36%. But when a woman defends herself
with a gun, the completion rate drops to 3%.

And for 19.95 you can read Southwick's 2000 study on guns that talk about rape.....

Self-defense with guns: The consequences

This one gives the actual percentages of how rapes are stopped...guns come out on top...

That claim is ridiculous.
Orlando Rape Statistics 1966 | The Sandy Hook Project

Yes...anti gun extremists are never a good source, they lie...all the time.

Did they lose their guns by 1969? To any intelligent person the claim is ridiculous.
And here we have studies that show that guns are the most effective way to stop a rape.....
Guns Effective Defense Against Rape

A woman using a gun is less likely to be raped and more likely to not be injured during the attack....

Guns Effective Defense Against Rape

However, most recent studies with improved methodology are consistently showing that the more forceful the resistance, the lower the risk of a completed rape, with no increase in physical injury. Sarah Ullman's original research (Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1998) and critical review of past studies (Criminal Justice and Behavior, 1997) are especially valuable in solidifying this conclusion.

I wish to single out one particular subtype of physical resistance: Use of a weapon, and especially a firearm, is statistically a woman's best means of resistance, greatly enhancing her odds of escaping both rape and injury, compared to any other strategy of physical or verbal resistance. This conclusion is drawn from four types of information.

First, a 1989 study (Furby, Journal of Interpersonal Violence) found that both male and female survey respondents judged a gun to be the most effective means that a potential rape victim could use to fend off the assault. Rape "experts" considered it a close second, after eye-gouging.

Second, raw data from the 1979-1985 installments of the Justice Department's annual National Crime Victim Survey show that when a woman resists a stranger rape with a gun, the probability of completion was 0.1 percent and of victim injury 0.0 percent, compared to 31 percent and 40 percent, respectively, for all stranger rapes (Kleck, Social Problems, 1990).

Third, a recent paper (Southwick, Journal of Criminal Justice, 2000) analyzed victim resistance to violent crimes generally, with robbery, aggravated assault and rape considered together. Women who resisted with a gun were 2.5 times more likely to escape without injury than those who did not resist and 4 times more likely to escape uninjured than those who resisted with any means other than a gun. Similarly, their property losses in a robbery were reduced more than six-fold and almost three-fold, respectively, compared to the other categories of resistance strategy.

Fourth, we have two studies in the last 20 years that directly address the outcomes of women who resist attempted rape with a weapon. (Lizotte, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 1986; Kleck, Social Problems, 1990.) The former concludes,"Further, women who resist rape with a gun or knife dramatically decrease their probability of completion." (Lizotte did not analyze victim injuries apart from the rape itself.) The latter concludes that "resistance with a gun or knife is the most effective form of resistance for preventing completion of a rape"; this is accomplished "without creating any significant additional risk of other injury."

The best conclusion from available scientific data, then, is when avoidance of rape has failed and one must choose between being raped and resisting, a woman's best option is to resist with a gun in her hands.


So, again a woman's best chance for stopping the rape and ultimately surviving the situation is to use a gun.....

44% of victims under 18, can't own a gun
80% are committed by someone the victim knows, not going to use a gun for defense.
And a high percent involve drugs or alcohol so the victim can't effectively use a gun.

Want to really prevent rape?

Not interested cause it doesn't sell more guns right?

Brain...your stupidity is showing.....unarmed defense by a woman against a man who most likely will be armed with a knife or a gun is just insane. Only in hollywood is a woman equal to a man in physical are a moron.

So since some rapes can't be stopped with a gun women should be forced to rely on physical strenght alone to stop all really are a dipshit.
So, because of a few accidents, women should not be allowed a tool to defend themselves?

Should we ban cars, because they cause lethal accidents?

Doctors, because they have accidents?

(Did you know there are more deaths attributed to malpractice than guns?)

Swimming pools?

Allowed? Who said anything about not allowing anything? It simply isn't a good idea for many obviously. When your protection kills or injures a family member that isn't good. And it seems to happen very often. Far more than you hear of anyone protecting their family that is for sure.

DEATHS caused by guns are by .01% of the total of civilian owned guns in this country.

Accidental deaths are less than half that.

Til you come up with a machine that can foretell when someone is going to use a firearm in a crime, or a firearm is going to 'accidently' be used to kill someone, you are infringing on a Right of someone to own a firearm.

I was pretty clear that I wasn't saying anything about not allowing. I am not infringing on anything. But it is quite clear that for many it is a bad idea to own. Adam's Lanza's mom had guns for defense, look at the slaughter that caused.

This is why I discuss this with you brain...I always find new information...

the myths surrounding the Sandy Hook shooter...there is nothing in his background that would have kept him from getting a gun on his his mother having guns was not a factor in the shooting, he could have gotten the same guns himself...or others.....and done the same thing...

Mass Murder Myths About Sandy Hook and Adam Lanza

Lanza did not have the sort of psychiatric (or criminal) history that would have disqualified him from owning firearms, which is one reason strengthening the background check system for gun buyers makes no sense as a response to the Sandy Hook massacre.
Here is what to do if you want to prevent rape:

And nobody will get accidently shot.

I guess this woman, a trained marital artists didn't learn that program.........

Katie Pavlich - Rape Survivor: A Call Box Above My Head While I Was Being Brutally Raped Wouldn't Have Helped

Amanda Collins is a young rape survivor. While in college in 2007, she was raped 50 feet away from the campus police department office at the University of Nevada-Reno and was lucky to get out alive. Her attacker was James Biela, a serial rapist who raped two other women and murdered another.

He attacked her at gun point in a gun free zone.

At the time of the attack, Collins was in possession of a concealed weapons permit but was not in possession of her firearm due to university policies prohibiting carrying concealed weapons on campus.

She was also a second degree blackbelt at the time and walked to the parking garage with a large group of people.

So, because of a few accidents, women should not be allowed a tool to defend themselves?

Should we ban cars, because they cause lethal accidents?

Doctors, because they have accidents?

(Did you know there are more deaths attributed to malpractice than guns?)

Swimming pools?

Allowed? Who said anything about not allowing anything? It simply isn't a good idea for many obviously. When your protection kills or injures a family member that isn't good. And it seems to happen very often. Far more than you hear of anyone protecting their family that is for sure.

DEATHS caused by guns are by .01% of the total of civilian owned guns in this country.

Accidental deaths are less than half that.

Til you come up with a machine that can foretell when someone is going to use a firearm in a crime, or a firearm is going to 'accidently' be used to kill someone, you are infringing on a Right of someone to own a firearm.

I was pretty clear that I wasn't saying anything about not allowing. I am not infringing on anything. But it is quite clear that for many it is a bad idea to own. Adam's Lanza's mom had guns for defense, look at the slaughter that caused.

This is why I discuss this with you brain...I always find new information...

the myths surrounding the Sandy Hook shooter...there is nothing in his background that would have kept him from getting a gun on his his mother having guns was not a factor in the shooting, he could have gotten the same guns himself...or others.....and done the same thing...

Mass Murder Myths About Sandy Hook and Adam Lanza

Lanza did not have the sort of psychiatric (or criminal) history that would have disqualified him from owning firearms, which is one reason strengthening the background check system for gun buyers makes no sense as a response to the Sandy Hook massacre.

I remember reading somewhere that the only reason he hadn't bought a firearm, is because he would have had to wait for it to clear the waiting period.
And here we have studies that show that guns are the most effective way to stop a rape.....
Guns Effective Defense Against Rape

A woman using a gun is less likely to be raped and more likely to not be injured during the attack....

Guns Effective Defense Against Rape

However, most recent studies with improved methodology are consistently showing that the more forceful the resistance, the lower the risk of a completed rape, with no increase in physical injury. Sarah Ullman's original research (Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1998) and critical review of past studies (Criminal Justice and Behavior, 1997) are especially valuable in solidifying this conclusion.

I wish to single out one particular subtype of physical resistance: Use of a weapon, and especially a firearm, is statistically a woman's best means of resistance, greatly enhancing her odds of escaping both rape and injury, compared to any other strategy of physical or verbal resistance. This conclusion is drawn from four types of information.

First, a 1989 study (Furby, Journal of Interpersonal Violence) found that both male and female survey respondents judged a gun to be the most effective means that a potential rape victim could use to fend off the assault. Rape "experts" considered it a close second, after eye-gouging.

Second, raw data from the 1979-1985 installments of the Justice Department's annual National Crime Victim Survey show that when a woman resists a stranger rape with a gun, the probability of completion was 0.1 percent and of victim injury 0.0 percent, compared to 31 percent and 40 percent, respectively, for all stranger rapes (Kleck, Social Problems, 1990).

Third, a recent paper (Southwick, Journal of Criminal Justice, 2000) analyzed victim resistance to violent crimes generally, with robbery, aggravated assault and rape considered together. Women who resisted with a gun were 2.5 times more likely to escape without injury than those who did not resist and 4 times more likely to escape uninjured than those who resisted with any means other than a gun. Similarly, their property losses in a robbery were reduced more than six-fold and almost three-fold, respectively, compared to the other categories of resistance strategy.

Fourth, we have two studies in the last 20 years that directly address the outcomes of women who resist attempted rape with a weapon. (Lizotte, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 1986; Kleck, Social Problems, 1990.) The former concludes,"Further, women who resist rape with a gun or knife dramatically decrease their probability of completion." (Lizotte did not analyze victim injuries apart from the rape itself.) The latter concludes that "resistance with a gun or knife is the most effective form of resistance for preventing completion of a rape"; this is accomplished "without creating any significant additional risk of other injury."

The best conclusion from available scientific data, then, is when avoidance of rape has failed and one must choose between being raped and resisting, a woman's best option is to resist with a gun in her hands.


So, again a woman's best chance for stopping the rape and ultimately surviving the situation is to use a gun.....

44% of victims under 18, can't own a gun
80% are committed by someone the victim knows, not going to use a gun for defense.
And a high percent involve drugs or alcohol so the victim can't effectively use a gun.

Want to really prevent rape?

Not interested cause it doesn't sell more guns right?

Brain...your stupidity is showing.....unarmed defense by a woman against a man who most likely will be armed with a knife or a gun is just insane. Only in hollywood is a woman equal to a man in physical are a moron.

So since some rapes can't be stopped with a gun women should be forced to rely on physical strenght alone to stop all really are a dipshit.

Who is talking about forcing anything? I've shown almost none are defensable with a gun and shown how to really lower rapes.
And here we have studies that show that guns are the most effective way to stop a rape.....
Guns Effective Defense Against Rape

A woman using a gun is less likely to be raped and more likely to not be injured during the attack....

Guns Effective Defense Against Rape

However, most recent studies with improved methodology are consistently showing that the more forceful the resistance, the lower the risk of a completed rape, with no increase in physical injury. Sarah Ullman's original research (Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1998) and critical review of past studies (Criminal Justice and Behavior, 1997) are especially valuable in solidifying this conclusion.

I wish to single out one particular subtype of physical resistance: Use of a weapon, and especially a firearm, is statistically a woman's best means of resistance, greatly enhancing her odds of escaping both rape and injury, compared to any other strategy of physical or verbal resistance. This conclusion is drawn from four types of information.

First, a 1989 study (Furby, Journal of Interpersonal Violence) found that both male and female survey respondents judged a gun to be the most effective means that a potential rape victim could use to fend off the assault. Rape "experts" considered it a close second, after eye-gouging.

Second, raw data from the 1979-1985 installments of the Justice Department's annual National Crime Victim Survey show that when a woman resists a stranger rape with a gun, the probability of completion was 0.1 percent and of victim injury 0.0 percent, compared to 31 percent and 40 percent, respectively, for all stranger rapes (Kleck, Social Problems, 1990).

Third, a recent paper (Southwick, Journal of Criminal Justice, 2000) analyzed victim resistance to violent crimes generally, with robbery, aggravated assault and rape considered together. Women who resisted with a gun were 2.5 times more likely to escape without injury than those who did not resist and 4 times more likely to escape uninjured than those who resisted with any means other than a gun. Similarly, their property losses in a robbery were reduced more than six-fold and almost three-fold, respectively, compared to the other categories of resistance strategy.

Fourth, we have two studies in the last 20 years that directly address the outcomes of women who resist attempted rape with a weapon. (Lizotte, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 1986; Kleck, Social Problems, 1990.) The former concludes,"Further, women who resist rape with a gun or knife dramatically decrease their probability of completion." (Lizotte did not analyze victim injuries apart from the rape itself.) The latter concludes that "resistance with a gun or knife is the most effective form of resistance for preventing completion of a rape"; this is accomplished "without creating any significant additional risk of other injury."

The best conclusion from available scientific data, then, is when avoidance of rape has failed and one must choose between being raped and resisting, a woman's best option is to resist with a gun in her hands.


So, again a woman's best chance for stopping the rape and ultimately surviving the situation is to use a gun.....

44% of victims under 18, can't own a gun
80% are committed by someone the victim knows, not going to use a gun for defense.
And a high percent involve drugs or alcohol so the victim can't effectively use a gun.

Want to really prevent rape?

Not interested cause it doesn't sell more guns right?

Brain...your stupidity is showing.....unarmed defense by a woman against a man who most likely will be armed with a knife or a gun is just insane. Only in hollywood is a woman equal to a man in physical are a moron.

So since some rapes can't be stopped with a gun women should be forced to rely on physical strenght alone to stop all really are a dipshit.

Who is talking about forcing anything? I've shown almost none are defensable with a gun and shown how to really lower rapes.

You really are insane brain....I guess women should just lay back and learn to enjoy the experience...right?
Here is what to do if you want to prevent rape:

And nobody will get accidently shot.

I guess this woman, a trained marital artists didn't learn that program.........

Katie Pavlich - Rape Survivor: A Call Box Above My Head While I Was Being Brutally Raped Wouldn't Have Helped

Amanda Collins is a young rape survivor. While in college in 2007, she was raped 50 feet away from the campus police department office at the University of Nevada-Reno and was lucky to get out alive. Her attacker was James Biela, a serial rapist who raped two other women and murdered another.

He attacked her at gun point in a gun free zone.

At the time of the attack, Collins was in possession of a concealed weapons permit but was not in possession of her firearm due to university policies prohibiting carrying concealed weapons on campus.

She was also a second degree blackbelt at the time and walked to the parking garage with a large group of people.

No she didn't. Is that still the one example you have?
And here we have studies that show that guns are the most effective way to stop a rape.....
Guns Effective Defense Against Rape

A woman using a gun is less likely to be raped and more likely to not be injured during the attack....

Guns Effective Defense Against Rape

However, most recent studies with improved methodology are consistently showing that the more forceful the resistance, the lower the risk of a completed rape, with no increase in physical injury. Sarah Ullman's original research (Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1998) and critical review of past studies (Criminal Justice and Behavior, 1997) are especially valuable in solidifying this conclusion.

I wish to single out one particular subtype of physical resistance: Use of a weapon, and especially a firearm, is statistically a woman's best means of resistance, greatly enhancing her odds of escaping both rape and injury, compared to any other strategy of physical or verbal resistance. This conclusion is drawn from four types of information.

First, a 1989 study (Furby, Journal of Interpersonal Violence) found that both male and female survey respondents judged a gun to be the most effective means that a potential rape victim could use to fend off the assault. Rape "experts" considered it a close second, after eye-gouging.

Second, raw data from the 1979-1985 installments of the Justice Department's annual National Crime Victim Survey show that when a woman resists a stranger rape with a gun, the probability of completion was 0.1 percent and of victim injury 0.0 percent, compared to 31 percent and 40 percent, respectively, for all stranger rapes (Kleck, Social Problems, 1990).

Third, a recent paper (Southwick, Journal of Criminal Justice, 2000) analyzed victim resistance to violent crimes generally, with robbery, aggravated assault and rape considered together. Women who resisted with a gun were 2.5 times more likely to escape without injury than those who did not resist and 4 times more likely to escape uninjured than those who resisted with any means other than a gun. Similarly, their property losses in a robbery were reduced more than six-fold and almost three-fold, respectively, compared to the other categories of resistance strategy.

Fourth, we have two studies in the last 20 years that directly address the outcomes of women who resist attempted rape with a weapon. (Lizotte, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 1986; Kleck, Social Problems, 1990.) The former concludes,"Further, women who resist rape with a gun or knife dramatically decrease their probability of completion." (Lizotte did not analyze victim injuries apart from the rape itself.) The latter concludes that "resistance with a gun or knife is the most effective form of resistance for preventing completion of a rape"; this is accomplished "without creating any significant additional risk of other injury."

The best conclusion from available scientific data, then, is when avoidance of rape has failed and one must choose between being raped and resisting, a woman's best option is to resist with a gun in her hands.


So, again a woman's best chance for stopping the rape and ultimately surviving the situation is to use a gun.....

44% of victims under 18, can't own a gun
80% are committed by someone the victim knows, not going to use a gun for defense.
And a high percent involve drugs or alcohol so the victim can't effectively use a gun.

Want to really prevent rape?

Not interested cause it doesn't sell more guns right?

Brain...your stupidity is showing.....unarmed defense by a woman against a man who most likely will be armed with a knife or a gun is just insane. Only in hollywood is a woman equal to a man in physical are a moron.

So since some rapes can't be stopped with a gun women should be forced to rely on physical strenght alone to stop all really are a dipshit.

Who is talking about forcing anything? I've shown almost none are defensable with a gun and shown how to really lower rapes.

You really are insane brain....I guess women should just lay back and learn to enjoy the experience...right?

No they should take the training that actually works.
brain....I have opened up a self defense school based on the principals of self defense that you inspired me so much I am going to go on Shark Tank to get the money to start a franchise....these are the techniques you inspired me to start teaching...

How to use anti gun extremist self defense prinicipals to survive and attack against a violent criminal......

Upon being attacked by a violent sociopath intent on rape, robbery, kidnapping, torture, or murder......

1) immediately hope that the violent sociopath intent on rape, robbery, kidnapping, torture or murder is kind and compassionate

2) If technique 1) fails, immediately proceed to hoping that your violent sociopath attacker is incompetent.....

3) and if the above two devestating, anti gun extremist techniques fail to end the violent attack by a sociopath, immediately execute......Trust blind, dumb, Luck....

I hope Mr. Wonderful on Shark Tank will see the value of my new Martial Arts school franchise......
And here we have studies that show that guns are the most effective way to stop a rape.....
Guns Effective Defense Against Rape

A woman using a gun is less likely to be raped and more likely to not be injured during the attack....

Guns Effective Defense Against Rape

However, most recent studies with improved methodology are consistently showing that the more forceful the resistance, the lower the risk of a completed rape, with no increase in physical injury. Sarah Ullman's original research (Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1998) and critical review of past studies (Criminal Justice and Behavior, 1997) are especially valuable in solidifying this conclusion.

I wish to single out one particular subtype of physical resistance: Use of a weapon, and especially a firearm, is statistically a woman's best means of resistance, greatly enhancing her odds of escaping both rape and injury, compared to any other strategy of physical or verbal resistance. This conclusion is drawn from four types of information.

First, a 1989 study (Furby, Journal of Interpersonal Violence) found that both male and female survey respondents judged a gun to be the most effective means that a potential rape victim could use to fend off the assault. Rape "experts" considered it a close second, after eye-gouging.

Second, raw data from the 1979-1985 installments of the Justice Department's annual National Crime Victim Survey show that when a woman resists a stranger rape with a gun, the probability of completion was 0.1 percent and of victim injury 0.0 percent, compared to 31 percent and 40 percent, respectively, for all stranger rapes (Kleck, Social Problems, 1990).

Third, a recent paper (Southwick, Journal of Criminal Justice, 2000) analyzed victim resistance to violent crimes generally, with robbery, aggravated assault and rape considered together. Women who resisted with a gun were 2.5 times more likely to escape without injury than those who did not resist and 4 times more likely to escape uninjured than those who resisted with any means other than a gun. Similarly, their property losses in a robbery were reduced more than six-fold and almost three-fold, respectively, compared to the other categories of resistance strategy.

Fourth, we have two studies in the last 20 years that directly address the outcomes of women who resist attempted rape with a weapon. (Lizotte, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 1986; Kleck, Social Problems, 1990.) The former concludes,"Further, women who resist rape with a gun or knife dramatically decrease their probability of completion." (Lizotte did not analyze victim injuries apart from the rape itself.) The latter concludes that "resistance with a gun or knife is the most effective form of resistance for preventing completion of a rape"; this is accomplished "without creating any significant additional risk of other injury."

The best conclusion from available scientific data, then, is when avoidance of rape has failed and one must choose between being raped and resisting, a woman's best option is to resist with a gun in her hands.


So, again a woman's best chance for stopping the rape and ultimately surviving the situation is to use a gun.....

44% of victims under 18, can't own a gun
80% are committed by someone the victim knows, not going to use a gun for defense.
And a high percent involve drugs or alcohol so the victim can't effectively use a gun.

Want to really prevent rape?

Not interested cause it doesn't sell more guns right?

Brain...your stupidity is showing.....unarmed defense by a woman against a man who most likely will be armed with a knife or a gun is just insane. Only in hollywood is a woman equal to a man in physical are a moron.

So since some rapes can't be stopped with a gun women should be forced to rely on physical strenght alone to stop all really are a dipshit.

Successful self-defense by women
Here is what to do if you want to prevent rape:

And nobody will get accidently shot.

I guess this woman, a trained marital artists didn't learn that program.........

Katie Pavlich - Rape Survivor: A Call Box Above My Head While I Was Being Brutally Raped Wouldn't Have Helped

Amanda Collins is a young rape survivor. While in college in 2007, she was raped 50 feet away from the campus police department office at the University of Nevada-Reno and was lucky to get out alive. Her attacker was James Biela, a serial rapist who raped two other women and murdered another.

He attacked her at gun point in a gun free zone.

At the time of the attack, Collins was in possession of a concealed weapons permit but was not in possession of her firearm due to university policies prohibiting carrying concealed weapons on campus.

She was also a second degree blackbelt at the time and walked to the parking garage with a large group of people.

No she didn't. Is that still the one example you have?

Brain...tell the women who are raped because they did not have a gun but their attacker had a gun, a knife or physical superiority that they could have easily bested the violent sociopath using unarmed combatives....

As a former self defense instructor I am telling you, you are insane.
brain....I have opened up a self defense school based on the principals of self defense that you inspired me so much I am going to go on Shark Tank to get the money to start a franchise....these are the techniques you inspired me to start teaching...

How to use anti gun extremist self defense prinicipals to survive and attack against a violent criminal......

Upon being attacked by a violent sociopath intent on rape, robbery, kidnapping, torture, or murder......

1) immediately hope that the violent sociopath intent on rape, robbery, kidnapping, torture or murder is kind and compassionate

2) If technique 1) fails, immediately proceed to hoping that your violent sociopath attacker is incompetent.....

3) and if the above two devestating, anti gun extremist techniques fail to end the violent attack by a sociopath, immediately execute......Trust blind, dumb, Luck....

I hope Mr. Wonderful on Shark Tank will see the value of my new Martial Arts school franchise......

That's funny most those are true if armed. In almost every case the armed criminal could have shot defender but doesn't because of #1. Then when he turns his back he gets shot #2. Thanks for sharing.
And here we have studies that show that guns are the most effective way to stop a rape.....
Guns Effective Defense Against Rape

A woman using a gun is less likely to be raped and more likely to not be injured during the attack....

Guns Effective Defense Against Rape

However, most recent studies with improved methodology are consistently showing that the more forceful the resistance, the lower the risk of a completed rape, with no increase in physical injury. Sarah Ullman's original research (Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1998) and critical review of past studies (Criminal Justice and Behavior, 1997) are especially valuable in solidifying this conclusion.

I wish to single out one particular subtype of physical resistance: Use of a weapon, and especially a firearm, is statistically a woman's best means of resistance, greatly enhancing her odds of escaping both rape and injury, compared to any other strategy of physical or verbal resistance. This conclusion is drawn from four types of information.

First, a 1989 study (Furby, Journal of Interpersonal Violence) found that both male and female survey respondents judged a gun to be the most effective means that a potential rape victim could use to fend off the assault. Rape "experts" considered it a close second, after eye-gouging.

Second, raw data from the 1979-1985 installments of the Justice Department's annual National Crime Victim Survey show that when a woman resists a stranger rape with a gun, the probability of completion was 0.1 percent and of victim injury 0.0 percent, compared to 31 percent and 40 percent, respectively, for all stranger rapes (Kleck, Social Problems, 1990).

Third, a recent paper (Southwick, Journal of Criminal Justice, 2000) analyzed victim resistance to violent crimes generally, with robbery, aggravated assault and rape considered together. Women who resisted with a gun were 2.5 times more likely to escape without injury than those who did not resist and 4 times more likely to escape uninjured than those who resisted with any means other than a gun. Similarly, their property losses in a robbery were reduced more than six-fold and almost three-fold, respectively, compared to the other categories of resistance strategy.

Fourth, we have two studies in the last 20 years that directly address the outcomes of women who resist attempted rape with a weapon. (Lizotte, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 1986; Kleck, Social Problems, 1990.) The former concludes,"Further, women who resist rape with a gun or knife dramatically decrease their probability of completion." (Lizotte did not analyze victim injuries apart from the rape itself.) The latter concludes that "resistance with a gun or knife is the most effective form of resistance for preventing completion of a rape"; this is accomplished "without creating any significant additional risk of other injury."

The best conclusion from available scientific data, then, is when avoidance of rape has failed and one must choose between being raped and resisting, a woman's best option is to resist with a gun in her hands.


So, again a woman's best chance for stopping the rape and ultimately surviving the situation is to use a gun.....

44% of victims under 18, can't own a gun
80% are committed by someone the victim knows, not going to use a gun for defense.
And a high percent involve drugs or alcohol so the victim can't effectively use a gun.

Want to really prevent rape?

Not interested cause it doesn't sell more guns right?

Brain...your stupidity is showing.....unarmed defense by a woman against a man who most likely will be armed with a knife or a gun is just insane. Only in hollywood is a woman equal to a man in physical are a moron.

So since some rapes can't be stopped with a gun women should be forced to rely on physical strenght alone to stop all really are a dipshit.

Successful self-defense by women

And here we have studies that show that guns are the most effective way to stop a rape.....
Guns Effective Defense Against Rape

A woman using a gun is less likely to be raped and more likely to not be injured during the attack....

Guns Effective Defense Against Rape

However, most recent studies with improved methodology are consistently showing that the more forceful the resistance, the lower the risk of a completed rape, with no increase in physical injury. Sarah Ullman's original research (Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1998) and critical review of past studies (Criminal Justice and Behavior, 1997) are especially valuable in solidifying this conclusion.

I wish to single out one particular subtype of physical resistance: Use of a weapon, and especially a firearm, is statistically a woman's best means of resistance, greatly enhancing her odds of escaping both rape and injury, compared to any other strategy of physical or verbal resistance. This conclusion is drawn from four types of information.

First, a 1989 study (Furby, Journal of Interpersonal Violence) found that both male and female survey respondents judged a gun to be the most effective means that a potential rape victim could use to fend off the assault. Rape "experts" considered it a close second, after eye-gouging.

Second, raw data from the 1979-1985 installments of the Justice Department's annual National Crime Victim Survey show that when a woman resists a stranger rape with a gun, the probability of completion was 0.1 percent and of victim injury 0.0 percent, compared to 31 percent and 40 percent, respectively, for all stranger rapes (Kleck, Social Problems, 1990).

Third, a recent paper (Southwick, Journal of Criminal Justice, 2000) analyzed victim resistance to violent crimes generally, with robbery, aggravated assault and rape considered together. Women who resisted with a gun were 2.5 times more likely to escape without injury than those who did not resist and 4 times more likely to escape uninjured than those who resisted with any means other than a gun. Similarly, their property losses in a robbery were reduced more than six-fold and almost three-fold, respectively, compared to the other categories of resistance strategy.

Fourth, we have two studies in the last 20 years that directly address the outcomes of women who resist attempted rape with a weapon. (Lizotte, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 1986; Kleck, Social Problems, 1990.) The former concludes,"Further, women who resist rape with a gun or knife dramatically decrease their probability of completion." (Lizotte did not analyze victim injuries apart from the rape itself.) The latter concludes that "resistance with a gun or knife is the most effective form of resistance for preventing completion of a rape"; this is accomplished "without creating any significant additional risk of other injury."

The best conclusion from available scientific data, then, is when avoidance of rape has failed and one must choose between being raped and resisting, a woman's best option is to resist with a gun in her hands.


So, again a woman's best chance for stopping the rape and ultimately surviving the situation is to use a gun.....
brain....I have opened up a self defense school based on the principals of self defense that you inspired me so much I am going to go on Shark Tank to get the money to start a franchise....these are the techniques you inspired me to start teaching...

How to use anti gun extremist self defense prinicipals to survive and attack against a violent criminal......

Upon being attacked by a violent sociopath intent on rape, robbery, kidnapping, torture, or murder......

1) immediately hope that the violent sociopath intent on rape, robbery, kidnapping, torture or murder is kind and compassionate

2) If technique 1) fails, immediately proceed to hoping that your violent sociopath attacker is incompetent.....

3) and if the above two devestating, anti gun extremist techniques fail to end the violent attack by a sociopath, immediately execute......Trust blind, dumb, Luck....

I hope Mr. Wonderful on Shark Tank will see the value of my new Martial Arts school franchise......

That's funny most those are true if armed. In almost every case the armed criminal could have shot defender but doesn't because of #1. Then when he turns his back he gets shot. Thanks for sharing.

You really are stupid brain. You actually support the a joke I made as an actual survival should seek immediate are a danger to yourself....
Here is what to do if you want to prevent rape:

And nobody will get accidently shot.

I guess this woman, a trained marital artists didn't learn that program.........

Katie Pavlich - Rape Survivor: A Call Box Above My Head While I Was Being Brutally Raped Wouldn't Have Helped

Amanda Collins is a young rape survivor. While in college in 2007, she was raped 50 feet away from the campus police department office at the University of Nevada-Reno and was lucky to get out alive. Her attacker was James Biela, a serial rapist who raped two other women and murdered another.

He attacked her at gun point in a gun free zone.

At the time of the attack, Collins was in possession of a concealed weapons permit but was not in possession of her firearm due to university policies prohibiting carrying concealed weapons on campus.

She was also a second degree blackbelt at the time and walked to the parking garage with a large group of people.

No she didn't. Is that still the one example you have?

Brain...tell the women who are raped because they did not have a gun but their attacker had a gun, a knife or physical superiority that they could have easily bested the violent sociopath using unarmed combatives....

As a former self defense instructor I am telling you, you are insane.

The results speak for themselves. Far more effective than owning a gun.
brain....I have opened up a self defense school based on the principals of self defense that you inspired me so much I am going to go on Shark Tank to get the money to start a franchise....these are the techniques you inspired me to start teaching...

How to use anti gun extremist self defense prinicipals to survive and attack against a violent criminal......

Upon being attacked by a violent sociopath intent on rape, robbery, kidnapping, torture, or murder......

1) immediately hope that the violent sociopath intent on rape, robbery, kidnapping, torture or murder is kind and compassionate

2) If technique 1) fails, immediately proceed to hoping that your violent sociopath attacker is incompetent.....

3) and if the above two devestating, anti gun extremist techniques fail to end the violent attack by a sociopath, immediately execute......Trust blind, dumb, Luck....

I hope Mr. Wonderful on Shark Tank will see the value of my new Martial Arts school franchise......

That's funny most those are true if armed. In almost every case the armed criminal could have shot defender but doesn't because of #1. Then when he turns his back he gets shot. Thanks for sharing.

You really are stupid brain. You actually support the a joke I made as an actual survival should seek immediate are a danger to yourself....

Yes they are true for the armed defender.
And here we have studies that show that guns are the most effective way to stop a rape.....
Guns Effective Defense Against Rape

A woman using a gun is less likely to be raped and more likely to not be injured during the attack....

Guns Effective Defense Against Rape

However, most recent studies with improved methodology are consistently showing that the more forceful the resistance, the lower the risk of a completed rape, with no increase in physical injury. Sarah Ullman's original research (Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1998) and critical review of past studies (Criminal Justice and Behavior, 1997) are especially valuable in solidifying this conclusion.

I wish to single out one particular subtype of physical resistance: Use of a weapon, and especially a firearm, is statistically a woman's best means of resistance, greatly enhancing her odds of escaping both rape and injury, compared to any other strategy of physical or verbal resistance. This conclusion is drawn from four types of information.

First, a 1989 study (Furby, Journal of Interpersonal Violence) found that both male and female survey respondents judged a gun to be the most effective means that a potential rape victim could use to fend off the assault. Rape "experts" considered it a close second, after eye-gouging.

Second, raw data from the 1979-1985 installments of the Justice Department's annual National Crime Victim Survey show that when a woman resists a stranger rape with a gun, the probability of completion was 0.1 percent and of victim injury 0.0 percent, compared to 31 percent and 40 percent, respectively, for all stranger rapes (Kleck, Social Problems, 1990).

Third, a recent paper (Southwick, Journal of Criminal Justice, 2000) analyzed victim resistance to violent crimes generally, with robbery, aggravated assault and rape considered together. Women who resisted with a gun were 2.5 times more likely to escape without injury than those who did not resist and 4 times more likely to escape uninjured than those who resisted with any means other than a gun. Similarly, their property losses in a robbery were reduced more than six-fold and almost three-fold, respectively, compared to the other categories of resistance strategy.

Fourth, we have two studies in the last 20 years that directly address the outcomes of women who resist attempted rape with a weapon. (Lizotte, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 1986; Kleck, Social Problems, 1990.) The former concludes,"Further, women who resist rape with a gun or knife dramatically decrease their probability of completion." (Lizotte did not analyze victim injuries apart from the rape itself.) The latter concludes that "resistance with a gun or knife is the most effective form of resistance for preventing completion of a rape"; this is accomplished "without creating any significant additional risk of other injury."

The best conclusion from available scientific data, then, is when avoidance of rape has failed and one must choose between being raped and resisting, a woman's best option is to resist with a gun in her hands.


So, again a woman's best chance for stopping the rape and ultimately surviving the situation is to use a gun.....

44% of victims under 18, can't own a gun
80% are committed by someone the victim knows, not going to use a gun for defense.
And a high percent involve drugs or alcohol so the victim can't effectively use a gun.

Want to really prevent rape?

Not interested cause it doesn't sell more guns right?

Brain...your stupidity is showing.....unarmed defense by a woman against a man who most likely will be armed with a knife or a gun is just insane. Only in hollywood is a woman equal to a man in physical are a moron.

So since some rapes can't be stopped with a gun women should be forced to rely on physical strenght alone to stop all really are a dipshit.

Successful self-defense by women

I read some of those stories.....and you are insane actually think that these lucky women should be the examples for rape self defense....they were lucky...and that is all they were....
Here is what to do if you want to prevent rape:

And nobody will get accidently shot.

I guess this woman, a trained marital artists didn't learn that program.........

Katie Pavlich - Rape Survivor: A Call Box Above My Head While I Was Being Brutally Raped Wouldn't Have Helped

Amanda Collins is a young rape survivor. While in college in 2007, she was raped 50 feet away from the campus police department office at the University of Nevada-Reno and was lucky to get out alive. Her attacker was James Biela, a serial rapist who raped two other women and murdered another.

He attacked her at gun point in a gun free zone.

At the time of the attack, Collins was in possession of a concealed weapons permit but was not in possession of her firearm due to university policies prohibiting carrying concealed weapons on campus.

She was also a second degree blackbelt at the time and walked to the parking garage with a large group of people.

No she didn't. Is that still the one example you have?

Brain...tell the women who are raped because they did not have a gun but their attacker had a gun, a knife or physical superiority that they could have easily bested the violent sociopath using unarmed combatives....

As a former self defense instructor I am telling you, you are insane.

The results speak for themselves. Far more effective than owning a gun.

You are nuts.

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