Monday pro-Trump rallies a massive flop as event photos show tiny crowds

Trump supporters tend to be WORKERS not welfare bums that voted for Clinton and Sanders


I didn't think the turnout would be that large
As I said Trump supporters are WORKING plus who's to say that was taken yesterday? I wouldn't have gone to a rally for Trump yesterday we already won! Why bother?
Do Trumps never ending lies ever bother you?
Does whining like a loser ever get old for you?
He isn't attacking the legitimacy of their views, he is trying to help them get their own heads out of their asses.
Assuming their heads are in their asses is delegitmising their views.

Calling the media the enemy isn't against american values, considering that when the media takes sides there is a long history of antagonism between partisan media and the government. And our media is partisan, despite its protests and whining.
Freedom of the press is a core American value. When you declare the press the enemy, you are declaring that American value the enemy.

There are a lot of people who support much smaller government at the federal level. Support of smaller, controlled federal government is called federalism, and is one of the original political positions during this countries founding.
The problem is, those same people who say they support a smaller government, are really referring to deregulation so corporate America can reap in more profits at the expense of average Americans. Those very same people are more than willing to give the Pentagon $5 trillion to go bomb brown people. Yeah, they support small government, except when it comes to a woman's uterus. Then they want government all up in her vagina.

Yes, people are hating on trump to get their ya-ya's out, if they just opposed him politically they could easily do that without the vitriol we are seeing, towards Trump himself and his supporters.
They are opposing him politically. His own side is opposing him politically, as seen in these town halls.

Don't talk to me about "vitriol". The right takes the cake on that one. How much vitriol did the right spew at Obama?

He actually probably agrees with them politically, it's their method he is trying to critique.

Again, there is a difference between name calling with the press and suppressing it. The press used to be proudly partisan, and the government had an antagonistic relationship with press that was on the other side. Only in this century has the "we are neutral even if we aren't" mantra become the norm for mainstream media. He isn't going after the press as a whole, he is going after the partisan press, which is of course mostly progressive these days.

Wow, so many progressive talking points in one statement. Yeesh. Less regulations means more $$ for actually producing the product the company offers, less overhead, and more $$ for stockholders, which considering pensions and 401k's is a lot of people not exactly among the hoi poloi. Defense is a federally mandated sphere. and right now we are mostly bombing off-white people. And saying abortion is a problem for the States to figure out is Federalism, i.e. small FEDERAL government.

They are screaming their fool heads off, not debating, not asking actual questions, just screaming talking points trying to drown them out.

I won't talk for others, but my opposition against Obama was opposition to his policies, and progressive policies in general. I don't have to hate the guy to dislike his politics, or think he's an asshole.
No one has to hate Rump to dislike his policies or politics. His problem is that he lies constantly

99% of the screeds seen on this site, and when I look at facebook go for the easy out of personal attacks, on both Trump and his supporters. It's been like that since day 1, and from people I used to consider reasonably sane. They post things from Occupy democrats, and worst, most base forms of copypasta.

Yes, people lost their shit with Obama, but is was mostly fringe people, now you have what used to be considered mainstream progressives turning into frothing idiots.
Can you understand that all Trump does is lie about almost everything? Is that what you want in a President. He has a big mouth and has no idea what he is doing
The only people who don't like Trump are cucks,dumbocrats and the media. He is doing EXACTLY what he said he was going to do! Trump defeated the cucks running for president handily,we the people shut down the dumbocrats candidate on November 8th and the media well they are falling faster than someone hit by Mike Tyson. :) WE the people trust Trump more than the lying media. I blocked CNN from my tv and about the only news I watch is Fox news and sometimes MSNBC if I want to see a real meltdown reaction!
President Donald Trump last week called on his supporters to hold massive rallies on his behalf, and on Monday some of them did their best to meet his demands
However, although Trump predicted that pro-Trump rallies would be the “biggest of them all,” photos from around the country show sparsely attended events that at most show a couple hundred people in a given location.

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Toronto Star reporter Daniel Dale posted some photos that he’s seen around Twitter that show tiny crowds at assorted Trump rallies. Dale notes that pro-Trump news website Breitbart predicted the events would be “massive.
Um... we already voted. We also have jobs.
No one wants to go out and support rump at a rally? Deep down they know he is a failure
Again, we work for a living. No time for pussy hats and such nonsense.
All of us work for a living, but to take a few hours off to support your president, should not be a big deal
We already won. Clearly, you were on the short bus. His Florida rally was well attended.
Yes Rump is the (P)resident, but when you lose an election by 3 million votes, is that really winning.
Trump supporters tend to be WORKERS not welfare bums that voted for Clinton and Sanders


I didn't think the turnout would be that large
As I said Trump supporters are WORKING plus who's to say that was taken yesterday? I wouldn't have gone to a rally for Trump yesterday we already won! Why bother?
Do Trumps never ending lies ever bother you?
What lie? Come on lets go chop chop.
He isn't attacking the legitimacy of their views, he is trying to help them get their own heads out of their asses.
Assuming their heads are in their asses is delegitmising their views.

Calling the media the enemy isn't against american values, considering that when the media takes sides there is a long history of antagonism between partisan media and the government. And our media is partisan, despite its protests and whining.
Freedom of the press is a core American value. When you declare the press the enemy, you are declaring that American value the enemy.

There are a lot of people who support much smaller government at the federal level. Support of smaller, controlled federal government is called federalism, and is one of the original political positions during this countries founding.
The problem is, those same people who say they support a smaller government, are really referring to deregulation so corporate America can reap in more profits at the expense of average Americans. Those very same people are more than willing to give the Pentagon $5 trillion to go bomb brown people. Yeah, they support small government, except when it comes to a woman's uterus. Then they want government all up in her vagina.

Yes, people are hating on trump to get their ya-ya's out, if they just opposed him politically they could easily do that without the vitriol we are seeing, towards Trump himself and his supporters.
They are opposing him politically. His own side is opposing him politically, as seen in these town halls.

Don't talk to me about "vitriol". The right takes the cake on that one. How much vitriol did the right spew at Obama?

He actually probably agrees with them politically, it's their method he is trying to critique.

Again, there is a difference between name calling with the press and suppressing it. The press used to be proudly partisan, and the government had an antagonistic relationship with press that was on the other side. Only in this century has the "we are neutral even if we aren't" mantra become the norm for mainstream media. He isn't going after the press as a whole, he is going after the partisan press, which is of course mostly progressive these days.

Wow, so many progressive talking points in one statement. Yeesh. Less regulations means more $$ for actually producing the product the company offers, less overhead, and more $$ for stockholders, which considering pensions and 401k's is a lot of people not exactly among the hoi poloi. Defense is a federally mandated sphere. and right now we are mostly bombing off-white people. And saying abortion is a problem for the States to figure out is Federalism, i.e. small FEDERAL government.

They are screaming their fool heads off, not debating, not asking actual questions, just screaming talking points trying to drown them out.

I won't talk for others, but my opposition against Obama was opposition to his policies, and progressive policies in general. I don't have to hate the guy to dislike his politics, or think he's an asshole.
No one has to hate Rump to dislike his policies or politics. His problem is that he lies constantly

99% of the screeds seen on this site, and when I look at facebook go for the easy out of personal attacks, on both Trump and his supporters. It's been like that since day 1, and from people I used to consider reasonably sane. They post things from Occupy democrats, and worst, most base forms of copypasta.

Yes, people lost their shit with Obama, but is was mostly fringe people, now you have what used to be considered mainstream progressives turning into frothing idiots.
Can you understand that all Trump does is lie about almost everything? Is that what you want in a President. He has a big mouth and has no idea what he is doing
Hypocrisy is at a peak right now. Trump derangement syndrome.
Trump supporters tend to be WORKERS not welfare bums that voted for Clinton and Sanders


I didn't think the turnout would be that large
As I said Trump supporters are WORKING plus who's to say that was taken yesterday? I wouldn't have gone to a rally for Trump yesterday we already won! Why bother?
Do Trumps never ending lies ever bother you?
Does whining like a loser ever get old for you?
Facts like science are indisputable, nothing will ever change them
Trump supporters tend to be WORKERS not welfare bums that voted for Clinton and Sanders


I didn't think the turnout would be that large
As I said Trump supporters are WORKING plus who's to say that was taken yesterday? I wouldn't have gone to a rally for Trump yesterday we already won! Why bother?
Do Trumps never ending lies ever bother you?
What lie? Come on lets go chop chop.
Yesterday I posted a list of 100 rump lies, just in his first 30 days in office. Go look them up. But, I must say if you are questioning whether or not Rump lies at this point, you need some serious help
Um... we already voted. We also have jobs.
No one wants to go out and support rump at a rally? Deep down they know he is a failure
Again, we work for a living. No time for pussy hats and such nonsense.
All of us work for a living, but to take a few hours off to support your president, should not be a big deal
We already won. Clearly, you were on the short bus. His Florida rally was well attended.
Yes Rump is the (P)resident, but when you lose an election by 3 million votes, is that really winning.
California isn't the only state that gets to decide the president so yep! Plus mexifornia wants to leave the USA so guess they aren't really American anymore :) OH and and on top of the illegals voting.
I didn't think the turnout would be that large
As I said Trump supporters are WORKING plus who's to say that was taken yesterday? I wouldn't have gone to a rally for Trump yesterday we already won! Why bother?
Do Trumps never ending lies ever bother you?
What lie? Come on lets go chop chop.
Yesterday I posted a list of 100 rump lies, just in his first 30 days in office. Go look them up. But, I must say if you are questioning whether or not Rump lies at this point, you need some serious help
I'll pass since you can't even name ONE supposed lie PRESIDENT Trump has told.
No one wants to go out and support rump at a rally? Deep down they know he is a failure
Again, we work for a living. No time for pussy hats and such nonsense.
All of us work for a living, but to take a few hours off to support your president, should not be a big deal
We already won. Clearly, you were on the short bus. His Florida rally was well attended.
Yes Rump is the (P)resident, but when you lose an election by 3 million votes, is that really winning.
California isn't the only state that gets to decide the president so yep! Plus mexifornia wants to leave the USA so guess they aren't really American anymore :) OH and and on top of the illegals voting.
Back to the illegals voting Homer? Why is it that neither you nor Rump can prove this lie????
Trump supporters tend to be WORKERS not welfare bums that voted for Clinton and Sanders
Trump supporters are old, fat, dumbass white people.

This day of the pro-Trump protest movement shows how little support he has from the majority of the nation. Just look at the town hall protests this past month and realize, that's just the right half of the political country.
nice profiling effort. Wrong, but nice effort. for a group who denies profiling for a living. too
I didn't think the turnout would be that large
As I said Trump supporters are WORKING plus who's to say that was taken yesterday? I wouldn't have gone to a rally for Trump yesterday we already won! Why bother?
Do Trumps never ending lies ever bother you?
What lie? Come on lets go chop chop.
Yesterday I posted a list of 100 rump lies, just in his first 30 days in office. Go look them up. But, I must say if you are questioning whether or not Rump lies at this point, you need some serious help
I'll pass since you can't even name ONE supposed lie PRESIDENT Trump has told.
As I said, Homer, the list is there, but you are too stupid to read.
Heres one that wasn't there. Remember when he told us that he was so rich that he would fund his entire campaign himself? Then he would not be beholden to special interest groups.
President Donald Trump last week called on his supporters to hold massive rallies on his behalf, and on Monday some of them did their best to meet his demands
However, although Trump predicted that pro-Trump rallies would be the “biggest of them all,” photos from around the country show sparsely attended events that at most show a couple hundred people in a given location.

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Toronto Star reporter Daniel Dale posted some photos that he’s seen around Twitter that show tiny crowds at assorted Trump rallies. Dale notes that pro-Trump news website Breitbart predicted the events would be “massive.
How embarrassing.
I didn't think the turnout would be that large
As I said Trump supporters are WORKING plus who's to say that was taken yesterday? I wouldn't have gone to a rally for Trump yesterday we already won! Why bother?
Do Trumps never ending lies ever bother you?
Does whining like a loser ever get old for you?
Facts like science are indisputable, nothing will ever change them
So you must believe in only 2 genders right? Science is facts after all.
As I said Trump supporters are WORKING plus who's to say that was taken yesterday? I wouldn't have gone to a rally for Trump yesterday we already won! Why bother?
Do Trumps never ending lies ever bother you?
What lie? Come on lets go chop chop.
Yesterday I posted a list of 100 rump lies, just in his first 30 days in office. Go look them up. But, I must say if you are questioning whether or not Rump lies at this point, you need some serious help
I'll pass since you can't even name ONE supposed lie PRESIDENT Trump has told.
As I said, Homer, the list is there, but you are too stupid to read.
Heres one that wasn't there. Remember when he told us that he was so rich that he would fund his entire campaign himself? Then he would not be beholden to special interest groups.

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