Monday's trump news conference canceled

I do I went to a secret security conference last year. All were pro trump, we didn’t straw poll

Yeah, I'm sure you did.

Unlike you, I do know quite a number of US Navy SEALs. And not a one of them thinks an armed civil war is a good idea. In fact, several have spoken out about helping put it down.
Yeah, I'm sure you did.

Unlike you, I do know quite a number of US Navy SEALs. And not a one of them thinks an armed civil war is a good idea. In fact, several have spoken out about helping put it down.
I bet you coward ass had some interesting questions lol
This is just a theory.

What if red states provide Trump sanctuary, from political prosecution, using the guard and other militia? And when the FBI comes in they get destroyed.. what happens next? Heheh
What red state do you suppose would be stupid enough to try that?
You think democrats will cut off funding? Hmm i don’t know about that.. and what heat do you think they have that boy in the back woods of Tennessee don’t have?

I don't think any red state will defy the federal gov't to protect a convicted felon.
Don't let this guy get to you. He makes up all sorts of shit, from his career with Blackwater to owning a kennel full of Russian Caucasian Shepherds.
His mind is confused from all the homoerotic fantasies he has about Donald Trump. And God knows it too. Overall, the MAGA Don is a big disappointment to Jesus

"Former President Donald Trump now says he won't be holding a news conference next week to unveil what he claims is new "evidence" of fraud in Georgia's 2020 presidential election — even though no fraud has ever been substantiated — citing the advice of lawyers as he prepares to face trial in two criminal cases that stem from his election lies. Trump had announced that he would be holding the event hours after a Georgia grand jury voted to charge him and others late Monday - He had said he would use the "major News Conference" at his Bedminster, New Jersey, golf club Monday morning to release what he claimed was an "almost complete" report that would exonerate him.

Advisers have long urged the former president to spend less time airing his grievances about the 2020 election as he runs for reelection and more time focused on his plans for the future - While such rhetoric animates his loyal base, it alienates more moderate and independent voters and is also often criticized in interviews by longtime Trump supporters, who say they feel it's time to move on."

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Not only was Trump supposed to reveal his report that would totally exonerate him and expose the Deep State; he was also planning to report back to us what his private investigators found when they went to Hawaii to look for Obama's birth certificate - what they actually found out was that Obama and Oprah were the ones behind the Maui fire; killing perhaps 1000's of innocent people. Trump deciding to cancel all of this made me think, did the Deep State threaten his family? Then I remembered, Trump plays 8D Chess, and this was his plan all along.

In fact, this is a brilliant move by Trump as he totally outsmarts the Deep State libs again. He totally owned them by announcing Monday's event because he knew DA Fani Willis would be totally triggered once he reveals the proof that he is innocent and Fani is the one who committed crimes such as being a racist prosecutor as well as refusing to prosecute thugs in exchange for sex orgies; as well as her connections to child sex trafficking with China and Venezuela.

Also, it makes perfect sense to not tip your head and show the opposition your evidence before the trial, the best place to present this evidence is in court. So the only ones upset and calling Trump a liar for canceling this event, are people who never supported Trump anyway. True Trump supporters know not to ever question a man who has the power and wisdom of God's anointed.

It makes perfect sense to not promise a press conference if you're not going to deliver the goods.

An idiot, on the hand, will make grand promises and announce press conferences.....and then slink away with his tail between his legs, giving sniveling excuses as he flees.

Hell, I'm still waiting for Trump to release the 'findings' of his 'investigators' in Hawaii regarding Obama's birth certificate.

I won't hold my breath.
The proper place for this information is before the court. Not publicly where the politically motivated has time to phony up rebuttals.

How could there be rebuttals? Trump promised it was irrefutable.

Laughing.....unless he was lying his ass off.
trump is so full of shit, his eyes are turning brown. He is one sick piece of shit.

Judges need to shut his threats and intimidation down before he causes someone to get killed.
Trump weaponizes the weak-minded. There's a woman in Texas who has just been arrested for making death threats against one of the judges on Trump's case.

That's why he rants the way he does. He is counting on the weak-minded to go wild. Like they did on January 6. And like DePape did.
While the reasoning makes sense, couldnt he do both?

There's absolutely no reason why not. Evidence doesn't stop being evidence because its been released to the public.

If its evidence of fraud in the press conference, it can be evidence of fraud in court filings. Also, if Trump had evidence proving voter fraud, why wait 2 and half years? None of this makes the slightest sense.

Though Trump lies constantly about what he's going to file. He insisted that they would 'immediately' file to have a judge recused. That was 10 days ago.

Trump also lies about the evidence he's collected of his sundry he did when promising to release what his 'investigators' found in Hawaii about Obama's birth certificate.

But the MAGA rubes are running on desperation. They'll cling to any bullshit, at this point.
Imagine how it must feel to the MAGAs. It must be so confusing to them that Trump doesn't exonerate himself and have that skank Willis arrested on the spot.
There's a reason most MAGA Trump humpers are country bumpkins. They are fertile ground for a slick New York City grifter.
Trump weaponizes the weak-minded. There's a woman in Texas who has just been arrested for making death threats against one of the judges on Trump's case.

That's why he rants the way he does. He is counting on the weak-minded to go wild. Like they did on January 6. And like DePape did.
Trump is evil

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