Monday's trump news conference canceled

PRA act legally allows FPOTUS access to their records, and can allow anyone he wants to view his records, they are called agents.

Rico is saying trump knew he lost.. how he was thinking must be proved..
it’s prosecutorial misconduct.
Trump knows he won.. having a conversation with someone isn’t proof he knew he lost, he had many different conversations..

What else you got you traitor?

Your legal skills are sadly lacking, punk. But that is not a surprise.
Whatever the evidence is, a premature release would let the enemy defense to parse every word, reimagine every sentence and construct a plausible response. They would go over whatever Trump said examining every intonation for additional charges. The recording would be manipulated until the enemies could release the Trump statement of whatever democrats wished he would have said.
Whatever the evidence is, a premature release would let the enemy defense to parse every word, reimagine every sentence and construct a plausible response. They would go over whatever Trump said examining every intonation for additional charges. The recording would be manipulated until the enemies could release the Trump statement of whatever democrats wished he would have said.

The 'enemy defense'? There's no such thing in this case.

Worse for your absurd argument, Trump will have to turn over all the 'evidence' he wants to use in trial before the trial. So everyone will have the 'evidence' with months to spare.

You're polishing a turd. Trump talked big....and then gave chickenshit excuses for why he couldn't back up his claims. It was stupid of him to boast about his 'report', it was stupid of him to promise a Monday press conference. And it was stupid of him to put himself in a situation where he had to humiliate himself by backing down publicly.
The 'enemy defense'? There's no such thing in this case.

Worse for your absurd argument, Trump will have to turn over all the 'evidence' he wants to use in trial before the trial. So everyone will have the 'evidence' with months to spare.

You're polishing a turd. Trump talked big....and then gave chickenshit excuses for why he couldn't back up his claims. It was stupid of him to boast about his 'report', it was stupid of him to promise a Monday press conference. And it was stupid of him to put himself in a situation where he had to humiliate himself by backing down publicly.
Democrats are the enemy. They can not be trusted. You have never prepared for a trial.
Democrats are the enemy. They can not be trusted. You have never prepared for a trial.

Dude, listen to what Trump has actually said. He's already admitted he will submit the 'evidence' in court filings.

There is no 'secret evidence' in a trial.
Discovery means that everyone shows everyone everything. There's a deadline for the submission of evidence. Refusing to release the 'report' to the public doesn't keep it prosecution from eventually seeing it.

Trump was just stupid. Stupid for promising it. Stupid for saying he'd release it. And stupid for putting himself in a situation where he had to humiliate himself by backing down.

And again, Trump has a history of LYING about imaginary evidence and non-existent investigations. As demonstrated elegantly by his grand proclamations about what his 'investigators' were finding in Hawaii about Obama's birth certificates.

There were no investigators. There was no evidence. Trump made all that shit up.
Dude, listen to what Trump has actually said. He's already admitted he will submit the 'evidence' in court filings.

There is no 'secret evidence' in a trial.
Discovery means that everyone shows everyone everything. There's a deadline for the submission of evidence. Refusing to release the 'report' to the public doesn't keep it prosecution from eventually seeing it.

Trump was just stupid. Stupid for promising it. Stupid for saying he'd release it. And stupid for putting himself in a situation where he had to humiliate himself by backing down.

And again, Trump has a history of LYING about imaginary evidence and non-existent investigations. As demonstrated elegantly by his grand proclamations about what his 'investigators' were finding in Hawaii about Obama's birth certificates.

There were no investigators. There was no evidence. Trump made all that shit up.
Non existent investigations by the FBI. MI. proved the FBI buried the fraud case turned over to them by the MI. State Police about two weeks before the election. That is a fact.
Non existent investigations by the FBI. MI. proved the FBI buried the fraud case turned over to them by the MI. State Police about two weeks before the election. That is a fact.

What fraud, Last?

Its been years. And Trump is only going to release his 'report' now? If he had this evidence, why not release it earlier this year? Or last year? Or submit it with any of his universally failed Big Lie court cases?

No one was shocked when Trump gave yet another snivelling excuse for why he couldn't back up his own dipshit conspiracy.

Not even MAGA. Not even you.
PRA act legally allows FPOTUS access to their records, and can allow anyone he wants to view his records, they are called agents

NO, the Rapist and Traitor has already admitted that while could have declassified the documents at Shit-A-Lago, he did not and he also admits that after leaving he DID NOT HAVE THE POWER TO DECLASSIFIY A SINGLE GOOD GODDAMN THING.

Further, the his current shysters have asked permission to a temporary Sensative Compartmented Information Facility (S.C.I.F.) which means there was no S.C.I.F. at Shit-A-Lago when the Classified Material was there. Which also means he knew that the Classified Material was NOT being properly stored, which is why the Racist and Traitor is now indicted on 31-Counts of Violating the Espionage Act 1917.

You are one helluva fucking bad liar.
Yeah it all hinges on what he was thinking lol you don’t even know how Rico works in this case
Hell no it doesn't. Explain to me, if you can, why it should matter what Trump was thinking. Does it matter what a burglar was thinking when he broke into a house? Nobody gives a shit.
NO, the Rapist and Traitor has already admitted that while could have declassified the documents at Shit-A-Lago, he did not and he also admits that after leaving he DID NOT HAVE THE POWER TO DECLASSIFIY A SINGLE GOOD GODDAMN THING.

Further, the his current shysters have asked permission to a temporary Sensative Compartmented Information Facility (S.C.I.F.) which means there was no S.C.I.F. at Shit-A-Lago when the Classified Material was there. Which also means he knew that the Classified Material was NOT being properly stored, which is why the Racist and Traitor is now indicted on 31-Counts of Violating the Espionage Act 1917.

You are one helluva fucking bad liar.
FPOTUS don’t need a scif read the PRA loser lol
Hell no it doesn't. Explain to me, if you can, why it should matter what Trump was thinking. Does it matter what a burglar was thinking when he broke into a house? Nobody gives a shit.
You don’t even know what he’s being charged with lol .. you ready to lose again? Lol
Yeah it all hinges on what he was thinking lol you don’t even know how Rico works in this case

RICO means the Rapist and Trait5-or is facing 5-Years on each count, and in Georgia the Governor has no power of to Pardon, which means the Rapist and Traitor is facing a minimum
65-Years in the Georiga State Prison (13 RICO Counts - 5-Years Minimum on each charge).
RICO means the Rapist and Trait5-or is facing 5-Years on each count, and in Georgia the Governor has no power of to Pardon, which means the Rapist and Traitor is facing a minimum
65-Years in the Georiga State Prison (13 RICO Counts - 5-Years Minimum on each charge).
He’s your next president,, there is nothing you can do about it.. Fani the gangbanger will be in jail before trump lol

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