Morality of Wealth Redistribution

So you actually think that when American consumers spend less to buy the same thing, that harms us? LOL, sure it does.

So when you were planning to buy a toaster for $50, and wow, you got one for $30, you take the $20 out of your wallet and set it on fire?

no fire, you buy more stuff increasingly made in China /India causing even more job loss
no idea what that means

Then why did you only copy half the sentence? The other half said why. What about that did you not understand? US companies are competing with foreign companies that outsource. Seriously, you don't know what that means? If they can reduce costs and we can't, what happens to their sales?

It's hard to debate someone in hysterical fear. But as a business leader, MBA career manager and management consultant, I can tell you we not only do fine in open markets, we kick ass. We don't need or want your help. Pass.
. Offshoring IT isn't just negative jobs, it changes jobs. And typically the higher paying ones are here. And there are more of them.
I'm afraid most agree that the jobs are at Walmart and Seven Eleven and are low paid. This is why wages are going down not up!
no fire, you buy more stuff increasingly made in China /India causing even more job loss

Buying more stuff with the same amount of money costs "more" jobs? LOL, that's clueless. That's what fear does to you. We are the greatest country in the world because we were not consumed in fear like you. Unfortunately, Democrats are packaging fear very effectively. The irony is in trying to save us, you are destroying us.
I'm afraid most agree that the jobs are at Walmart and Seven Eleven and are low paid. This is why wages are going down not up!

That is such a narrow slice of the economy. You know what, Obama, Harry and Nancy are right, you just go ahead and believe them with my blessing. You are going to anyway. We can't win, we're losers, we're lazy and we need government to protect us. Just go with that. You're not processing anything I am telling you.
no of course not, why not try to put the connection into words??

Sure, you've processed them so well so far. It's a global economy. Our companies aren't operating in a vacuum. American business leaders have it covered, we are the best in the world. It is trying to "protect" us that is constantly harming us. Stop helping, please....
its not narrow that's why wages are going down in the USA not up!! Guess where wages are going up? Thats correct, in China and India which are growing at 10% a year.

Wages are going down because walmart sells stuff cheaper, got it. LOL, it's sad, we need to teach economics in high school.
American business leaders have it covered, we are the best in the world..

you wish American business leaders were the best in the world and perhaps they are but even they can't compete with the newly on stream natural resources of China and India which explains why unemployment is up here and wages are down..
yoou wish American business leaders were the best in the world and perhaps they are but even they can't compete with the natural resources of China and India which explains why unemployment is up here and wages are down..

No, we don't "compete" with it, we leverage it. It's a global economy, you're still living in the 1930s.
if we leverage it successfully why are wages down and employment up?

You are why, and the more you get your way, the more it happens. Our government is doing everything it can to suck up to those consumed in fear and greed, you know you, and harming business. And the more it works, the more they blame us and the more you empower them as you become all the more wrapped in fear.

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