More Antics From Your Innocent Palestinians

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
Palestinian "civilians" kidnapped and SOLD Jewish slaves.

Yeah, the brown people so loved by the left are still kidnapping people to sell for profit..

The citizens of the West has been influenced by foreign powers. Such disgusting, horrible, crimes are not surprising but .probaly won't be called out by the U.N. Think about the powerful people in the West who weere friends with Epstein, now consider what some other nations powerful people engage in.
One must wonder why nobody in our societies is demonstrating for Hamas to lay down its arms. If they did so, the killing would end immediately. No, they demonstrate for the IDF to lay down its arms.

Are they liars or fools?
Hasbara management getting desperate now things are going so badly .

Naughty Annie for trying to spread more mucky Fake News .
Did you demand extra money or will you do just about anything to feed your Racist obsessions ?

How long have you been a paid Troll , Annie ?
Have you always wanted to be a Nazi?

Come out of the Closet , Annie
How long before we dare ask the previously unaskable questions :-
Were there nearly as many hostages as claimed ?
Were there any?
The smartest guy that I am aware of in the world doubted there were any from Day One . Another time for that avenue .
But that seeming crazy idea depends on whom you believe was at the top end of the False Flag and the key point if it .
It is certain that an easily definable number of the hostages who returned are Fakes and crisis actors .

An interesting area but not for Normies , Sheeple or extremists deputed to spread absurd Fake News and create Noise .-- the Raspberries , Annies and Pasta Jellies of this world

What is the fault of this family?
Answer: They were born Jewish

The Israeli terrorists have been sent back to their Mums by the Freedom Fighters .
It was all too much for them and evil Nutty Yahoo withdrew five brigades from Gaza because they were so tired and had sustained huge losses .

The self appointed ones are now the Detested Ones
across the world , and here the Forum Outcasts are humiliated and an embarrassment .
The world has had enough of these Hasbara concocted Fake stories spead by Trolls and junior terrorist trainees
OUT , Forum Outcasts .


January 8, 2024, at 6:53 AM:

...against insane [sic] Judaism...




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Knesset Deputy Speaker Nassim Vaturi: There are no innocents in the Gaza Strip, so it must be burned down along with all the residents. I have no mercy for those who are still there.
The Zionists in their inhumanity are becoming more and more reminiscent of the Third Reich!

Is Qatar, that built Hamas’s Empire of Terrorism, an honest broker?​

by Bassam Tawil • January 11, 2024 at 5:00 am

  • If the ruler of Qatar really wanted to end the hostage saga, all he has to do is issue an ultimatum to Hamas that if the hostages are not released within, say, 48 hours, he will expel all the Hamas leaders who are still in Qatar and stop funding and providing political support to the group. Arab dictators are not known to be merciful toward those who defy them.
  • Apparently, Qatar does not feel that it is under any pressure from the Biden administration to end the ordeal of the hostages.
  • If Hamas released the hostages and laid down its weapons, the war would end tomorrow. However, with Biden and Blinken handling both Iran and Hamas's patrons in Qatar with kid gloves, Doha and Tehran have no reason whatever to stop it.
Knesset Deputy Speaker Nassim Vaturi: There are no innocents in the Gaza Strip, so it must be burned down along with all the residents. I have no mercy for those who are still there.
The Zionists in their inhumanity are becoming more and more reminiscent of the Third Reich!
I think a junior Nazi is here among us --- Pasta Jelly, the junior Trill Troll trainee for the Hasbara mob who specialise in Fake News .
He loves his Fake News . Gets all of his pocket money from it

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