More bad news for Democrats. NK begins returning remains of GI's as agreed upon with Trump.

They sent some bones, the money and time to DNA the bones will show they are not bones that the families are looking for as it is they have piles of bones to do DNA tests on . LOL

This post really really makes me wish for neg rep back.

Wait! I found some.

I read this at DM and cheered like crazy. I really pray the families now can have peace of mind, knowing their loved ones have come home and are going into the earth on American soil. Wow just wow and a big AMEN!

How will the US identify the remains of the troops handed over by North Korea?

Do you think the Don is the only one who got a box of bones back think again, and by the way it was suppose to be 200 bones of 200 Americans.

We bombed NK and then bombed what we bombed. There was nothing left.
North Korea hands over remains of Korean War soldiers to U.S.
The U.N. Command said Friday that the 55 cases of war remains retrieved from North Korea would be honored at a ceremony next Wednesday at a base in South Korea.

NK continues to make good on the promise to Trump to return American GI remains.

For weeks the left has gone on and on about this issue. This morning I searched the forum and saw what I expected, not a peep about this news.

Really and you think the US bones were found and kept in a separate bin somewhere:

During the course of the three-year war, which both sides accuse one another of provoking, the U.S. dropped 635,000 tons of explosives on North Korea, including 32,557 tons of napalm, an incendiary liquid that can clear forested areas and cause devastating burns to human skin. (In contrast, the U.S. used 503,000 tons of bombs during the entire Pacific theater of World War II, according to a 2009 study by The Asia-Pacific Journal.) In a 1984 interview, Air Force General Curtis LeMay, head of the Strategic Air Command during the Korean War, claimed U.S. bombs “killed off 20 percent of the population” and “targeted everything that moved in North Korea.” These acts, largely ignored by the U.S. collective memory, have deeply contributed to Pyongyang’s contempt for the U.S. and especially its ongoing military presence on the Korean Peninsula.

“Most Americans are completely unaware that we destroyed more cities in the North than we did in Japan or Germany during World War II.... Every North Korean knows about this, it’s drilled into their minds. We never hear about it,” historian and author Bruce Cumings told Newsweek by email Monday.

This is why North Korea hates the U.S.

see they don't forget like we never forget Pearl Harbor.
North Korea hands over remains of Korean War soldiers to U.S.
The U.N. Command said Friday that the 55 cases of war remains retrieved from North Korea would be honored at a ceremony next Wednesday at a base in South Korea.

NK continues to make good on the promise to Trump to return American GI remains.

For weeks the left has gone on and on about this issue. This morning I searched the forum and saw what I expected, not a peep about this news.
Hopefully they do DNA tests.

Beside, didn't Trump say they were already here?

What's up with that? You mean he lied? Again?
North Korea hands over remains of Korean War soldiers to U.S.
The U.N. Command said Friday that the 55 cases of war remains retrieved from North Korea would be honored at a ceremony next Wednesday at a base in South Korea.

NK continues to make good on the promise to Trump to return American GI remains.

For weeks the left has gone on and on about this issue. This morning I searched the forum and saw what I expected, not a peep about this news.
Hopefully they do DNA tests.

Beside, didn't Trump say they were already here?

What's up with that? You mean he lied? Again?
Post a quote of Trump claiming all 7k remains have been returned.


Just admit you are a lying retarded hack.
They sent some bones, the money and time to DNA the bones will show they are not bones that the families are looking for as it is they have piles of bones to do DNA tests on . LOL

penny, dear. Reread your post. You assert that
families of dead USA soldiers "have piles of bones to do DNA tests on..." Do you have a fever?. Your assertion that YOU somehow know that the "remains" of the dead are not genuine is kinda
nauseating and even comical in a perverse way
They sent some bones, the money and time to DNA the bones will show they are not bones that the families are looking for as it is they have piles of bones to do DNA tests on . LOL

penny, dear. Reread your post. You assert that
families of dead USA soldiers "have piles of bones to do DNA tests on..." Do you have a fever?. Your assertion that YOU somehow know that the "remains" of the dead are not genuine is kinda
nauseating and even comical in a perverse way

I think you get my drift.
North Korea hands over remains of Korean War soldiers to U.S.
The U.N. Command said Friday that the 55 cases of war remains retrieved from North Korea would be honored at a ceremony next Wednesday at a base in South Korea.

NK continues to make good on the promise to Trump to return American GI remains.

For weeks the left has gone on and on about this issue. This morning I searched the forum and saw what I expected, not a peep about this news.
Why is that bad news?
North Korea hands over remains of Korean War soldiers to U.S.
The U.N. Command said Friday that the 55 cases of war remains retrieved from North Korea would be honored at a ceremony next Wednesday at a base in South Korea.

NK continues to make good on the promise to Trump to return American GI remains.

For weeks the left has gone on and on about this issue. This morning I searched the forum and saw what I expected, not a peep about this news.

What exactly makes this bad news for democrats? Please explain why.
Losing a talking point with which to beat Trump supporters over the head with is catastrophic. Your pool of "he failed" excuses is shrinking.
So, returning remains is a political point to you. Nothing more?
Bad times for Libtards.

Trump's quarterly growth rate north of 4%.

Our heroes being returned home.

Black unemployment at all time low.

Europeans caving into Trump's "Art of the Deal" on tariffs.

Blue wave evaporating.

Trump's approval rate up.

Lower taxes.

It must really suck to be a Moon Bat nowadays with all this MAGA going on and the only thing that they have is Wussia, Wussia Wussia.
They sent some bones, the money and time to DNA the bones will show they are not bones that the families are looking for as it is they have piles of bones to do DNA tests on . LOL

penny, dear. Reread your post. You assert that
families of dead USA soldiers "have piles of bones to do DNA tests on..." Do you have a fever?. Your assertion that YOU somehow know that the "remains" of the dead are not genuine is kinda
nauseating and even comical in a perverse way

I think you get my drift.

I get that your mind is adrift. As to DNA testing
---do you actually imagine that "EVERY BONE"
would have to be tested to establish identity?
Are you still claiming to be a health care worker?
North Korea hands over remains of Korean War soldiers to U.S.
The U.N. Command said Friday that the 55 cases of war remains retrieved from North Korea would be honored at a ceremony next Wednesday at a base in South Korea.

NK continues to make good on the promise to Trump to return American GI remains.

For weeks the left has gone on and on about this issue. This morning I searched the forum and saw what I expected, not a peep about this news.
They’ve done so many times over the years. And our President’s during those times didn’t even have to praise and legitamize a murderous tyrant to get it done.
Your president kissed Castro’s ass and Putin’s ass too. Nice try!

Don't forget the Muslim Brotherhood asses, the Iranian leaders asses, and Osama bin Laden's ass.
North Korea hands over remains of Korean War soldiers to U.S.
The U.N. Command said Friday that the 55 cases of war remains retrieved from North Korea would be honored at a ceremony next Wednesday at a base in South Korea.

NK continues to make good on the promise to Trump to return American GI remains.

For weeks the left has gone on and on about this issue. This morning I searched the forum and saw what I expected, not a peep about this news.
Meanwhile, they continue to strengthen their nuclear program.
Darned shame all of those lost lives. We went in there totally illegally. It was completely unconstitutional.

Hopefully the families will have some closure. Those still alive, anyway.
Please explain how the U.S. went in totally illegally when the people of South Korea asked for the our help?

Is this the same way we went into WW1 and WW2 illegally?
North Korea hands over remains of Korean War soldiers to U.S.
The U.N. Command said Friday that the 55 cases of war remains retrieved from North Korea would be honored at a ceremony next Wednesday at a base in South Korea.

NK continues to make good on the promise to Trump to return American GI remains.

For weeks the left has gone on and on about this issue. This morning I searched the forum and saw what I expected, not a peep about this news.

What exactly makes this bad news for democrats? Please explain why.
Losing a talking point with which to beat Trump supporters over the head with is catastrophic. Your pool of "he failed" excuses is shrinking.
Wait until Mexico pays for our border wall.

More proof that seeking peace is the right way to go. I'm sure the families are grateful. They can now get some closure.
North Korea hands over remains of Korean War soldiers to U.S.
The U.N. Command said Friday that the 55 cases of war remains retrieved from North Korea would be honored at a ceremony next Wednesday at a base in South Korea.

NK continues to make good on the promise to Trump to return American GI remains.

For weeks the left has gone on and on about this issue. This morning I searched the forum and saw what I expected, not a peep about this news.

Really and you think the US bones were found and kept in a separate bin somewhere:

During the course of the three-year war, which both sides accuse one another of provoking, the U.S. dropped 635,000 tons of explosives on North Korea, including 32,557 tons of napalm, an incendiary liquid that can clear forested areas and cause devastating burns to human skin. (In contrast, the U.S. used 503,000 tons of bombs during the entire Pacific theater of World War II, according to a 2009 study by The Asia-Pacific Journal.) In a 1984 interview, Air Force General Curtis LeMay, head of the Strategic Air Command during the Korean War, claimed U.S. bombs “killed off 20 percent of the population” and “targeted everything that moved in North Korea.” These acts, largely ignored by the U.S. collective memory, have deeply contributed to Pyongyang’s contempt for the U.S. and especially its ongoing military presence on the Korean Peninsula.

“Most Americans are completely unaware that we destroyed more cities in the North than we did in Japan or Germany during World War II.... Every North Korean knows about this, it’s drilled into their minds. We never hear about it,” historian and author Bruce Cumings told Newsweek by email Monday.

This is why North Korea hates the U.S.

see they don't forget like we never forget Pearl Harbor.
So your point is that we bombed North Korea and killed North Koreans during a war.

Wow who would think that would happen during a war? I thought that soldiers all stood around and called derogatory names at each other until someone cried.

Yes they will have to verify who the remains belong to. Duh. You don't want to say that they are John Does remains without knowing that. Vietnam has had lots of bodies returned to the U.S.
If you think they are just going to start emptying out their own graves I really don't think that the people would put up with that. I have no doubt that those in charge might have a clue if they are not human remains.
Good to see.

Trump has been in office for a year and a half, and he gets this done. Think of all the decades of past presidents that either failed to get it done, or didn't have the balls to try.

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