More Birth Control = Fewer Abortions

Conservatives simply do not understand, on a fundamental level, what health insurance is.
I will never grasp why males and post menopausal women must pay to be covered for maternity.
The same reason they pay taxes for public education: for a better overall society. The lower the teen pregnancy rate, the better for society. The lower overall unwanted pregnancy rate, the better for society. Why we pay taxes for welfare, so we don't have people begging in the streets, if possible. If you want to live in a 3rd world country, then live in a country where the haves and the have nots live entirely separate lives with the have nots living on top of garbage dumps and the haves living behind electric fences.
You idiots act like healthcare never existed before.
What the hell is that supposed to mean? Health care before national health care programs was not for everyone. The poor, the have nots, did not have it. There is a huge difference between what we used to have and the type of national health care program Dragon Lady describes having in Canada. If you'd ever lived in a country where everyone gets decent health care and other basic needs, you'd experience a safe, sane society.
Like I said, you’re delusional. Millions are uninsured, most want it that way.
People want to be uninsured? Oh, right. LOL
In the US, The ACA is not working well, apparently. But the example of Canada's national health care program is what we need in the US. No one can question the fact that Canada is a safer, saner society.
Sorry, I was never covered for maternity in all my life.Yet now it’s a right that makes men and post menopausal women pay for it.

Conservatives simply do not understand, on a fundamental level, what health insurance is.
I will never grasp why males and post menopausal women must pay to be covered for maternity.
The same reason they pay taxes for public education: for a better overall society. The lower the teen pregnancy rate, the better for society. The lower overall unwanted pregnancy rate, the better for society. Why we pay taxes for welfare, so we don't have people begging in the streets, if possible. If you want to live in a 3rd world country, then live in a country where the haves and the have nots live entirely separate lives with the have nots living on top of garbage dumps and the haves living behind electric fences.
You idiots act like healthcare never existed before.
What the hell is that supposed to mean? Health care before national health care programs was not for everyone. The poor, the have nots, did not have it. There is a huge difference between what we used to have and the type of national health care program Dragon Lady describes having in Canada. If you'd ever lived in a country where everyone gets decent health care and other basic needs, you'd have experienced a safe, sane society.
Canadians go to America for healthcare.
Sorry, I was never covered for maternity in all my life.Yet now it’s a right that makes men and post menopausal women pay for it.

Conservatives simply do not understand, on a fundamental level, what health insurance is.
I will never grasp why males and post menopausal women must pay to be covered for maternity.
The same reason they pay taxes for public education: for a better overall society. The lower the teen pregnancy rate, the better for society. The lower overall unwanted pregnancy rate, the better for society. Why we pay taxes for welfare, so we don't have people begging in the streets, if possible. If you want to live in a 3rd world country, then live in a country where the haves and the have nots live entirely separate lives with the have nots living on top of garbage dumps and the haves living behind electric fences.
You idiots act like healthcare never existed before.
What the hell is that supposed to mean? Health care before national health care programs was not for everyone. The poor, the have nots, did not have it. There is a huge difference between what we used to have and the type of national health care program Dragon Lady describes having in Canada. If you'd ever lived in a country where everyone gets decent health care and other basic needs, you'd have experienced a safe, sane society.

If socialism is what you want, Delta is ready when you are!

Are you ready for your taxes to skyrocket in order to get that coverage?
I will never grasp why males and post menopausal women must pay to be covered for maternity.
The same reason they pay taxes for public education: for a better overall society. The lower the teen pregnancy rate, the better for society. The lower overall unwanted pregnancy rate, the better for society. Why we pay taxes for welfare, so we don't have people begging in the streets, if possible. If you want to live in a 3rd world country, then live in a country where the haves and the have nots live entirely separate lives with the have nots living on top of garbage dumps and the haves living behind electric fences.
You idiots act like healthcare never existed before.
What the hell is that supposed to mean? Health care before national health care programs was not for everyone. The poor, the have nots, did not have it. There is a huge difference between what we used to have and the type of national health care program Dragon Lady describes having in Canada. If you'd ever lived in a country where everyone gets decent health care and other basic needs, you'd experience a safe, sane society.
Like I said, you’re delusional. Millions are uninsured, most want it that way.
People want to be uninsured? Oh, right. LOL
In the US, The ACA is not working well, apparently. But the example of Canada's national health care program is what we need in the US. No one can question the fact that Canada is a safer, saner society.
The left hate the poor.

Majority of households paying ObamaCare penalty are low and middle-income
I can agree that should it should be changed to allow sales across state lines as there is no valid reason for it anymore. No argument from me on that point. Welcome to the Republican Party!

Unless you are going to wipe out all State-based laws regulating health insurance, invoking pure federalism, selling insurance across state lines is an expensive, pointless endeavor because each state regulates insurance differently, which means a single insurer would have to administrate myriad regulations for each of the 50 states in order to operate. I live in GA, and we allow out-of-state insurers. They don't offer many plans in this state...guess why? Because the administrative costs of conforming to GA's regulations in addition to the state where they already operate are too burdensome and cut into the insurer's bottom line.

Also, is consolidation really the best option? If we're going to consolidate, we may as well consolidate everyone onto one insurance plan with a fixed premium rate. That way, there are no burdensome state regulations for insurance.
Conservatives simply do not understand, on a fundamental level, what health insurance is.
I will never grasp why males and post menopausal women must pay to be covered for maternity.
The same reason they pay taxes for public education: for a better overall society. The lower the teen pregnancy rate, the better for society. The lower overall unwanted pregnancy rate, the better for society. Why we pay taxes for welfare, so we don't have people begging in the streets, if possible. If you want to live in a 3rd world country, then live in a country where the haves and the have nots live entirely separate lives with the have nots living on top of garbage dumps and the haves living behind electric fences.
You idiots act like healthcare never existed before.
What the hell is that supposed to mean? Health care before national health care programs was not for everyone. The poor, the have nots, did not have it. There is a huge difference between what we used to have and the type of national health care program Dragon Lady describes having in Canada. If you'd ever lived in a country where everyone gets decent health care and other basic needs, you'd have experienced a safe, sane society.

If socialism is what you want, Delta is ready when you are!

Are you ready for your taxes to skyrocket in order to get that coverage?
I lived and worked in Austria for 4 years. I paid 40% in taxes and was happy to do it. Health care, which I seldom used but was glad it was available, mass transit, zero population growth, educated people, and on and on. It's a safe and sane society.
Exactly, it WOULD NOT be that expensive if we didn’t limit the risk pools, like we do now.

So then wouldn't having just one, single, large risk pool that everyone pays into result in the lowest possible costs?
The same reason they pay taxes for public education: for a better overall society. The lower the teen pregnancy rate, the better for society. The lower overall unwanted pregnancy rate, the better for society. Why we pay taxes for welfare, so we don't have people begging in the streets, if possible. If you want to live in a 3rd world country, then live in a country where the haves and the have nots live entirely separate lives with the have nots living on top of garbage dumps and the haves living behind electric fences.
You idiots act like healthcare never existed before.
What the hell is that supposed to mean? Health care before national health care programs was not for everyone. The poor, the have nots, did not have it. There is a huge difference between what we used to have and the type of national health care program Dragon Lady describes having in Canada. If you'd ever lived in a country where everyone gets decent health care and other basic needs, you'd experience a safe, sane society.
Like I said, you’re delusional. Millions are uninsured, most want it that way.
People want to be uninsured? Oh, right. LOL
In the US, The ACA is not working well, apparently. But the example of Canada's national health care program is what we need in the US. No one can question the fact that Canada is a safer, saner society.
The left hate the poor.

Majority of households paying ObamaCare penalty are low and middle-income
You don't make any sense, you just mouth lines you think are clever.
That is your choice. Everyone should have that choice. Does that make sense now?

You miss the point. Employers should have NO SAY in what medical treatments are covered in employee health care packages. None. That is between the employer and their doctors.

Here in Canada, the Catholic Church pays for health care for its employees which includes both birth control and abortion. Not once ever have they filed lawsuits claiming a violation of their religious freedom.

This whole "it's against our religion" is a scam to try to force others into living by THEIR religious ideals. That violates the religious freedom of every employee working for them.

I don't believe in religion. I believe in ownership rights.
When I use the word employer, I'm talking about the owner of the company.
The owner gets to spend his money as he sees fit.
Including not providing any insurance at all.

If health insurance is part of the compensation package it's not his money it's his employees' money. They earned it. The employer should be asking the employees what they want in their healthcare since it's their healthcare not his.

This isn't about Canada.
I don't expect you to understand American freedom.

I understand American freedom is a myth. My birth control was always paid for in my health insurance. Abortions in Canada are paid for in full by my government health insurance. No copays no paperwork. That's freedom.

Employers have no right to tell me I can't have birth control because Of THEIR religious beliefs. What you call "freedom" is in fact the opposite. It is the employer's attempt to inflect his religious beliefs on his employees.

This is one of the reasons why Canada ranks much higher In the ranking of countries with the most personal freedoms than the USA. Freedom means freeedom for all, not just for those holding the purse strings.

There are no employers telling anyone they can't have birth control.
The same reason they pay taxes for public education: for a better overall society. The lower the teen pregnancy rate, the better for society. The lower overall unwanted pregnancy rate, the better for society. Why we pay taxes for welfare, so we don't have people begging in the streets, if possible. If you want to live in a 3rd world country, then live in a country where the haves and the have nots live entirely separate lives with the have nots living on top of garbage dumps and the haves living behind electric fences.
You idiots act like healthcare never existed before.
What the hell is that supposed to mean? Health care before national health care programs was not for everyone. The poor, the have nots, did not have it. There is a huge difference between what we used to have and the type of national health care program Dragon Lady describes having in Canada. If you'd ever lived in a country where everyone gets decent health care and other basic needs, you'd experience a safe, sane society.
Like I said, you’re delusional. Millions are uninsured, most want it that way.
People want to be uninsured? Oh, right. LOL
In the US, The ACA is not working well, apparently. But the example of Canada's national health care program is what we need in the US. No one can question the fact that Canada is a safer, saner society.
The left hate the poor.

Majority of households paying ObamaCare penalty are low and middle-income
The ACA is not the kind of plan I am talking about, didn't you get that? Are you too busy thinking about what hollow 'clever' line you can spout to pay attention to what I'm saying?

Yeah, because they fall in the Medicaid gap (because red state death panels didn't expand Medicaid), or they make above 433% the poverty level and get no subsidies. If you closed the Medicaid gap by expanding it in all 50 states, and increased the subsidies to maybe 666% of the poverty level, you'd see that number decline.
The left hate the poor.
Obamacare is 100% owned by Democrats.
They are still limited to companies, and not allowed to cross state lines. Again it makes no sense to limit the risk pools. What we have is not at all a free market system and hasn’t been for a loooong time. Switzerland doesn’t do it that way, and they have no problems with health privacy, as well as a much more affordable care with better quality than our own.

So here's the thing about why insurance isn't sold across state lines; all states regulate health insurance differently. I live in GA, and we allow out-of-state insurers to operate here. But they don't attract many people...why? Simply because the administrative costs for an out-of-state insurer to comply with GA's own regulations and standards is too burdensome to justify providing it. Now imagine you're an insurer and there's 50 states -each with their own set of regulations and standards- whose regulations you must abide by in order to do business. What will end up happening is that these insurers will spend more on administration and conformity for all those 50 different sets of rules, and on whom do you think those admin costs get pushed?

Also, it would lead to market consolidation with fewer choices, as is exactly what happened with telecom companies, cable companies, and banking. Too-big-to-fail insurers that would need to be bailed out because the business model of for-profit insurance is unsustainable if you're guaranteeing universal coverage.
Well it would very much in the states interest, to deregulate to allow cheaper insurance to come in. Do you know how many businesses would move in a heartbeat if they knew their insurance plans could Potentially he be cut in half. That’s one of the biggest cost of operation in the United States, and just by moving you could increase your profit margin by say 5%...there’s plenty of companies that would clamor to make that move. Not to mention there’s this whole thing called the commerce clause that would take regulation out of the states hands anyway
You idiots act like healthcare never existed before.
What the hell is that supposed to mean? Health care before national health care programs was not for everyone. The poor, the have nots, did not have it. There is a huge difference between what we used to have and the type of national health care program Dragon Lady describes having in Canada. If you'd ever lived in a country where everyone gets decent health care and other basic needs, you'd experience a safe, sane society.
Like I said, you’re delusional. Millions are uninsured, most want it that way.
People want to be uninsured? Oh, right. LOL
In the US, The ACA is not working well, apparently. But the example of Canada's national health care program is what we need in the US. No one can question the fact that Canada is a safer, saner society.
The left hate the poor.

Majority of households paying ObamaCare penalty are low and middle-income
You don't make any sense, you just mouth lines you think are clever.
The left hate the poor. The fact you make them pay to have no insurance says you hate the poor a lot.
I will never grasp why males and post menopausal women must pay to be covered for maternity.
The same reason they pay taxes for public education: for a better overall society. The lower the teen pregnancy rate, the better for society. The lower overall unwanted pregnancy rate, the better for society. Why we pay taxes for welfare, so we don't have people begging in the streets, if possible. If you want to live in a 3rd world country, then live in a country where the haves and the have nots live entirely separate lives with the have nots living on top of garbage dumps and the haves living behind electric fences.
You idiots act like healthcare never existed before.
What the hell is that supposed to mean? Health care before national health care programs was not for everyone. The poor, the have nots, did not have it. There is a huge difference between what we used to have and the type of national health care program Dragon Lady describes having in Canada. If you'd ever lived in a country where everyone gets decent health care and other basic needs, you'd have experienced a safe, sane society.

If socialism is what you want, Delta is ready when you are!

Are you ready for your taxes to skyrocket in order to get that coverage?
I lived and worked in Austria for 4 years. I paid 40% in taxes and was happy to do it. Health care, which I seldom used but was glad it was available, mass transit, zero population growth, educated people, and on and on. It's a safe and sane society.

You paid 40% in taxes and you have no problem with it! At least you are honest about your socialist views.

I have no need for mass transit. My health care gets more expensive and less coverage every year. Our population grows at a small rate, we have good schools, and I like to think I live in a sane and safe society. Why would I want to change that for the worse?
The same reason they pay taxes for public education: for a better overall society. The lower the teen pregnancy rate, the better for society. The lower overall unwanted pregnancy rate, the better for society. Why we pay taxes for welfare, so we don't have people begging in the streets, if possible. If you want to live in a 3rd world country, then live in a country where the haves and the have nots live entirely separate lives with the have nots living on top of garbage dumps and the haves living behind electric fences.
You idiots act like healthcare never existed before.
What the hell is that supposed to mean? Health care before national health care programs was not for everyone. The poor, the have nots, did not have it. There is a huge difference between what we used to have and the type of national health care program Dragon Lady describes having in Canada. If you'd ever lived in a country where everyone gets decent health care and other basic needs, you'd have experienced a safe, sane society.

If socialism is what you want, Delta is ready when you are!

Are you ready for your taxes to skyrocket in order to get that coverage?
I lived and worked in Austria for 4 years. I paid 40% in taxes and was happy to do it. Health care, which I seldom used but was glad it was available, mass transit, zero population growth, educated people, and on and on. It's a safe and sane society.

You paid 40% in taxes and you have no problem with it! At least you are honest about your socialist views.

I have no need for mass transit. My health care gets more expensive and less coverage every year. Our population grows at a small rate, we have good schools, and I like to think I live in a sane and safe society. Why would I want to change that for the worse?

You don't live in a safe and sane society. America is rife with social problems, crime, danger, hate, and on and on. People suffer needlessly because they don't have health care. Teen pregnancy rates are very high. People are uneducated and ignorant of the world. Mass transit saves on gas/oil and decreases pollution. Recyling is not done to any great extent in the US. You have no idea what a really pleasant, safe culture is like.
I will never grasp why males and post menopausal women must pay to be covered for maternity.
The same reason they pay taxes for public education: for a better overall society. The lower the teen pregnancy rate, the better for society. The lower overall unwanted pregnancy rate, the better for society. Why we pay taxes for welfare, so we don't have people begging in the streets, if possible. If you want to live in a 3rd world country, then live in a country where the haves and the have nots live entirely separate lives with the have nots living on top of garbage dumps and the haves living behind electric fences.
You idiots act like healthcare never existed before.
What the hell is that supposed to mean? Health care before national health care programs was not for everyone. The poor, the have nots, did not have it. There is a huge difference between what we used to have and the type of national health care program Dragon Lady describes having in Canada. If you'd ever lived in a country where everyone gets decent health care and other basic needs, you'd have experienced a safe, sane society.

If socialism is what you want, Delta is ready when you are!

Are you ready for your taxes to skyrocket in order to get that coverage?
I lived and worked in Austria for 4 years. I paid 40% in taxes and was happy to do it. Health care, which I seldom used but was glad it was available, mass transit, zero population growth, educated people, and on and on. It's a safe and sane society.

Did you get kicked out?
This is an informative article on what really happens when people try to legislate sexual morality and insist others live according to THEIR religious beliefs. Sadly, this is not going to have the effect the moral warriors are hoping for. Limiting birth control options by making them more costly or harder to access is going to lead to more abortions or more poor outcomes for both the mothers and children. Abstinence based initiatives have been studied and shown to have no measurable impact on abortion rates. Birth control use did. In a big way. Don't like abortion? Make birth control MORE available, not less.

So why is the current Administration trying to make birth control harder to come by?

Trump jeopardizes progress in reducing teen pregnancy and abortion rates

Teen birth rates have been cut in half over the last decade, which is beneficial not only to young women but to Americans as a whole. The decline is attributed to public health outreach and better use of contraception.

President Donald Trump has put that access to contraception in jeopardy with his rollback of a rule that required employers, with some narrow exceptions, to include contraception, at no cost, in their health insurance plans....

The Trump administration has already quietly cut more than $200 million for ongoing research into the most effective ways to prevent unwanted teen pregnancies, a decision most likely driven by ideology rather than science.

Three-quarters of U.S. teen pregnancies are unplanned and nearly a third end in abortion, which is much higher than the overall abortion rate of 14.6 percent. That’s the lowest rate since 1973, the year of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision.

Teen pregnancy has multi-generational consequences. Only half of teen mothers receive a high school diploma by age 22, compared with 90 percent of women who do not give birth as teens.

The children of teenage mothers also are more likely to drop out of high school. In addition, they are more likely to have more health problems, be incarcerated at some time during adolescence, give birth as teenagers, and face unemployment as young adults.

Do you use BC?
I use the most effective form of birth control available. It is called being old and ugly. The only thing that happenes in my bedroom is sleep. Yet I still belive we all have a right to use BC and have it affordable. God bless those who get some! More power to them. At least some one has some happiness. You crazy right wingers wnat no hppiness for anybody.

If they want happiness, let them pay for it! I am in the same shape you are, so why should I care if anyone else is getting any?

Last time I checked, paying someone to have sex was illegal in most places.
It is cheaper to pay for the birth control than the birth period. I do not steel stuff but the cost of my goods are including the cost of theft. You pay either way. You pay more by not letting the young and pretty people have thier fun and use the contraceptive.
The same reason they pay taxes for public education: for a better overall society. The lower the teen pregnancy rate, the better for society. The lower overall unwanted pregnancy rate, the better for society. Why we pay taxes for welfare, so we don't have people begging in the streets, if possible. If you want to live in a 3rd world country, then live in a country where the haves and the have nots live entirely separate lives with the have nots living on top of garbage dumps and the haves living behind electric fences.
You idiots act like healthcare never existed before.
What the hell is that supposed to mean? Health care before national health care programs was not for everyone. The poor, the have nots, did not have it. There is a huge difference between what we used to have and the type of national health care program Dragon Lady describes having in Canada. If you'd ever lived in a country where everyone gets decent health care and other basic needs, you'd have experienced a safe, sane society.

If socialism is what you want, Delta is ready when you are!

Are you ready for your taxes to skyrocket in order to get that coverage?
I lived and worked in Austria for 4 years. I paid 40% in taxes and was happy to do it. Health care, which I seldom used but was glad it was available, mass transit, zero population growth, educated people, and on and on. It's a safe and sane society.

Did you get kicked out?
No. I changed job and moved to another country.
Exactly, it WOULD NOT be that expensive if we didn’t limit the risk pools, like we do now.

So then wouldn't having just one, single, large risk pool that everyone pays into result in the lowest possible costs?
But not everybody is in the same risk pool. Like a recently married woman would be much more likely to have children in a couple of years, which that couple should be able to shop for a plan that fits them together. Unless she was on mirena, then she could show the companies she’s not planning on having kids in the near future, and still get a lower cost plan. And I’m sure the insurance company would be more than happy to cover the cost of the mirena.

Right now the risk pools are company based, so they’re offering the same few plans to this diverse group of people, some who are not strong health risk, and some who are.

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