More Crimes Against Americans: POVERTY in the RICHEST countries in the world!!


Nov 4, 2005
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Poverty in the super power America? The richest countries in the world?

Yes, poverty is a reality in America, just as it is for millions of other human beings on Africa. According to the US Census Bureau, 35.9 million people live below the poverty line in America.

On Aljazeera channel today 7th of Nov, they brought pictures from Newyork city showing many Americans poor living outside buildings in every place they can find for sitting and sleeping and of course without eating or drinking. They wait for someone to bring them a charity or food!!..

-In 2004, requests for emergency food assistance increased by an average of 14 percent during the year, according to a 27-city study by the United States Conference of Mayors.

-Also in this study, it was noted that on average, 20 percent of requests for emergency food assistance have gone unmet in 2004.

-According to the Bread for the World Institute, 3.5 percent of U.S. households experience hunger. Some people in these households frequently skip meals or eat too little, sometimes going without food for a whole day. 9.6 million people, including 3 million children, live in these homes.

-America's Second Harvest, the nation's largest network of food banks, reports that 23.3 million people turned to the agencies they serve in 2001, an increase of over 2 million since 1997. Forty percent were from working families.

33 million Americans continue to live in households that did not have an adequate supply of food. Nearly one-third of these households contain adults or children who eat little and sometimes going without food for a whole day while they see the high spending of war in Iraq.

And that's the way it is, Americans poor see the result:
more high spending for the war. The total of the U.S. taxpayer cost of the Iraq War reached near $ 218 billions,
more poverty to the American nation,
more unemployment,
more inflation,
more and high energy prices,
more killing of American soldiers,
and more hate to the enemy of Iraqi people.

Note 2 my friends:
Tomorrow I've a flight to Malysia and Singapore for 2weeks, when I come back it's my honor 2 see all ur replies, and u'll see my reply...
let's stay friends as we r, AND:
" 9 Know therefore that the LORD thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations;
10 And repayeth them that hate him to their face, to destroy them: he will not be slack to him that hateth him, he will repay him to his face."


Tomorrow I've a flight to Malysia and Singapore for 2weeks, when I come back it's my honor 2 see all ur replies, and u'll see my reply...

Got an al Qaeda meeting, do you?
Confident said:
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Poverty in the super power America? The richest countries in the world?

Yes, poverty is a reality in America, just as it is for millions of other human beings on Africa. According to the US Census Bureau, 35.9 million people live below the poverty line in America.

On Aljazeera channel today 7th of Nov, they brought pictures from Newyork city showing many Americans poor living outside buildings in every place they can find for sitting and sleeping and of course without eating or drinking. They wait for someone to bring them a charity or food!!..

-In 2004, requests for emergency food assistance increased by an average of 14 percent during the year, according to a 27-city study by the United States Conference of Mayors.

-Also in this study, it was noted that on average, 20 percent of requests for emergency food assistance have gone unmet in 2004.

-According to the Bread for the World Institute, 3.5 percent of U.S. households experience hunger. Some people in these households frequently skip meals or eat too little, sometimes going without food for a whole day. 9.6 million people, including 3 million children, live in these homes.

-America's Second Harvest, the nation's largest network of food banks, reports that 23.3 million people turned to the agencies they serve in 2001, an increase of over 2 million since 1997. Forty percent were from working families.

33 million Americans continue to live in households that did not have an adequate supply of food. Nearly one-third of these households contain adults or children who eat little and sometimes going without food for a whole day while they see the high spending of war in Iraq.

And that's the way it is, Americans poor see the result:
more high spending for the war. The total of the U.S. taxpayer cost of the Iraq War reached near $ 218 billions,
more poverty to the American nation,
more unemployment,
more inflation,
more and high energy prices,
more killing of American soldiers,
and more hate to the enemy of Iraqi people.

Note 2 my friends:
Tomorrow I've a flight to Malysia and Singapore for 2weeks, when I come back it's my honor 2 see all ur replies, and u'll see my reply...
let's stay friends as we r, AND:
" 9 Know therefore that the LORD thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations;
10 And repayeth them that hate him to their face, to destroy them: he will not be slack to him that hateth him, he will repay him to his face."



Let me also quote Scripture "The Poor Ye shall always have with you".... that's the way it is. America is the greatest nation in the history of the world, but don't confuse it with Paradise. We certainly have our problems, and most, if not all, Americans will readily admit that. In fact, you will always find a sob story about a homeless person or an orphan who lives in the US (but you can also find many more of the same in Europe and in Asia). But if you speak in terms of "statistical persons", the story becomes much different than the dirge that you're singing.

Americans enjoy a lower unemployment rate than most countries, we have a higher standard of living than most of the world, and I could go on. In fact, in spite of the Iraq war, inflation is at an almost historical low (about 2 or 3 percent the last time I checked) ,unemployment is also at an all time low (about 5 percent). We are the largest producer of goods, services and one of the largest economies in the world (if not the largest).

The French, on the other hand have spent $0.00 fighting the war on terror, they have higher inflation and higher unemployment. However, because of their large population of unassimilated Muslims, they'll be spending billions cleaning up the mess, both in terms of rebuilding burnt out buildings and repairing other damage and detaining, trying, convicting and deporting those they catch. In addition, the French will probably be paying another price, with their freedoms. I doubt that the French government will just stand aside and let what happened pass, the French people won't stand for it (I doubt that even the French are that accommodating)

In addition to spending billions of dollars liberating your fellow Arabs in two countries and giving them the basic liberties and freedoms that even you don't have (if you live in Jordan, I doubt that you get the right to vote or criticize the government openly). Americans have spent $6 TRILLION dollars over the past 40 years battling poverty in our own country (not including the trillions more given by private sources). The rulers of Arab countries, on the other hand, have taken their oil wealth and instead of spending it on their people, have squandered it on a playboy lifestyle and on financing terrorism (OK, not all countries, but definitely most!). As they say here in America, people in glass houses should not throw stones (which means the same thing as the "beam in your eye" verse from Scripture)

I wonder just how much money the Jordanian government spends on eliminating poverty? I thought so, well, not to worry, Uncle Sam will probably be sending your government a check. Oh, that's right, I didn't mention FOREIGN AID to countries such as Jordan that Mr and Ms Joe and Jane American pay for in the form of tax payer dollars.

You mentioned a trip to Southeast Asia. Now, there's a center of virtue and charity towards one's fellow man for you. Southeast Asia, rank with poverty, disease, filth and oppression. Southeast Asia, one of the great heroin producing centers in the world as well as other drugs. Southeast Asia, trafficking in human slaves and child prostitutes. Southeast Asia, where horny European, Arab and American businessmen go to get their kicks with no fear of arrest. Yes sir, Southeast Asia, whom we can all count on to spawn the next flu pandemic each and every year!!!! Compared to where you're going, America IS a paradise (and I daresay, American SEWERS are, too!).
GunnyL said:
Got an al Qaeda meeting, do you?

No, no. Major recruitment blitz. For the next 2 weeks only, join and get a free backpack! I dare you to compare.
The key factor you are missing brother....In America, People are poor by CHOICE. In other nations, there IS no economy to speak of. People have NO choice in their poverty. Nobody in this nation is a victim to their economic standing. Nobody's economic standing is locked in stone. Every able-bodied person who is in poverty simply doesn't want to do the things neccessary to bring themselves out of their situation.

Deliver Newspapers - $1000 to $7000+ per month income. My wife worked 3 hours a night delivering papers and made $12K a year. $12K a year is NOT a lot of money. The year she did the deliveries the extra money took us from ~$40K a year (my salary then), to $52K a year in income.

So - take the average Fast-Food job. In my state minimum wage is $7.35 per hour.

$7.35/hr x 80 hrs per pay period = $15288 gross per year. Now - work in even a 3-hour delivery route and the person is at $27K, gross per year. Sure it's hard work. If you don't want it, you aren't working hard enough.

My father runs a tax business. He's done taxes for kids (early 20s in age) who've made more than $80k delivering newspapers, phone books, whatever.

Again - Poverty is a Choice. We choose our lifestyles. If I were a harder worker, I'd have twice or three-times my current income.
dmp said:
The key factor you are missing brother....In America, People are poor by CHOICE. In other nations, there IS no economy to speak of. People have NO choice in their poverty. Nobody in this nation is a victim to their economic standing. Nobody's economic standing is locked in stone. Every able-bodied person who is in poverty simply doesn't want to do the things neccessary to bring themselves out of their situation.

Deliver Newspapers - $1000 to $7000+ per month income. My wife worked 3 hours a night delivering papers and made $12K a year. $12K a year is NOT a lot of money. The year she did the deliveries the extra money took us from ~$40K a year (my salary then), to $52K a year in income.

So - take the average Fast-Food job. In my state minimum wage is $7.35 per hour.

$7.35/hr x 80 hrs per pay period = $15288 gross per year. Now - work in even a 3-hour delivery route and the person is at $27K, gross per year. Sure it's hard work. If you don't want it, you aren't working hard enough.

My father runs a tax business. He's done taxes for kids (early 20s in age) who've made more than $80k delivering newspapers, phone books, whatever.

Again - Poverty is a Choice. We choose our lifestyles. If I were a harder worker, I'd have twice or three-times my current income.

DMP hit the nail on the head. The fact of the matter is there are ALWAYS going to be poeple that are just plain LAZY. I know people at work with brothers or other family that are like this. No matter what they will not get a job. Its not because there aren't any jobs, its just that they dont want to do "lowly" work like working at a fast food joint. I simply cannot understand why people choose to be like that, if I didn't have my nice job I would be working at a mall or at the very worst a fast food joint.

Confident - what is the point of this post? You seem to want to point out the "bad" things about america like poverty, yet you offer NO alternative SOLUTION to the PROBLEM. So.....What is it you think we should do? I'd really like to hear how we can live in an utopian world without poverty.
dmp said:
The key factor you are missing brother....In America, People are poor by CHOICE. In other nations, there IS no economy to speak of. People have NO choice in their poverty. Nobody in this nation is a victim to their economic standing. Nobody's economic standing is locked in stone. Every able-bodied person who is in poverty simply doesn't want to do the things neccessary to bring themselves out of their situation.

Deliver Newspapers - $1000 to $7000+ per month income. My wife worked 3 hours a night delivering papers and made $12K a year. $12K a year is NOT a lot of money. The year she did the deliveries the extra money took us from ~$40K a year (my salary then), to $52K a year in income.

So - take the average Fast-Food job. In my state minimum wage is $7.35 per hour.

$7.35/hr x 80 hrs per pay period = $15288 gross per year. Now - work in even a 3-hour delivery route and the person is at $27K, gross per year. Sure it's hard work. If you don't want it, you aren't working hard enough.

My father runs a tax business. He's done taxes for kids (early 20s in age) who've made more than $80k delivering newspapers, phone books, whatever.

Again - Poverty is a Choice. We choose our lifestyles. If I were a harder worker, I'd have twice or three-times my current income.

dmp said:
Again - Poverty is a Choice. We choose our lifestyles. If I were a harder worker, I'd have twice or three-times my current income.

nice philosophy my friend....................

by the way..nice to meet u again after my trip to our company in Singapore and Malysia...
it was only 4 business, just 4 it GunnyL??

What a Beautiful Malysia!!!

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