More economic good news......unemployment rate drops to 4.9%

The report is for FIRST TIME unemployment.
Where on earth did you get that idea from? The survey doesn't ask how many times someone has been unemployed, and it doesn't matter how long they've been without work or even if they never had a job.
Obama economics works. If we cut the work week to just 15 hours per week, we can have even more people working two and three jobs and show even more job creation.
By the end of the year the wipe out in oil will erase all of Obama's fake job growth. That AFTER the government and the Fed pumped $13 trillion dollars into the economy.

It's ends like the Walking Dead
Damn..paid $1.52 for my Obamagas

Obama will be the most popular president EVER

4 percent unemployment and $1.50 Obamagas

Obama is handing over the biggest disaster in human history over to his unfortunate successor
Gaining 151,000(P) jobs in January, 2016 is a bigger disaster than the 791,000 jobs we lost in January, 2009?

See why anyone with a brain knows conservatism is a mental disease?

Fucking clown. We spend an extra $13 Trillion to grow 151,000 jobs.

Yep.....they don't get it Frank. Making jobs on a credit card = awesome:2up:. Most have been part time jobs by the way and many the no benefits type = more awesomeness.

Oh and this little tidbit.....most of these jobs went to immigrants!!! >>

All Job Gains Since December 2007 Have Gone To Foreign-Born Workers | Zero Hedge

Just awesome!!:coffee:

And lots and lots of government jobs btw......the low information person doesn't realize who pays those salaries!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Was it mentioned that we are entering recession?:spinner:
Now for a dose of reality....

Full Time
Since Obama became president: +7,323,000
Since the recovery began: +12,528,000

Part Time
Since Obama became president: +987,000
Since the recovery began: -417,000

Foreign Born (unadj)
Since Obama became president: +3,953,000
Since the recovery began: +4,238,000

Native Born (unadj)
Since Obama became president: +4,649,000
Since the recovery began: +7,991,000

Government Jobs
Since Obama became president: -547,000
Since the recovery began: -459,000

... long story short -- everything you said was bullshit.
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And that has nothing to do with current employment trends

Just more conservative scapegoating

It has every thing to do with current trends you imbecile

That scenario is just bullshit made up by conservatives
If you think I am wrong, show the stats to prove it
What do you consider food services, retail, hospitality,tourism?
You made the claim.....Show me the numbers supporting people are leaving one job and taking three temporary jobs to replace it and that it counts as three jobs

That is total bullshit and you know it
So when you have one the biggest job gains and layoffs in a year being retail. What do you think that means?

It does not mean people are taking three temporary jobs to replace one. It does not mean that would count as three jobs
It is ridiculous nonsense that you made up
Lowest rate since the start of the Great Bush Recession of 2008

Lowest number of working Americans since the 1970's. Job "growth" is 35,000 below what is needed to keep up with population growth. Yep your standards are pretty low dude.

Thanks so much for posting

Doesn't it make you feel the slightest bit stupid that your only response to factual information is your juvenile, passive aggressive whiny responses?

The report is for FIRST TIME unemployment. How about the other unemployed? Don't they count in your world?

No wonder you're so miserable. Constantly reporting on that which you know to be untrue has to warp a person big time. And you're pretty warped.
Thanks so much for your contribution to this board
Lowest rate since the start of the Great Bush Recession of 2008

Lowest number of working Americans since the 1970's. Job "growth" is 35,000 below what is needed to keep up with population growth. Yep your standards are pretty low dude.
Imbecile... if the job growth was below what was needed to keep up with population growth, then explain how the Employment-Population Ratio went UP; or expose yourself as just another rightard....
Give it up, nobody is enthused with a 151K job gain, it's anemic
its better than zero jobs gain.....

It's still anemic and nothing to crow about but I suppose they need something to prop up their failed Messiah
sassy even if it was 1 person getting a job,thats better than no one going to least there are 151,000 people who are now working contributing to the tax base and spending money.....i would rather have that then them sitting at home moping around and collecting UE....people going to work is the important thing here....not because it fell short by 30,000 jobs....but thats just me....

I agree any job is good but my point is they are crowing about anemic job growth. Facts are facts, 151K jobs isn't even enough to cover what is needed in a month. I'm just sick of the left making it out to be something other than what it is
Stop lying. You were already shown that January's job growth was enough to keep up with population growth.

And btw libs. One person losing a good paying job... Then forced to take on three temp jobs ...does not equal... creation of 3 new jobs.
And that has nothing to do with current employment trends

Just more conservative scapegoating
It does when all the jobs being created are part time and seasonal. Which are expected to take the place of full time employment that was lost.

Or are you not counting multiple PT and seasonal jobs in your totals?

For the month of January....

Full Time: +538,000

Part Time: +5,000
we need to add somewhere in the range of 180,000 just to keep up with population growth, retirements etc., so 150,000 is nothing to be happy about.

The libs need a labor economics class. Badly.
Cons need to know when they have been fed a bunch of lies. Badly.

All it takes is 114,740 jobs per month to keep up with population growth at a 4.9% UE rate

Jobs Calculator
The DOW didn't fall for Hussein's smoke and mirrors ploy, it ended down 150 points for the day. Apparently there are 6 different unemployment statistics and Barry's propaganda minister dug up the one most favorable to the administration. Real unemployment including people who gave up looking for work is around 19%. It's surprising that the true believers who are quick to play the race card are afraid to quote the unemployed number for young Black men. It's around 25% but the first half black president doesn't seem to care.
The report is for FIRST TIME unemployment.
Where on earth did you get that idea from? The survey doesn't ask how many times someone has been unemployed, and it doesn't matter how long they've been without work or even if they never had a job.
He got that bullshit from his MessiahRushie.

Obama's Unemployment Sleight of Hand
February 05, 2016

RUSH: We have an audio sound bite here from Obama, the press conference I mentioned an hour ago. He went out there and he was praising his economy. He was heralding first-time unemployment rate as being under 5% for the first time in seven years. That's essentially since he took office. The first time. When have you ever heard that referred to: "The first-time unemployment rate is now at 4.9%"? What's that? Does anybody have any memory of hearing the unemployment rate referred to as "the first-time unemployment rate"?

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