More economic good news......unemployment rate drops to 4.9%

The DOW didn't fall for Hussein's smoke and mirrors ploy, it ended down 150 points for the day. Apparently there are 6 different unemployment statistics and Barry's propaganda minister dug up the one most favorable to the administration. Real unemployment including people who gave up looking for work is around 19%. It's surprising that the true believers who are quick to play the race card are afraid to quote the unemployed number for young Black men. It's around 25% but the first half black president doesn't seem to care.

The official unemployment rate, U3 is 4.9%, the most common cited measure of unemployment which has been the standard since 1948. U6 which includes part time workers and discourage workers is always the highest unemployment. It is now 9.6%, not 19%. It is down from it's peak of 17.6% in Oct 2009. When Obama took office in Jan 2009, U6 was 14%. No matter what measure of the nation's unemployment you choose, it is lower now than when Obama took office.
U6 Unemployment Rate | MacroTrends

I think there are a few facts that you seem to be neglecting. The country's economic problems did not start with Obama. He inherited the worst recession since the great depression. His economic stimulus was condemned by Republicans. Today economists fault him for not having a larger stimulus. Republicans predicted our 478 billion deficit today would be a trillion dollar deficit. Unemployment was to be 8% to 9% which is now 4.9% and successive quarters of job growth are the greatest in over a decade.

"History will eventually show that Obama inherited the Great Recession and resuscitated the economy," the historian Douglas Brinkley is quoted as saying. "He's going to be seen as much more centrist and even friendly to business."
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It doesn't matter what lies Obama and his followers tell, the economy has NOT recovered. Telling people that the economy has recovered is only going to piss them off.
It doesn't matter what lies Obama and his followers tell, the economy has NOT recovered. Telling people that the economy has recovered is only going to piss them off.
Don't listen to Obama, just look at the economic indicators. They are non-partisan and they clearly show that the economy has recovered. There are negative long term economic trends such as wealth distribution, loss of manufacturing jobs to overseas competitors, reduced demand for unskilled workers, and trade deficits that are a drag on the economy but these trends were with us before the recession just as they are today.

Economic recovery does not mean that every worker in the country and every economic sector is doing well. When we say the economy has recovered we mean most sectors and most workers have recovered and the overall economy is growing.
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4.9% is getting to great unemployment levels. Obama deserves some credit.

We do have to fix trade and work on getting higher paying jobs.
And yes lpr was lower before women began participating en mass, which they will undoubtedly continue to do.
Actually that is not true. A steadily increasing % of women are choosing to stay home rather than enter the workforce, stay at home dads are increasing too, though to a lesser extent than women, which is one of the many demographic influences on the LFPR that make it worthless as a useful economic indicator.
Two factors have affected LPR

Thirty years ago a high school graduate could enter the workforce and support themselves. Today, young people will wait and additional five years before they become self sufficient
Baby boomers are retiring at four million a year. That's 330,000 jobs you need to add each month to keep LPR stable
Cue republican outrage over labor participation rate and U6

Unemployment falls to 4.9%, lowest in 8 years
How about this?

Casio workers earning union wages are let go and can't get better than a job as a cashier at Wal-Mart.

These folks aren't even counted as unemployed, and yet, there it is.
Show me any unemployment figures that show this is happening and is not just occurring in your imagination

Show which part of the workforce is comprised of high tech workers forced to take jobs at Walmart
Obamabots are like the kid who knows Santa Claus isn't real but pretend he is because it makes them feel better....same as the BS this administration feeds them.

The flip side is they don't realize it's BS and actually believe it
Obamabots are like the kid who knows Santa Claus isn't real but pretend he is because it makes them feel better....same as the BS this administration feeds them.

The flip side is they don't realize it's BS and actually believe it
What business do you run? I happen to be in construction and I can tell you personally in my area workers are working and unemployment is low...
Obamabots are like the kid who knows Santa Claus isn't real but pretend he is because it makes them feel better....same as the BS this administration feeds them.

The flip side is they don't realize it's BS and actually believe it
No they don't. That's why they try so hard to blow smoke up everyone's ass.
Or some slogan he picked up on the innertubes....
Look slimy, those jobs are mediocre bullshit. Your standards might be lodged in bullshit but mine arent :thup:
Those jobs numbers would be pleasing to me if they weren't retail bullshit replaced by manufacturing. The fact that the dumbfuck OP said "turned it all around" is the reason for my GIF. He is a goddamn moron.

You have no idea......If you have any actual data, I invite you to provide it.....if you would like to know where such might be located, let me know....
There are 20 other threads on this VERY thing. Do some reading.

The bulk of them doing nothing more that recycling the ignorant bleats of Drudge fed zombies....

If participating in any of them have taught you anything, you wouldn't be so reluctant to share it...

Now, would you like me to direct you to where you can find such information?
From DRUDGE Employment Situation Summary
Job gains occurred in several industries, led by retail trade, food services and drinking places.
Retail trade added 58,000 jobs in January, following essentially no change in
December. Employment rose in general merchandise stores (+15,000), electronics
and appliance stores (+9,000), motor vehicle and parts dealers (+8,000), and
furniture and home furnishing stores (+7,000)

Why didn't you need to get that from Drudge?

That only leaves about 70,000 jobs unexplained.....

and it's only 1 month.....

Did Drudge explain to you how, if all the jog gains were in "shitty jobs", wages are RISING?[/QUOTE]
Food services, retail and drinking places?

Would that be considered full or part time?
Obamabots are like the kid who knows Santa Claus isn't real but pretend he is because it makes them feel better....same as the BS this administration feeds them.

The flip side is they don't realize it's BS and actually believe it
Instead of insults, why don 't you use actual arguments as to what exactly is "BS," why, and what alternate data is better.
Obamabots are like the kid who knows Santa Claus isn't real but pretend he is because it makes them feel better....same as the BS this administration feeds them.

The flip side is they don't realize it's BS and actually believe it
Instead of insults, why don 't you use actual arguments as to what exactly is "BS," why, and what alternate data is better.
Good luck getting an answer to that.
And yes lpr was lower before women began participating en mass, which they will undoubtedly continue to do.
Actually that is not true. A steadily increasing % of women are choosing to stay home rather than enter the workforce, stay at home dads are increasing too, though to a lesser extent than women, which is one of the many demographic influences on the LFPR that make it worthless as a useful economic indicator.
Two factors have affected LPR

Thirty years ago a high school graduate could enter the workforce and support themselves. Today, young people will wait and additional five years before they become self sufficient
Baby boomers are retiring at four million a year. That's 330,000 jobs you need to add each month to keep LPR stable
Yep, Georgetown’s Center on Education and the Workforce predicts a shortfall of five million workers with post secondary education and training by 2020 due to baby boomers leaving the workplace. That's the good news. The bad news is we aren't graduating enough people to meet the demand and if we can't, many of those jobs will go elsewhere.
Baby Boomer Retirees Will Help Create 55 Million Jobs by 2020

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