More Evidence That Covid Is A Scam

The Left ...
That "Left" that festers in your noggin, over whom you obsess, and for whom you act as a spokesperson, is really something!

With so many Republican office holders and Republican judges scoffing at your meritless Trumpy ravings, you can really ignore that vexing "Left" that torments you.

Let's define terms for you.

The Right
The Founders, classical liberals, conservatives
a. individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

The Left
Fascists, Nazis, Liberals, Progressives, Socialists, Communists....Democrats
b. the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

That is not really true.
The founders were more left than right, with only Hamilton and Madison being right wing banker types.
Jefferson, Franklin, etc., were much more the left wing socialist type.
Free markets are not fair markets, and a free market includes things like slavery, if you have the force of arms to carry it off.
Fascists and Nazis are right wing plutocrats
The left wing wants limited constitutional government as much or more than anyone.
It is just that the industrial revolution creates the risk of economic slavery that needs more government protection than was needed in colonial or frontier days.
The current though control, censorship, etc., are not really leftist, and is more of just a weird tangent the democratic party has taken for some reason. But it is additional influence by right wing bankers, through Hillary, on the democratic party, that is causing that problem, not real leftists.

There was no other disease diagnosed.

Letlow ... with no underlying conditions, developed a COVID-related blood clot

As his family noted in the obituary submitted, "Congressman-elect Luke Joshua Letlow, from Start, Louisiana, passed away from complications due to COVID-19 on December 29, 2020."

The 41-year-old Republican underwent two procedures to treat a blood clot that he developed while he battled the coronavirus.

Naw, died of heart attack

If you have an alternate diagnosis for Representative Letlow - or for any of the 349,397 Americans who have died from covid - you may want to reveal your findings to the medical profession who have concluded that covid can induce pneumonia and other fatal conditions, including cardiac failure.

Dr C. K. Ponde, Consultant Cardiologist, P.D Hinduja Hospital & MRC said “approximately 20 per cent of the coronavirus have the infection of the heart in one way or another. The deadly microscopic disease can damage the heart both directly and indirectly, and lead to conditions such as acute myocarditis, myocardial infarction, sinus bradycardias, and heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEH).”
(You may be asked to provide your medical qualifications and to submit your research - or just if you're a Trump crackpot that doesn't need either to propound ideological claptrap with no bearing on reality.)
Get AIDs and die you fucking parasite.
You appear to be very upset because I cited Trump's fanatical followers at Daily Stormer.

I'm sure that neither of us thrill at a U.S. president being publicly twice endorsed and enthusiastically revered as their "God Emperor" by neo-nazis, but awareness of the truth is commendable. Knowledge is good.
If the Covid was not present, he may have been successful in fighting
another disease.
There was no other disease diagnosed.

Letlow, just 41 with no underlying conditions, developed a COVID-related blood clot that had to be treated. A follow-up procedure for the blood clot Tuesday seemed to be successful, but later that day Letlow died from a coronavirus-fueled heart attack.

As his family noted in the obituary submitted, "Congressman-elect Luke Joshua Letlow, from Start, Louisiana, passed away from complications due to COVID-19 on December 29, 2020."

The 41-year-old Republican underwent two procedures to treat a blood clot that he developed while he battled the coronavirus.

Covid-19 does not and can not cause blood clots.
It is instantly killed by blood and can not exist in the blood.
For example, there has never been an infection through transfusion and blood banks do not care if you are positive or not.

Blood clots are cause by the cytokine storm of the over active immune system.

Hey Rigby, got any links to prove the bullshit you're spreading? If you want, I can find several that say that COVID 19 causes blood clots. Go ahead and try to refute it if you can, but I'm guessing you can't. Respond to this post, and I'll show you that the virus DOES cause blood clots.
That is not really true.
The founders were more left than right, with only Hamilton and Madison being right wing banker types.
Jefferson, Franklin, etc., were much more the left wing socialist type.
Free markets are not fair markets, and a free market includes things like slavery, if you have the force of arms to carry it off.
Fascists and Nazis are right wing plutocrats
The left wing wants limited constitutional government as much or more than anyone.
It is just that the industrial revolution creates the risk of economic slavery that needs more government protection than was needed in colonial or frontier days.
The current though control, censorship, etc., are not really leftist, and is more of just a weird tangent the democratic party has taken for some reason. But it is additional influence by right wing bankers, through Hillary, on the democratic party, that is causing that problem, not real leftists.

You could not be more wrong if you were regurgitating some insipid shit from a marxist zealot.

Oh wait, that's exactly what you're doing.

There are no parallels AT ALL between the founders and a collectivist plutocracy.

Fascists and Nazis were left wing you jabbering retard. Leftists are authoritarians who promote centralized controlled economies, not free markets or federalist government. The left wing utterly rejects our constitution. They're deliberately working to undermine the freedom of their enemies to express ourselves, practice our religion, keep and bear firearms, own property without fear of bureaucrats regulating or taking ownership of it, and being secure in business and personal effects.

Hitlary, Kamalatoe Harris, Xibiden, the meat puppet faggot obozo, Bernie, Pelousy EtAl are working for the globalist elite that you claim to oppose. They're all part of a criminal marxist syndicate hell bent on creating a global dystopia.


It is true most of the founders were not in favor of a collectivist plutocracy, but a collectivist plutocracy is right wing.
Left wing is about the individual liberties of liberalism.
It is the right wing that wants string government control so that bankers can dictate.
Fascists and Nazis were a right wing coalition between bankers, the military, and the aristocracy.
It is always the right wing that is authoritarians who promote centralized controlled economies, not fair markets or socialized government.
You confuse free markets with fair markets.
Free markets is where force can be used to cause slavery, monopolies, etc.
Fair markets are where you protect individuals by regulating the power of the wealthy elite.

The main 2 example of fascist Nasiz were Hitler's Germany and Mussolini's Italy, both extreme right wing militarist states where corporations, banks, and the aristocracy, abused the poor masses. That is as right wing as anyone could get.

The only thing I agree with is that the current democrats are not at all left wing, but right wing.
Have been since Hillary cut a deal with the right wing bankers.
That is not really true.
The founders were more left than right, with only Hamilton and Madison being right wing banker types.
Jefferson, Franklin, etc., were much more the left wing socialist type.
Free markets are not fair markets, and a free market includes things like slavery, if you have the force of arms to carry it off.
Fascists and Nazis are right wing plutocrats
The left wing wants limited constitutional government as much or more than anyone.
It is just that the industrial revolution creates the risk of economic slavery that needs more government protection than was needed in colonial or frontier days.
The current though control, censorship, etc., are not really leftist, and is more of just a weird tangent the democratic party has taken for some reason. But it is additional influence by right wing bankers, through Hillary, on the democratic party, that is causing that problem, not real leftists.
Authoritarians yearn for a powerful central government ordering their behavior. Thus, the support for dried up old geezers in Washington dictating to American women everywhere, rather than respecting their right to control their bodies. Rather than a woman making such personal decisions in consultation with medical and spiritual advisers, friends and family, the authoritarians demand that an impersonal, intrusive State issue its blanket orders and threaten anyone who does not kowtow.
If the Covid was not present, he may have been successful in fighting
another disease.
There was no other disease diagnosed.

Letlow, just 41 with no underlying conditions, developed a COVID-related blood clot that had to be treated. A follow-up procedure for the blood clot Tuesday seemed to be successful, but later that day Letlow died from a coronavirus-fueled heart attack.

As his family noted in the obituary submitted, "Congressman-elect Luke Joshua Letlow, from Start, Louisiana, passed away from complications due to COVID-19 on December 29, 2020."

The 41-year-old Republican underwent two procedures to treat a blood clot that he developed while he battled the coronavirus.

Covid-19 does not and can not cause blood clots.
It is instantly killed by blood and can not exist in the blood.
For example, there has never been an infection through transfusion and blood banks do not care if you are positive or not.

Blood clots are cause by the cytokine storm of the over active immune system.

Hey Rigby, got any links to prove the bullshit you're spreading? If you want, I can find several that say that COVID 19 causes blood clots. Go ahead and try to refute it if you can, but I'm guessing you can't. Respond to this post, and I'll show you that the virus DOES cause blood clots.

No, you are wrong, and anyone claiming the covid-19 virus can cause a bloodclot is lying.
Covid-19 can not even access the blood, and would be killed and destroyed by the blood if it ever got in contact.
ALL the harm after a covid-19 infection is caused ONLY by our own immune system, over reacting.
NONE of the damage, harm, deaths, etc., are caused by the virus itself.

This is not a great link because it is way back from April, but I don't feel like finding a better one for something this obvious.

April 17, 2020 -- One of the great mysteries of the new coronavirus is why it causes only mild disease in most people, but turns fatal for others. In many cases, it seems the worst damage may be driven by a deranged immune response to the infection, rather than the virus itself.

In many of the sickest patients with COVID-19, their blood is teeming with high levels of immune system proteins called cytokines.

Scientists believe these cytokines are evidence of an immune response called a cytokine storm, where the body starts to attack its own cells and tissues rather than just fighting off the virus.

Cytokine storms are known to happen in autoimmune diseases like juvenile arthritis. They also occur during certain kinds of cancer treatment, and can be triggered by infections, like the flu. One study of patients who died of H1N1 influenza, for example, found that 81% had features of a cytokine storm.

Though the virus that causes COVID-19 has been circulating for only a few months, early research shows that like other infections, it, too, may cause this kind of catastrophic immune problem, and researchers say the size of the storm it triggers is gale-force.
I think that your thread should be retitiled to "More Evidence that PC is a Gullible Fool". If you didn't link to lying sources, you wouldn't have a source.

  • Overall, we rate The Right Scoop Right biased based on story selection that favors the right and Mixed for factual reporting due to poor sourcing techniques and failed fact checks

So what you're trying to imply is that only leftist bed wetter web sites tell the "truth" and anything that refutes it is a poor source?

You do of course understand that tens of millions of people reject the "mainstream" agitprop ministry of bullshit because it conflicts with what our own eyes have seen, and malignant parasites like you continue to exalt as "unbiased" purveyors of "news".
There was no other disease diagnosed.

Letlow ... with no underlying conditions, developed a COVID-related blood clot

As his family noted in the obituary submitted, "Congressman-elect Luke Joshua Letlow, from Start, Louisiana, passed away from complications due to COVID-19 on December 29, 2020."

The 41-year-old Republican underwent two procedures to treat a blood clot that he developed while he battled the coronavirus.

Naw, died of heart attack

If you have an alternate diagnosis for Representative Letlow - or for any of the 349,397 Americans who have died from covid - you may want to reveal your findings to the medical profession who have concluded that covid can induce pneumonia and other fatal conditions, including cardiac failure.

Dr C. K. Ponde, Consultant Cardiologist, P.D Hinduja Hospital & MRC said “approximately 20 per cent of the coronavirus have the infection of the heart in one way or another. The deadly microscopic disease can damage the heart both directly and indirectly, and lead to conditions such as acute myocarditis, myocardial infarction, sinus bradycardias, and heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEH).”
(You may be asked to provide your medical qualifications and to submit your research - or just if you're a Trump crackpot that doesn't need either to propound ideological claptrap with no bearing on reality.)

The most obivous proof is that covid-19 can never remotely access the blood stream in any way.
It only survives at all by hiding out where the immune system can't find it, like the outer sinuses and the lung air passages. The proof of that is there has never been a infection caused by contaminated transfusion. Plenty of infected people have given blood, but it can't infect anyone else, because the covid-19 virus would be instantly destroyed on contact with any blood.

Covid-19 patients who have to be hospitalized often do have problems with blood clots, but those blood clots are caused by the cytokine storm of an over active immune system and not the virus itself.
All the virus does is trigger the immune system. All the damage is then done by the immune system, not the virus.
If the Covid was not present, he may have been successful in fighting
another disease.
There was no other disease diagnosed.

Letlow, just 41 with no underlying conditions, developed a COVID-related blood clot that had to be treated. A follow-up procedure for the blood clot Tuesday seemed to be successful, but later that day Letlow died from a coronavirus-fueled heart attack.

As his family noted in the obituary submitted, "Congressman-elect Luke Joshua Letlow, from Start, Louisiana, passed away from complications due to COVID-19 on December 29, 2020."

The 41-year-old Republican underwent two procedures to treat a blood clot that he developed while he battled the coronavirus.

Covid-19 does not and can not cause blood clots.
It is instantly killed by blood and can not exist in the blood.
For example, there has never been an infection through transfusion and blood banks do not care if you are positive or not.

Blood clots are cause by the cytokine storm of the over active immune system.

Hey Rigby, got any links to prove the bullshit you're spreading? If you want, I can find several that say that COVID 19 causes blood clots. Go ahead and try to refute it if you can, but I'm guessing you can't. Respond to this post, and I'll show you that the virus DOES cause blood clots.

No, you are wrong, and anyone claiming the covid-19 virus can cause a bloodclot is lying.
Covid-19 can not even access the blood, and would be killed and destroyed by the blood if it ever got in contact.
ALL the harm after a covid-19 infection is caused ONLY by our own immune system, over reacting.
NONE of the damage, harm, deaths, etc., are caused by the virus itself.

This is not a great link because it is way back from April, but I don't feel like finding a better one for something this obvious.

April 17, 2020 -- One of the great mysteries of the new coronavirus is why it causes only mild disease in most people, but turns fatal for others. In many cases, it seems the worst damage may be driven by a deranged immune response to the infection, rather than the virus itself.

In many of the sickest patients with COVID-19, their blood is teeming with high levels of immune system proteins called cytokines.

Scientists believe these cytokines are evidence of an immune response called a cytokine storm, where the body starts to attack its own cells and tissues rather than just fighting off the virus.

Cytokine storms are known to happen in autoimmune diseases like juvenile arthritis. They also occur during certain kinds of cancer treatment, and can be triggered by infections, like the flu. One study of patients who died of H1N1 influenza, for example, found that 81% had features of a cytokine storm.

Though the virus that causes COVID-19 has been circulating for only a few months, early research shows that like other infections, it, too, may cause this kind of catastrophic immune problem, and researchers say the size of the storm it triggers is gale-force.

If you think that, I suggest you do a Google search for COVID 19 and blood clots. The virus DOES affect the blood, and it causes clots that can kill. Here are a couple of links to get you started................

If you know more than these doctors do, then I suggest that you call them and tell them why they are wrong.
There was no other disease diagnosed.

Letlow ... with no underlying conditions, developed a COVID-related blood clot

As his family noted in the obituary submitted, "Congressman-elect Luke Joshua Letlow, from Start, Louisiana, passed away from complications due to COVID-19 on December 29, 2020."

The 41-year-old Republican underwent two procedures to treat a blood clot that he developed while he battled the coronavirus.

Naw, died of heart attack

If you have an alternate diagnosis for Representative Letlow - or for any of the 349,397 Americans who have died from covid - you may want to reveal your findings to the medical profession who have concluded that covid can induce pneumonia and other fatal conditions, including cardiac failure.

Dr C. K. Ponde, Consultant Cardiologist, P.D Hinduja Hospital & MRC said “approximately 20 per cent of the coronavirus have the infection of the heart in one way or another. The deadly microscopic disease can damage the heart both directly and indirectly, and lead to conditions such as acute myocarditis, myocardial infarction, sinus bradycardias, and heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEH).”
(You may be asked to provide your medical qualifications and to submit your research - or just if you're a Trump crackpot that doesn't need either to propound ideological claptrap with no bearing on reality.)

The most obivous proof is that covid-19 can never remotely access the blood stream in any way.
It only survives at all by hiding out where the immune system can't find it, like the outer sinuses and the lung air passages. The proof of that is there has never been a infection caused by contaminated transfusion. Plenty of infected people have given blood, but it can't infect anyone else, because the covid-19 virus would be instantly destroyed on contact with any blood.

Covid-19 patients who have to be hospitalized often do have problems with blood clots, but those blood clots are caused by the cytokine storm of an over active immune system and not the virus itself.
All the virus does is trigger the immune system. All the damage is then done by the immune system, not the virus.

Guess you don't know much about how the body works. The lungs work to send oxygen directly to the blood, which is one of the ways that the virus infects the whole body. BTW..............the virus doesn't just stay in the lungs, it affects many organs.
It is true most of the founders were not in favor of a collectivist plutocracy, but a collectivist plutocracy is right wing.
Left wing is about the individual liberties of liberalism.
It is the right wing that wants string government control so that bankers can dictate.
Fascists and Nazis were a right wing coalition between bankers, the military, and the aristocracy.
It is always the right wing that is authoritarians who promote centralized controlled economies, not fair markets or socialized government.
You confuse free markets with fair markets.
Free markets is where force can be used to cause slavery, monopolies, etc.
Fair markets are where you protect individuals by regulating the power of the wealthy elite.

The main 2 example of fascist Nasiz were Hitler's Germany and Mussolini's Italy, both extreme right wing militarist states where corporations, banks, and the aristocracy, abused the poor masses. That is as right wing as anyone could get.

The only thing I agree with is that the current democrats are not at all left wing, but right wing.
Have been since Hillary cut a deal with the right wing bankers.

a vacuous retard said:
It is true most of the founders were not in favor of a collectivist plutocracy, but a collectivist plutocracy is right wing.

OK... You were not just dropped on your head as a baby, you were spiked like a football. COLLECTIVISM is entirely a leftwing concept. It's not even arguable. Just like it's not even worthy of discussion that criminals who are willing to commit MURDER would obey a law preventing them from obtaining a weapon to do it with. I don't know how pieces of shit as stupid as you appear to be manage to remain fugitives of natural selection into adulthood.

the same vacuous retard said:
Left wing is about the individual liberties of liberalism.

ON WHAT PLANET do leftists support, promote, endorse, or agitate in favor of "individual liberty? Please... Enlighten me how the hordes of ANTIFA lunatics that are destroying private property, threatening home owners, and assaulting anyone they can get away with assaulting for expressing an opinion they condemn "liberal" as you're attempting (and failing) to define?

The same utter ninny then said:
It is the right wing that wants string government control so that bankers can dictate.

You're obviously far too stupid to realize the globalist plutocracy donates almost exclusively to leftist democrook political whores, and give NOTHING to the right wing or actual libertarians.

This sniveling imbecile said:
Fascists and Nazis were a right wing coalition between bankers, the military, and the aristocracy.

Who told you that? Your 57 genders 101 professor? The rich euroweenie elites attempted to buy off the leftist thugs that were the Fascists and Nazis only to be forced to flee their countries or die in camps. Plenty of bankers and aristocrats tried to buy the loyalty of the bolsheviks as well only to be chased out or thrown in gulags you pathetic fuckwit.

The rest of your drivel is just more inane bullshit, I don't know who keeps you from wandering into traffic but if it wasn't for the safety standards we have adopted in this country you would have been ground up in a machine accidentally years ago. It's a crime against nature that people as stupid as you manage to live long enough to experience puberty and the reason I do not oppose abortion is because genetic garbage like you should have been sucked out of the womb by Kermit Gosnell and fed to rats in the dumpster behind his clinic.

CAN SOMEONE REMIND ME WHY, or even explain to me why I can not encourage jabbering imbeciles like this to thrown themselves in front of speeding trucks? They are stealing oxygen from the trees.


Last edited:
So I guess he was gonna die of a heart attack anyway. We have 35% to 40% of our population thinking this stuff. And we wonder why we can't get it under control. They don't care how much they spread it in the name of the "liberty" or how many they kill.
True. These idiots are almost as dangerous as the frigging virus itself. God almighty, what idiots... DANGEROUS idiots.
Yep. This virus was the moment that Trumpism turned from potentially dangerous to literally dangerous.

How many people have died, and how many more have long term health issues, because these sociopaths are paranoid that their "freedom" and "liberty" are stolen if they just wear a fucking mask?
There's nothing "paranoid" about it. Dims have flushed our freedom down the toilet. I don't care if 1 millions Dims have to die to keep them out of power.
Wow. I believe you.

You guys have really lost it.
Sorry asshole. It’s you and your side killing people, burning buildings, looting businesses, shutting down and killing small businesses. Let us know when Republicans start doing that, But keep babbling with your 4 year old mentality responses. It’s all you’re good for.
Clumsy deflection noted.
My point is proven. Sorry asshole, i proved you and yours already “lost it”.
So I guess he was gonna die of a heart attack anyway. We have 35% to 40% of our population thinking this stuff. And we wonder why we can't get it under control. They don't care how much they spread it in the name of the "liberty" or how many they kill.
True. These idiots are almost as dangerous as the frigging virus itself. God almighty, what idiots... DANGEROUS idiots.
Yep. This virus was the moment that Trumpism turned from potentially dangerous to literally dangerous.

How many people have died, and how many more have long term health issues, because these sociopaths are paranoid that their "freedom" and "liberty" are stolen if they just wear a fucking mask?
There's nothing "paranoid" about it. Dims have flushed our freedom down the toilet. I don't care if 1 millions Dims have to die to keep them out of power.
Wow. I believe you.

You guys have really lost it.
Sorry asshole. It’s you and your side killing people, burning buildings, looting businesses, shutting down and killing small businesses. Let us know when Republicans start doing that, But keep babbling with your 4 year old mentality responses. It’s all you’re good for.
Clumsy deflection noted.
My point is proven. Sorry asshole, i proved you and yours already “lost it”.
You're right, Mac... these Krazy Kornspiracy Klowns need to be stuffed back into the Lunatic Fringe Closet where they belong.


The Orange Flim-Flam Kool-Aid being served by their Orange Baboon-God is a powerful hallucinogenic.

They are no longer in their right minds... poor misled bastards.
Last edited:
There was no other disease diagnosed.

Letlow ... with no underlying conditions, developed a COVID-related blood clot

As his family noted in the obituary submitted, "Congressman-elect Luke Joshua Letlow, from Start, Louisiana, passed away from complications due to COVID-19 on December 29, 2020."

The 41-year-old Republican underwent two procedures to treat a blood clot that he developed while he battled the coronavirus.

Naw, died of heart attack

If you have an alternate diagnosis for Representative Letlow - or for any of the 349,397 Americans who have died from covid - you may want to reveal your findings to the medical profession who have concluded that covid can induce pneumonia and other fatal conditions, including cardiac failure.

Dr C. K. Ponde, Consultant Cardiologist, P.D Hinduja Hospital & MRC said “approximately 20 per cent of the coronavirus have the infection of the heart in one way or another. The deadly microscopic disease can damage the heart both directly and indirectly, and lead to conditions such as acute myocarditis, myocardial infarction, sinus bradycardias, and heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEH).”
(You may be asked to provide your medical qualifications and to submit your research - or just if you're a Trump crackpot that doesn't need either to propound ideological claptrap with no bearing on reality.)
It is true most of the founders were not in favor of a collectivist plutocracy, but a collectivist plutocracy is right wing.
Left wing is about the individual liberties of liberalism.
It is the right wing that wants string government control so that bankers can dictate.
Fascists and Nazis were a right wing coalition between bankers, the military, and the aristocracy.
It is always the right wing that is authoritarians who promote centralized controlled economies, not fair markets or socialized government.
You confuse free markets with fair markets.
Free markets is where force can be used to cause slavery, monopolies, etc.
Fair markets are where you protect individuals by regulating the power of the wealthy elite.

The main 2 example of fascist Nasiz were Hitler's Germany and Mussolini's Italy, both extreme right wing militarist states where corporations, banks, and the aristocracy, abused the poor masses. That is as right wing as anyone could get.

The only thing I agree with is that the current democrats are not at all left wing, but right wing.
Have been since Hillary cut a deal with the right wing bankers.

a vacuous retard said:
It is true most of the founders were not in favor of a collectivist plutocracy, but a collectivist plutocracy is right wing.

OK... You were not just dropped on your head as a baby, you were spiked like a football. COLLECTIVISM is entirely a leftwing concept. It's not even arguable. Just like it's not even worthy of discussion that criminals who are willing to commit MURDER would obey a law preventing them from obtaining a weapon to do it with. I don't know how pieces of shit as stupid as you appear to be manage to remain fugitives of natural selection into adulthood.

the same vacuous retard said:
Left wing is about the individual liberties of liberalism.

ON WHAT PLANET do leftists support, promote, endorse, or agitate in favor of "individual liberty? Please... Enlighten me how the hordes of ANTIFA lunatics that are destroying private property, threatening home owners, and assaulting anyone they can get away with assaulting for expressing an opinion they condemn "liberal" as you're attempting (and failing) to define?

The same utter ninny then said:
It is the right wing that wants string government control so that bankers can dictate.

You're obviously far too stupid to realize the globalist plutocracy donates almost exclusively to leftist democrook political whores, and give NOTHING to the right wing or actual libertarians.

This sniveling imbecile said:
Fascists and Nazis were a right wing coalition between bankers, the military, and the aristocracy.

Who told you that? Your 57 genders 101 professor? The rich euroweenie elites attempted to buy off the leftist thugs that were the Fascists and Nazis only to be forced to flee their countries or die in camps. Plenty of bankers and aristocrats tried to buy the loyalty of the bolsheviks as well only to be chased out or thrown in gulags you pathetic fuckwit.

The rest of your drivel is just more inane bullshit, I don't know who keeps you from wandering into traffic but if it wasn't for the safety standards we have adopted in this country you would have been ground up in a machine accidentally years ago. It's a crime against nature that people as stupid as you manage to live long enough to experience puberty and the reason I do not oppose abortion is because genetic garbage like you should have been sucked out of the womb by Kermit Gosnell and fed to rats in the dumpster behind his clinic.

CAN SOMEONE REMIND ME WHY, or even explain to me why I can not encourage jabbering imbeciles like this to thrown themselves in front of speeding trucks? They are stealing oxygen from the trees.


ok, reminder.

Liberalism in the United States is a political and moral philosophy based on what liberals consider the unalienable rights of the individual. The fundamental liberal ideals of freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, the separation of church and state, the right to due process and equality under the law are widely accepted as a common foundation of liberalism.

The majority of scholars identify Nazism in both theory and practice as a form of far-right politics.[24] Far-right themes in Nazism include the argument that superior people have a right to dominate other people and purge society of supposed inferior elements.[25]

Opposed to liberalism, democracy, Marxism, and anarchism, fascism is placed on the far right within the traditional left–right spectrum.[4][5][6]

I have no doubt that you are unaware of your own conversion, but you belong to the religious cult of Militant Secularism.
WTF kind of word salad is that? Jesus
An elderly, overweight President had it, and ten days later is doing two hours-long rallies a day.

Trump got the best care and best treatment on the and treatment NOBODY gets

True, but if treatment could make that much difference, then likely we could prevent all deaths if we wanted to.
So more likely is just that like most people, Trump simply got over it himself.
Over 99.94% of the population gets over it.
Only 0.06% of the population dies from covid-19.
You just took the Biden lovers to school. :thup:

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