More Gop War Against Women--sterilize Women On Medicaid

Aren't most women on Medicade well past the child bearing age?

That would be Medicare.

Medicaid is the government health-welfare for younger people.
And it should probably be noted that the children on Medicaid are a relative fraction of the cost, while old people, esp those in nursing homes, and the longterm disabled ill, are the biggest cost drivers, and neither of those groups have anything to do with "all these women having babies on welfare."
Had he left out "tubal ligations" from his remarks, you assholes who support unceasing government welfare for the scumbags of society would still have made it an issue. He's right. A lot of us would be more than happy to see these subhumans stop procreating on tax dollars, and we'd be tickled to just see a majority of them them quietly die.

You'd do that to all your poor white trash tea bagger friends in the Deep Red South?


How about all the Vets on food stamps?

And the seniors on medicare?

And the handicapped on disability?

You average vet in need deserves the help, they earned it.

Truly handicapped people deserve assistance. This does not include fat fucks who got diabetes and back problems from living piggish lifestyles.
Aren't most women on Medicade well past the child bearing age?

That would be Medicare.

Medicaid is the government health-welfare for younger people.
And it should probably be noted that the children on Medicaid are a relative fraction of the cost, while old people, esp those in nursing homes, and the longterm disabled ill, are the biggest cost drivers, and neither of those groups have anything to do with "all these women having babies on welfare."

Linky-poo? I'm curious as to how much MEDICAID is actually spent on Old People In Nursing Homes. And no fair jumping over to Medicare spending in your reply.
We never should have tied the amount of aid for food and housing to household size, nor should aid ever have been open ended in duration.

But that is no justification for thinking its ok to dehumanize people.

People dehumanize themselves when they are habitually sucking from the government teet. And the teet runs dry if not for the forced confiscation of taxes from people like me who work to support ourselves.
No, its dehumanizing to suggest that women on foodstamps must be sterilized or give up a const right and pass drug screens others don't have to pass.

The way aid is distributed may be wrong, but that's still no excuse.
Had he left out "tubal ligations" from his remarks, you assholes who support unceasing government welfare for the scumbags of society would still have made it an issue. He's right. A lot of us would be more than happy to see these subhumans stop procreating on tax dollars, and we'd be tickled to just see a majority of them them quietly die.

Sad for you, you were not born in 1925 in Germany, You would have been very happy to join the Hitler Youth and fight for the Third Reich.

If a person is too pathetic to take care of themselves, when they go begging for stipends they shouldn't be surprised if there are strings attached.

And there are millions of useless people in the world. Why should I give two fucks if they eat?

I'm not sure even the Hitler youth would have you. You are disgusting.
Aren't most women on Medicade well past the child bearing age?

That would be Medicare.

Medicaid is the government health-welfare for younger people.
And it should probably be noted that the children on Medicaid are a relative fraction of the cost, while old people, esp those in nursing homes, and the longterm disabled ill, are the biggest cost drivers, and neither of those groups have anything to do with "all these women having babies on welfare."

Linky-poo? I'm curious as to how much MEDICAID is actually spent on Old People In Nursing Homes. And no fair jumping over to Medicare spending in your reply.
I'm leaving, but send me a message if this is not sufficient and I'll get back to you when I can.

Distribution of Medicaid Payments by Enrollment Group FY2010 The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

Again, I'm not saying that bundling an aid program for non-working poor with programs for older people who generally have worked and are now in nursing homes or for people who became ill (either through poor lifestyle or genetics ... though they often go hand in hand) is a good thing. And I'm not saying it was a good decision to give more aid to non-workers if they have more kids.

Have a nice evening.
Had he left out "tubal ligations" from his remarks, you assholes who support unceasing government welfare for the scumbags of society would still have made it an issue. He's right. A lot of us would be more than happy to see these subhumans stop procreating on tax dollars, and we'd be tickled to just see a majority of them them quietly die.

Sad for you, you were not born in 1925 in Germany, You would have been very happy to join the Hitler Youth and fight for the Third Reich.

If a person is too pathetic to take care of themselves, when they go begging for stipends they shouldn't be surprised if there are strings attached.

And there are millions of useless people in the world. Why should I give two fucks if they eat?

I'm not sure even the Hitler youth would have you. You are disgusting.

And you are a moron if you think unlimited freebies with no strings attached is step toward a healthy society.

Of course you don't, you are nothing more or less than a lying sack of shit pretending to care.
Had he left out "tubal ligations" from his remarks, you assholes who support unceasing government welfare for the scumbags of society would still have made it an issue. He's right. A lot of us would be more than happy to see these subhumans stop procreating on tax dollars, and we'd be tickled to just see a majority of them them quietly die.

Sad for you, you were not born in 1925 in Germany, You would have been very happy to join the Hitler Youth and fight for the Third Reich.

If a person is too pathetic to take care of themselves, when they go begging for stipends they shouldn't be surprised if there are strings attached.

And there are millions of useless people in the world. Why should I give two fucks if they eat?

I'm not sure even the Hitler youth would have you. You are disgusting.

And you are a moron if you think unlimited freebies with no strings attached is step toward a healthy society.

Of course you don't, you are nothing more or less than a lying sack of shit pretending to care.

FU, you're a self admitted bigot and asshole. I don't believe in unlimited freebies with no strings attached, and such benefits ceased to exist when TANF replace AFDC. That you're too ignorant to know that is telling.

You don't know anything about me, all of your opinions are formed in your head without a shread of evidence. I suspect even the very conservative who have read you posts find you to be disgusting, as do I and most Americans as well as anyone form any place in the world who has read your hate filled rhetoric.
After Saying Women On Medicaid Should Be Sterilized Russell Pearce Resigns From Arizona GOP

AZ GOP Vice Chair resigns after advocating that women on Medicaid be sterilized.

That's all nice and nifty.... It's funny how the left is 'pro-kill-the-babies', and yet against sterilization. Apparently, it's just not as appealing, unless you are actually murdering a child, instead of preventing one from being conceived.

But all of that is secondary to the real problem you people can't seem to grasp.

This.... is the NATURAL RESULT OF SOCIALISM. If you pay the bills, you dictate the rules.

If your alcoholic brother in law, asks you to pay his mortgage bill, because he drank away his money, what do you say? Yes, if you get help. If you start AA, I'll pay your bill this month.

Why? Because you don't want your money being wasted. You have purse, you make the rules.

It's natural that if you have government paying for stuff, they are going to start controlling people's lives.

New York health care, and no more big soda drinks. Pay for lung cancer treatment, and ban cigarettes.

You pay for water rescue, and now you ban surfers going out in high surf.

When the government is paying for people's life styles, why are you shocked they want to control your life style?

Again, this is the natural result of socialism. The more and more you give to government to pay for, the more and more aspects of our lives they will want to control.

How many times have we heard "we need more contraception, otherwise will end up paying for more people on welfare!".... What do you think the rational is behind that?
"You put me in charge of Medicaid, the first thing I'd do is get [female recipients] Norplant, birth-control implants, or tubal ligations," Pearce said, according to the Phoenix New Times. "Then, we'll test recipients for drugs and alcohol, and if you want to [reproduce] or use drugs or alcohol, then get a job."

Pearce said "people out there [who] need help" should get it from "family, church, and community," not the government.

Obviously Pearce is not representative of all republicans and conservatives.

But there are nonetheless a significant number of those on the right who agree with this. We have a rightist on this very forum, for example, who advocates that women who have abortions be forcibly sterilized.

Needless to say what Pearce advocates is prima facie un-Constitutional, violations of both the 4th and 14th Amendments.

Washington Post, Pearce said the comments were "written by someone else" and said he "failed to attribute them to the author."

"This was a mistake," Pearce said. "This mistake has been taken by the media and the left and used to hurt our Republican candidates."

No, Pearce alone hurt his republican candidates, the consequence of his ignorance and hate; he has only himself to blame.

So much for conservatives taking 'personal responsibility.'
If these women cannot provide for their own health care why would you think they could provide for a child?

Please point out to me how anyone other than ignorant dumb asses would make the comment you just did?

MOST people do not provide their own health care, it comes from your employer, the money you make from your employer or a subsidized government health plan.

In your world where do people carry the cost of healthcare without the support of some other entity?
Wow really?

In each case, with the exception of government subsidy, no burden is placed upon anyone involuntarily.

Might want to rethink your ability to think.

You may want a stab at reading comprehension, where did I mention "involuntarily" anywhere???
Literacy is your friend...
After Saying Women On Medicaid Should Be Sterilized Russell Pearce Resigns From Arizona GOP

AZ GOP Vice Chair resigns after advocating that women on Medicaid be sterilized.
I'm surprised he resigned. The vast majority of Republicans support that big government intervention.

Oh come on, you usually seem halfway reasonable to me, surely you agree that people on welfare shouldn't be having kids.

No I don't support mandatory birth control, I support "if you create a child while on welfare you are kicked off welfare"
so those of us who doesn't live in Arizona is suppose to give a shit about this?

the dude resigned what do you want? hanging?

good ole hufferpufferpost ALL THE NEWS that nobody else cares about
Here's something that makes me laugh..

I see some posters in here who were in another thread saying that if the government supplies school lunches, they should have a say what is in those lunches, while at the same time screaming that the government has NO right to tell welfare recipients that they can't have kids.

While at the same time we have people on here who were screaming bloody murder about the school lunch program saying that the government SHOULD be able to tell you if you can have kids or use drugs or whatever.

Do you morons not realize this is two sides of the same coin? Either the government CAN dictate to those who they feed or they can't.


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