More Gop War Against Women--sterilize Women On Medicaid

It would be cheaper to sterilize them than pay for abortions year after year.
It would also be cheaper to sterilize them.

No more kids. No more tax money to pay for them. No more medicaid to keep them healthy.

Sterilize the hell out of all of those welfare freeloaders.
Please point out to me how anyone other than ignorant dumb asses would make the comment you just did?

MOST people do not provide their own health care, it comes from your employer, the money you make from your employer or a subsidized government health plan.

In your world where do people carry the cost of healthcare without the support of some other entity?

If you can't comprehend the difference between benefits earned through employment and handouts then there's no point in me trying to explain it to you.
AAAhhhhh...the whole "it's a hand out" when your intellectual pump is dry.
My original post stands...
Had he left out "tubal ligations" from his remarks, you assholes who support unceasing government welfare for the scumbags of society would still have made it an issue. He's right. A lot of us would be more than happy to see these subhumans stop procreating on tax dollars, and we'd be tickled to just see a majority of them them quietly die.

Sad for you, you were not born in 1925 in Germany, You would have been very happy to join the Hitler Youth and fight for the Third Reich.
Had he left out "tubal ligations" from his remarks, you assholes who support unceasing government welfare for the scumbags of society would still have made it an issue. He's right. A lot of us would be more than happy to see these subhumans stop procreating on tax dollars, and we'd be tickled to just see a majority of them them quietly die.

Sad for you, you were not born in 1925 in Germany, You would have been very happy to join the Hitler Youth and fight for the Third Reich.

If a person is too pathetic to take care of themselves, when they go begging for stipends they shouldn't be surprised if there are strings attached.

And there are millions of useless people in the world. Why should I give two fucks if they eat?
Had he left out "tubal ligations" from his remarks, you assholes who support unceasing government welfare for the scumbags of society would still have made it an issue. He's right. A lot of us would be more than happy to see these subhumans stop procreating on tax dollars, and we'd be tickled to just see a majority of them them quietly die.

Sad for you, you were not born in 1925 in Germany, You would have been very happy to join the Hitler Youth and fight for the Third Reich.

If a person is too pathetic to take care of themselves, when they go begging for stipends they shouldn't be surprised if there are strings attached.

And there are millions of useless people in the world. Why should I give two fucks if they eat?

You should run for office for the GOP.
If these women cannot provide for their own health care why would you think they could provide for a child?

Please point out to me how anyone other than ignorant dumb asses would make the comment you just did?

MOST people do not provide their own health care, it comes from your employer, the money you make from your employer or a subsidized government health plan.

In your world where do people carry the cost of healthcare without the support of some other entity?
Wow really?

In each case, with the exception of government subsidy, no burden is placed upon anyone involuntarily.

Might want to rethink your ability to think.
We never should have tied the amount of aid for food and housing to household size, nor should aid ever have been open ended in duration.

But that is no justification for thinking its ok to dehumanize people.
Aren't most women on Medicade well past the child bearing age?

That would be Medicare.

Medicaid is the government health-welfare for younger people.
Had he left out "tubal ligations" from his remarks, you assholes who support unceasing government welfare for the scumbags of society would still have made it an issue. He's right. A lot of us would be more than happy to see these subhumans stop procreating on tax dollars, and we'd be tickled to just see a majority of them them quietly die.

You'd do that to all your poor white trash tea bagger friends in the Deep Red South?


How about all the Vets on food stamps?

And the seniors on medicare?

And the handicapped on disability?
We never should have tied the amount of aid for food and housing to household size, nor should aid ever have been open ended in duration.

But that is no justification for thinking its ok to dehumanize people.

People dehumanize themselves when they are habitually sucking from the government teet. And the teet runs dry if not for the forced confiscation of taxes from people like me who work to support ourselves.
Good grief, progressives have been quietly funding sterilization of medicaid women for DECADES. They should have screaming orgasms over this!

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