More Gop War Against Women--sterilize Women On Medicaid

Why not just have Bristol give them a lecture on abstinence?

While Sarah merits her breast implants...

I have no use for the Palin family. They are not Conservative or Moral in any way. They're no better than Hillary and Chelsea Clinton.
What immoral behavior is Chelsea Clinton guilty of? It seems to me she has done everything right and would make any parent proud, and, as well, it indicates her parents did a very good job raising her. She completed her education through graduate school and began a career. She married a man who is also well educated and has a good career. She waited until she was married and both established in their careers and finances to start a family. I would say Chelsea Clinton is s good deal 'better' than the Palin off spring.

you are a judgmental uppity snob. you don't just fawn over the politicians you put their kids on a pedestal too while running down the children of others...that's a sickness

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