More Gop War Against Women--sterilize Women On Medicaid

Had he left out "tubal ligations" from his remarks, you assholes who support unceasing government welfare for the scumbags of society would still have made it an issue. He's right. A lot of us would be more than happy to see these subhumans stop procreating on tax dollars, and we'd be tickled to just see a majority of them them quietly die.
You'd be happy if medicaid recipients just died? How nice. No wonder your party is dying.
Had he left out "tubal ligations" from his remarks, you assholes who support unceasing government welfare for the scumbags of society would still have made it an issue. He's right. A lot of us would be more than happy to see these subhumans stop procreating on tax dollars, and we'd be tickled to just see a majority of them them quietly die.
You'd be happy if medicaid recipients just died? How nice. No wonder your party is dying.

No, actually I'd be happy if the people who paid for Medicaid were only those who support it. Then based on the screaming, we'd know how charitable those people really are.
How many times have we heard "we need more contraception, otherwise will end up paying for more people on welfare!".... What do you think the rational is behind that?

Buying the votes of affluent women in college and still single after graduation.
ok, John Heinz Kerry didn't come right out and say they should be sterilized. but close enough


VIDEO: John Kerry Tells Starving Africans Not to Farm Because it Contributes to Global Warming
August 7, 2014 By Greg Campbell
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This week, leaders from Africa and the U.S. convened in Washington, D.C., to discuss a wide range of issues affecting the nations of Africa. The U.S.-Africa Summit produced a dialogue amongst leaders and with the help of Secretary of State John Kerry, the world got a glimpse into the out-of-touch nature of the leftwing zealots that comprise the Obama Administration.
During the “Resilience and Food Security in a Changing Climate” panel, Kerry noted that Africa faces a starvation problem. With thousands going to bed hungry each night, it’s undeniable that one of Africa’s largest problems is starvation.
Kerry claimed that “8,000 children die every day” and that one in four children face chronic hunger. However, just minutes later, Kerry rang the alarm bell over the left’s favorite fictitious problem: climate change- the term liberals use to describe any weather variance no matter how minute.
Kerry reminded the crowd that despite the starving children in Africa, they ought to refrain from creating new farms because it contributes to “climate change.”
“Certain agricultural processes can actually release carbon pollution and actually contribute to the problem in the first place. It’s a twisted circle. Always complicated. But we also know that there are ways to change that.
For example, rather than convert natural areas to new farmland, a process that typically releases significant amounts of carbon pollution, we can, instead, concentrate our efforts on making existing farmlands more productive.”
Sorry, African children, you’re going hungry tonight because first-world yacht-enthusiasts like John Kerry need to feel warm and fuzzy about advancing global warming hysteria.
This kind of idiocy is precisely what is wrong with liberals. It is a kind of emotional zealotry that conquers all semblance of rational thought and produces a relentless dogma within the minds of leftists. The left feels that climate change exists and to them, this feeling is more important than addressing serious, real-world problems like starvation.

all of it here:
VIDEO John Kerry Tells Starving Africans Not to Farm Because it Contributes to Global Warming
I love it when the extreme Right lifts up their bushel to let their light shine through. You read it here, folks. Sterilize the poor women!!!!!!!!
Who is this? Yeah, no one. It isnt the GOP any more than Al Sharpton is the Democratic Party.

Oh, Pearce is very well known in Arizona and was in the national news many times as he was the sponsor of AZ SB-1070 ("papers, plase"). He was also one of Sherriff Arpaio's (you know, the pink underwear guy) deputies and takes credit for the idea to stick inmates in tents outdoors. You know, like in concentration camps. He was also director of the Arizona DOT and then fired for being involved in tampering with a woman's driving record.

And avid birther and noted racist (he hates Latinos with a passion), he was also part of Arpaio's so-called "posse" that claimed it would provide incontrovertible evidence that Obama's birth certificate was forged.

Russell Pearce also has ties to white nationalist (neo-nazi) groups and also wrote an article for the National Alliance. He was also in cahoots with T. J. Ready, a well known Arizonan neo-nazi, whom Pearce himself ordained into the "priesthood" of the Mormon church. Of course, Russell Pearce claims that he knew nothing about T.J. Ready's apparent nazi ties.

Pearce pushed to reject federal funding of medicaid in Arizona. This move led to a recall election of him from the AZ state senate, an election that he lost in November 2011. He tried a comeback in 2012, but lost handily in the primaries.

But I understand why you know nothing of him, despite the fact that his antics have been on national news many times from 2009-2012, cuz you are an ignorant buffoon. Now, go scratch yourself and grunt real loud.
Last edited:
Who is this? Yeah, no one. It isnt the GOP any more than Al Sharpton is the Democratic Party.

Oh, Pearce is very well known in Arizona and was in the national news many times as he was the sponsor of AZ SB-1070 ("papers, plase"). He was also of of Sherriff Arpaio's (you know, the pink underwear guy) deputies and takes credit for the idea to stick inmates in tents outdoors. You know, like in concentration camps. He was also director of the Arizona DOT and then fired for being involved in tampering with a woman's driving record.

And avid birther and noted racist (he hates Latinos with a passion), he was also part of Arpaio's so-called "posse" that claimed it would provide incontrovertible evidence that Obama's birth certificate was forged.

Russell Pearce also has ties to white nationalist (neo-nazi) groups and also wrote an article for the National Alliance. He was also in cahoots with T. J. Ready, a well known Arizonan neo-nazi, whom Pearce himself ordained into the "priesthood" of the Mormon church. Of course, Russell Pearce claims that he knew nothing about T.J. Ready's apparent nazi ties.

Pearce pushed to reject federal funding of medicaid in Arizona. This move led to a recall election of him from the AZ state senate, an election that he lost in November 2011. He tried a comeback in 2012, but lost handily in the primaries.

But I understand why you know nothing of him, despite the fact that his antics have been on national news many times from 2009-2012, cuz you are an ignorant buffoon. Now, go scratch yourself and grunt real loud.
Go fuck yourself, junior.
The guy is literally nothing. He's not even part of the GOP.
Who is this? Yeah, no one. It isnt the GOP any more than Al Sharpton is the Democratic Party.

Oh, Pearce is very well known in Arizona and was in the national news many times as he was the sponsor of AZ SB-1070 ("papers, plase"). He was also of of Sherriff Arpaio's (you know, the pink underwear guy) deputies and takes credit for the idea to stick inmates in tents outdoors. You know, like in concentration camps. He was also director of the Arizona DOT and then fired for being involved in tampering with a woman's driving record.

And avid birther and noted racist (he hates Latinos with a passion), he was also part of Arpaio's so-called "posse" that claimed it would provide incontrovertible evidence that Obama's birth certificate was forged.

Russell Pearce also has ties to white nationalist (neo-nazi) groups and also wrote an article for the National Alliance. He was also in cahoots with T. J. Ready, a well known Arizonan neo-nazi, whom Pearce himself ordained into the "priesthood" of the Mormon church. Of course, Russell Pearce claims that he knew nothing about T.J. Ready's apparent nazi ties.

Pearce pushed to reject federal funding of medicaid in Arizona. This move led to a recall election of him from the AZ state senate, an election that he lost in November 2011. He tried a comeback in 2012, but lost handily in the primaries.

But I understand why you know nothing of him, despite the fact that his antics have been on national news many times from 2009-2012, cuz you are an ignorant buffoon. Now, go scratch yourself and grunt real loud.
Go fuck yourself, junior.
The guy is literally nothing. He's not even part of the GOP.

LOL, fake Rabbi.

He was a REPUBLICAN state representative and then a REPUBLICAN state senator in Arizona and then, President of the Arizona State Senate, as a REPUBLICAN, and until his resignation, he was Vice-Chair of the Arizona REPUBLICAN party. Nosiree, he is not part of the GOP at all. :lol:

Your ignorance is just totally astounding, only to be outdone by your hatred and bile.

Carry on.
Who is this? Yeah, no one. It isnt the GOP any more than Al Sharpton is the Democratic Party.

Oh, Pearce is very well known in Arizona and was in the national news many times as he was the sponsor of AZ SB-1070 ("papers, plase"). He was also of of Sherriff Arpaio's (you know, the pink underwear guy) deputies and takes credit for the idea to stick inmates in tents outdoors. You know, like in concentration camps. He was also director of the Arizona DOT and then fired for being involved in tampering with a woman's driving record.

And avid birther and noted racist (he hates Latinos with a passion), he was also part of Arpaio's so-called "posse" that claimed it would provide incontrovertible evidence that Obama's birth certificate was forged.

Russell Pearce also has ties to white nationalist (neo-nazi) groups and also wrote an article for the National Alliance. He was also in cahoots with T. J. Ready, a well known Arizonan neo-nazi, whom Pearce himself ordained into the "priesthood" of the Mormon church. Of course, Russell Pearce claims that he knew nothing about T.J. Ready's apparent nazi ties.

Pearce pushed to reject federal funding of medicaid in Arizona. This move led to a recall election of him from the AZ state senate, an election that he lost in November 2011. He tried a comeback in 2012, but lost handily in the primaries.

But I understand why you know nothing of him, despite the fact that his antics have been on national news many times from 2009-2012, cuz you are an ignorant buffoon. Now, go scratch yourself and grunt real loud.
Go fuck yourself, junior.
The guy is literally nothing. He's not even part of the GOP.

LOL, fake Rabbi.

He was a REPUBLICAN state representative and then a REPUBLICAN state senator in Arizona and then, President of the Arizona State Senate, as a REPUBLICAN, and until his resignation, he was Vice-Chair of the Arizona REPUBLICAN party. Nosiree, he is not part of the GOP at all. :lol:

Your ignorance is just totally astounding, only to be outdone by your hatred and bile.

Carry on.
He is nothing.
Just like you.
Quit farting on this board. You're stinking the place up, fake boy.
so those of us who doesn't live in Arizona is suppose to give a shit about this?

the dude resigned what do you want? hanging?

good ole hufferpufferpost ALL THE NEWS that nobody else cares about

"those of us who doesn't"???

Uhmmm, can you translate that into English, please??

I love it when whacked out Righties like you all of a sudden take the "and we are supposed to give a shit about this" tack....

Who is this? Yeah, no one. It isnt the GOP any more than Al Sharpton is the Democratic Party.

Oh, Pearce is very well known in Arizona and was in the national news many times as he was the sponsor of AZ SB-1070 ("papers, plase"). He was also of of Sherriff Arpaio's (you know, the pink underwear guy) deputies and takes credit for the idea to stick inmates in tents outdoors. You know, like in concentration camps. He was also director of the Arizona DOT and then fired for being involved in tampering with a woman's driving record.

And avid birther and noted racist (he hates Latinos with a passion), he was also part of Arpaio's so-called "posse" that claimed it would provide incontrovertible evidence that Obama's birth certificate was forged.

Russell Pearce also has ties to white nationalist (neo-nazi) groups and also wrote an article for the National Alliance. He was also in cahoots with T. J. Ready, a well known Arizonan neo-nazi, whom Pearce himself ordained into the "priesthood" of the Mormon church. Of course, Russell Pearce claims that he knew nothing about T.J. Ready's apparent nazi ties.

Pearce pushed to reject federal funding of medicaid in Arizona. This move led to a recall election of him from the AZ state senate, an election that he lost in November 2011. He tried a comeback in 2012, but lost handily in the primaries.

But I understand why you know nothing of him, despite the fact that his antics have been on national news many times from 2009-2012, cuz you are an ignorant buffoon. Now, go scratch yourself and grunt real loud.
Go fuck yourself, junior.
The guy is literally nothing. He's not even part of the GOP.

LOL, fake Rabbi.

He was a REPUBLICAN state representative and then a REPUBLICAN state senator in Arizona and then, President of the Arizona State Senate, as a REPUBLICAN, and until his resignation, he was Vice-Chair of the Arizona REPUBLICAN party. Nosiree, he is not part of the GOP at all. :lol:

Your ignorance is just totally astounding, only to be outdone by your hatred and bile.

Carry on.
He is nothing.
Just like you.
Quit farting on this board. You're stinking the place up, fake boy.

Just stick your fingers in your ears, close your eyes, stick your tongue out and scream like a buffoon. Hey, if you do that, you may win a Republican primary somewhere!!!
Yes, I see that the GOP is going to do really well with women in 2016. Yepp.

Just wait until more nutbags start ranting about wanting to shoot Hillary in the vagina like this RWNJ did:

Right Wing Radio Host Pete Santilli Hillary Clinton 8216 Needs To Be Shot In The Vagina 8217 Mediaite

I want to shoot her right in the vagina and I don’t want her to die right away; I want her to feel the pain and I want to look her in the eyes and I want to say, on behalf of all Americans that you’ve killed, on behalf of the Navy SEALS, the families of Navy SEAL Team Six who were involved in the fake hunt down of this Obama, Obama bin Laden thing, that whole fake scenario, because these Navy SEALS know the truth, they killed them all. On behalf of all of those people, I’m supporting our troops by saying we need to try, convict, and shoot Hillary Clinton in the vagina.

Oh, and here's video:

Yepp. 2016 is going to be fun!!!
Yes, I see that the GOP is going to do really well with women in 2016. Yepp.

Just wait until more nutbags start ranting about wanting to shoot Hillary in the vagina like this RWNJ did:

Right Wing Radio Host Pete Santilli Hillary Clinton 8216 Needs To Be Shot In The Vagina 8217 Mediaite

I want to shoot her right in the vagina and I don’t want her to die right away; I want her to feel the pain and I want to look her in the eyes and I want to say, on behalf of all Americans that you’ve killed, on behalf of the Navy SEALS, the families of Navy SEAL Team Six who were involved in the fake hunt down of this Obama, Obama bin Laden thing, that whole fake scenario, because these Navy SEALS know the truth, they killed them all. On behalf of all of those people, I’m supporting our troops by saying we need to try, convict, and shoot Hillary Clinton in the vagina.

Oh, and here's video:

Yepp. 2016 is going to be fun!!!

Can we stop talking about gender and race? Maybe we should be thinking about what is best for America? How about it.
"You put me in charge of Medicaid, the first thing I'd do is get [female recipients] Norplant, birth-control implants, or tubal ligations," Pearce said, according to the Phoenix New Times. "Then, we'll test recipients for drugs and alcohol, and if you want to [reproduce] or use drugs or alcohol, then get a job."

Pearce said "people out there [who] need help" should get it from "family, church, and community," not the government.

Obviously Pearce is not representative of all republicans and conservatives.

But there are nonetheless a significant number of those on the right who agree with this. We have a rightist on this very forum, for example, who advocates that women who have abortions be forcibly sterilized.

Needless to say what Pearce advocates is prima facie un-Constitutional, violations of both the 4th and 14th Amendments.

Washington Post, Pearce said the comments were "written by someone else" and said he "failed to attribute them to the author."

"This was a mistake," Pearce said. "This mistake has been taken by the media and the left and used to hurt our Republican candidates."

No, Pearce alone hurt his republican candidates, the consequence of his ignorance and hate; he has only himself to blame.

So much for conservatives taking 'personal responsibility.'

They rarely take personal responsibility for anything.
Yes, I see that the GOP is going to do really well with women in 2016. Yepp.

Just wait until more nutbags start ranting about wanting to shoot Hillary in the vagina like this RWNJ did:

Right Wing Radio Host Pete Santilli Hillary Clinton 8216 Needs To Be Shot In The Vagina 8217 Mediaite

I want to shoot her right in the vagina and I don’t want her to die right away; I want her to feel the pain and I want to look her in the eyes and I want to say, on behalf of all Americans that you’ve killed, on behalf of the Navy SEALS, the families of Navy SEAL Team Six who were involved in the fake hunt down of this Obama, Obama bin Laden thing, that whole fake scenario, because these Navy SEALS know the truth, they killed them all. On behalf of all of those people, I’m supporting our troops by saying we need to try, convict, and shoot Hillary Clinton in the vagina.

Oh, and here's video:

Yepp. 2016 is going to be fun!!!

Can we stop talking about gender and race? Maybe we should be thinking about what is best for America? How about it.

Well, I'm for that idea. Just stop RWNJs from saying this stupid stuff to begin with!!!
Why not just have Bristol give them a lecture on abstinence?

While Sarah merits her breast implants...

I have no use for the Palin family. They are not Conservative or Moral in any way. They're no better than Hillary and Chelsea Clinton.
What immoral behavior is Chelsea Clinton guilty of? It seems to me she has done everything right and would make any parent proud, and, as well, it indicates her parents did a very good job raising her. She completed her education through graduate school and began a career. She married a man who is also well educated and has a good career. She waited until she was married and both established in their careers and finances to start a family. I would say Chelsea Clinton is s good deal 'better' than the Palin off spring.

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