More Liberals, Fewer Conservatives

Since fewer now have jobs and are on the public dole, far be it from them to bite the hand that gives them "free money".

The old MO of increasing the proletariat.

But why do fewer of them have jobs?

Mostly because rich people have either replaced them with machines, sent their jobs overseas or imposed on their co-workers to work twice as hard for less money.

"The Capitalist will sell the Communist the rope we use to hang him." - Vladimir Lenin.

Yeah, we need more low end jobs turning wrenches, that's what will make our country richer
Low end job? I guess you consider 100k a year low end.

Not interested in debating someone who jumps in the middle and makes a snotty comment without grasping the discussion
Gallup absolutely destroyed it's reputation on two separate fronts in 2012 and even had to pay millions of $$$ out of court for having cooked the books.

As much as I would like to say that I like what I see, I do not trust Gallup, nor will I ever again trust that polling firm.

Gallup is a shadow of what it once was.
Here is where you and I VIOLENTLY disagree. I am (most likely) around the same age as your Mother (Bless her soul).I am 71 - close to 72.

She will be 77 in September, so yeah, same age group

I never voted for anything concerning "money". I was NOT given a choice BUT to participate in the SS program. I began paying into it with my very first job. Again, against my will. I have paid into the "system" for the last 60 years with the PROMISE that I would be re-paid when I retired. THAT IS MY MONEY. PERIOD. END OF STORY.

No, that is not the end of the story. The end of the story is who is paying the bills, and it's your children's generation (my generation) and your grandchildren's generation. They lied to you, yes, but that doesn't give you the right to send the bills to us.

It is not my fault that politicians (from BOTH damned parties) continually rob from it. They don't consult me before they steal. Now, they are telling us fairy tells - yet again -that there isn't enough to "cover" the coming generations. Funny - they have MORE THAN ENOUGH money to pay for endless wars to make corporations rich beyond belief, printing money at a rate faster than a speeding bullet, but suddenly (for the 50th time) there isn't enough to fulfill their contractual obligations to the people that they "serve".
I agree with everything you're saying happened to you, but what about giving the bills to us makes that right? The fact is, none of the taxes you paid were ever saved, they spent it all

I cry BULLSHIT. And I cry BULLSHIT to any asshole that says that older people are getting "entitlements". Again - I PAID FOR IT. And I expect the "government" of the United States to live up to their end of the damned deal.

You didn't pay for it, we are paying for it. The money you paid wasn't saved. Since other people are paying for it, yes, it is another entitlement welfare program. I'm 52 and I'll walk away from everything I paid to not screw my children's generation like I got screwed by my parent's generation

Tough shit sonny. I paid for my Parents way - you'll go on paying for your Mother's way. My children are paying MY way. If you have a problem with that - take it up with your friendly politician. Frankly, I couldn't care less. Who the hell do you think you are? You think I (or your Mother) liked paying the SS taxes all those years!?!?! Now, because you have hurt feelings and buy into the bald faced lie that it won't be there for YOU - we should just give it back!?!?! Go to hell.

We all heard those same bullshit horror stories 40 years ago about how SS was going belly-up. Hell, the democrats have been using that tired scare tactic for AT LEAST that long. Still there. IT IS PRINTED ON PHONY MONEY. IT WILL BE PRINTED ON PHONY MONEY WHEN YOUR TURN COMES UP.

And, for the record, sonny - I am not sending you any bills. Those idiots that rob from the SS fund EVERY FISCAL YEAR are the crooks and they will continue to do it for the next 50 years. So, again, if you have a problem with paying YOUR fair share - take it up with them.

I'm discussing the issue with you. Grow up, baby. I usually like talking to you. But what I'm saying are the facts. When government takes money from one person and gives it to another by force, that is welfare. That you were screwed doesn't change that and telling us to do it to our kids isn't something I would ever support
When government takes money from one person and gives it to another by force, that is welfare.

i thought it was the "Robin Hood" syndrome?.....
Here is where you and I VIOLENTLY disagree. I am (most likely) around the same age as your Mother (Bless her soul).I am 71 - close to 72.

She will be 77 in September, so yeah, same age group

I never voted for anything concerning "money". I was NOT given a choice BUT to participate in the SS program. I began paying into it with my very first job. Again, against my will. I have paid into the "system" for the last 60 years with the PROMISE that I would be re-paid when I retired. THAT IS MY MONEY. PERIOD. END OF STORY.

No, that is not the end of the story. The end of the story is who is paying the bills, and it's your children's generation (my generation) and your grandchildren's generation. They lied to you, yes, but that doesn't give you the right to send the bills to us.

It is not my fault that politicians (from BOTH damned parties) continually rob from it. They don't consult me before they steal. Now, they are telling us fairy tells - yet again -that there isn't enough to "cover" the coming generations. Funny - they have MORE THAN ENOUGH money to pay for endless wars to make corporations rich beyond belief, printing money at a rate faster than a speeding bullet, but suddenly (for the 50th time) there isn't enough to fulfill their contractual obligations to the people that they "serve".
I agree with everything you're saying happened to you, but what about giving the bills to us makes that right? The fact is, none of the taxes you paid were ever saved, they spent it all

I cry BULLSHIT. And I cry BULLSHIT to any asshole that says that older people are getting "entitlements". Again - I PAID FOR IT. And I expect the "government" of the United States to live up to their end of the damned deal.

You didn't pay for it, we are paying for it. The money you paid wasn't saved. Since other people are paying for it, yes, it is another entitlement welfare program. I'm 52 and I'll walk away from everything I paid to not screw my children's generation like I got screwed by my parent's generation

Tough shit sonny. I paid for my Parents way - you'll go on paying for your Mother's way. My children are paying MY way. If you have a problem with that - take it up with your friendly politician. Frankly, I couldn't care less. Who the hell do you think you are? You think I (or your Mother) liked paying the SS taxes all those years!?!?! Now, because you have hurt feelings and buy into the bald faced lie that it won't be there for YOU - we should just give it back!?!?! Go to hell.

We all heard those same bullshit horror stories 40 years ago about how SS was going belly-up. Hell, the democrats have been using that tired scare tactic for AT LEAST that long. Still there. IT IS PRINTED ON PHONY MONEY. IT WILL BE PRINTED ON PHONY MONEY WHEN YOUR TURN COMES UP.

And, for the record, sonny - I am not sending you any bills. Those idiots that rob from the SS fund EVERY FISCAL YEAR are the crooks and they will continue to do it for the next 50 years. So, again, if you have a problem with paying YOUR fair share - take it up with them.

I'm discussing the issue with you. Grow up, baby. I usually like talking to you. But what I'm saying are the facts. When government takes money from one person and gives it to another by force, that is welfare. That you were screwed doesn't change that and telling us to do it to our kids isn't something I would ever support
When government takes money from one person and gives it to another by force, that is welfare.

i thought it was the "Robin Hood" syndrome?.....

Again - do YOUR part or take it up in the general election. I'm really sorry that you have a burr in your saddle about supporting those that came before you. Guess what? I didn't like paying it either. But pay I did. Probably longer than you have been on the planet. Now that I am receiving what I am due - you're upset about it. Tough luck Johnny. One day, YOUR kids will be raising hell about YOU "supposedly" stealing from them. Get used to it.

Funny - when it was forced out of my paychecks, it was called taxes. But to be literally correct - when "government" takes money from one and gives it to another, it is called "wealth re-distribution" - Obama is the King of such.
Here is where you and I VIOLENTLY disagree. I am (most likely) around the same age as your Mother (Bless her soul).I am 71 - close to 72.

She will be 77 in September, so yeah, same age group

I never voted for anything concerning "money". I was NOT given a choice BUT to participate in the SS program. I began paying into it with my very first job. Again, against my will. I have paid into the "system" for the last 60 years with the PROMISE that I would be re-paid when I retired. THAT IS MY MONEY. PERIOD. END OF STORY.

No, that is not the end of the story. The end of the story is who is paying the bills, and it's your children's generation (my generation) and your grandchildren's generation. They lied to you, yes, but that doesn't give you the right to send the bills to us.

It is not my fault that politicians (from BOTH damned parties) continually rob from it. They don't consult me before they steal. Now, they are telling us fairy tells - yet again -that there isn't enough to "cover" the coming generations. Funny - they have MORE THAN ENOUGH money to pay for endless wars to make corporations rich beyond belief, printing money at a rate faster than a speeding bullet, but suddenly (for the 50th time) there isn't enough to fulfill their contractual obligations to the people that they "serve".
I agree with everything you're saying happened to you, but what about giving the bills to us makes that right? The fact is, none of the taxes you paid were ever saved, they spent it all

I cry BULLSHIT. And I cry BULLSHIT to any asshole that says that older people are getting "entitlements". Again - I PAID FOR IT. And I expect the "government" of the United States to live up to their end of the damned deal.

You didn't pay for it, we are paying for it. The money you paid wasn't saved. Since other people are paying for it, yes, it is another entitlement welfare program. I'm 52 and I'll walk away from everything I paid to not screw my children's generation like I got screwed by my parent's generation

Tough shit sonny. I paid for my Parents way - you'll go on paying for your Mother's way. My children are paying MY way. If you have a problem with that - take it up with your friendly politician. Frankly, I couldn't care less. Who the hell do you think you are? You think I (or your Mother) liked paying the SS taxes all those years!?!?! Now, because you have hurt feelings and buy into the bald faced lie that it won't be there for YOU - we should just give it back!?!?! Go to hell.

We all heard those same bullshit horror stories 40 years ago about how SS was going belly-up. Hell, the democrats have been using that tired scare tactic for AT LEAST that long. Still there. IT IS PRINTED ON PHONY MONEY. IT WILL BE PRINTED ON PHONY MONEY WHEN YOUR TURN COMES UP.

And, for the record, sonny - I am not sending you any bills. Those idiots that rob from the SS fund EVERY FISCAL YEAR are the crooks and they will continue to do it for the next 50 years. So, again, if you have a problem with paying YOUR fair share - take it up with them.

I'm discussing the issue with you. Grow up, baby. I usually like talking to you. But what I'm saying are the facts. When government takes money from one person and gives it to another by force, that is welfare. That you were screwed doesn't change that and telling us to do it to our kids isn't something I would ever support
When government takes money from one person and gives it to another by force, that is welfare.

i thought it was the "Robin Hood" syndrome?.....

Again - do YOUR part or take it up in the general election. I'm really sorry that you have a burr in your saddle about supporting those that came before you. Guess what? I didn't like paying it either. But pay I did. Probably longer than you have been on the planet. Now that I am receiving what I am due - you're upset about it. Tough luck Johnny. One day, YOUR kids will be raising hell about YOU "supposedly" stealing from them. Get used to it.

Funny - when it was forced out of my paychecks, it was called taxes. But to be literally correct - when "government" takes money from one and gives it to another, it is called "wealth re-distribution" - Obama is the King of such.

I have Harry on ignore since his last race whoring campaign. Well, at least the last one I saw...

There is nothing more tired than the Republicans are racists, the Republicans are racists, the Republicans are racists mantra practiced by Harry. Funny thing is that once I axed about five Harry's, the race whoring has pretty much stopped. Turns out it was just a few of them doing most of the polluting the site with the race warfare where every issue is a race issue. You're discussing things like taxes and all of a sudden you're a racist. He's an idiot
Here is where you and I VIOLENTLY disagree. I am (most likely) around the same age as your Mother (Bless her soul).I am 71 - close to 72.

She will be 77 in September, so yeah, same age group

I never voted for anything concerning "money". I was NOT given a choice BUT to participate in the SS program. I began paying into it with my very first job. Again, against my will. I have paid into the "system" for the last 60 years with the PROMISE that I would be re-paid when I retired. THAT IS MY MONEY. PERIOD. END OF STORY.

No, that is not the end of the story. The end of the story is who is paying the bills, and it's your children's generation (my generation) and your grandchildren's generation. They lied to you, yes, but that doesn't give you the right to send the bills to us.

It is not my fault that politicians (from BOTH damned parties) continually rob from it. They don't consult me before they steal. Now, they are telling us fairy tells - yet again -that there isn't enough to "cover" the coming generations. Funny - they have MORE THAN ENOUGH money to pay for endless wars to make corporations rich beyond belief, printing money at a rate faster than a speeding bullet, but suddenly (for the 50th time) there isn't enough to fulfill their contractual obligations to the people that they "serve".
I agree with everything you're saying happened to you, but what about giving the bills to us makes that right? The fact is, none of the taxes you paid were ever saved, they spent it all

I cry BULLSHIT. And I cry BULLSHIT to any asshole that says that older people are getting "entitlements". Again - I PAID FOR IT. And I expect the "government" of the United States to live up to their end of the damned deal.

You didn't pay for it, we are paying for it. The money you paid wasn't saved. Since other people are paying for it, yes, it is another entitlement welfare program. I'm 52 and I'll walk away from everything I paid to not screw my children's generation like I got screwed by my parent's generation

Tough shit sonny. I paid for my Parents way - you'll go on paying for your Mother's way. My children are paying MY way. If you have a problem with that - take it up with your friendly politician. Frankly, I couldn't care less. Who the hell do you think you are? You think I (or your Mother) liked paying the SS taxes all those years!?!?! Now, because you have hurt feelings and buy into the bald faced lie that it won't be there for YOU - we should just give it back!?!?! Go to hell.

We all heard those same bullshit horror stories 40 years ago about how SS was going belly-up. Hell, the democrats have been using that tired scare tactic for AT LEAST that long. Still there. IT IS PRINTED ON PHONY MONEY. IT WILL BE PRINTED ON PHONY MONEY WHEN YOUR TURN COMES UP.

And, for the record, sonny - I am not sending you any bills. Those idiots that rob from the SS fund EVERY FISCAL YEAR are the crooks and they will continue to do it for the next 50 years. So, again, if you have a problem with paying YOUR fair share - take it up with them.

I'm discussing the issue with you. Grow up, baby. I usually like talking to you. But what I'm saying are the facts. When government takes money from one person and gives it to another by force, that is welfare. That you were screwed doesn't change that and telling us to do it to our kids isn't something I would ever support
When government takes money from one person and gives it to another by force, that is welfare.

i thought it was the "Robin Hood" syndrome?.....

Again - do YOUR part or take it up in the general election. I'm really sorry that you have a burr in your saddle about supporting those that came before you. Guess what? I didn't like paying it either. But pay I did. Probably longer than you have been on the planet. Now that I am receiving what I am due - you're upset about it. Tough luck Johnny. One day, YOUR kids will be raising hell about YOU "supposedly" stealing from them. Get used to it.

Funny - when it was forced out of my paychecks, it was called taxes. But to be literally correct - when "government" takes money from one and gives it to another, it is called "wealth re-distribution" - Obama is the King of such.
talking to the wrong guy Randall.....
I'm discussing the issue with you. Grow up, baby. I usually like talking to you. But what I'm saying are the facts. When government takes money from one person and gives it to another by force, that is welfare. That you were screwed doesn't change that and telling us to do it to our kids isn't something I would ever support

Boy, Double Wide, you can't get along with anyone, can you?
Again - do YOUR part or take it up in the general election. I'm really sorry that you have a burr in your saddle about supporting those that came before you. Guess what? I didn't like paying it either. But pay I did. Probably longer than you have been on the planet. Now that I am receiving what I am due - you're upset about it. Tough luck Johnny. One day, YOUR kids will be raising hell about YOU "supposedly" stealing from them. Get used to it.

Funny - when it was forced out of my paychecks, it was called taxes. But to be literally correct - when "government" takes money from one and gives it to another, it is called "wealth re-distribution" - Obama is the King of such.

Here's the problem. I have no issue with social security, but we do have a real dilema. Social Security first came to Germany in 1888, the UK in the 1920's and the US in the 1930's. Back in those day, few people lived to reach "retirement age".

Now due to science, we have a population living well into their 1980's, and they aren't expected to work. Conversely, we have a smaller population supporting them through taxes.

Germany and Japan are having this same problem, not just us. They actually make the rich pay their fair share, so it isn't quite as bad as it's going to be here, but they restrict immigration, so they aren't bringing in as many new workers.
On social issues, liberals matched conservatives for the first time ever, and will soon be the majority.

On Social Ideology the Left Catches Up to the Right


Since people tend to become more liberal as they age and mature, this is all especially bad news for conservatives. Because of young voters replacing old voters who died, the liberals gained a few million more voters between 2012 and 2016.

Ya right...although, the Free Lovin, old stoners are still around.

Liberals have pretty well ruined the economy, crushed the job market, ran up the national debt, created moral chaos and their foreign policy is a disgrace, yup, I agree they're in control.
On social issues, liberals matched conservatives for the first time ever, and will soon be the majority.

On Social Ideology the Left Catches Up to the Right


Since people tend to become more liberal as they age and mature, this is all especially bad news for conservatives. Because of young voters replacing old voters who died, the liberals gained a few million more voters between 2012 and 2016.

Since fewer now have jobs and are on the public dole, far be it from them to bite the hand that gives them "free money".

The old MO of increasing the proletariat.
I think young people just getting weary of the increasingly mean spirited tone of conservatives. They tell young people that they are on their own while not seeming to care about their issues like student debt, the environment or lack of opportunity.
Yup, teach young people to not take responsibility for themselves and look for the government to provide is sure working out well. Sheesh, it's lucky you're not a father.
At least that's the conclusion of a WSJ article.

Conservatives still outnumber liberals, but not as much as in the past.

In three national polls conducted so far in 2015, the analysis found that 26% of registered voters identified themselves as liberals — up from 23% in 2014. At the same time, the share of voters identifying as conservatives dropped to 33% from 37% in 2014.


The analysis by GOP pollster Bill McInturff, who looked at survey data from 2010 to 2015, found that the biggest ideological shifts came among women, young people, Latinos and well-educated voters, as well as people in the West and in cities. ...

Mr. McInturff said it wasn’t immediately clear what accounts for the shift. Another poll analysis by Gallup also suggests there has been a leftward movement on social issues: 31% of adults in a May 6-10 poll identified themselves as liberal on social issues — the largest share since Gallup started asking the question in 1999, and the first time social liberals matched the share who said they were socially conservative. On economic issues, by contrast, conservatives continued to dominate by a 39%-19% margin. ...

“Americans’ growing social liberalism is evident not only in how they describe their views on social issues but also in changes in specific attitudes, such as increased support for same-sex marriage and legalizing marijuana,” the Gallup report said.

Mr. McInturff’s analysis of WSJ/NBC data found that the demographic group that now has the most liberals – and that has seen the most dramatic swing to the left since 2010 — is women aged 18-49. Among those voters in 2015 polls, 37% said they were liberal, 23% said they were conservative — a 20 point swing since 2010 when 27% said they were liberal and 33% said they were conservative.

Younger voters also saw a notable swing to the left, with 35% of 18-34-year-olds saying they are liberal and 26% saying the are conservative. In 2010, that age group split 28% liberal-32% conservative.​

Liberals Make Big Comeback in 2015 Poll Analysis Finds - Washington Wire - WSJ

Did the poll first set out by defining what it means by "Liberal" and "Conservatve"? Without that, this poll is pretty much meaningless.

It doesn't appear they did, since the very first sentence of the article starts out "There are signs that liberals are making a comeback — and not just because a socialist is running for president, gay marriage is spreading like wildfire and pot legalization is gaining acceptance" --- Gay marrriage and pot legalization would be Liberal issues; socialism would not. Then it goes on to people "moving left" on issues -- again, "left" ≠ "Liberal".

I'd be more interested in a poll taken with undefined terms, like this one, then the terms get defined and re-ask the same question, and see how much variance there is. When a term is grossly misused, it's kind of pointless to ask a cross section of people whether or not they identify with it.

You're what's called a, "Party Pooper".

Sorry, I had to tell you as a friend...:wink_2:
On social issues, liberals matched conservatives for the first time ever, and will soon be the majority.

On Social Ideology the Left Catches Up to the Right


Since people tend to become more liberal as they age and mature, this is all especially bad news for conservatives. Because of young voters replacing old voters who died, the liberals gained a few million more voters between 2012 and 2016.

Since fewer now have jobs and are on the public dole, far be it from them to bite the hand that gives them "free money".

The old MO of increasing the proletariat.
I think young people just getting weary of the increasingly mean spirited tone of conservatives. They tell young people that they are on their own while not seeming to care about their issues like student debt, the environment or lack of opportunity.
Yup, teach young people to not take responsibility for themselves and look for the government to provide is sure working out well. Sheesh, it's lucky you're not a father.
Telling younger Americans they are on their own and that their concerns are garbage while greasing the skids for big business is nothing like responsible leadership, it's actually called willful neglect, and your party will pay the price.
On social issues, liberals matched conservatives for the first time ever, and will soon be the majority.

On Social Ideology the Left Catches Up to the Right


Since people tend to become more liberal as they age and mature, this is all especially bad news for conservatives. Because of young voters replacing old voters who died, the liberals gained a few million more voters between 2012 and 2016.

Since fewer now have jobs and are on the public dole, far be it from them to bite the hand that gives them "free money".

The old MO of increasing the proletariat.
I think young people just getting weary of the increasingly mean spirited tone of conservatives. They tell young people that they are on their own while not seeming to care about their issues like student debt, the environment or lack of opportunity.
Yup, teach young people to not take responsibility for themselves and look for the government to provide is sure working out well. Sheesh, it's lucky you're not a father.
Telling younger Americans they are on their own and that their concerns are garbage while greasing the skids for big business is nothing like responsible leadership, it's actually called willful neglect, and your party will pay the price.

Who said they were garbage, life is tougher if you don't want to be a freeloader, a parent should teach responsibility and help them along the way. Trained to be a ward of government is willful neglect from my perspective.

Business provides jobs .. a good thing

Liberals provide unemployment by over regulating, taxing and insisting government stick their nose where it doesn't belong.

Jealousy of success gets us nowhere, good employment and opportunity, that will get you there.
On social issues, liberals matched conservatives for the first time ever, and will soon be the majority.

On Social Ideology the Left Catches Up to the Right


Since people tend to become more liberal as they age and mature, this is all especially bad news for conservatives. Because of young voters replacing old voters who died, the liberals gained a few million more voters between 2012 and 2016.

Since fewer now have jobs and are on the public dole, far be it from them to bite the hand that gives them "free money".

The old MO of increasing the proletariat.
I think young people just getting weary of the increasingly mean spirited tone of conservatives. They tell young people that they are on their own while not seeming to care about their issues like student debt, the environment or lack of opportunity.
Yup, teach young people to not take responsibility for themselves and look for the government to provide is sure working out well. Sheesh, it's lucky you're not a father.
Telling younger Americans they are on their own and that their concerns are garbage while greasing the skids for big business is nothing like responsible leadership, it's actually called willful neglect, and your party will pay the price.

Who said they were garbage, life is tougher if you don't want to be a freeloader, a parent should teach responsibility and help them along the way. Trained to be a ward of government is willful neglect from my perspective.

Business provides jobs .. a good thing

Liberals provide unemployment by over regulating, taxing and insisting government stick their nose where it doesn't belong.

Jealousy of success gets us nowhere, good employment and opportunity, that will get you there.
Young people have correctly observed that the republicans do not like them, have no interest in what they care about and all too often call them lazy and unworthy of America, you cannot scapegoat them and expect them to vote republican. Republicans have a real image problem with the young and they seem to have no interest in repairing it.
Since fewer now have jobs and are on the public dole, far be it from them to bite the hand that gives them "free money".

The old MO of increasing the proletariat.
I think young people just getting weary of the increasingly mean spirited tone of conservatives. They tell young people that they are on their own while not seeming to care about their issues like student debt, the environment or lack of opportunity.
Yup, teach young people to not take responsibility for themselves and look for the government to provide is sure working out well. Sheesh, it's lucky you're not a father.
Telling younger Americans they are on their own and that their concerns are garbage while greasing the skids for big business is nothing like responsible leadership, it's actually called willful neglect, and your party will pay the price.

Who said they were garbage, life is tougher if you don't want to be a freeloader, a parent should teach responsibility and help them along the way. Trained to be a ward of government is willful neglect from my perspective.

Business provides jobs .. a good thing

Liberals provide unemployment by over regulating, taxing and insisting government stick their nose where it doesn't belong.

Jealousy of success gets us nowhere, good employment and opportunity, that will get you there.
Young people have correctly observed that the republicans do not like them, have no interest in what they care about and all too often call them lazy and unworthy of America, you cannot scapegoat them and expect them to vote republican. Republicans have a real image problem with the young and they seem to have no interest in repairing it.

Well, if you say so...pardon me, if I believe they're smarter than you think, yet sadly, less have parents that have set a good example.

Where did I scapegoat them by way, eh, forget it.

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