More Liberals, Fewer Conservatives

Since fewer now have jobs and are on the public dole, far be it from them to bite the hand that gives them "free money".

The old MO of increasing the proletariat.

But why do fewer of them have jobs?

Mostly because rich people have either replaced them with machines, sent their jobs overseas or imposed on their co-workers to work twice as hard for less money.

"The Capitalist will sell the Communist the rope we use to hang him." - Vladimir Lenin.

Yeah, we need more low end jobs turning wrenches, that's what will make our country richer

My buddy pays his top Mechanic $75k

And that isn't a lot for a lead mechanic.

I think you might want to catch up a little
Since fewer now have jobs and are on the public dole, far be it from them to bite the hand that gives them "free money".

The old MO of increasing the proletariat.

But why do fewer of them have jobs?

Mostly because rich people have either replaced them with machines, sent their jobs overseas or imposed on their co-workers to work twice as hard for less money.

"The Capitalist will sell the Communist the rope we use to hang him." - Vladimir Lenin.

Isn't it funny that the right quotes Washington but the left quotes Lenin?
liberturdians are SERIOUSLY hurting the Conservative movement.

After Ted Cruz (aka; Mr Haney from Green Acres) shut the government down a year and a half ago -- That absolutely KILLED us.

Before that were the complete liberturdian IMBECILES Todd (legitimate rape) Akin and Richard (God intended for that rape to give you a baby) Mourdock.

And Christine (I am not a Witch) O'Donnell and.... A lot more.

liberturdians are hurting the movement. We thought they were our friends. They are not. They are an infliction and they need to go

Well, we want to cut the size of government, your side only wants to slow down growth a little. OK, it's slightly better than the left, but it's not worth fighting for
See, I can post links, too.

But your link defined conservative as "set in their ways", not by a political barometer. So if their ways are already liberal, your study says they'll became more solidly liberal.

My link. OTOH, pointed out people tend towards more liberal political positions as they age. Common sense, really. For example, someone who was a rabid segregationist in their youth is probably not a rabid segregationist now.

So, they're not really contradictory. People tend to keep the same political positions, but if they do change, they tend to change towards the liberal.

Yes, liberals are the institution now, you won. So really you are the reactionaries. Republicans are moderates, they love government, just slightly less than you. Libertarians are the radicals, we want real change
Since fewer now have jobs and are on the public dole, far be it from them to bite the hand that gives them "free money".

The old MO of increasing the proletariat.

But why do fewer of them have jobs?

Mostly because rich people have either replaced them with machines, sent their jobs overseas or imposed on their co-workers to work twice as hard for less money.

"The Capitalist will sell the Communist the rope we use to hang him." - Vladimir Lenin.

Yeah, we need more low end jobs turning wrenches, that's what will make our country richer

My buddy pays his top Mechanic $75k

And that isn't a lot for a lead mechanic.

I think you might want to catch up a little

Indeed. Wrench turners make a decent living. So do Plumbers, Electricians, Pipe-fitters, welders, truck drivers. Hell, without truck drivers - the country stops.
Yeah, we need more low end jobs turning wrenches, that's what will make our country richer

We did pretty well when the wrench turning jobs paid good money and the wealth was more evenly distributed. thanks for playing.

That was pre the information age. We did pretty well when we had blacksmiths too, should we bring them back?
See, I can post links, too.

But your link defined conservative as "set in their ways", not by a political barometer. So if their ways are already liberal, your study says they'll became more solidly liberal.

My link. OTOH, pointed out people tend towards more liberal political positions as they age. Common sense, really. For example, someone who was a rabid segregationist in their youth is probably not a rabid segregationist now.

So, they're not really contradictory. People tend to keep the same political positions, but if they do change, they tend to change towards the liberal.

Yes, liberals are the institution now, you won. So really you are the reactionaries. Republicans are moderates, they love government, just slightly less than you. Libertarians are the radicals, we want real change

As much as I agree with you, it will never happen. There is ONE party in this country. And that party laughs at us while we argue over it.
Since fewer now have jobs and are on the public dole, far be it from them to bite the hand that gives them "free money".

The old MO of increasing the proletariat.

But why do fewer of them have jobs?

Mostly because rich people have either replaced them with machines, sent their jobs overseas or imposed on their co-workers to work twice as hard for less money.

"The Capitalist will sell the Communist the rope we use to hang him." - Vladimir Lenin.

Yeah, we need more low end jobs turning wrenches, that's what will make our country richer

My buddy pays his top Mechanic $75k

And that isn't a lot for a lead mechanic.

I think you might want to catch up a little

Wow, one blue collar worker makes good money, that certainly shoots my point full of holes....
Yeah, we need more low end jobs turning wrenches, that's what will make our country richer

We did pretty well when the wrench turning jobs paid good money and the wealth was more evenly distributed. thanks for playing.

That was pre the information age. We did pretty well when we had blacksmiths too, should we bring them back?

Um...where I live, there are STILL blacksmiths. To shoe a horse will cost you $125 bucks.
Since fewer now have jobs and are on the public dole, far be it from them to bite the hand that gives them "free money".

The old MO of increasing the proletariat.

But why do fewer of them have jobs?

Mostly because rich people have either replaced them with machines, sent their jobs overseas or imposed on their co-workers to work twice as hard for less money.

"The Capitalist will sell the Communist the rope we use to hang him." - Vladimir Lenin.

Yeah, we need more low end jobs turning wrenches, that's what will make our country richer

My buddy pays his top Mechanic $75k

And that isn't a lot for a lead mechanic.

I think you might want to catch up a little

Indeed. Wrench turners make a decent living. So do Plumbers, Electricians, Pipe-fitters, welders, truck drivers. Hell, without truck drivers - the country stops.

OK, so now I'm advocating elimination of all blue collar jobs as well as that none of them pay well? I can get that ridiculous exaggeration from the liberals. Services like financial services and information technology bring a lot more wealth to the country, and yes, that leads to more blue collar jobs. But blue collar jobs don't drive the wealth anymore and artificially forcing them to be created is no path to wealth, which was the point I was responding to
Since fewer now have jobs and are on the public dole, far be it from them to bite the hand that gives them "free money".

The old MO of increasing the proletariat.

But why do fewer of them have jobs?

Mostly because rich people have either replaced them with machines, sent their jobs overseas or imposed on their co-workers to work twice as hard for less money.

"The Capitalist will sell the Communist the rope we use to hang him." - Vladimir Lenin.

Yeah, we need more low end jobs turning wrenches, that's what will make our country richer

My buddy pays his top Mechanic $75k

And that isn't a lot for a lead mechanic.

I think you might want to catch up a little

Indeed. Wrench turners make a decent living. So do Plumbers, Electricians, Pipe-fitters, welders, truck drivers. Hell, without truck drivers - the country stops.

OK, so now I'm advocating elimination of all blue collar jobs as well as that none of them pay well? I can get that ridiculous exaggeration from the liberals

Never said that. I'm telling you that there are a hell of a lot of good paying blue collar jobs out there. A hell of a lot more than there are technology based - China or India based call center jobs. Don't get ahead of yourself.
Well, we want to cut the size of government, your side only wants to slow down growth a little. OK, it's slightly better than the left, but it's not worth fighting for

You have to treat the Public about the same way you would a nice woman on a date.

You don't start ripping her drawers off the minute she steps foot in your car, no matter how much you want to....... Or even how much she might want you to. :)

There's a little kabuki dance you have to go through. You have to reach an understanding.

Even though we all want the size of government slashed, we want to know what we're going to slash.......

Are we going to cut SS? Medicare? Is your Mom or Dad on Medicare?

How about VA benefits? Infrastructure? Education?

You go around screaming about cutting this and cutting that -- Gotta go

See, I can post links, too.

But your link defined conservative as "set in their ways", not by a political barometer. So if their ways are already liberal, your study says they'll became more solidly liberal.

My link. OTOH, pointed out people tend towards more liberal political positions as they age. Common sense, really. For example, someone who was a rabid segregationist in their youth is probably not a rabid segregationist now.

So, they're not really contradictory. People tend to keep the same political positions, but if they do change, they tend to change towards the liberal.

Yes, liberals are the institution now, you won. So really you are the reactionaries. Republicans are moderates, they love government, just slightly less than you. Libertarians are the radicals, we want real change

As much as I agree with you, it will never happen. There is ONE party in this country. And that party laughs at us while we argue over it.

Not arguing over it iwouldn't work anyway. Free government cheese is winning the day. And wouldn't it make us like them?
But why do fewer of them have jobs?

Mostly because rich people have either replaced them with machines, sent their jobs overseas or imposed on their co-workers to work twice as hard for less money.

"The Capitalist will sell the Communist the rope we use to hang him." - Vladimir Lenin.

Yeah, we need more low end jobs turning wrenches, that's what will make our country richer

My buddy pays his top Mechanic $75k

And that isn't a lot for a lead mechanic.

I think you might want to catch up a little

Indeed. Wrench turners make a decent living. So do Plumbers, Electricians, Pipe-fitters, welders, truck drivers. Hell, without truck drivers - the country stops.

OK, so now I'm advocating elimination of all blue collar jobs as well as that none of them pay well? I can get that ridiculous exaggeration from the liberals

Never said that. I'm telling you that there are a hell of a lot of good paying blue collar jobs out there. A hell of a lot more than there are technology based - China or India based call center jobs. Don't get ahead of yourself.

That doesn't contradict what I said. I said nothing about eliminating blue collar jobs. I don't think you realize the context of the discussion. JoeTheBigot made the point that jobs are being offshored and outsourced. I am saying blocking that is bad for our country, those aren't the jobs that are going to drive our economy forward, particularly artificially creating them with government regulation and control
Well, we want to cut the size of government, your side only wants to slow down growth a little. OK, it's slightly better than the left, but it's not worth fighting for

You have to treat the Public about the same way you would a nice woman on a date.

You don't start ripping her drawers off the minute she steps foot in your car, no matter how much you want to....... Or even how much she might want you to. :)

There's a little kabuki dance you have to go through. You have to reach an understanding

I think a better analogy of the Republicans is they are a tease, they keep talking about what they are going to do when you finally get to the bedroom, but you never get there and every chance they have they show you they aren't really interested in doing it anyway. Like when W had the best chance in my lifetime to do something and he started a spending orgy

Even though we all want the size of government slashed, we want to know what we're going to slash.......

Are we going to cut SS? Medicare? Is your Mom or Dad on Medicare?

How about VA benefits? Infrastructure? Education?

You go around screaming about cutting this and cutting that -- Gotta go


My mother is on social security/medicare. She thinks she needs the money, but she doesn't. I manage her money for her and I keep telling her that. Unfortunately, her generation voted themselves our money and they didn't save a dime to help us with it. I would phase it out by freezing who gets it and and phasing it out with means testing so it's a welfare program for the people who didn't save for retirement. Then let State and local governments determine what they want to do.

There is zero Constitutional authority for SS/Medicare, it shouldn't exist.

As for balancing the budget, eliminating Unconstitutional spending would do it
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I think a better analogy of the Republicans is they are a tease, they keep talking about what they are going to do when you finally get to the bedroom, but you never get there and every chance they have they show you they aren't really interested in doing it anyway. Like when W had the best chance in my lifetime to do something and he started a spending orgy

I think fighting two wars at the same time might have exacerbated that spending spree.

Stay on topic......

You can't go around screaming at the top of your lungs about how we're going to cut this and cut that without scaring the bejesus out of people.

A lot of people rely on SS to live. A lot of veterans need the VA and VA disability checks.

A lot of people (including me) think we need a robust Military, a lot of people think there is no way we can spend too much on our precious little chilluns (A crock of shit) people are screaming about infrastructure people are.......

Look, we ALL know that the goobermint is too big but you can't cut it back in a matter of a few years. Only a fool thinks that way.

What took Centuries to create will take decades to take apart.

Unless you want to blow it all up.

One thing about libertarians....... You are uniformly thick.

We want the same thing, we just have a different approach,

And I did pretty darn good in the Lady department, Know why? Because I truly and honestly RESPECT them. I tried to understand them. I wasn't in it just for me

And I truly and honestly respect government. It's just too big.

Kinda like some ladies will get if you don't watch out...... Except for mine, of course. She's gorgeous (she really is)

I think I better quit while I'm ahead.....
Well, we want to cut the size of government, your side only wants to slow down growth a little. OK, it's slightly better than the left, but it's not worth fighting for

You have to treat the Public about the same way you would a nice woman on a date.

You don't start ripping her drawers off the minute she steps foot in your car, no matter how much you want to....... Or even how much she might want you to. :)

There's a little kabuki dance you have to go through. You have to reach an understanding

I think a better analogy of the Republicans is they are a tease, they keep talking about what they are going to do when you finally get to the bedroom, but you never get there and every chance they have they show you they aren't really interested in doing it anyway. Like when W had the best chance in my lifetime to do something and he started a spending orgy

Even though we all want the size of government slashed, we want to know what we're going to slash.......

Are we going to cut SS? Medicare? Is your Mom or Dad on Medicare?

How about VA benefits? Infrastructure? Education?

You go around screaming about cutting this and cutting that -- Gotta go


My mother is on social security/medicare. She thinks she needs the money, but she doesn't. I manage her money for her and I keep telling her that. Unfortunately, her generation voted themselves our money and they didn't save a dime to help us with it. I would phase it out by freezing who gets it and and phasing it out with means testing so it's a welfare program for the people who didn't save for retirement. Then let State and local governments determine what they want to do.

There is zero Constitutional authority for SS/Medicare, it shouldn't exist.

As for balancing the budget, eliminating Unconstitutional spending would do it

Here is where you and I VIOLENTLY disagree. I am (most likely) around the same age as your Mother (Bless her soul).I am 71 - close to 72. I never voted for anything concerning "money". I was NOT given a choice BUT to participate in the SS program. I began paying into it with my very first job. Again, against my will. I have paid into the "system" for the last 60 years with the PROMISE that I would be re-paid when I retired. THAT IS MY MONEY. PERIOD. END OF STORY.

It is not my fault that politicians (from BOTH damned parties) continually rob from it. They don't consult me before they steal. Now, they are telling us fairy tells - yet again -that there isn't enough to "cover" the coming generations. Funny - they have MORE THAN ENOUGH money to pay for endless wars to make corporations rich beyond belief, printing money at a rate faster than a speeding bullet, but suddenly (for the 50th time) there isn't enough to fulfill their contractual obligations to the people that they "serve".

I cry BULLSHIT. And I cry BULLSHIT to any asshole that says that older people are getting "entitlements". Again - I PAID FOR IT. And I expect the "government" of the United States to live up to their end of the damned deal.
On social issues, liberals matched conservatives for the first time ever, and will soon be the majority.

On Social Ideology the Left Catches Up to the Right


Since people tend to become more liberal as they age and mature, this is all especially bad news for conservatives. Because of young voters replacing old voters who died, the liberals gained a few million more voters between 2012 and 2016.

"If you are under 30 and you're not a liberal, you have no heart. If you are over 30 and you're not a conservative, you have no brain"

Get your act together. People naturally become much more conservative with age.
Because they become more selfish and self centered.

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