More Mind Control of Our Children


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
There have been similar plans like this. Teachers are working to control how children behave, even at recess. In the past, some schools banned 'best friends' at school and forced students to play with other children and discouraged them from having favorite playmates. Many common games are banned because they think it somehow traumatizes children to be "it" in a game of tag.

Now a Minnesota school spent a lot of money hiring recess consultants who will watch children play and guide them on how they should go about it. It's more forcing children to play with others that they might not have hit if off with.

This is getting insane. We should be spending that money on books or other things for education. It's not up to the state to teach everything. They are trying to take over the role of parenting as it is.

Crazy that now they don't think children play the right way, so grown ups will hover over them and probably stop them if they don't like the way they are enjoying their recess time.

It's one thing for parents and teachers to preach about getting along with others, but the child has to make the decision on their own. Forcing things will likely end up with children resenting the authority figures. Or worse, the weak children will be so used to being told what to do every minute of the day that they'll grow up to be idiots who only know how to obey commands. Some are treating our children like dogs who need to be controlled.

I didn't put this in education because it has nothing to do with education. Schools have taken out cursive writing because it's too hard for some of the kids and then they shove Common Crap down their throats in an effort to dumb them down. Most students find the Common Core math even more confusing. Instead of teaching them the skills they need to be self-sufficient someday, they are working on creating an ignorant class of obedient little wussies.
It's not a non-issue. We don't need control freaks breathing down our backs every minute.

School counselors are there when students need them. No one needs to be dictated to all the time and forced to conform to some idealistic vision that is impossible to achieve.

I would think a child would feel worse if a teacher forced others to play with them when they didn't want to. Kids need to learn to make friends and I'm all for teaching them that they should be nice, but forcing them to do things is wrong. Psychiatrists have said for years that having at least one best friend can prevent depression. So, why would teachers discourage kids having best friends on the playground? They are building lasting friendships and they shouldn't be treated like lab rats for some bizarre liberal experiment. Do these people know anything about human nature?
Y'know, teaching kids good hygiene is critical.

Improper hygiene can not only be unhealthy, but can also cause teasing and bullying if kids don't clean themselves fully in the rest room.

We should hire school bathroom consultants to make sure little Johnny and Suzie are wiping properly and washing their hands completely.

They learned well from the Islamic terrorists who indoctrinate their children from cradle to suicide vest.
People need to home school their children. If the State you live in is too restrictive with Home School requirements? Move to a State where there is more leniency.
There have been similar plans like this. Teachers are working to control how children behave, even at recess. In the past, some schools banned 'best friends' at school and forced students to play with other children and discouraged them from having favorite playmates. Many common games are banned because they think it somehow traumatizes children to be "it" in a game of tag.

Now a Minnesota school spent a lot of money hiring recess consultants who will watch children play and guide them on how they should go about it. It's more forcing children to play with others that they might not have hit if off with.

This is getting insane. We should be spending that money on books or other things for education. It's not up to the state to teach everything. They are trying to take over the role of parenting as it is.

Crazy that now they don't think children play the right way, so grown ups will hover over them and probably stop them if they don't like the way they are enjoying their recess time.

It's one thing for parents and teachers to preach about getting along with others, but the child has to make the decision on their own. Forcing things will likely end up with children resenting the authority figures. Or worse, the weak children will be so used to being told what to do every minute of the day that they'll grow up to be idiots who only know how to obey commands. Some are treating our children like dogs who need to be controlled.

I didn't put this in education because it has nothing to do with education. Schools have taken out cursive writing because it's too hard for some of the kids and then they shove Common Crap down their throats in an effort to dumb them down. Most students find the Common Core math even more confusing. Instead of teaching them the skills they need to be self-sufficient someday, they are working on creating an ignorant class of obedient little wussies.
Police state... Brought to you by progressives...

Embrace the suck
People need to home school their children. If the State you live in is too restrictive with Home School requirements? Move to a State where there is more leniency.
Or just make sure you deprogram them regularly to get the liberal slime out of their impressionable minds.
Let's not get along and teach our kids the same... Eff off Rodney King
Y'know, teaching kids good hygiene is critical.

Improper hygiene can not only be unhealthy, but can also cause teasing and bullying if kids don't clean themselves fully in the rest room.

We should hire school bathroom consultants to make sure little Johnny and Suzie are wiping properly and washing their hands completely.


Don't give them any more ideas. They already hover as they eat lunch and confiscate lunch bags if they don't approve of what they are eating. They hover in classrooms and at the bus stops to make sure kids don't talk about toy guns or religion and now they're watching their every action on the playground and are ready to intervene the minute someone plays the wrong way. The bathroom stall is the only private place they have left.
Y'know, teaching kids good hygiene is critical.

Improper hygiene can not only be unhealthy, but can also cause teasing and bullying if kids don't clean themselves fully in the rest room.

We should hire school bathroom consultants to make sure little Johnny and Suzie are wiping properly and washing their hands completely.


Don't give them any more ideas. They already hover as they eat lunch and confiscate lunch bags if they don't approve of what they are eating. They hover in classrooms and at the bus stops to make sure kids don't talk about toy guns or religion and now they're watching their every action on the playground and are ready to intervene the minute someone plays the wrong way. The bathroom stall is the only private place they have left.
Except when a pedophile teacher sexually abuses them.
This has been going on for decades and the world hasn't ended. What do you think school counselors do?

Um, no, schools have not for decades been hiring recess consultants to watch and instruct children how to play. It's a ridiculous waste of taxpayer money.

This is just another conservative non issue.

All you seem to do anymore is dub anything raised by any conservative on this forum as a non issue without even considering it.
Indoctrination and daily lives managed brought to you by hope and change.
This has been going on for decades and the world hasn't ended. What do you think school counselors do?

Um, no, schools have not for decades been hiring recess consultants to watch and instruct children how to play. It's a ridiculous waste of taxpayer money.

This is just another conservative non issue.

All you seem to do anymore is dub anything raised by any conservative on this forum as a non issue without even considering it.
School counselors do that. A lot. Should we drop school counselors?

Find out how much these recess consultants are getting paid, and then find out what they actually do. Your impotent rage will lessen a little bit.
This has been going on for decades and the world hasn't ended. What do you think school counselors do?

Um, no, schools have not for decades been hiring recess consultants to watch and instruct children how to play. It's a ridiculous waste of taxpayer money.

This is just another conservative non issue.

All you seem to do anymore is dub anything raised by any conservative on this forum as a non issue without even considering it.
School counselors do that. A lot. Should we drop school counselors?

Find out how much these recess consultants are getting paid, and then find out what they actually do. Your impotent rage will lessen a little bit.

I don't know where you went to school but my school counselors did no such thing
This has been going on for decades and the world hasn't ended. What do you think school counselors do?

Um, no, schools have not for decades been hiring recess consultants to watch and instruct children how to play. It's a ridiculous waste of taxpayer money.

This is just another conservative non issue.

All you seem to do anymore is dub anything raised by any conservative on this forum as a non issue without even considering it.
School counselors do that. A lot. Should we drop school counselors?

Find out how much these recess consultants are getting paid, and then find out what they actually do. Your impotent rage will lessen a little bit.

I don't know where you went to school but my school counselors did no such thing
Either they did and you weren't aware, or you went to school before there were school counselors. I've spoken to dozens of school counselors in my career about that exact thing. So I know for a fact they do this every single day.

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