More People from Fox News Admit there was no voter fraud !!!

From the link
In the fall of 2020, just months before the presidential election, the Federal Bureau of Investigation lied to the news media and social media platforms in order to trick them into suppressing truthful information about one of the candidates.
And your source pushed the biggest lie
Yep Russian collusion
The link is full of shit. There was no lie.
I Just saw the timeline

After the election Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingram and others talked about how election fraud and Sydney powell were nuts. Then they got worried that Newsmax was taking their viewers with the fake election fraud bullshit, then they themselves started reporting fabricated lies of election fraud and Tucker Carlson did shows about it, even though he already said it was crazy.
Basically it is 100% documented that the people at Fox said there was no fraud, then told their viewers there was fraud, AFTER they complained that they are losing viewers to Newsmax and the stock is going down !!!

MAGA trash stopped watching fox because they told the truth, so fox then told them lies about election fraud and the viewers cam back !!!!! You people are a joke

This proves it, republicans are liars and fake news and need lies to survive.
Thr goons on Fox like Tuck & Lumpy Sean did a fine job blowing smoke up the ass of you rubes. You still believe them.

They were laughing behind your back but they ain't no more. The texts between those assholes are worth probably tens of million each in damages that will be awarded to Dominion. :abgg2q.jpg:

I knew some day that Karma would catch up to those lying fucks.
You, with an IQ equivalency squared up with that of a three day old tuna on rye, calling Moi a rube is priceless entertainment! Run along and play with your penis, "err" if you still possess such, which in latter case you can play with another boy who has not yet amputated his own! :fu:
You, with an IQ equivalency squared up with that of a three day old tuna on rye, calling Moi a rube is priceless entertainment! Run along and play with your penis, "err" if you still possess such, which in latter case you can play with another boy who has not yet amputated his own! :fu:
You people got played by Trump and Fox News.

Fox told you the truth and you stopped watching because you don't want to hear the truth only lies. Then they told you lies and you started watching again. Then you people rioted at the Capitol because of those lies.

Best part is they have Hannity and tucker carlson and all the others talking about how Trump's lying and there was no fraud !! AHAHAHAHAHA !!

You people look so stupid. You literally stopped watching Fox news because they told you the truth and that shows you are total liars.
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Truth: If Trump lawyers actually had tangible evidence to present in their attempted suits,

the court judges determining merit and standing prior to which is required by the court BEFORE suit can proceed, would have been given the evidence the Trump team had, in the Trump lawyer's brief summary telling the judge why their suit under law, should go forward...this required Trump team giving sound evidence to the court judge residing over the case.

Trump team court cases, did not have evidence that fraud etc, likely occurred.

Trump team needed to present evidence of wrong doing or probable wrong doing, TO THE JUDGE PRIOR TO THE TRIAL... The judges did have hearings to give Trump team a shot....before trial.....

then the judge ruled in whether there was merited or had standing under the law.
Look they do have evidence... if you watched anything but Left wing media you would know it....
You people got played by Trump and Fox News.

Fox told you the truth and you stopped watching because you don't want to hear the truth only lies. Then they told you lies and you started watching again. Then you people rioted at the Capitol because of those lies.

Best part is they have Hiannity and tucker carlson and all the others talking about how Trump's lying and there was no fraud !! AHAHAHAHAHA !!

You people look so stupid. You literally stopped watching Fox news because they told you the truth.

Let me resurrect what republicans thought about the dominion lawsuit against fox.

Pure posturing. If Dominion had a case they would bring it. A court room the LAST place they want to be other than in front of a Senate panel which is what I want to see.
I haven't followed this Dominion lawsuit stuff closely.
But, I was certainly aware of the Fox News 'personalities' vigorous promotion of the 'Stolen Election' canard.
So, as I watched the coverage tonight on PBS's 'Nightly Newshour' it was a revelation.

Fox News certainly comes across as mendacious, as dishonest, as violating the basic tenets of journalism, and of a broadcaster's sacred responsibility to the public.

Will be interesting to watch this trial...and the those against Powell and others.
I ain't a lawyer, but..........but Dominion sure seems to have some traction here.
Look they do have evidence... if you watched anything but Left wing media you would know it....
they have no credible evidence at all

All the courts, some with trump appointed judges, rejected all of Trump's fake evidence and said it was not credible at all.

There comes a point in time when you have to present credible evidence, or accept there was no fraud. Nobody has any credible evidence that will hold up in court.
Or maybe I can actually tell the difference between reliable and unreliable sources.

Fox News personalities knew that Sydney Powell is a crazy person who was spouting nonsense, but didn’t tell you. They were afraid that people like you would get angry if you were told the truth.

Does that sound like a mature worldview to you?
I give the dems credit for taking advantage of the covid hysteria while the repubs were sleeping
You, with an IQ equivalency squared up with that of a three day old tuna on rye, calling Moi a rube is priceless entertainment! Run along and play with your penis, "err" if you still possess such, which in latter case you can play with another boy who has not yet amputated his own! :fu:
Nothing sane to dispute the fact that your heroes on Fox were shown to be compulsive liars worried about their own bottom line so they lied thru their teeth about a "rigged election", asswipe? :fu:
I give the dems credit for taking advantage of the covid hysteria while the repubs were sleeping
Republicans have long favored and supported mail in voting until it started being used by people the didn’t want to vote.

Conservatives love grumbling about the fact that people whom they deem to be unworthy have a right to vote.

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