More People from Fox News Admit there was no voter fraud !!!

Most people hear 'evidence' and think something that can be introduced in a court of law, not Qanon. Com next to the "facts" that a pizza joint is running children for the Clintons.
You have no idea what most people think about the 2020 election.... you may want to dive into that a bit.... away from biased news and the biased internet....
it was FAKE NEWS created to deceive you....
if it had an ounce of truth to it, they would have tangible evidence to prove such, and bring the case to court.
they have none and have not done, either.
ask yourself why?
Rudy isn't what he used to be. He let us down.
Oh baby I can't wait for this trial!! The Big Lie is going down in flames, taking all Big Lie supporters down with it.

“Really crazy stuff. And damaging,” Fox Corp Chairman Rupert Murdoch said in an email on Nov. 19, days after the election, regarding claims Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani was making on Fox News.

“Sydney Powell is lying,” Tucker Carlson said in a text message to his producer. Meanwhile Laura Ingraham said in a message to Carlson: “Sidney is a complete nut. No one will work with her. Ditto with Rudy.”

“It’s unbelievably offensive to me. Our viewers are good people and they believe it,” Carlson responded, according to court papers. These messages came in the weeks following the election.

There you have it. Even the Fox news people, all of them, know that there was no election fraud. They admit there was no fraud... Dominion did nothing wrong at all and they are going to sue fake Fox news for $1+ Billion !!! Because the evidence clearly shows that Fox News people knew there was no fraud at all, yet the reported fabricated fake news of Dominion backed voter fraud that never happened.

You Go Dominion !!!!!
Expose fake Fox News

You don't get it. Its not whether it's true that matters, it's whether you believe!
Oh baby I can't wait for this trial!! The Big Lie is going down in flames, taking all Big Lie supporters down with it.

“Really crazy stuff. And damaging,” Fox Corp Chairman Rupert Murdoch said in an email on Nov. 19, days after the election, regarding claims Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani was making on Fox News.

“Sydney Powell is lying,” Tucker Carlson said in a text message to his producer. Meanwhile Laura Ingraham said in a message to Carlson: “Sidney is a complete nut. No one will work with her. Ditto with Rudy.”

“It’s unbelievably offensive to me. Our viewers are good people and they believe it,” Carlson responded, according to court papers. These messages came in the weeks following the election.

There you have it. Even the Fox news people, all of them, know that there was no election fraud. They admit there was no fraud... Dominion did nothing wrong at all and they are going to sue fake Fox news for $1+ Billion !!! Because the evidence clearly shows that Fox News people knew there was no fraud at all, yet the reported fabricated fake news of Dominion backed voter fraud that never happened.

You Go Dominion !!!!!
Expose fake Fox News

No but they all say it. Was rigged
FOX knows the only way they don't lose their fringe part of the audience to Newsmax is to peddle conspiracy theories. the disrespect and contempt they have for the entire audience is appalling

Hannity called Sidney Powell a "fucking lunatic"...Perino, Tucker, Laura, Bartiromo etc all thought Powell was nuts
Sidney Powell said she gets her information from experiencing something like time-travel in a semi-conscious state, allowing her to see what others don't see, and hear what others don't hear and she received messages from the wind

so mushrooms?
“The North Koreans do a more nuanced show” than Dobbs.

“What [Trump]’s good at is destroying things. He could easily destroy us if we play it wrong.”

“Sidney Powell is lying by the way. I caught her. It’s insane.” And other crazy quotes from Fox files:

After Fox called Arizona for Biden, top anchor Bret Baier emailed network president Jay Wallace that "The Trump campaign was really pissed" and "The sooner we pull it ... and we put it back in his column the better we are in my opinion,"

Republicans have long favored and supported mail in voting until it started being used by people the didn’t want to vote.

Conservatives love grumbling about the fact that people whom they deem to be unworthy have a right to vote.
Until the well-meaning mail in voting option became abused by a major party. Corruption is rampant in most anything government does without checks and balances. Progs claim Republicans have no answers. Not true. Progs cause problems while ostensibly fixing problems.
I bet they did. They're laughing at you.
No the article has no real evidence. It’s a clone of another fake article previously posted where I pointed out that they were referring to unverfied texts and hearsay.

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