More porn, rape porn, in a school library as parents once again take it and read it to the school board.....

I say this from the bottom of my heart. FUCK OFF JUNIOR

This must be a bot you are talking to.

How could a human be that devoted to spending hours and hours every day in a place full of people who tell it over and over and over how annoying it is?

I've had it in my shut-the-fuck-up cage for almost the entire time I've used this board, because it seems to exist only to belabor the point of how damned ignorant it is.


This must be a bot you are talking to.

How could a human be that devoted to spending hours and hours every day in a place full of people who tell it over and over and over how annoying it is?

I've had it in my shut-the-fuck-up cage for almost the entire time I've used this board, because it seems to exist only to belabor the point of how damned ignorant it is.


Quite a coward to say you've blocked me but yet you comment all the time about me.

I don't recall the town, but this was actually done in the not-too-distant past -- parents took over the meeting and ran the school board out and elected a whole new board.

We need this.

Edit: Found it.

We need this.

Just do it! They’re fucking with kids!! Play time is over!
The recommendations on this book is one that says it might be a good idea for a parent to read it with their kid.

I imagine for a person going through this or has gone through this, they would prefer that not happen.

So most everyone?
Recommendations are only as good as the one posting it & may be no better than a fakebook fact check.

I'm glad to see you think this type of pedo rape porn should not be available to children, especially from a public library.
Anyone knowingly allowing a child access to this type of material should be charge with abuse of a minor
Recommendations are only as good as the one posting it & may be no better than a fakebook fact check.

I'm glad to see you think this type of pedo rape porn should not be available to children, especially from a public library.
Anyone knowingly allowing a child access to this type of material should be charge with abuse of a minor

I believe the recommendations are teen plus.

Run around with your hair on fire if you wish that teachers are reading this to 2nd graders.
I believe the recommendations are teen plus.

Run around with your hair on fire if you wish that teachers are reading this to 2nd graders.
I'm sorry, I didn't realize teen plus meant only adults.
Or is pedo rape porn OK starting on a 13th birthday according to you?

WTF are you talking about reading it to 2nd graders for?
The fact you brought that up says more than you want to give away on a message board.
Freud would love a session with you
I'm sorry, I didn't realize teen plus meant only adults.
Or is pedo rape porn OK starting on a 13th birthday according to you?

WTF are you talking about reading it to 2nd graders for?
The fact you brought that up says more than you want to give away on a message board.
Freud would love a session with you

You're talking to a member of a cult that bends definitions of words when they feel like it.

The left are batsh*t crazy.....they are insane, they want to groom small children into sexual deviants.......and they are using our public schools as one of their access points......

This has got to be stopped...

Parents went to the public meeting to demand answers about the pornographic books that have been found in their school libraries. One of the books graphically describes a child being viciously raped by her father while her twin watches.

I warn you that this is hard to listen to, but listen to it you must because otherwise, you will not believe that educators are shoving this disgusting material down your kids’ throats. You must hear it to understand what we are up against, and it’s scary and evil. A father’s anguish after reading a graphic description of child rape is all of us. “That was the sister watching her little sister get raped by her father. This is the sh*t we have going into our libraries, and you’re complaining about ‘anti-LGBTQ’?” he choked out through rage. “I’ve been attacked all week on the community board because I’m sticking up for my children,” continued. Watch it below but be warned, it is extremely graphic and not safe for work or children. Please take steps not to traumatize a child with this. (How absurd is it that I have to say that about a book that is in a library for minors?)
The book, Identical, has reportedly been removed surreptitiously from the high school library without a paper trail. PJ Media could not confirm this as the school was closed at the time of the investigation, but the book is marked “out” on the public database as if someone did check it out. Identical is only one of the books found to contain pornographic material. According to one mom, there are 65 books like this in the system, the majority of them in the middle school library.

Have you ever stopped to think there just might be a group of evil people who are literally out to destroy America and are planting this crap just to incite anger and division? Marxists and Communists are known to be rather under handed aren't they? They plant stories or do things that enrage the Left against the Right while maybe doing the same to the Right to pit the Right against the Left etc etc etc.

While I would agree there are some very evil pedophiles among us that need to be summarily dealt with, I wouldn't put it past.....ohhhh...say....CHINA to do anything and everything to keep America divided. They have unbelievable access to our nation while we we have almost none to theirs. They even set up a CHINESE Police station at one time in New York that was to have a task force to make sure chinese citizens and defectors were tracked and dealt with right here in the USA and many in New York actually helped them set it up. I believe it has since been shut down due to outrage.

In these crazy times, I urge EVERYONE to stop and step back for a second and look at the bigger picture and realize that if China can get us to tear each other apart, then they can relax and move in after the smoke clears without firing a shot. Clever.

Just give it a thought....everyone....please.
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I don't know which is worse - that our school stats are exposing these books to children or that none of the brainwashed leftist sheeple here see anything wrong with it.
They don't see anything wrong with it because they could very well be the reason why the reading material is there in the first place. It is what they want in front of our nation's youth. The good thing is that the rest of us still have freedom of choice. In other words, we can still read and watch whatever we want to. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I am currently watching the Encino Man film on CMT. It is now 30 years old. It was about a year old when I first saw it, but I have loved it ever since. :) :) :)

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