More proof liberals are going down !!

Lol, you realize that probably because of an increase in the Muslim population, right?

How do you feel about that?
Yeah, probably has nothing to do with forced baking cakes, Hollywood and militant soccer lesbians shoving that shit on everyone. Even in 2019 99.75% of the kids aren’t fucking gay and are sick of the gay bullshit.

But let’s say your dumb ass observation is correct. Sure seems like a bad way to get faggot acceptance is letting muslims into your country in large enough numbers to alter public opinion. Guess that diversity shit has a down side.
They weren't forced to bake the cake.

Not sure what a "militant soccer lesbian" is. I thought soccer was a sport.

You've got the diversity thing backwards.
And right there is the reason you don’t get why the support is dropping.

Yep the wise were sleeping for a while now they are waking just like all thru history. and just like all thru history destroys the harm of liberalism and Islam Both systems are seen by the wise as failures
Krazy Kirsten Gillibrand admits she will raise taxes on the middle class to fund Social Security and also new programs beyond

Lol, you realize that probably because of an increase in the Muslim population, right?

How do you feel about that?
Fundie muslims and fundie christians are two sides of the same coin.
Wrong dead wrong

When the printing press came religious books could finally be read and compared. Then the wise of all the other religions stampeded to Christianity and because of their wisdom over powered all other religions

The Muslim religion was started by a person that has a history that could not bring the wise to that religion and that religion is the last of the very harmful barbaric religions

The founder took PARTS of christianity and inserted his sins and made the barbaric religion of Islam

And because of no more wise they could no longer invent and lost so much power

They are women's very worst nightmare and since women vote for the party that runs them into the nation that shows the founders were right not to let women vote who elects crooks with their emotions and lower logic
I am spot on......we get a lot of fundie muslim envy from our fundie can tell they get all excited and jealous when talking about muslim countries and their treatment of gays and women.
So what are your feelings on having sex with goats or other barnyard animals???
Well, I'm gonna pass but you go ahead if that's what does it for you lady.
Lol, you realize that probably because of an increase in the Muslim population, right?

How do you feel about that?
Yeah, probably has nothing to do with forced baking cakes, Hollywood and militant soccer lesbians shoving that shit on everyone. Even in 2019 99.75% of the kids aren’t fucking gay and are sick of the gay bullshit.

But let’s say your dumb ass observation is correct. Sure seems like a bad way to get faggot acceptance is letting muslims into your country in large enough numbers to alter public opinion. Guess that diversity shit has a down side.
They weren't forced to bake the cake.

Not sure what a "militant soccer lesbian" is. I thought soccer was a sport.

You've got the diversity thing backwards.
And right there is the reason you don’t get why the support is dropping.

Yep the wise were sleeping for a while now they are waking just like all thru history. and just like all thru history destroys the harm of liberalism and Islam Both systems are seen by the wise as failures
What country are you from anyway?
"earning your way out of poverty is much more empowering and enduring than being supported by government programs" - MLK
the No. 1 political fact in the United States that drives all of this discussion is that eight out of 10 Americans think corporations have bought the democracy—and that’s Republicans, Democrats, and independents. They believe it. I believe it. The question is not, Is it true? The question is, How do we break the back of that stranglehold?
Lol, you realize that probably because of an increase in the Muslim population, right?

How do you feel about that?
Fundie muslims and fundie christians are two sides of the same coin.

Nope bodecea
1. "Fundie Christians" can be reigned in by rebuking them using their
own Christian Scriptures and/or Constitutional laws they agree to
follow by Civil Obedience.

They will at least respond to rebukes by fellow Christians.

2. With "Fundie Muslims," you either have to invoke their authorities to issue rebuke.
Or if they DON'T respect rebuke by civil laws or scriptural authority,
in order to receive rebuke.

Generally the Islamists/"Fundie Muslims" who don't believe in due process
or separation of powers will NOT RESPOND to rebukes by fellow Muslims.

So there is a difference between rebuking "Fundie Muslims" vs. "Fundie Christians"
who at least agree to Scriptural authority and will respond to peers rebuking them by that.
If either Christians or Muslims agree to follow and
respect Civil/Constitutional and Christian Scripture, they will respond to rebukes.

But with "Fundies" you'd have better success with Fundie Christians (and/or Constitutionalists)
rather than with "Fundie Muslims" who don't respect civil authority and rebukes by Scripture.
Lol, you realize that probably because of an increase in the Muslim population, right?

How do you feel about that?
Fundie muslims and fundie christians are two sides of the same coin.
Wrong dead wrong

When the printing press came religious books could finally be read and compared. Then the wise of all the other religions stampeded to Christianity and because of their wisdom over powered all other religions

The Muslim religion was started by a person that has a history that could not bring the wise to that religion and that religion is the last of the very harmful barbaric religions

The founder took PARTS of christianity and inserted his sins and made the barbaric religion of Islam

And because of no more wise they could no longer invent and lost so much power

They are women's very worst nightmare and since women vote for the party that runs them into the nation that shows the founders were right not to let women vote who elects crooks with their emotions and lower logic
Lol, you realize that probably because of an increase in the Muslim population, right?

How do you feel about that?
Fundie muslims and fundie christians are two sides of the same coin.
Wrong dead wrong

When the printing press came religious books could finally be read and compared. Then the wise of all the other religions stampeded to Christianity and because of their wisdom over powered all other religions

The Muslim religion was started by a person that has a history that could not bring the wise to that religion and that religion is the last of the very harmful barbaric religions

The founder took PARTS of christianity and inserted his sins and made the barbaric religion of Islam

And because of no more wise they could no longer invent and lost so much power

They are women's very worst nightmare and since women vote for the party that runs them into the nation that shows the founders were right not to let women vote who elects crooks with their emotions and lower logic
Eh, little history lesson. The printing press was invented in 1440. After that invention those "wise" Christians did things like the Inquisition and the thirty years war. A religious war so destructive that it nearly depopulated an entire country. Witch hunts, torture, forced conversion all done in the name of Christianity in one form or another.
Last edited:
Acceptance of gay sex in decline in UK for first time since Aids crisis

The acceptance of gay sex has for the first time in many years started to go down

That is just one of the many dominoes falling fast to totally stop the corrupt deep state that brought that brainwashing earlier

Liberals must now run and hide
So lets see if I understand you right? You feel emboldened in your conservative (homophobic) you views because in Great Britain homophobia is getting more popular, from 36 to 38 percent? So you think having a slightly less overwhelming minority view in a single poll signals success?
Lol, you realize that probably because of an increase in the Muslim population, right?

How do you feel about that?
Fundie muslims and fundie christians are two sides of the same coin.
Wrong dead wrong

When the printing press came religious books could finally be read and compared. Then the wise of all the other religions stampeded to Christianity and because of their wisdom over powered all other religions

The Muslim religion was started by a person that has a history that could not bring the wise to that religion and that religion is the last of the very harmful barbaric religions

The founder took PARTS of christianity and inserted his sins and made the barbaric religion of Islam

And because of no more wise they could no longer invent and lost so much power

They are women's very worst nightmare and since women vote for the party that runs them into the nation that shows the founders were right not to let women vote who elects crooks with their emotions and lower logic
Lol, you realize that probably because of an increase in the Muslim population, right?

How do you feel about that?
Fundie muslims and fundie christians are two sides of the same coin.
Wrong dead wrong

When the printing press came religious books could finally be read and compared. Then the wise of all the other religions stampeded to Christianity and because of their wisdom over powered all other religions

The Muslim religion was started by a person that has a history that could not bring the wise to that religion and that religion is the last of the very harmful barbaric religions

The founder took PARTS of christianity and inserted his sins and made the barbaric religion of Islam

And because of no more wise they could no longer invent and lost so much power

They are women's very worst nightmare and since women vote for the party that runs them into the nation that shows the founders were right not to let women vote who elects crooks with their emotions and lower logic
Eh, little history lesson. The printing press was invented in 1440. After that invention those "wise" Christians did things like the Inquisition and the thirty years war. A religious war so destructive that it nearly depopulated an entire country. Witch hunts, torture, forced conversion all done in the name of Christianity in one form or another.
and to continue you little history lesson after what you described Christianity went through its Reformation changed its ways denounced its violence became tolerant and mostly passive which Islam hasn't
Lol, you realize that probably because of an increase in the Muslim population, right?

How do you feel about that?
Fundie muslims and fundie christians are two sides of the same coin.
Wrong dead wrong

When the printing press came religious books could finally be read and compared. Then the wise of all the other religions stampeded to Christianity and because of their wisdom over powered all other religions

The Muslim religion was started by a person that has a history that could not bring the wise to that religion and that religion is the last of the very harmful barbaric religions

The founder took PARTS of christianity and inserted his sins and made the barbaric religion of Islam

And because of no more wise they could no longer invent and lost so much power

They are women's very worst nightmare and since women vote for the party that runs them into the nation that shows the founders were right not to let women vote who elects crooks with their emotions and lower logic
Lol, you realize that probably because of an increase in the Muslim population, right?

How do you feel about that?
Fundie muslims and fundie christians are two sides of the same coin.
Wrong dead wrong

When the printing press came religious books could finally be read and compared. Then the wise of all the other religions stampeded to Christianity and because of their wisdom over powered all other religions

The Muslim religion was started by a person that has a history that could not bring the wise to that religion and that religion is the last of the very harmful barbaric religions

The founder took PARTS of christianity and inserted his sins and made the barbaric religion of Islam

And because of no more wise they could no longer invent and lost so much power

They are women's very worst nightmare and since women vote for the party that runs them into the nation that shows the founders were right not to let women vote who elects crooks with their emotions and lower logic
Eh, little history lesson. The printing press was invented in 1440. After that invention those "wise" Christians did things like the Inquisition and the thirty years war. A religious war so destructive that it nearly depopulated an entire country. Witch hunts, torture, forced conversion all done in the name of Christianity in one form or another.
and to continue you little history lesson after what you described Christianity went through its Reformation changed its ways denounced its violence became tolerant and mostly passive which Islam hasn't
Actually the reformation was followed by the counter reformation, of which the thirty years war was a result. The South used God's will as a justification for slavery. Even the SS used God in such a way.
Lol, you realize that probably because of an increase in the Muslim population, right?

How do you feel about that?
Fundie muslims and fundie christians are two sides of the same coin.
Wrong dead wrong

When the printing press came religious books could finally be read and compared. Then the wise of all the other religions stampeded to Christianity and because of their wisdom over powered all other religions

The Muslim religion was started by a person that has a history that could not bring the wise to that religion and that religion is the last of the very harmful barbaric religions

The founder took PARTS of christianity and inserted his sins and made the barbaric religion of Islam

And because of no more wise they could no longer invent and lost so much power

They are women's very worst nightmare and since women vote for the party that runs them into the nation that shows the founders were right not to let women vote who elects crooks with their emotions and lower logic
Lol, you realize that probably because of an increase in the Muslim population, right?

How do you feel about that?
Fundie muslims and fundie christians are two sides of the same coin.
Wrong dead wrong

When the printing press came religious books could finally be read and compared. Then the wise of all the other religions stampeded to Christianity and because of their wisdom over powered all other religions

The Muslim religion was started by a person that has a history that could not bring the wise to that religion and that religion is the last of the very harmful barbaric religions

The founder took PARTS of christianity and inserted his sins and made the barbaric religion of Islam

And because of no more wise they could no longer invent and lost so much power

They are women's very worst nightmare and since women vote for the party that runs them into the nation that shows the founders were right not to let women vote who elects crooks with their emotions and lower logic
Eh, little history lesson. The printing press was invented in 1440. After that invention those "wise" Christians did things like the Inquisition and the thirty years war. A religious war so destructive that it nearly depopulated an entire country. Witch hunts, torture, forced conversion all done in the name of Christianity in one form or another.
and to continue you little history lesson after what you described Christianity went through its Reformation changed its ways denounced its violence became tolerant and mostly passive which Islam hasn't
Actually the reformation was followed by the counter reformation, of which the thirty years war was a result. The South used God's will as a justification for slavery. Even the SS used God in such a way.
didn't say reformation happened over night it took over a century but it did happen resulting to where Christianity is at today compared to were Islam is
name one Christian majority country one that adhere to Judeo-Christian Values that its a death sentence for being gay or that stones to death women adulterers acts that might have been done many centuries ago by Christians
Christianity has reformed evolved and matured way past its barbaric past Islam hasn't
Lol, you realize that probably because of an increase in the Muslim population, right?

How do you feel about that?
Fundie muslims and fundie christians are two sides of the same coin.

Nope bodecea
1. "Fundie Christians" can be reigned in by rebuking them using their
own Christian Scriptures and/or Constitutional laws they agree to
follow by Civil Obedience.

They will at least respond to rebukes by fellow Christians.

2. With "Fundie Muslims," you either have to invoke their authorities to issue rebuke.
Or if they DON'T respect rebuke by civil laws or scriptural authority,
in order to receive rebuke.

Generally the Islamists/"Fundie Muslims" who don't believe in due process
or separation of powers will NOT RESPOND to rebukes by fellow Muslims.

So there is a difference between rebuking "Fundie Muslims" vs. "Fundie Christians"
who at least agree to Scriptural authority and will respond to peers rebuking them by that.
If either Christians or Muslims agree to follow and
respect Civil/Constitutional and Christian Scripture, they will respond to rebukes.

But with "Fundies" you'd have better success with Fundie Christians (and/or Constitutionalists)
rather than with "Fundie Muslims" who don't respect civil authority and rebukes by Scripture.
Yeah... Nope. Fundie christians regularly misinterpret scripture and claim laws they disagree with don't apply to them.

Just because you like one and don't like the other doesn't mean they aren't basically the same.
Acceptance of gay sex in decline in UK for first time since Aids crisis

The acceptance of gay sex has for the first time in many years started to go down

That is just one of the many dominoes falling fast to totally stop the corrupt deep state that brought that brainwashing earlier

Liberals must now run and hide

It's unfortunate that the gay community took gay sex to mean swinging their cocks in our children's mouths. Unfortunately, that's not it. Public displays of degeneracy means these people can get fucked, which they probably will anyway, but you get the drift.
Acceptance of gay sex in decline in UK for first time since Aids crisis

The acceptance of gay sex has for the first time in many years started to go down

That is just one of the many dominoes falling fast to totally stop the corrupt deep state that brought that brainwashing earlier

Liberals must now run and hide

It's unfortunate that the gay community took gay sex to mean swinging their cocks in our children's mouths. Unfortunately, that's not it.

LBGT "tolerence" is down with millennial's also. This is what happens when you push to hard and try and force the agenda
Fundie muslims and fundie christians are two sides of the same coin.
Wrong dead wrong

When the printing press came religious books could finally be read and compared. Then the wise of all the other religions stampeded to Christianity and because of their wisdom over powered all other religions

The Muslim religion was started by a person that has a history that could not bring the wise to that religion and that religion is the last of the very harmful barbaric religions

The founder took PARTS of christianity and inserted his sins and made the barbaric religion of Islam

And because of no more wise they could no longer invent and lost so much power

They are women's very worst nightmare and since women vote for the party that runs them into the nation that shows the founders were right not to let women vote who elects crooks with their emotions and lower logic
Fundie muslims and fundie christians are two sides of the same coin.
Wrong dead wrong

When the printing press came religious books could finally be read and compared. Then the wise of all the other religions stampeded to Christianity and because of their wisdom over powered all other religions

The Muslim religion was started by a person that has a history that could not bring the wise to that religion and that religion is the last of the very harmful barbaric religions

The founder took PARTS of christianity and inserted his sins and made the barbaric religion of Islam

And because of no more wise they could no longer invent and lost so much power

They are women's very worst nightmare and since women vote for the party that runs them into the nation that shows the founders were right not to let women vote who elects crooks with their emotions and lower logic
Eh, little history lesson. The printing press was invented in 1440. After that invention those "wise" Christians did things like the Inquisition and the thirty years war. A religious war so destructive that it nearly depopulated an entire country. Witch hunts, torture, forced conversion all done in the name of Christianity in one form or another.
and to continue you little history lesson after what you described Christianity went through its Reformation changed its ways denounced its violence became tolerant and mostly passive which Islam hasn't
Actually the reformation was followed by the counter reformation, of which the thirty years war was a result. The South used God's will as a justification for slavery. Even the SS used God in such a way.
didn't say reformation happened over night it took over a century but it did happen resulting to where Christianity is at today compared to were Islam is
name one Christian majority country one that adhere to Judeo-Christian Values that its a death sentence for being gay or that stones to death women adulterers acts that might have been done many centuries ago by Christians
Christianity has reformed evolved and matured way past its barbaric past Islam hasn't
Not stoning to death but I picked up somewhere that it's decidedly unhealthy to be a jew in Judeo-Christian Germany in the 1940s. Or be a Muslim in Judeo-Christian Serbia in the 1990s. Or for that matter be in a planned parenthood clinic in Palm Springs in 2015. So tell me again how the reformation started in 1517 caused just a century of turmoil before Christianity denounced violence?
By the way, I think it extremely ironic that you are touting gay acceptance by Christianity in an OP where the UK becoming less accepting is portrayed as a defeat for Liberalism.
Acceptance of gay sex in decline in UK for first time since Aids crisis

The acceptance of gay sex has for the first time in many years started to go down

That is just one of the many dominoes falling fast to totally stop the corrupt deep state that brought that brainwashing earlier

Liberals must now run and hide

"Liberals must now run and hide"

most people are NOT anti-gay these days.

you are certainly still outnumbered greatly on that front.

And the fact t hat your whole post sounds so threatening....kinda like you intend to do violence.....

are you intending violence?

do you want to beat and kill people?

don't be PC....admit it!

shout it!

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