More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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Minor confusion here Sirrah. The folks at the IPCC and those who back them have shitloads of evidence. It is you who holds an unsupported view.

What`s the matter with you ?
Haven`t you figured out yet that aside from 2 or 3 alarmist freaks nobody else cares for the crap you in all these other threads you keep posting ?


Perhaps you could tell her about "the shitload of evidence" you got.

AR5 is out. The warming slowdown is fully discussed. This is old and scandal-mongering news. And it's not me that has shitloads of evidence supporting AGW. It's the world's climate scientists.

What's the matter with me is that I firmly believe you and others like you are slowing our response to a real threat to my children and my children's children. I find that more than enough motivation to keep right on going.
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What's the matter with me is that I firmly believe you and others like you are slowing our response to a real threat to my children and my children's children. I find that more than enough motivation to keep right on going.

The real problem is that you and others like you are not devoting enough of your "lives" to battling for your cause. If you were sincerely troubled (I mean about Global Warming, not just "troubled"), then you'd quit your job (assuming you have one), park your polluting vehicle (including electric unless it has solar panels or a windmill on top), have your gas and electric meters removed entirely and spend all of your time either in protest meetings or praying to Algore.

Less than that is just proof of insincerity.

Oh, and then there's the problem that you apparently have children! That you didn't care enough about saving the planet from humans that you made more of them.

But that's not surprising.....
So far this month, weather stations in the Lower 48 have broken or tied more than 2,600 records for cold, while Alaskan weather stations have broken or tied more than 20 daily temperature records for warmth. Alaska’s relative warmth has shut down ski slopes and caused road problems.

Temperatures In Alaska Are Warmer Than The Lower 48 « CBS DC

This is getting absolutely stoopid at this point!!:D:D:fu:
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So far this month, weather stations in the Lower 48 have broken or tied more than 2,600 records for cold, while Alaskan weather stations have broken or tied more than 20 daily temperature records for warmth. Alaska’s relative warmth has shut down ski slopes and caused road problems.

Temperatures In Alaska Are Warmer Than The Lower 48 « CBS DC

This is getting absolutely stoopid at this point!!:D:D:fu:

I agree. It is absolutely stupid to compare short term regional weather patterns to long term global climate change. :fu:
So far this month, weather stations in the Lower 48 have broken or tied more than 2,600 records for cold, while Alaskan weather stations have broken or tied more than 20 daily temperature records for warmth. Alaska’s relative warmth has shut down ski slopes and caused road problems.

Temperatures In Alaska Are Warmer Than The Lower 48 « CBS DC

This is getting absolutely stoopid at this point!!:D:D:fu:

I agree. It is absolutely stupid to compare short term regional weather patterns to long term global climate change. :fu:

fAiL most of the global warming OCD's who never heard the phrase "Reality is 95% perception".......nobody is caring about the internet chatter that tries to effectively morph any weather to fit the agenda. People all over the country are waking up this morning and stepping outside and having to worry about their nut sack getting frostbite in 10 minutes.

Only the mental cases think people are chatting at the 7-11 coffee station about temperatures in Australia. Non-mental cases know that they are making global warming jokes and laughing at the religion.......because that's how it works in the real world. Nobody is caring about the science.:rock::rock::rock::eusa_dance: Because their balls are blue from the cold.
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So far this month, weather stations in the Lower 48 have broken or tied more than 2,600 records for cold, while Alaskan weather stations have broken or tied more than 20 daily temperature records for warmth. Alaska’s relative warmth has shut down ski slopes and caused road problems.

Temperatures In Alaska Are Warmer Than The Lower 48 « CBS DC

This is getting absolutely stoopid at this point!!:D:D:fu:

I agree. It is absolutely stupid to compare short term regional weather patterns to long term global climate change. :fu:

fAiL most of the global warming OCD's who never heard the phrase "Reality is 95% perception".......nobody is caring about the internet chatter that tries to effectively morph any weather to fit the agenda. People all over the country are waking up this morning and stepping outside and having to worry about their nut sack getting frostbite in 10 minutes.

Only the mental cases think people are chatting at the 7-11 coffee station about temperatures in Australia. Non-mental cases know that they are making global warming jokes and laughing at the religion.......because that's how it works in the real world. Nobody is caring about the science.:rock::rock::rock::eusa_dance: Because their balls are blue from the cold.

You could also say it the other way around,...if 95% of the AGW predictions had anything to do with reality then there would not be a problem with perception.
But this is what reality looks like:

As opposed to the AGW freak`s "perception" :
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Industry Awakens to Threat of Climate Change

NYTimes said:
Coke reflects a growing view among American business leaders and mainstream economists who see global warming as a force that contributes to lower gross domestic products, higher food and commodity costs, broken supply chains and increased financial risk. Their position is at striking odds with the longstanding argument, advanced by the coal industry and others, that policies to curb carbon emissions are more economically harmful than the impact of climate change.


In 2008, floods temporarily shut down four Nike factories in Thailand, and the company remains concerned about rising droughts in regions that produce cotton, which the company uses in its athletic clothes.

“That puts less cotton on the market, the price goes up, and you have market volatility,” said Hannah Jones, the company’s vice president for sustainability and innovation. Nike has already reported the impact of climate change on water supplies on its financial risk disclosure forms to the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Both Nike and Coke are responding internally: Coke uses water-conservation technologies and Nike is using more synthetic material that is less dependent on weather conditions. At Davos and in global capitals, the companies are also lobbying governments to enact environmentally friendly policies.


“There are a lot of really significant, monumental issues facing the global economy, but this supersedes all else,” Mr. Rubin said in an interview. “To make meaningful headway in the economics community and the business community, you’ve got to make it concrete.”

Sounds like the essential complaint by deniers of "it costs too much" is being challenged headlong. As coal is cheap in China and India, arguments are harder there. But the energy market is not the only concern, its our whole global economic dependency that is being routinely affected by undeniable sources: the refining, the spilling, and the burning of fossil fuels. It starts small but builds and is making its presence felt by major corporations who's main concern is also money.

Once the money argument erodes, so does denier's unity. This has yet to be too public, but as reports come, like "Risky Business" and "natural capital" is recongized, so will the denier's only valid argument.
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Industry Awakens to Threat of Climate Change

NYTimes said:
Coke reflects a growing view among American business leaders and mainstream economists who see global warming as a force that contributes to lower gross domestic products, higher food and commodity costs, broken supply chains and increased financial risk. Their position is at striking odds with the longstanding argument, advanced by the coal industry and others, that policies to curb carbon emissions are more economically harmful than the impact of climate change.


In 2008, floods temporarily shut down four Nike factories in Thailand, and the company remains concerned about rising droughts in regions that produce cotton, which the company uses in its athletic clothes.

“That puts less cotton on the market, the price goes up, and you have market volatility,” said Hannah Jones, the company’s vice president for sustainability and innovation. Nike has already reported the impact of climate change on water supplies on its financial risk disclosure forms to the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Both Nike and Coke are responding internally: Coke uses water-conservation technologies and Nike is using more synthetic material that is less dependent on weather conditions. At Davos and in global capitals, the companies are also lobbying governments to enact environmentally friendly policies.


“There are a lot of really significant, monumental issues facing the global economy, but this supersedes all else,” Mr. Rubin said in an interview. “To make meaningful headway in the economics community and the business community, you’ve got to make it concrete.”

Sounds like the essential complaint by deniers of "it costs too much" is being challenged headlong. As coal is cheap in China and India, arguments are harder there. But the energy market is not the only concern, its our whole global economic dependency that is being routinely affected by undeniable sources: the refining, the spilling, and the burning of fossil fuels. It starts small but builds and is making its presence felt by major corporations who's main concern is also money.

Once the money argument erodes, so does denier's unity. This has yet to be too public, but as reports come, so will the denier's only valid argument.

Yet none of the concrete ACTIONS of NIKE or COKE will reduce Global Warming. In fact -- More synthethic fabric and materials is the ANTITHESIS of eco-ethics --- aint it??
Industry Awakens to Threat of Climate Change

NYTimes said:
Coke reflects a growing view among American business leaders and mainstream economists who see global warming as a force that contributes to lower gross domestic products, higher food and commodity costs, broken supply chains and increased financial risk. Their position is at striking odds with the longstanding argument, advanced by the coal industry and others, that policies to curb carbon emissions are more economically harmful than the impact of climate change.


In 2008, floods temporarily shut down four Nike factories in Thailand, and the company remains concerned about rising droughts in regions that produce cotton, which the company uses in its athletic clothes.

“That puts less cotton on the market, the price goes up, and you have market volatility,” said Hannah Jones, the company’s vice president for sustainability and innovation. Nike has already reported the impact of climate change on water supplies on its financial risk disclosure forms to the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Both Nike and Coke are responding internally: Coke uses water-conservation technologies and Nike is using more synthetic material that is less dependent on weather conditions. At Davos and in global capitals, the companies are also lobbying governments to enact environmentally friendly policies.


“There are a lot of really significant, monumental issues facing the global economy, but this supersedes all else,” Mr. Rubin said in an interview. “To make meaningful headway in the economics community and the business community, you’ve got to make it concrete.”

Sounds like the essential complaint by deniers of "it costs too much" is being challenged headlong. As coal is cheap in China and India, arguments are harder there. But the energy market is not the only concern, its our whole global economic dependency that is being routinely affected by undeniable sources: the refining, the spilling, and the burning of fossil fuels. It starts small but builds and is making its presence felt by major corporations who's main concern is also money.

Once the money argument erodes, so does denier's unity. This has yet to be too public, but as reports come, so will the denier's only valid argument.

Yet none of the concrete ACTIONS of NIKE or COKE will reduce Global Warming. In fact -- More synthethic fabric and materials is the ANTITHESIS of eco-ethics --- aint it??

Well, Coke could set a precedent by stopping the production and distribution of beverages laced with CO2 and other poisons like high fructose corn syrup. That would be a start.
Industry Awakens to Threat of Climate Change

Sounds like the essential complaint by deniers of "it costs too much" is being challenged headlong. As coal is cheap in China and India, arguments are harder there. But the energy market is not the only concern, its our whole global economic dependency that is being routinely affected by undeniable sources: the refining, the spilling, and the burning of fossil fuels. It starts small but builds and is making its presence felt by major corporations who's main concern is also money.

Once the money argument erodes, so does denier's unity. This has yet to be too public, but as reports come, so will the denier's only valid argument.

Yet none of the concrete ACTIONS of NIKE or COKE will reduce Global Warming. In fact -- More synthethic fabric and materials is the ANTITHESIS of eco-ethics --- aint it??

Well, Coke could set a precedent by stopping the production and distribution of beverages laced with CO2 and other poisons like high fructose corn syrup. That would be a start.

You're welcome to join the dozens of others that have offered market alternatives..
A little bit of an overstatement to call HFCSyrup "a poison" dontchathink??

Puts you at odds with quite of bit of "consensus".. Tee Hee.... And no --- I don't really want to debate it. My neighbor is a huge soda Nazi...
Yet none of the concrete ACTIONS of NIKE or COKE will reduce Global Warming. In fact -- More synthethic fabric and materials is the ANTITHESIS of eco-ethics --- aint it??

Well, Coke could set a precedent by stopping the production and distribution of beverages laced with CO2 and other poisons like high fructose corn syrup. That would be a start.

You're welcome to join the dozens of others that have offered market alternatives..
A little bit of an overstatement to call HFCSyrup "a poison" dontchathink??

Puts you at odds with quite of bit of "consensus".. Tee Hee.... And no --- I don't really want to debate it. My neighbor is a huge soda Nazi...

I am one of the denizens who refuse to put that filth in their bodies. And no it is not an overstatement to call high fructose corn syrup a poison, because that is what it is.
A little bit of an overstatement to call HFCSyrup "a poison" dontchathink??

No, it is not an overstatement.

I bet my life you consume it daily, and have never once considered trying to live without it.

I bet you could never muster the reasoning and will-power to actually change a small part of your diet just to see if it can bring worthwhile benefits over the sacrifice.

Why do I think there are results? Well, a cursory glance of this highly isolated segment of corn is certainly nothing nature has invented independent of the corn itself. Red flag there.

But let me give you concrete case evidence. In my life I have been a major sugar addict and consumed my share of HFCS. But I've also had a health conscious mentality, and as I learned more I thought I would experiment by removing this isolated sweetener. The problem is it would takes months to finally achieve a 95% removal and I would last no more than 3 weeks. During those weeks I would notice clarity by day 6 and I repeated this 4 times with usually a year of HFCS in between the 3 non-HFCS week. But mid 2013 my lifestyle has aligned, allowing me to cut this poison out without any hiccup. At least 3 solid months of not chowing down on excess sugar and no HFCS, I have no cravings for sweet items that were so prevalent throughout my whole life. At Golden Coral I would get the plate I dubbed "The Diabetic Special" meaning about 3 plates of only dessert and eat it all rapidly.

Results after ceasing HFCS? I think more clearly in that I am much slower to anger/irritation over small things and truly possess greater desires for education and lucid thought, including mediation. I know you think I am stupid (but its not my fault), but I use to be less calm and much more confused or irritable. I am aware enough to assess my own self.
LMAO.....a k00k classic!!!

A Kook Classic

Posted on January 24, 2014by stevengoddard

Kook claimed in 2010 that Antarctic sea ice was growing even as the seas around Antarctica were warming “faster than the global trend“

A Kook Classic | Real Science

Oh God......some days, this site brings me damn close to tears!!!:rofl::rofl::rofl:
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Sounds like the essential complaint by deniers of "it costs too much" is being challenged headlong. As coal is cheap in China and India, arguments are harder there. But the energy market is not the only concern, its our whole global economic dependency that is being routinely affected by undeniable sources: the refining, the spilling, and the burning of fossil fuels. It starts small but builds and is making its presence felt by major corporations who's main concern is also money.

Once the money argument erodes, so does denier's unity. This has yet to be too public, but as reports come, like "Risky Business" and "natural capital" is recongized, so will the denier's only valid argument.

"Natural capital"...
Natural capital is thus the stock of natural ecosystems that yields a flow of valuable ecosystem goods or services into the future. For example, a stock of trees or fish provides a flow of new trees or fish,
So why don`t you join some primitive tribe in the Amazon jungle. They got a lot of "natural capital" the way it`s defined.

While you go and get your "natural capital" monkey with a blow gun so you can eat:

I`ll get in my car, burn some fossil fuel and eat in a down-town restaurant:

Natural Capitalism economic model of Paul Hawken, Amory Lovins, and Hunter Lovins until recently, when it began to be used by politicians, notably Ralph Nader,
What do think Ralph Nader has been eating ?

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polar bear, you've clearly jumped ship on rationality. I don't know why I would travel 7,000 miles likely burning fossil fuels to get there when I have a pristine 45 acre farm in my backyard. Plenty-O-Natural Capital where I am!

Your argument is "I'm PolarBear. I have money so shut up. I CAN do what I want and so I WILL do what I want. Look at me drive."

I am so proud you took off your training wheels and admitted where you really are coming from.

Best argument yet. I don't debate you have no interest in your relationship to the earth that gave you life and sustains it--including your fancy pertroluem based lifestyle. But that's the thing, the earth requires no respect or acknowledgement from you to produce the food you need and filter out the toxins you use. And when you die, which the earth cares nothing about, it will recycle your dumb ass into useful material instead of a waste of space. That joke was not funny and I recant it.
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