More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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Classic non-response. Tell me about the old growth forests, 80% of which are slated to be clear cut in the Pacific Northwest. Thousands of square miles are cut down every year. This obviously doesn't allow for regeneration if you continue to take a net sum. Climates necessarily change and what was once an old-growth forest can become a desert or prairie.
More on the pretzel logic from the far left up to their eyeballs in stoopid..........

So let me get t his we have China exporting massive amounts of pollution across the Pacific >>>

......and these brilliant assholes are just fine with slamming the American taxpayer with tens of billions in taxes to combat AGW??!!! And who is hurt the most with this level of genius?

The poor........that's who.

How Obama?s green energy policies are bad for the poor |

Do they care worth a crap? Nope.......perpetuating a myth and sticking to the established narrative are far more important......."We need to dispose of fossil fuels NOW and go with renewables!!!"......"close the coal plants"......."so what if 2.2 million Americans in the coal industry become unemployed"......"if the electric bills of Americans double, so be it!!!"......."fuck the poor".

Meanwhile........China opens 4 billion coal plants/week.

Now......ask me why I get giddy knowing the skeptics are dominating??:funnyface::fu::funnyface::fu::funnyface::fu:
Todd, here is the link:

disclaimer: i don't agree or disagree with any conclusions found on that page except the bit about forests in America having dwindled by 90% of its original concentration. Of course they can grow back but that would mean we pick up and leave our suburbs and resource extraction so they are allowed to regenerate.

You really dont know the definition of virgin forest do you? Larger question is --- WHO DID THIS TO YOU? Who took the money to educate you and left you so damaged? I can find 30 people today that will even the score and make certain they never teach again.. So tell me why you think more than 10% of the ORIGINALtrees That were here in 1600 should still be around?.. Should it be 25%? 100%? Should we drop everything and all serve the trees so that they live forever?

FORESTS HAVE NOT DWINDLED BY 90% IN AMERICA.. Give us the names of who stole your brain. AND probably robbed you and your parents for the theft.

WHO DID THIS TO YOU? Who took the money to educate you and left you so damaged?

just a warm body

the vessel to transfer funds from the federal government

a drone factory of sorts
More on the pretzel logic from the far left up to their eyeballs in stoopid..........

So let me get t his we have China exporting massive amounts of pollution across the Pacific >>>

......and these brilliant assholes are just fine with slamming the American taxpayer with tens of billions in taxes to combat AGW??!!! And who is hurt the most with this level of genius?

The poor........that's who.

How Obama?s green energy policies are bad for the poor |

Do they care worth a crap? Nope.......perpetuating a myth and sticking to the established narrative are far more important......."We need to dispose of fossil fuels NOW and go with renewables!!!"......"close the coal plants"......."so what if 2.2 million Americans in the coal industry become unemployed"......"if the electric bills of Americans double, so be it!!!"......."fuck the poor".

Meanwhile........China opens 4 billion coal plants/week.

Now......ask me why I get giddy knowing the skeptics are dominating??:funnyface::fu::funnyface::fu::funnyface::fu:

That`s not the only thing that China is exporting:
Offshore-Leaks: Chinas Mächtige schafften Vermögen in die Karibik - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Angehörige von Chinas Machtelite haben laut Berichten mehrerer Medien offenbar systematisch immense Geldsummen in karibische Steueroasen verschoben. Das legen Unterlagen der sogenannten Offshore-Leaks nahe. Es geht demnach um bis zu vier Billionen Dollar.
"Offshore leaks" found over $ 4 billion that China`s communist party apparatchiks have diverted into their private Carribean bank accounts.
And just as soon as that was made public on the internet, the internet went down in China:
China: Experten vermuten Zensurfehler hinter Netzausfall - SPIEGEL ONLINE
China offline: Experten vermuten Zensurfehler hinter Netzausfall

4 hours later it was up again but the "offshore leaks" data could not be seen any more in China.

All the while the IPCC praises China:
Christiana Figueres
U.N. climate chief: Communism best method of dealing with global warming
It isn`t quite as bad in the US as it is in China, but the libtards are working on it.
Democrats Plan to Pressure TV Networks Into Covering Climate Change -

Senate Democrats pledging to get more aggressive on climate change will soon pressure the major TV networks to give the topic far greater attention on the Sunday talking-head shows.
Sens. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and Brian Schatz, D-Hawaii, are gathering colleagues' signatures on a letter to the networks asserting that they're ignoring global warming.
So far the only TV channel that aired this crap was Al Gore`s, which he sold off to Al Jazeera:
Sunday News Shows Have Interviewed Two Climate Scientists in Five Years -

Cable news channel Al Jazeera America attracted attention in its first week on the air in August when it dedicated 24 minutes to covering climate change in a single day. But in the network's limited debut, it could not have had the same impact as a major network. And lawmakers who support legislation addressing climate change won't be happy until ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox are covering it in-depth.
But the climate does not want to cooperate with the libtard propaganda effort
Arguing the poor are hurt by green movement is one sided. Green sector CREATES JOBS, which you demand the poor either work or die off. If there is anything we can agree on its WE NEED MORE JOBS!

Conservatives often don't care about the poor, they focus on their income and family: anything that indirectly affects them, like climate change is illusory. Hence the poor are used as a prodding stick: they don't matter, but when they do, it's to WIN!

Score another for the white middle class who never wondered where their next meal would come from.

The American democratic system is a democracy in name only. It is undeniably a plutocracy where the rich get lotsa TAX BREAKS n' subsidies that help them afford the 50 million dollar renovation they've been dying to do. Why should subsidies and tax dollars support their whims of renovation? They earned it, fair and square, through insider trading and other loopholes. Now that's "a hard day's worth of work" which the poor are incapable of doing. Poor people need to be shot.

However, when it comes to the dying poor, we denounce subsidies and breaks i.e. welfare system. It takes money from white middle class pockets and helps those who don't/can't work. Or are working but are not paid enough: McDonalds and other employers recommend welfare to help supplement their income. Why? McDonalds and similar jobs simply pay too little.

Helping others is wrong in principle, it burdens the white middle class male who has his own issues of making payment on their 3rd car or paying for their 3rd child's college.

But when it comes to another group, they deserve to receive millions through various subsidy programs. Tax cuts for the other group enables them to renovate their 4th mansion, which white middle class conservatives are happy to oblige. Or think of that money as a gift to keep the economy operating. Conservatives are not aware that the economy can operate so as to not produce poverty but this is not the way of American capitalism so don't even think about making changes to the system!

When it comes to helping those who've been in poverty for generations, ANY amount of money is too much. Although they seek work, as required by welfare law, week in and week out, they cannot find work. Just because there aren't jobs available doesn't mean you can ask the state for money. We consider them the most vile to the economy and indeed our private lives.

Humans are not machines. They require attention and love. The more we tell them fuck off and earn your way without offering any legitimate work or opportunities, the more we damage their esteem, their humanity and motivation. Machines can work through depression; humans kill themselves because too much debt, no work, and no forseeable future.
Arguing the poor are hurt by green movement is one sided. Green sector CREATES JOBS, which you demand the poor either work or die off. If there is anything we can agree on its WE NEED MORE JOBS!

Conservatives often don't care about the poor, they focus on their income and family: anything that indirectly affects them, like climate change is illusory. Hence the poor are used as a prodding stick: they don't matter, but when they do, it's to WIN!

Score another for the white middle class who never wondered where their next meal would come from.

The American democratic system is a democracy in name only. It is undeniably a plutocracy where the rich get lotsa TAX BREAKS n' subsidies that help them afford the 50 million dollar renovation they've been dying to do. Why should subsidies and tax dollars support their whims of renovation? They earned it, fair and square, through insider trading and other loopholes. Now that's "a hard day's worth of work" which the poor are incapable of doing. Poor people need to be shot.

However, when it comes to the dying poor, we denounce subsidies and breaks i.e. welfare system. It takes money from white middle class pockets and helps those who don't/can't work. Or are working but are not paid enough: McDonalds and other employers recommend welfare to help supplement their income. Why? McDonalds and similar jobs simply pay too little.

Helping others is wrong in principle, it burdens the white middle class male who has his own issues of making payment on their 3rd car or paying for their 3rd child's college.

But when it comes to another group, they deserve to receive millions through various subsidy programs. Tax cuts for the other group enables them to renovate their 4th mansion, which white middle class conservatives are happy to oblige. Or think of that money as a gift to keep the economy operating. Conservatives are not aware that the economy can operate so as to not produce poverty but this is not the way of American capitalism so don't even think about making changes to the system!

When it comes to helping those who've been in poverty for generations, ANY amount of money is too much. Although they seek work, as required by welfare law, week in and week out, they cannot find work. Just because there aren't jobs available doesn't mean you can ask the state for money. We consider them the most vile to the economy and indeed our private lives.

Humans are not machines. They require attention and love. The more we tell them fuck off and earn your way without offering any legitimate work or opportunities, the more we damage their esteem, their humanity and motivation. Machines can work through depression; humans kill themselves because too much debt, no work, and no forseeable future.

Highly naïve.

Spain went all in on green energy over 10 yeas ago and the results were a disaster......2 jobs lost for every one gained.

Spain Admits ?Green Jobs? Program A Disaster | Questions and Observations

Promise from green jobs overstated, harms ignored | The Daily Caller

Only liberals could support subsidizing job losses and take bows!!!

Its a joke.....a total scam.

Here is a study on the effects of employment on public aid to renewable energy sources >>> States&PerformanceTest=null&Bid=7.75&MaxBid=9.2&

Its a Jonestown.

All over the EU, green energy subsidies are being slashed big time.......because the EU economies are being fucked ( ie: they cant compete globally ) >>

Energy CEOs call for end to renewable subsidies | EurActiv

People Are Losing Hope For Green Energy - Business Insider

The Green Subsidy Job Loss Nexus - Energy TribuneEnergy Tribune

Its like Sowell talks about in the video above.........liberals can never answer two critical questions when public policy solutions are needed:

1) At what cost?

2) As compared to what?

Which is why their shit is always rejected in the long run ( see 3 links above on green energy in the US and EU )

facts > philosophy

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Arguing the poor are hurt by green movement is one sided. Green sector CREATES JOBS, which you demand the poor either work or die off. If there is anything we can agree on its WE NEED MORE JOBS!

Conservatives often don't care about the poor, they focus on their income and family: anything that indirectly affects them, like climate change is illusory. Hence the poor are used as a prodding stick: they don't matter, but when they do, it's to WIN!

Score another for the white middle class who never wondered where their next meal would come from.

The American democratic system is a democracy in name only. It is undeniably a plutocracy where the rich get lotsa TAX BREAKS n' subsidies that help them afford the 50 million dollar renovation they've been dying to do. Why should subsidies and tax dollars support their whims of renovation? They earned it, fair and square, through insider trading and other loopholes. Now that's "a hard day's worth of work" which the poor are incapable of doing. Poor people need to be shot.

However, when it comes to the dying poor, we denounce subsidies and breaks i.e. welfare system. It takes money from white middle class pockets and helps those who don't/can't work. Or are working but are not paid enough: McDonalds and other employers recommend welfare to help supplement their income. Why? McDonalds and similar jobs simply pay too little.

Helping others is wrong in principle, it burdens the white middle class male who has his own issues of making payment on their 3rd car or paying for their 3rd child's college.

But when it comes to another group, they deserve to receive millions through various subsidy programs. Tax cuts for the other group enables them to renovate their 4th mansion, which white middle class conservatives are happy to oblige. Or think of that money as a gift to keep the economy operating. Conservatives are not aware that the economy can operate so as to not produce poverty but this is not the way of American capitalism so don't even think about making changes to the system!

When it comes to helping those who've been in poverty for generations, ANY amount of money is too much. Although they seek work, as required by welfare law, week in and week out, they cannot find work. Just because there aren't jobs available doesn't mean you can ask the state for money. We consider them the most vile to the economy and indeed our private lives.

Humans are not machines. They require attention and love. The more we tell them fuck off and earn your way without offering any legitimate work or opportunities, the more we damage their esteem, their humanity and motivation. Machines can work through depression; humans kill themselves because too much debt, no work, and no forseeable future.

Arguing the poor are hurt by green movement is one sided. Green sector CREATES JOBS

How does making energy more expensive and less reliable create jobs? Walk me thru your logic.
What does MickeyD's and other employers recommend? Supplement low wages with the tax payer funded welfare system! Just as long as it doesn't eat into profits of the board and CEO.

[ame=]McResources "Help" Line - YouTube[/ame]
It doesn't reduce reliability of energy. Coal and natural gas provide most of the energy--how does adding energy (more watts available) make energy less reliable? Using your logic, energy has become less reliable as renewables have grown during the last decade. Does this sound right to you?

I shouldnt have to explain such simple economics. It's the same reason we subsidize oil: so we can make it readily available and when there is increased demand, there's a job to be done.

By subsidizing the green sector, it opens up money flow allowing companies to be created or allows pre-existing companies to hire more employees. Result: unemployed and underemployed find a new avenue for work, and satisfying work if you believe in it. That's a blessing since most service and labor jobs are soul crushing monotony.

The green sector contains thousands of operations like ZipCar, Bike-share programs, improving waste management, and of course what you're think of: solar and wind. It's much larger than just solar and wind; it's an approach on how to manage society more sensibly than we are, just like cutting millions of acres of old growth forests around the world is an approach to sustaining the demands of a consumer economy.
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It doesn't reduce reliability of energy. Coal and natural gas provide most of the energy--how does adding energy (more watts available) make energy less reliable? Using your logic, energy has become less reliable as renewables have grown during the last decade. Does this sound right to you?

I shouldnt have to explain such simple economics. It's the same reason we subsidize oil: so we can make it readily available and when there is increased demand, there's a job to be done.

By subsidizing the green sector, it opens up money flow allowing companies to be created or allows pre-existing companies to hire more employees. Result: unemployed and underemployed find a new avenue for work, and satisfying work if you believe in it. That's a blessing since most service and labor jobs are soul crushing monotony.

The green sector contains thousands of operations like ZipCar, Bike-share programs, improving waste management, and of course what you're think of: solar and wind. It's much larger than just solar and wind; it's an approach on how to manage society more sensibly than we are, just like cutting millions of acres of old growth forests around the world is an approach to sustaining the demands of a consumer economy.

It doesn't reduce reliability of energy.

Solar and wind is less reliable and more expensive.
How does adding that type of energy create jobs?

It's the same reason we subsidize oil

Where do we subsidize oil?

By subsidizing the green sector, it opens up money flow allowing companies to be created or allows pre-existing companies to hire more employees.

Opens up money flow? You make it sound like these subsidies spring out of thin air.
Is that what you think?

Result: unemployed and underemployed find a new avenue for work, and satisfying work if you believe in it.

Taxing profitable business to subsidize the unprofitable, liberal logic.
kook, I never said I was morally superior or righteous. I've noted I know next to nothing about the world. Sorry you view this as supporting your stereotypes that liberals are egotistical madmen.

The problem that we have with people like you is the very point that you admitted too,

" I've noted I know next to nothing about the world."

And yet, you come here and lecture people WHO DO. Do you see a problem with that? Are you self aware enough to understand the issue now?
Arguing the poor are hurt by green movement is one sided. Green sector CREATES JOBS, which you demand the poor either work or die off. If there is anything we can agree on its WE NEED MORE JOBS!


Green jobs are invariably a losing proposition....spend a million to create two 50K per year jobs...nut ball economics at best.
It doesn't reduce reliability of energy. Coal and natural gas provide most of the energy--how does adding energy (more watts available) make energy less reliable? Using your logic, energy has become less reliable as renewables have grown during the last decade. Does this sound right to you?

I shouldnt have to explain such simple economics. .

That right there is a perfect example of what Uncle WestWall just tried to tell you..

You CANT EXPAND grid capacity with either solar or wind.. And that's not because arrogant ole FlaCalTenn is a troglodyte meanie.. ((I'm actually the attractive bearded hominid in your avatar -- 3rd from the right))

These are SUPPLEMENTS because for every watt of solar you add to the grid you must have a RELIABLE FULL TIME primary source grow with it to EXPAND the grid capacity. Adding a GIGAWatt of Wind wouldn't "expand the grid" by a GIGAWATT, in fact, half the days, it wouldn't BE THERE. You can only SUPPLEMENT the grid with these renewables and opportunistically REDUCE fossil/nuclear/hydro generation when possible.

And YES.. Right now, if you have more 20% of generation in renewables -- its gonna become less reliable. Because the wind can change in 20 minutes or less and you need to instantly switch to the primary source. Maybe several times a day. And no one wants to invest in PRIMARY power that sits there idle with FULL STAFF and FULL MAINTENANCE and FUEL/HEAT/WATER WASTE issues so that YOU can put MORE of your wind toys on line.. YOUR economics are simple.. Too simple...
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Let me point out that your backups run little. Significantly less fuel is consumed. That is the point.
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It doesn't reduce reliability of energy. Coal and natural gas provide most of the energy--how does adding energy (more watts available) make energy less reliable? Using your logic, energy has become less reliable as renewables have grown during the last decade. Does this sound right to you?

I shouldnt have to explain such simple economics. It's the same reason we subsidize oil: so we can make it readily available and when there is increased demand, there's a job to be done.

By subsidizing the green sector, it opens up money flow allowing companies to be created or allows pre-existing companies to hire more employees. Result: unemployed and underemployed find a new avenue for work, and satisfying work if you believe in it. That's a blessing since most service and labor jobs are soul crushing monotony.

The green sector contains thousands of operations like ZipCar, Bike-share programs, improving waste management, and of course what you're think of: solar and wind. It's much larger than just solar and wind; it's an approach on how to manage society more sensibly than we are, just like cutting millions of acres of old growth forests around the world is an approach to sustaining the demands of a consumer economy.

Gnarly, first, welcome to USMB, and I hope you are enjoying the boards. :)

I think the essence of what you asked is "how does adding energy (more watts available) make energy less reliable?"

This is a lot more complex issue than you realize. A percentage of green energy businesses are greatly suspected to be quid-quo-pro political payoffs like Solyndra likely was. 18 months after this business received over half a billion dollars, its owners deigned it fit to dump 1100+ employees overnight with the only notice being posted to the company's locked doors the day it officially quit business with bankruptcy pending. What's that? $535,000,000 of taxpayer's money immediately transferred to the company's owners who paid them back by running with the money and leaving the city of Fremont, California and surrounding communities with a huge number of Americans unemployed, all at the same time. After considerable sidestepping the obstructive American government, a few investigators who wanted to know what happened and who did what, found that the money was handed over to one of Obama's largest supporter's investment portfolio, and some reimbursed others, including one of Nancy Pelosi's BILs. It frankly, wreaked not only of nepotism, but quid-pro-quo thanks for supporting the Obama campaign donors.

That said, here's what happens to a company that has invested all it has in public service to communities, businesses, hospitals, shopping malls, manufacturers, industries, and mining operations, and serving them with steady service, 24/7 with as few down line time as possible, which in my husband's service may have been nil to low most years (less than 15 minutes), and there was a 4 or 5 year period in which there were not any outages. One year, there was an 8-foot snow, which caused a few hour-long outages around the area, but the -40F year (in the 70s) caused country outages of 6 hours in some places, and less than an hour in the city limits. Fortunately, he had an astute team of professionals whose lives were dedicated to keeping people powered in cold weather, and they were in the top 2% of the nation in service and the bottom 2% in costs.

People who ran their own windmills (not many) spent an average of $40,000, and their return was $4.80 per month off on their bills for electricity that was produced. When it froze, their blades froze, too. When it was hot, the wind stopped blowing quite often. It wasn't the power company's fault. The people who invested all that money came to realize their payback on this primitive "Green Energy" plan wasn't all it was cracked up to be.

Can you imagine the horror of investing $40,000 in the market and getting back under $58.00 for the year.

It's gotten sillier than that. The government never, never contacted the people who basically wasted tens of thousands of dollars. Noooooo. Instead, using basically the same equipment, the government guaranteed to back certain people 100% with taxpayer's money, and you can better believe that at this point, billions and billions of dollars are being paid back for that foolhardy decision to give Democrats a huge boost to their hurting image after Carter, after Clinton, and now after Obama.

What does it take to convince the Democrats that throwing the taxpayer's money away on nefarious failed green projects like windmill turbines in order to get votes by obfuscating the reality of the ripoff to the public is a good thing?

I'm just speechless that the Democrats would engage in this kind of a ripoff of the American public "because we can!!!!"

I'm so not thrilled. :(

I hope you have an answer about how the Democrats are going to pay back the America taxpayers holding the bag for this fiscal fiasco?

I'm all ears, honest.
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