More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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St00pid dolt posts up temps where more than half are high 70's.....low 80's. What a jackass....making my point for me!!


The #s say this area is getting MUCH cooler so wtf??

LOOK AT SUMMER TEMPS SINCE 2015:ack-1::ack-1::ack-1::ack-1:

All the assholes have left is fakery.

I must admit I haven't read all 5839 previous posts in this thread. The video below may have already been linked here. If so, I apologize.

However, it is a very interesting 38+ minute exposure of the driving force behind the original 'global warming' hoax that has blossomed into a worldwide 'climate change' hoax.....$$$$$$


Great post.....awesome link. Obvious to most but lets face it.....with social media, the suckers are out there just waiting to be duped.
The writing is on the seawall

The climate change people keep losing everywhere in the real world!! Now in the courts....getting their clocks cleaned. And is there anything more satisfying in life than seeing progressives getting kicked in the nutsack?:hyper::hyper::113:

Oh....but they still do have their little banner to stand in front of and take bows, THE SCIENCE IS DECIDED :iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg:
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Have you noticed how quiet goldy-rocks is about Tesla lately?
Tesla and Elon Musk under fire as SEC issues subpoenas
Tesla and Elon Musk under fire as SEC issues subpoenas

Rumors have it he may be going bankrupt.... Another green energy wonder going belly up after receiving billions from the Obama era windfall into their pockets....
Tesla Is Burning $6,500 Every Minute. It's Probably Going to Need to Raise a Lot More

"There is now a “genuine risk” that the electric car company won’t have enough money to make it out of this calendar year, Bloomberg reports."
Have you noticed how quiet goldy-rocks is about Tesla lately?
Tesla and Elon Musk under fire as SEC issues subpoenas
Tesla and Elon Musk under fire as SEC issues subpoenas

Rumors have it he may be going bankrupt.... Another green energy wonder going belly up after receiving billions from the Obama era windfall into their pockets....
Tesla Is Burning $6,500 Every Minute. It's Probably Going to Need to Raise a Lot More

"There is now a “genuine risk” that the electric car company won’t have enough money to make it out of this calendar year, Bloomberg reports."

Hard to believe that Musk was able to dupe so many people who were stupid enough to pre-pay for a car that has not even been built yet. That should have raised red flags from the get-go when a corporation asks customers to pre-pay. Small privately owned business does that because they can`t afford the risk to lay out their own money up front to fill an order. But there is something fishy when a corporation that already got that front-money from investors and from the shares they sold to the public asks for prepayments to cover the cost for producing the goods. Tesla conned these customers by faking a situation where the production line could not keep up with the demand and it helped that the main scream media bought it hook line and sinker.
It`s one thing when people pre-pay Porsche or Ferrari to make a limited production car for them because they are aware that the factory had no intention to make any surplus cars to begin with. They already made enough money with their regular production cars they sold and can afford to experiment with special versions of their brand.
Pretty ridiculous when the likes of Elon Musk go around pretending to be in the same league as Porsche, Ferrari, Mercedes Benz etc and spend a fortune on PR stunts like having a racing version of a Tesla which was supposed to beat their Nurburgring lap time records.....but needs money up front to make a regular run of the mill Tesla.
Hahaha and GoldieRocks made more Tesla bullshit posts per day than Tesla made cars in a week.
My Investment advisor told me THREE years ago that Tesla will fail due to chronic debt.


Record early snowfall in Japan
Yeah I guess he too thought it was pretty obvious that Tesla was heading south.
Hahaha and the record early snowfall in wonder we don`t get any more daily weather reports from Abu Freak. Snowfalls and cold weather events don`t make mainscream media headlines like heat waves unless they can claim they happened because "hot" air in the arctic pushed the cold air far to the south.
Shit, a heat wave has nothing to do with CO2. They happen when hot air can just sit and stay there due to a lack of upper winds and heat convection has stalled. As if that tiny CO2 absorption band could get rid of a massive amount of heat that convection normally does if we had less CO2.
Totally ridiculous. If it were the CO2 then we should not drop down to just a few degrees above freezing at night after we had a hot summer day where I am in Manitoba.It gets that cold at night here, wind or no wind and no matter what the temperature was at the North Pole.
I know for sure that I will be shoveling snow soon enough no matter what Goldie&AbuFreak have to say
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Hard to believe that Musk was able to dupe so many people who were stupid enough to pre-pay for a car that has not even been built yet. That should have raised red flags from the get-go when a corporation asks customers to pre-pay. Small privately owned business does that because they can`t afford the risk to lay out their own money up front to fill an order. But there is something fishy when a corporation that already got that front-money from investors and from the shares they sold to the public asks for prepayments to cover the cost for producing the goods. Tesla conned these customers by faking a situation where the production line could not keep up with the demand and it helped that the main scream media bought it hook line and sinker.
It`s one thing when people pre-pay Porsche or Ferrari to make a limited production car for them because they are aware that the factory had no intention to make any surplus cars to begin with. They already made enough money with their regular production cars they sold and can afford to experiment with special versions of their brand.
Pretty ridiculous when the likes of Elon Musk go around pretending to be in the same league as Porsche, Ferrari, Mercedes Benz etc and spend a fortune on PR stunts like having a racing version of a Tesla which was supposed to beat their Nurburgring lap time records.....but needs money up front to make a regular run of the mill Tesla.
Hahaha and GoldieRocks made more Tesla bullshit posts per day than Tesla made cars in a week.

Hard to believe that Musk was able to dupe so many people who were stupid enough to pre-pay for a car that has not even been built yet.

They didn't pay for the entire car, did they?
I thought they put down a deposit.
Hard to believe that Musk was able to dupe so many people who were stupid enough to pre-pay for a car that has not even been built yet. That should have raised red flags from the get-go when a corporation asks customers to pre-pay. Small privately owned business does that because they can`t afford the risk to lay out their own money up front to fill an order. But there is something fishy when a corporation that already got that front-money from investors and from the shares they sold to the public asks for prepayments to cover the cost for producing the goods. Tesla conned these customers by faking a situation where the production line could not keep up with the demand and it helped that the main scream media bought it hook line and sinker.
It`s one thing when people pre-pay Porsche or Ferrari to make a limited production car for them because they are aware that the factory had no intention to make any surplus cars to begin with. They already made enough money with their regular production cars they sold and can afford to experiment with special versions of their brand.
Pretty ridiculous when the likes of Elon Musk go around pretending to be in the same league as Porsche, Ferrari, Mercedes Benz etc and spend a fortune on PR stunts like having a racing version of a Tesla which was supposed to beat their Nurburgring lap time records.....but needs money up front to make a regular run of the mill Tesla.
Hahaha and GoldieRocks made more Tesla bullshit posts per day than Tesla made cars in a week.

Hard to believe that Musk was able to dupe so many people who were stupid enough to pre-pay for a car that has not even been built yet.

They didn't pay for the entire car, did they?
I thought they put down a deposit.
You may be right, it`s not easy to find out how much they prepaid. But it`s still fishy if a corporate business collects a deposit for cars that are supposed to come of the assembly line anyways. It`s not illegal to do that but it should have been a good hint for the other investors who fronted the venture capital for Tesla in order to produce the number of cars Musk said he could produce. And what followed was more and more excuses why he could not meet the production targets. My guess is that investors did catch on to that and then the short-selling started. Musk would have realized that if this trend continues he will be toast. So as usual he resorted to hyping it up with more pie in the sky, but this time the hype was illegal.
On another note...I was wondering about foreign propaganda influencing Americans and came across how that works when it comes to influence their mind regarding AGW. No, it`s not the Russians but it works almost the same way as that hoax. Funny thing is that the main support for the political disinformation ( the dossier) and the one for AGW both use British resources to target Americans. Traffic Statistics
Australia, Canada Germany etc are either less responsive to it or are not the main target.
But the US and Britain are on top by a lot. Scroll down and note that the bulk of the referrals came from the British left wing rag "". That in turn generated another 70+ % of web traffic in search requests.
With a name like "Skeptical Science" it would of course lure people who are expecting to see view points and facts from a skeptic only to find out that the site name was a phishing lure.
If they would have to change their name to "Global warming science" it would kill them.
Hard to believe that Musk was able to dupe so many people who were stupid enough to pre-pay for a car that has not even been built yet. That should have raised red flags from the get-go when a corporation asks customers to pre-pay. Small privately owned business does that because they can`t afford the risk to lay out their own money up front to fill an order. But there is something fishy when a corporation that already got that front-money from investors and from the shares they sold to the public asks for prepayments to cover the cost for producing the goods. Tesla conned these customers by faking a situation where the production line could not keep up with the demand and it helped that the main scream media bought it hook line and sinker.
It`s one thing when people pre-pay Porsche or Ferrari to make a limited production car for them because they are aware that the factory had no intention to make any surplus cars to begin with. They already made enough money with their regular production cars they sold and can afford to experiment with special versions of their brand.
Pretty ridiculous when the likes of Elon Musk go around pretending to be in the same league as Porsche, Ferrari, Mercedes Benz etc and spend a fortune on PR stunts like having a racing version of a Tesla which was supposed to beat their Nurburgring lap time records.....but needs money up front to make a regular run of the mill Tesla.
Hahaha and GoldieRocks made more Tesla bullshit posts per day than Tesla made cars in a week.

Hard to believe that Musk was able to dupe so many people who were stupid enough to pre-pay for a car that has not even been built yet.

They didn't pay for the entire car, did they?
I thought they put down a deposit.
You may be right, it`s not easy to find out how much they prepaid. But it`s still fishy if a corporate business collects a deposit for cars that are supposed to come of the assembly line anyways. It`s not illegal to do that but it should have been a good hint for the other investors who fronted the venture capital for Tesla in order to produce the number of cars Musk said he could produce. And what followed was more and more excuses why he could not meet the production targets. My guess is that investors did catch on to that and then the short-selling started. Musk would have realized that if this trend continues he will be toast. So as usual he resorted to hyping it up with more pie in the sky, but this time the hype was illegal.


Model 3 Reservation Deposit
On another note...I was wondering about foreign propaganda influencing Americans and came across how that works when it comes to influence their mind regarding AGW. No, it`s not the Russians but it works almost the same way as that hoax. Funny thing is that the main support for the political disinformation ( the dossier) and the one for AGW both use British resources to target Americans. Traffic Statistics
Australia, Canada Germany etc are either less responsive to it or are not the main target.
But the US and Britain are on top by a lot. Scroll down and note that the bulk of the referrals came from the British left wing rag "". That in turn generated another 70+ % of web traffic in search requests.
With a name like "Skeptical Science" it would of course lure people who are expecting to see view points and facts from a skeptic only to find out that the site name was a phishing lure.
If they would have to change their name to "Global warming science" it would kill them. should check out Alan Watt. Think you would love his podcasts.....brilliantly connects the dots for listeners on what the hoax helps to accomplish in terms of the goals of the globalist assholes. Site is called "Cutting Through the Matrix"
Hard to believe that Musk was able to dupe so many people who were stupid enough to pre-pay for a car that has not even been built yet. That should have raised red flags from the get-go when a corporation asks customers to pre-pay. Small privately owned business does that because they can`t afford the risk to lay out their own money up front to fill an order. But there is something fishy when a corporation that already got that front-money from investors and from the shares they sold to the public asks for prepayments to cover the cost for producing the goods. Tesla conned these customers by faking a situation where the production line could not keep up with the demand and it helped that the main scream media bought it hook line and sinker.
It`s one thing when people pre-pay Porsche or Ferrari to make a limited production car for them because they are aware that the factory had no intention to make any surplus cars to begin with. They already made enough money with their regular production cars they sold and can afford to experiment with special versions of their brand.
Pretty ridiculous when the likes of Elon Musk go around pretending to be in the same league as Porsche, Ferrari, Mercedes Benz etc and spend a fortune on PR stunts like having a racing version of a Tesla which was supposed to beat their Nurburgring lap time records.....but needs money up front to make a regular run of the mill Tesla.
Hahaha and GoldieRocks made more Tesla bullshit posts per day than Tesla made cars in a week.

Hard to believe that Musk was able to dupe so many people who were stupid enough to pre-pay for a car that has not even been built yet.

They didn't pay for the entire car, did they?
I thought they put down a deposit.
You may be right, it`s not easy to find out how much they prepaid. But it`s still fishy if a corporate business collects a deposit for cars that are supposed to come of the assembly line anyways. It`s not illegal to do that but it should have been a good hint for the other investors who fronted the venture capital for Tesla in order to produce the number of cars Musk said he could produce. And what followed was more and more excuses why he could not meet the production targets. My guess is that investors did catch on to that and then the short-selling started. Musk would have realized that if this trend continues he will be toast. So as usual he resorted to hyping it up with more pie in the sky, but this time the hype was illegal.

View attachment 211380

Model 3 Reservation Deposit
Thanks for that link. Now I got a couple of links for you:
Tesla Model 3 Sales vs Small & Midsize Luxury Car Sales (USA), Tesla Now Crushing The Competition? — #CleanTechnica Report | CleanTechnica
If you add them up then Tesla supposedly sold over 5400 Model 3 cars/month on average just in the US.
That begs the question did they actually produce 5400 cars per month or have they been selling cars they could not make. It`s not just me who was wondering about that:
Terms of Service Violation
Sluggish output since the Model 3 launch in July 2017 has frustrated fans and confounded Wall Street. That’s why Bloomberg built its own tool to estimate the number of Model 3s rolling out of the factory in Fremont, California. This projection relies on Vehicle Identification Numbers (VINs), unique strings of digits displayed on every new car sold in the U.S.
Our best estimate is that Tesla has manufactured 6,145 Model 3s so far, and is now building approximately 572 a week. Those figures, and the charts below, represent Bloomberg’s latest estimates and will automatically update to reflect changes in the data. (Tesla reported on July 2 it had made 5,031 Model 3s over the previous seven days, the first time it passed the 5,000 milestone.)

Hey JC.... finally got to take the kids to the ocean last Saturday. August 4th. Latest first day to the beach by 2 months.:ack-1::ack-1::ack-1:

Gonna be 76 degrees here later today....August 11th. Fucked up my friend! Crappy non-summer in New York. If global warming is happening, its skipping the northeast:coffee:
Skooks, great to hear. Hopefully you enjoyed the day. Been humid as hell around here. walk outside and sweat. Even when the temp is in the 70's, dew points are high as well. yeah, CO2 is the issue. LOL Enjoy what you can my friend.
On another note...I was wondering about foreign propaganda influencing Americans and came across how that works when it comes to influence their mind regarding AGW. No, it`s not the Russians but it works almost the same way as that hoax. Funny thing is that the main support for the political disinformation ( the dossier) and the one for AGW both use British resources to target Americans. Traffic Statistics
Australia, Canada Germany etc are either less responsive to it or are not the main target.
But the US and Britain are on top by a lot. Scroll down and note that the bulk of the referrals came from the British left wing rag "". That in turn generated another 70+ % of web traffic in search requests.
With a name like "Skeptical Science" it would of course lure people who are expecting to see view points and facts from a skeptic only to find out that the site name was a phishing lure.
If they would have to change their name to "Global warming science" it would kill them.

Holy Fakeness Batman!!:ack-1:

Wtf? These people...the fakery is astounding. Now that's science right there. For all of the phony though, it is amazing that the public still doesnt care to do dick about global warming....the only thing that matters when it comes right down to it! They may say they want something done....but beyond that, nobody really cares.
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