More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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More evidence......a prolific amount on this thread.........that the science isn't mattering!!! Obstensibly, the only way it can matter is if it makes a dent into how we get our energy. ALL the projections are dim.......and then you get more evidence of the fantasy of green energy, only understood by the non-k00ks.

The green assholes are causing energy prices to SKYROCKET in the UK and everywhere else >>>

Blame the EU for UK energy prices - The Commentator

The folks love green energy.......until they realize it makes their wallets a lot lighter.

Epic levels of lose...........:2up::eusa_dance::2up::eusa_dance::2up::eusa_dance::2up::eusa_dance:
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More evidence......a prolific amount on this thread.........that the science isn't mattering!!! Obstensibly, the only way it can matter is if it makes a dent into how we get our energy. ALL the projections are dim.......and then you get more evidence of the fantasy of green energy, only understood by the non-k00ks.

The green assholes are causing energy prices to SKYROCKET in the UK and everywhere else >>>

Blame the EU for UK energy prices - The Commentator

The folks love green energy.......until they realize it makes their wallets a lot lighter.

Epic levels of lose...........:2up::eusa_dance::2up::eusa_dance::2up::eusa_dance::2up::eusa_dance:

Denialists are satisfied that mankind is only capable of creating problems and simply isn't intelligent enough to solve them. We are, like them, helpless and whatever happens, happens.

Now you know why they are a shrinking minority.
Climate change - Shell Global

Population growth and economic development are driving energy demand. All energy sources will be needed, with fossil fuels meeting the bulk of demand. At the same time CO2 emissions must be reduced to avoid serious climate change.

Climate Change | Environment | Corporate Responsibility | Chevron

At Chevron, we are taking significant steps to reduce greenhouse gases (GHGs) without undermining the growth of the global economy. The use of fossil fuels to meet the world's energy needs contributes to an increase in GHGs—mainly carbon dioxide and methane—in Earth's atmosphere. We made a long-term commitment to improve energy efficiency in our day-to-day activities, which will help us manage our carbon emissions. We conduct inventories of our emissions and use innovative technologies to continually improve the efficiency of energy use in our operations. We also assess GHG emissions in our capital projects.

Climate change | Sustainability | BP Global

According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), warming of the climate system is happening, and it is in large part the result of an increase in greenhouse gas emissions and their concentrations in the atmosphere. The IPCC believes that warming of the climate is likely to lead to extreme weather events becoming more frequent and unpredictable. Results from models assessed by the IPCC suggest that to stand a reasonable chance of limiting warming to no more than 2°C, global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions need to peak before 2020 and be cut by between 50-85% by 2050.
The challenge
BP projects that with known and probable policy and technology developments, global CO2 emissions from fossil fuels may be 26% higher in 2030 than they were in 2011, partly as a consequence of coal use in rapidly growing economies. These are projections of what we think is likely to happen, not what we would like to see.

More aggressive, but still plausible, energy policy and technology deployment could lead to slower growth in CO2 emissions than expected, with greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from energy use falling after 2020 – but probably not enough to limit warming to no more than 2°C. The International Energy Agency has acknowledged that its 450 scenario, which would put the world on a lower-carbon trajectory, looks increasingly unlikely.

Society Of Petrolium Engineers

We already have many of the technologies and solutions needed to contain climate change, although not all are yet commercially viable. We all recognize that the pace and scale of implementation must now be accelerated and, therefore, we must work to ensure these solutions become commercial sooner rather than later. Government has a part to play in making this happen, for example, through making sure that planning controls do not hinder renewable energy projects. We need to reward greener behavior, and have bigger, more focused research and development

American Association of Petroleum Geologists

In the last century, growth in human population has increased energy use. This has contributed additional carbon dioxide (CO2) and other gases to the atmosphere. Although the AAPG membership is divided on the degree of influence that anthropogenic CO2 has on recent and potential global temperature increases, AAPG believes that expansion of scientific climate research into the basic controls on climate is important.

NASA: Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet

The report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) says there is 95 percent certainty that humans have caused most of the warming of the planet's surface that has occurred since the 1950s — up from 90 percent certainty in the last assessment report, which came out in 2007.

Only 2% of Canadians deny climate change, suggests poll - Calgary - CBC News

"Our survey indicates that Canadians from coast to coast overwhelmingly believe climate change is real and is occurring, at least in part due to human activity," said centre CEO Carmen Dybwad


I guess, if you only look for what you want to believe, you will find only what you want to believe.
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Im laughing.......this thread is near 1,000 posts and just a couple of weeks old!! The k00ks are falling all over themselves attempting to counter what has become utter decimation!! The Matrix of Domination continues to provide link after link after link after 62 pages worth.......of skeptic domination.

Perhaps the most sobering information if you are a climate crusading nutter comes, ironically, right from the Obama government, the Energy Information Agency ( EIA ) which provides crystal clear and accurate projections on energy production decades from now.......

And the outlook for green energy = laughable.

Which means..........the science isn't mattering.

Which means.........the skeptics are winning!!! And winning BIG s0ns........but don't take my word for it. Check what the Obama government has to say >>>>>>

EIA Report Estimates Growth of U.S. Energy Economy Through 2040 | Department of Energy


LMAO......Im absolutely hated on this forum, thus, Im in a perpetual state of giddy. When you publically humiliate people on the this case, the climate crusaders...... they hate your ass!!!:D:up::D:up::D:up::D
More climate nutter losing ( LOL.....I find something every SINGLE day)

Aussie PM: carbon tax is ‘socialism’

Australia’s newly elected prime minister pulled no punches when giving his thoughts on the country’s carbon tax, which he says must be abolished as quickly as possible.

“The carbon tax is bad for the economy and it doesn’t do any good for the environment,” Abbott told The Washington Post. “Despite a carbon tax of $37 a ton by 2020, Australia’s domestic emissions were going up, not down. The carbon tax was basically socialism masquerading as environmentalism, and that’s why it’s going to get abolished.”

“If the Labor Party wants to give the people of Australia a Christmas present, they will vote to abolish the carbon tax. It was damaging the economy without helping the environment. It was a stupid tax. A misconceived tax,” Abbott added.

Read more: Aussie PM: carbon tax is ?socialism? | The Daily Caller

Aussie PM: carbon tax is ?socialism? | The Daily Caller

Carbon taxes are gay.....and every year getting rejected more and more no matter where you look. The EU has already come to their senses........and in Australia, the most progressive nation of all.......the people are already sick of this scam after just 3 years.

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More climate nutter losing ( LOL.....I find something every SINGLE day)

Aussie PM: carbon tax is ‘socialism’

Australia’s newly elected prime minister pulled no punches when giving his thoughts on the country’s carbon tax, which he says must be abolished as quickly as possible.

“The carbon tax is bad for the economy and it doesn’t do any good for the environment,” Abbott told The Washington Post. “Despite a carbon tax of $37 a ton by 2020, Australia’s domestic emissions were going up, not down. The carbon tax was basically socialism masquerading as environmentalism, and that’s why it’s going to get abolished.”

“If the Labor Party wants to give the people of Australia a Christmas present, they will vote to abolish the carbon tax. It was damaging the economy without helping the environment. It was a stupid tax. A misconceived tax,” Abbott added.

Read more: Aussie PM: carbon tax is ?socialism? | The Daily Caller

Aussie PM: carbon tax is ?socialism? | The Daily Caller

Carbon taxes are gay.....and every year getting rejected more and more no matter where you look. The EU has already come to their senses........and in Australia, the most progressive nation of all.......the people are already sick of this scam after just 3 years.


The kooks think that they're winning. Cool. If they keep winning at this rate they will be completely extinct shortly.

Don't tell them.
Im laughing.......this thread is near 1,000 posts and just a couple of weeks old!! The k00ks are falling all over themselves attempting to counter what has become utter decimation!! The Matrix of Domination continues to provide link after link after link after 62 pages worth.......of skeptic domination.

Perhaps the most sobering information if you are a climate crusading nutter comes, ironically, right from the Obama government, the Energy Information Agency ( EIA ) which provides crystal clear and accurate projections on energy production decades from now.......

And the outlook for green energy = laughable.

Which means..........the science isn't mattering.

Which means.........the skeptics are winning!!! And winning BIG s0ns........but don't take my word for it. Check what the Obama government has to say >>>>>>

EIA Report Estimates Growth of U.S. Energy Economy Through 2040 | Department of Energy

So your propensity for exageration and catastophizing leads you to believe that unless the world stops using energy today, then it means AGW is not true.

That is about the stupidest idea every.

LMAO......Im absolutely hated on this forum, thus, Im in a perpetual state of giddy. When you publically humiliate people on the this case, the climate crusaders...... they hate your ass!!!:D:up::D:up::D:up::D

You over estimate your importance. You are just a self congradulatory narcisist living in a fantasy land where you imahime yourself as having won something.

All you've demonstrated is a propensity for exageration, hyperbole, catastophizing along with a fundamental lack of scientific skill.

LMAO......Im absolutely hated on this forum, thus, Im in a perpetual state of giddy. When you publically humiliate people on the this case, the climate crusaders...... they hate your ass!!!:D:up::D:up::D:up::D

You over estimate your importance. You are just a self congradulatory narcisist living in a fantasy land where you imahime yourself as having won something.

All you've demonstrated is a propensity for exageration, hyperbole, catastophizing along with a fundamental lack of scientific skill.

Indeed I am s0n!!:rock::rock::rock: And scientific skill is gay......and nobody cares about it anyway particularly when it comes to global warming as Ive demonstrated numerous times on this thread ( see polls ).

It only matters who is not losing.:D
In every game there are those rooting for the winners and those rooting for the losers. Sometimes, as here, those rooting for the losers are the loudest.
This is the "I'm A Moron, by Skooker" thread. I've never seen someone jerk off on line this much.

Its called epic levels of winning s0n!!!:lol:

Because everything!!!

[ame=]Sunoco "City of Victory w/Jimmie Johnson" Big Science Music - YouTube[/ame]
The skook is winning the only argument he can. Solo. Mental masturbation and calling it mental is a gift.
"We need to get some broad based support,
to capture the public's imagination...
So we have to offer up scary scenarios,
make simplified, dramatic statements
and make little mention of any doubts...
Each of us has to decide what the right balance
is between being effective and being honest."

- Prof. Stephen Schneider,
Stanford Professor of Climatology,
lead author of many IPCC reports
"We've got to ride this global warming issue.
Even if the theory of global warming is wrong,
we will be doing the right thing in terms of
economic and environmental policy."

- Timothy Wirth,
President of the UN Foundation
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