More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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Shit.....are the AGW warmist k00ks getting their clocks cleaned or what?

Top story on DRUDGE right now >>>>

PAPER: Global warming activists' search for proof going cold...

Climate alarmists' search for proof going cold

Even China’s coal-burning is offered to explain lack of global warming.

Recall global warming hysteria’s halcyon days? Just 13 years ago, Dr. David Viner, senior scientist at Britain’s University of East Anglia’s climatic research unit, confidently predicted that, within a few years, winter snowfall will become “a very rare and exciting event.”

“Children just aren’t going to know what snow is,” he said.

Of course, that doesn’t mesh with what happened. This past October, the UK Express headlined, “Worst winter for decades: Record-breaking snow predicted for November.”

By the end of November, Brits were shivering, “as Britain faces snow, ice and plummeting temperatures,” reported the Mirror newspaper. “Most of Scotland has been issued severe weather warnings for ice, and temperatures are expected to remain low, causing problems with snow and ice across the country.” Winter yet lay ahead.

Mark Landsbaum: Climate alarmists' search for proof going cold | warming, global, temperature - Opinion - The Orange County Register

you stoopid AGW nutter fucks..........

Shit.....are the AGW warmist k00ks getting their clocks cleaned or what?

Top story on DRUDGE right now >>>>

PAPER: Global warming activists' search for proof going cold...

Climate alarmists' search for proof going cold

Even China’s coal-burning is offered to explain lack of global warming.

Recall global warming hysteria’s halcyon days? Just 13 years ago, Dr. David Viner, senior scientist at Britain’s University of East Anglia’s climatic research unit, confidently predicted that, within a few years, winter snowfall will become “a very rare and exciting event.”

“Children just aren’t going to know what snow is,” he said.

Of course, that doesn’t mesh with what happened. This past October, the UK Express headlined, “Worst winter for decades: Record-breaking snow predicted for November.”

By the end of November, Brits were shivering, “as Britain faces snow, ice and plummeting temperatures,” reported the Mirror newspaper. “Most of Scotland has been issued severe weather warnings for ice, and temperatures are expected to remain low, causing problems with snow and ice across the country.” Winter yet lay ahead.

Mark Landsbaum: Climate alarmists' search for proof going cold | warming, global, temperature - Opinion - The Orange County Register

you stoopid AGW nutter fucks..........

The Skook thinks that there is still ongoing debate about eighth grade physics.
It's really entertaining to watch the denialists juking and jiving trying to make something out of nothing. No science, pure politics and they try to appear intelligent and educated.

Carry on with your politics. We'll carry on with the science.

We'll go to the future while you run to the past. Let's see who gets there first.
Bt.w. AGW is about politics and nothing but, if you haven`t noticed by now.

So now you are a "scientist" ? Just a few days ago you were an "engineer".
I guess you must have used time dilation and have already been living a live in that future you say you can get to, before we do.
Or didn`t you make it that far ahead?
So how was the winter you were into already when it was only Dec 14th ?

Did you "carry on with your science" ?
How could you possibly do that while you`re hunched over your PC all day long ready to spam every thread year-round every day of the week ?

Ho come that went right by you?...:
Nuclear fusion milestone passed at US lab

NIF, based at Livermore in California, uses 192 beams from the world's most powerful laser to heat and compress a small pellet of hydrogen fuel to the point where nuclear fusion reactions take place.
...the amount of energy released through the fusion reaction exceeded the amount of energy being absorbed by the fuel - the first time this had been achieved at any fusion facility in the world.
Or that:
Hydrogen squeezed from stone could be new energy source


The method promises a new green energy source, providing copious hydrogen from a simple mixture of rock and water.
It speeds up a chemical reaction that takes geological timescales in nature.
In the reaction, the mineral olivine strips one oxygen and hydrogen atom from an H2O molecule to form a mineral called serpentine, releasing the spare hydrogen atom.
The results were discussed at this week's meeting of the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco, and have been published in the journal American Mineralogist.
The researchers heated olivine minerals in water to a couple of hundred degrees Celsius, and added a little bit of ruby (aluminium oxide) to the mix to provide a source of aluminium atoms.
The whole mix was placed into a miniature pressure cooker, formed of two diamonds, that squeezed the mixture to 2,000 atmospheres pressure.
How come an "energy expert" like you isn`t up on the latest research in that field?

You say "We'll go to the future while you run to the past"
That`s funny, considering how "futuristic" windmill technology is that you say is the way to go

...compared to the technology that people who "run" to the past come up with.
It's really entertaining to watch the denialists juking and jiving trying to make something out of nothing. No science, pure politics and they try to appear intelligent and educated.

Carry on with your politics. We'll carry on with the science.

We'll go to the future while you run to the past. Let's see who gets there first.
Bt.w. AGW is about politics and nothing but, if you haven`t noticed by now.

So now you are a "scientist" ? Just a few days ago you were an "engineer".
I guess you must have used time dilation and have already been living a live in that future you say you can get to, before we do.
Or didn`t you make it that far ahead?
So how was the winter you were into already when it was only Dec 14th ?

Did you "carry on with your science" ?
How could you possibly do that while you`re hunched over your PC all day long ready to spam every thread year-round every day of the week ?

Ho come that went right by you?...:
Nuclear fusion milestone passed at US lab

NIF, based at Livermore in California, uses 192 beams from the world's most powerful laser to heat and compress a small pellet of hydrogen fuel to the point where nuclear fusion reactions take place.
...the amount of energy released through the fusion reaction exceeded the amount of energy being absorbed by the fuel - the first time this had been achieved at any fusion facility in the world.
Or that:
Hydrogen squeezed from stone could be new energy source


The method promises a new green energy source, providing copious hydrogen from a simple mixture of rock and water.
It speeds up a chemical reaction that takes geological timescales in nature.
In the reaction, the mineral olivine strips one oxygen and hydrogen atom from an H2O molecule to form a mineral called serpentine, releasing the spare hydrogen atom.
The results were discussed at this week's meeting of the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco, and have been published in the journal American Mineralogist.
The researchers heated olivine minerals in water to a couple of hundred degrees Celsius, and added a little bit of ruby (aluminium oxide) to the mix to provide a source of aluminium atoms.
The whole mix was placed into a miniature pressure cooker, formed of two diamonds, that squeezed the mixture to 2,000 atmospheres pressure.
How come an "energy expert" like you isn`t up on the latest research in that field?

You say "We'll go to the future while you run to the past"
That`s funny, considering how "futuristic" windmill technology is that you say is the way to go

...compared to the technology that people who "run" to the past come up with.

LOL.....the plain truth is Polar, that second photo.........THATS how we would have to live if these mental cases get their way.( but hey.....we could all claim we have our own personal windmill in the backyard !!!:rock::rock::rock:)
Now another look and "follow the money" when it comes to windmills:
Öko-Boom in den USA: Siemens ergattert weltgrößten Auftrag für Land-Windparks

Siemens profitiert massiv vom Windenergie-Boom in den USA. Der deutsche Konzern soll im Bundesstaat Iowa fünf Windparks bauen. Der Auftrag ist nach SPIEGEL-ONLINE-Informationen gut eine Milliarde Dollar wert.
Hamburg - Siemens hat vom US-Energieversorger MidAmerican einen Auftrag über die Lieferung von 448 Windkraftanlagen erhalten. Diese haben eine Gesamtleistung von 1050 Megawatt, was der Kapazität eines mittleren Atomkraftwerks entspricht.

Need a translation?
Hamburg/Germany Siemens just secured a $1 billion contract to build 5 windmill farms using 448 SWT-2.3-108 = 108 diameter blade turbines in Iowa for the MidAmerican power corp.
Personally, I don`t mind when Americans fork over that much money to Siemens.
My family back home owns a lot of Siemens shares and so far I`m still on their X-mas present list.
It's really entertaining to watch the denialists juking and jiving trying to make something out of nothing. No science, pure politics and they try to appear intelligent and educated.

Carry on with your politics. We'll carry on with the science.

We'll go to the future while you run to the past. Let's see who gets there first.
Bt.w. AGW is about politics and nothing but, if you haven`t noticed by now.

So now you are a "scientist" ? Just a few days ago you were an "engineer".
I guess you must have used time dilation and have already been living a live in that future you say you can get to, before we do.
Or didn`t you make it that far ahead?
So how was the winter you were into already when it was only Dec 14th ?

Did you "carry on with your science" ?
How could you possibly do that while you`re hunched over your PC all day long ready to spam every thread year-round every day of the week ?

Ho come that went right by you?...:
Nuclear fusion milestone passed at US lab

NIF, based at Livermore in California, uses 192 beams from the world's most powerful laser to heat and compress a small pellet of hydrogen fuel to the point where nuclear fusion reactions take place.
...the amount of energy released through the fusion reaction exceeded the amount of energy being absorbed by the fuel - the first time this had been achieved at any fusion facility in the world.
Or that:
Hydrogen squeezed from stone could be new energy source


The method promises a new green energy source, providing copious hydrogen from a simple mixture of rock and water.
It speeds up a chemical reaction that takes geological timescales in nature.
In the reaction, the mineral olivine strips one oxygen and hydrogen atom from an H2O molecule to form a mineral called serpentine, releasing the spare hydrogen atom.
The results were discussed at this week's meeting of the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco, and have been published in the journal American Mineralogist.
The researchers heated olivine minerals in water to a couple of hundred degrees Celsius, and added a little bit of ruby (aluminium oxide) to the mix to provide a source of aluminium atoms.
The whole mix was placed into a miniature pressure cooker, formed of two diamonds, that squeezed the mixture to 2,000 atmospheres pressure.
How come an "energy expert" like you isn`t up on the latest research in that field?

You say "We'll go to the future while you run to the past"
That`s funny, considering how "futuristic" windmill technology is that you say is the way to go

...compared to the technology that people who "run" to the past come up with.

Engineers must also be scientists in order to understand the practical implications of advancing science.

The rest of your post is the verbose way to say nothing meaningful.
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Was that an attempt to show some familiarity with science?
Oh, so now PMZ`s sidekick chimes in again.
No, haven`t you noticed by now that I`m not into what you consider to be a "science" ?
I did not make my living counting tree rings, mud bugs, just reading a thermometer or "" smut-science.

Show me your résumé, twirp and then I`ll show you mine !
I don`t mind at all, do you ?
Just don`t try and pull the same stunt with us as our "nuclear engineer" did when he tried to pass off a copy/paste Navy document he grabbed from the internet as his own.
Was that an attempt to show some familiarity with science?
Oh, so now PMZ`s sidekick chimes in again.
No, haven`t you noticed by now that I`m not into what you consider to be a "science" ?
I did not make my living counting tree rings, mud bugs, just reading a thermometer or "" smut-science.

Show me your résumé, twirp and then I`ll show you mine !
I don`t mind at all, do you ?
Just don`t try and pull the same stunt with us as our "nuclear engineer" did when he tried to pass off a copy/paste Navy document he grabbed from the internet as his own.

There is only one science. It doesn't come in flavors to pick from.
Was that an attempt to show some familiarity with science?

Oh, so now PMZ`s sidekick chimes in again.

Does that help you cope?

No, haven`t you noticed by now that I`m not into what you consider to be a "science" ?

I guess not. You seem to be more interesting in touting your experience. And experience is a good thing. It's even better if you walk into it with enough knowledge base to have some idea what's going on.

But you've got some.

I did not make my living counting tree rings, mud bugs, just reading a thermometer or "" smut-science.

Me either. But some people do and we've all benefitted from the knowledge they've revealed with that work.

Show me your résumé, twirp and then I`ll show you mine !

I have a BS in Ocean Engineering. I started in offshore oil but moved to the Navy (I'm an ex-bubblehead) where I've put in a fair amount of time. I collect, process and analyze sensor data.

I don`t mind at all, do you ?
Just don`t try and pull the same stunt with us as our "nuclear engineer" did when he tried to pass off a copy/paste Navy document he grabbed from the internet as his own.

Your turn.
From skeptical science.

Discussions about the amount of sea ice in the Arctic often confuse two very different measures of how much ice there is. One measure is sea-ice extent which, as the name implies, is a measure of coverage of the ocean where ice covers 15% or more of the surface. It is a two-dimensional measurement; extent does not tell us how thick the ice is. The other measure of Arctic ice, using all three dimensions, is volume, the measure of how much ice there really is.

Sea-ice consists of first-year ice, which is thin, and older ice which has accumulated volume, called multi-year ice. Multi-year ice is very important because it makes up most of the volume of ice at the North Pole. Volume is also the important measure when it comes to climate change, because it is the volume of the ice – the sheer amount of the stuff – that science is concerned about, rather than how much of the sea is covered in a thin layer of ice*.

Over time, sea ice reflects the fast-changing circumstances of weather. It is driven principally by changes in surface temperature, forming and melting according to the seasons, the winds, cloud cover and ocean currents. In 2010, for example, sea ice extent recovered dramatically in March, only to melt again by May.

Sea-ice is subject to powerful short-term effects so while we can't conclude anything about the health of the ice from just a few years' data, an obvious trend emerges over the space of a decade or more, showing a decrease of about 5% of average sea-ice cover per decade.

Where has the thick ice gone?
When we consider the multi-year ice and look at the various measurements of it, we see a steep decline in this thick ice. As you might imagine, thick ice takes a lot more heat to melt, so the fact that it is disappearing so fast is of great concern.

It is clear from the various data sets, terrestrial and satellite, that both the sea ice extent and multi-year ice volume are reducing. Sea ice extent recovered slightly during the Arctic winters of 2008-09, but the full extent of annual ice reduction or gain is seen in September of each year, at the end of the Arctic summer. The volume of multi-year ice has not recovered at all, and is showing a steeply negative trend.

* Footnote: Although a thin layer of ice doesn’t tell us much about the overall state of ice loss at the Arctic, it does tell us a great deal about Albedo, the property of ice to reflect heat back into space. When the sea ice diminishes, more heat passes into the oceans. That heat melts the thick ice and speeds up the melting of thinner sea ice, which in turns allows more heat to accumulate in the oceans. This is an example of a positive feedback.

Basic rebuttal written by GPWayne

Last updated on 1 August 2013 by gpwayne. View Archives
From skeptical science.

Discussions about the amount of sea ice in the Arctic often confuse two very different measures of how much ice there is. One measure is sea-ice extent which, as the name implies, is a measure of coverage of the ocean where ice covers 15% or more of the surface. It is a two-dimensional measurement; extent does not tell us how thick the ice is. The other measure of Arctic ice, using all three dimensions, is volume, the measure of how much ice there really is.

Sea-ice consists of first-year ice, which is thin, and older ice which has accumulated volume, called multi-year ice. Multi-year ice is very important because it makes up most of the volume of ice at the North Pole. Volume is also the important measure when it comes to climate change, because it is the volume of the ice – the sheer amount of the stuff – that science is concerned about, rather than how much of the sea is covered in a thin layer of ice*.

Over time, sea ice reflects the fast-changing circumstances of weather. It is driven principally by changes in surface temperature, forming and melting according to the seasons, the winds, cloud cover and ocean currents. In 2010, for example, sea ice extent recovered dramatically in March, only to melt again by May.

Sea-ice is subject to powerful short-term effects so while we can't conclude anything about the health of the ice from just a few years' data, an obvious trend emerges over the space of a decade or more, showing a decrease of about 5% of average sea-ice cover per decade.

Where has the thick ice gone?
When we consider the multi-year ice and look at the various measurements of it, we see a steep decline in this thick ice. As you might imagine, thick ice takes a lot more heat to melt, so the fact that it is disappearing so fast is of great concern.

It is clear from the various data sets, terrestrial and satellite, that both the sea ice extent and multi-year ice volume are reducing. Sea ice extent recovered slightly during the Arctic winters of 2008-09, but the full extent of annual ice reduction or gain is seen in September of each year, at the end of the Arctic summer. The volume of multi-year ice has not recovered at all, and is showing a steeply negative trend.

* Footnote: Although a thin layer of ice doesn’t tell us much about the overall state of ice loss at the Arctic, it does tell us a great deal about Albedo, the property of ice to reflect heat back into space. When the sea ice diminishes, more heat passes into the oceans. That heat melts the thick ice and speeds up the melting of thinner sea ice, which in turns allows more heat to accumulate in the oceans. This is an example of a positive feedback.

Basic rebuttal written by GPWayne

Last updated on 1 August 2013 by gpwayne. View Archives

nobody cares s0n........they just see that the ice cover if bigger by 50% and remember you fucking nutters said it would be gone by now. 28 miillion people saw it yesterday on DRUDGE right there up top of the page.

There was once this fairy tale called the "Boy Who Cried Wolf"........obviously, all the AGW OCD's missed this story along the way!!:2up::funnyface::funnyface:
Was that an attempt to show some familiarity with science?

Does that help you cope?

I guess not. You seem to be more interesting in touting your experience. And experience is a good thing. It's even better if you walk into it with enough knowledge base to have some idea what's going on.

But you've got some.

Me either. But some people do and we've all benefitted from the knowledge they've revealed with that work.

I have a BS in Ocean Engineering. I started in offshore oil but moved to the Navy (I'm an ex-bubblehead) where I've put in a fair amount of time. I collect, process and analyze sensor data.

I don`t mind at all, do you ?
Just don`t try and pull the same stunt with us as our "nuclear engineer" did when he tried to pass off a copy/paste Navy document he grabbed from the internet as his own.

Your turn.

Sounds real enough & is good enough for me. and as you say now it`s my turn...I`m sorry, I`m an old hand and therfore that`s as short as I can make it.

The irony is that our background has some similarities..except for when it comes to experience. I suspect I`m one up on you on that and I don`t think I have been "touting it", it`s something you can`t avoid getting after having spent your entire adult life in your chosen profession.

Which in my case happens to be Chemical Engineering and that a lot of Germans opt for that profession should be no surprise to you when you take a look at our industry.
In that capacity I worked with everything, ranging from GLC, HPLC, Atomic Absorption & Infrared Spectroscopy, Mass Specs, NMR, Nuclear Scintillation and linear particle accelerators

But at first, like most of the batch that I graduated with I wound up in pharmaceutical research, (..where the best paid positions were...). First with Boehringer in Biberach, during my semester breaks when I was a student and then Bayer after I graduated. From there I was recruited by a multinational consortium, (Bayer was part of it).. which for reasons known only to them decided to choose Ayerst Labs in Montreal PQ Canada as their "Stand-Ort".
We managed to file 8 patents there, but this one which is for a clathrate is registered in my name, I blacked out my last name, G.B. Nickel was the CEO of the company which hired me to develop that product.


Analytical and process control Instrumentation has been my favorite part of the job requirements.
That aspect became rapidly more fascinating because at that time all of that started to go digital, the analytical Instrumentation faster than the process control systems.
So that`s the way I went and switched over to the FDA and the Cdn Dep. of Environment, because they were looking to fill positions that opened in trace analysis using state of the art instrumentation, that Universities did not have and could not afford at that time....but were in use in industrial research.
The majority of the industrial instrumentation at that time used GE`s "Genesis" and Honeywell software and I kept up with it as it kept evolving, because I never intended to spend the rest of my time in a downtown lab.
As luck would have it, the same software and much of the same GE process control instrumentation was also used by the military and a lot of lucrative jobs opened up with defense contractors.
The one that interested me the most, landed me first with Garret AiResearch in Phoenix when they experimented using their APU turbines for the Tomahawks.
From there on it was easy to get into a job that combined everything I liked the most. Which are the remote outdoors and a job other than counting butterflies, birds or tree rings.
That`s how I wound up in the arctic and in the power plant control rooms that are on the military bases up there.
That part came "natural" because all of my cousins, uncles etc have been with Siemens and the family on my mother`s side owns a hydro plant near Berchtesgaden Bavaria...which I found a lot more interesting than "hanging out" where most other kids used to at that time.
End of story >>>>

Now I`m retired
Good enough for you?


So let`s get past the insults and carry on.
I know where you stand and you do what my take is on renewable energy and AGW.
As far as research into new technology, why on earth would you think I have a gripe with that ?
But I do know what`s going on in a power plant control room a generator, no matter how it`s powered + what it takes to compensate for the power factor, demand factor, phase control etc.
It`s not as simple as most people assume. If it were, then why did the Chinese have to steal the software that American Superconductor developed to control the GE wind turbines ?
I`m not as familiar with theirs, but I do know the one that Siemens uses and know where the "envelope" boundaries are...and how little it takes to wind up outside this envelope....triggering a catastrophic cascade failure.
No way will wind turbines ever be a stand-alone option in power generation...except in applications that supply loads which are mostly static.
As far as I`m concerned I don`t care who opts for electric cars either.
But Lithium is as good as it can possibly get in battery technology suitable for civilian use.
Same story with that.
It`s pretty well useless without a back-up and that`s where all the latest engineering efforts focus on:

It`s a V2 add-on gas engine that installs where the spare tire was.
It extends the range to 500 km and drives 2 generators when the control system calls for it.

When it runs it does so smoothly, a coin standing on edge does not fall over, while it`s generating 41 hp using on average 1.4 liters per 100 km

The cost of the add-on package is 2000 Euros and fits into the Fiat, Opel Ampera and the BMW i3.

It`s in response to a new kind of "Angst" in addition to AGW Angst.
The Germans call it "Reichweite Angst" (Reichweite is range limit) and people that drive E-cars get this Angst after they drove more than 50 km and no recharge station is in sight.
So from now on let`s bury the hatchet, if OldRocks & I could do it why can`t you?
Or do you have a problem that "Skooks" and I get along pretty good? I happen to like his sense of humor !
I can`t be the only one...look at the # of views the threads he started are getting !
I thought it`s a Liberal hallmark to be "tolerant"...isn`t it ?
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More k00k losing.......and how interesting is this??

North Carolina has said, "Fuck you!!" to use of any climate change models/predictions that would impact current and future development.

Why? Why because the costs of preparing for and implementing major anti-climate projects will completely fuck the North Carolina economy!!!

Kudo's to that governor for giving the finger to the science assholes who are NEVER right with their predictions.

And bigger kudo's to this guy Tom Thompson, who spearheaded efforts to remove climate change concerns with zoning legislation. As Thompson said, "only socialists and cowards prepare for the worst".

Indeed......Carolina puts its faith in God!!!! And the people ( millions and millions ) seem quite giddy about it!!!:rock::rock::rock::fu:

Contradictory Climate Change Planning in New York City and New Bern - SPIEGEL ONLINE
More k00k losing.......and how interesting is this??

North Carolina has said, "Fuck you!!" to use of any climate change models/predictions that would impact current and future development.

Why? Why because the costs of preparing for and implementing major anti-climate projects will completely fuck the North Carolina economy!!!

Kudo's to that governor for giving the finger to the science assholes who are NEVER right with their predictions.

And bigger kudo's to this guy Tom Thompson, who spearheaded efforts to remove climate change concerns with zoning legislation. As Thompson said, "only socialists and cowards prepare for the worst".

Indeed......Carolina puts its faith in God!!!! And the people ( millions and millions ) seem quite giddy about it!!!:rock::rock::rock::fu:

Contradictory Climate Change Planning in New York City and New Bern - SPIEGEL ONLINE

I read the German edition and then the English one every day.
Most Germans never bother with the English edition and the editors are aware of that because very few of the people which respond to it either aren`t German and those who do respond, most of them don`t know the USA beyond what they read in the media or have "experienced" as a tourist.
That edition is meant to be international, leans left and is tailored for people who also read BBC international.
The German edition ,...they don`t dare to display any more in that format. The anger and the backlash "green energy" built up in Germany is huge and you should see the volume and tone of the reader`s responses that follows an article every time Der Spiegel gets caught doing it.
Articles in that format have gotten several hundred angry responses within the hour often lasting for days.
Even I am starting to feel sorry for the German Green Party.
They always were part of a coalition and at least had one of their own as environment Minister.

Now in the last election they have TOTALLY been wiped out and even the SPD, Germany`s Social Democrats backed down and opted for a whole new set of priorities....and okayed the bulldozers that will soon roll into this lovely village. (Immerath) :

To build another coal fired power plant just like the Garzweiler plant,


An entire village was leveled because Wind and Solar just can`t keep up any more after Merkel gave in to the Greens in the last coalition and started to phase out nuclear.
Bergbau und Garzweiler: Verfassungsrichter erschweren Enteignungen - SPIEGEL ONLINE

And that`s the way the cookie crumbles once you go down to the point of no return with wind an solar.
You wind up having to build back-up power for wind and solar in such a hurry and with an urgency that "justifies" the bulldozing of towns and villages.
The corporations that pushed for "renewables " knew that from the get-go and don`t give a shit.
They made a killing already and will continue to do so...they have no more use for the Greenies and other assorted useful idiots that helped push their agenda.

Right now I would not want to be a member of the green party in Germany any more than being a ... you know what in Nazi Germany.

The only ones left that still support the German Green Party are homosexual activists because the Green Party was pushing for legislation to remove pedophilia from the criminal code if there was "common consent" of the participants.
I`m not making this up:
Pädophilie-Debatte: Parteienforscher legen Zwischenbericht vor - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Grüne ließen Einfluss von Pädophilen zu
Just like in the video you posted,..!!! isn`t it ?
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Well.......more than any other society/culture, the Germans bought into the whole global warming shit hook, line and stinker. No other country even comes close. But these people have a long history of being easily duped by their own government so no surprise there!!!

Interestingly, coal has returned to Germany with a vengeance......and guess where they are getting it from??:lol::lol:
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