More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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What should we do with such folks? Shoot them?

How about if we give them a job?

I like that last suggestion but would expect them to do productive work which I'm sure you'd find abhorrent.

You would love to put me in your your fantasy world by making up a persona for me that fits your stereotype. You are as completely wrong about me as you are about America and our government.

But also as completely resistant to the truth. You've sentenced yourself to a life of ignorance.

You must be so proud.
Back to the AGW nutter losing >>>>

Snowburst: 5 to 6 feet up north! Lake effect shifting south, Winter Storm Watch for the weekend |

Well.....I guess there might be 17 people in New York State today saying, "Shit.....this snow is fucked up. Damn global warming!!!"

OK......maybe 19!!!:coffee:
That goes way beyond local weather
Here is a NOAA view of the entire Northern Hemisphere.
I uploaded a current screen capture:

Yellow = ice, white = snow cover
The most current loop is at this URL:
Back to the AGW nutter losing >>>>

Snowburst: 5 to 6 feet up north! Lake effect shifting south, Winter Storm Watch for the weekend |

Well.....I guess there might be 17 people in New York State today saying, "Shit.....this snow is fucked up. Damn global warming!!!"

OK......maybe 19!!!:coffee:
That goes way beyond local weather
Here is a NOAA view of the entire Northern Hemisphere.
I uploaded a current screen capture:

Yellow = ice, white = snow cover
The most current loop is at this URL:

You know that it's winter, right?
Back to the AGW nutter losing >>>>

Snowburst: 5 to 6 feet up north! Lake effect shifting south, Winter Storm Watch for the weekend |

Well.....I guess there might be 17 people in New York State today saying, "Shit.....this snow is fucked up. Damn global warming!!!"

OK......maybe 19!!!:coffee:
That goes way beyond local weather
Here is a NOAA view of the entire Northern Hemisphere.
I uploaded a current screen capture:

Yellow = ice, white = snow cover
The most current loop is at this URL:

You know that it's winter, right?

Now I`ve seen it all !
Do you know what date it is today ?
You do ?
Okay then try this:
Let me google that for you

The astronomical winter (Northern Hemisphere) 2013 begins on Saturday, December 21
and ends on Wednesday, March 19
Your signature line, is that your short hand introduction ?
people who don't know enough also don't know enough to realise that they don't know enough
...the basis for their confidently-made assertions, but without actually backing them up with time-consuming research or pesky facts. Franken prefers the term "being a fucking moron."
Not only did you miss the pesky fact that it`s not winter yet but never even realized that your spelling would fail you @ 2.nd grade elementary school.
I bet you can`t figure out which end of the bus is the front either:


And you said you are an "engineer"
If you weren`t so funny I would have long placed you on my ignore list.
On the contrary, your posts are so utterly retarded, and so typical what you CO2 freaks are all about, that they are worth collecting!
Maybe you should remove the bag from over your head and try to get some more oxygen before your last few brain cells blink out.
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Back to the AGW nutter losing >>>>

Snowburst: 5 to 6 feet up north! Lake effect shifting south, Winter Storm Watch for the weekend |

Well.....I guess there might be 17 people in New York State today saying, "Shit.....this snow is fucked up. Damn global warming!!!"

OK......maybe 19!!!:coffee:
That goes way beyond local weather
Here is a NOAA view of the entire Northern Hemisphere.
I uploaded a current screen capture:

Yellow = ice, white = snow cover
The most current loop is at this URL:

You know that it's winter, right?

you stoopid fuck:funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::fu:
God I love this forum!!!:rock::rock::rock:

I remember as a kid my grandfather putting post Halloween pumpkins on a tee for us to slam the shit out of with a bat. What a fucking hoot. Years later I missed those times.

Then I found this forum!!!

I get to do it daily!!!
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It's really entertaining to watch the denialists juking and jiving trying to make something out of nothing. No science, pure politics and they try to appear intelligent and educated.

Carry on with your politics. We'll carry on with the science.

We'll go to the future while you run to the past. Let's see who gets there first.
It's really entertaining to watch the denialists juking and jiving trying to make something out of nothing. No science, pure politics and they try to appear intelligent and educated.

Carry on with your politics. We'll carry on with the science.

We'll go to the future while you run to the past. Let's see who gets there first.

We'll go to the future while you run to the past. Let's see who gets there first.

With only renewables, you'll be living in the cold and dark. You'll get there first.
It's really entertaining to watch the denialists juking and jiving trying to make something out of nothing. No science, pure politics and they try to appear intelligent and educated.

Carry on with your politics. We'll carry on with the science.

We'll go to the future while you run to the past. Let's see who gets there first.

We'll go to the future while you run to the past. Let's see who gets there first.

With only renewables, you'll be living in the cold and dark. You'll get there first.

The only alternative to using renewables is going without energy.
It's really entertaining to watch the denialists juking and jiving trying to make something out of nothing. No science, pure politics and they try to appear intelligent and educated.

Carry on with your politics. We'll carry on with the science.

We'll go to the future while you run to the past. Let's see who gets there first.

We'll go to the future while you run to the past. Let's see who gets there first.

With only renewables, you'll be living in the cold and dark. You'll get there first.

The only alternative to using renewables is going without energy.

Only if you ignore oil, coal, natural gas and nuclear.

You remember them, the source of 90% of current energy supplies?

Still think there is no new investment in fossil fuels?
It's really entertaining to watch the denialists juking and jiving trying to make something out of nothing. No science, pure politics and they try to appear intelligent and educated.

Carry on with your politics. We'll carry on with the science.

We'll go to the future while you run to the past. Let's see who gets there first.

You go right ahead and do that s0n!!!!:2up:

It's really entertaining to watch the denialists juking and jiving trying to make something out of nothing. No science, pure politics and they try to appear intelligent and educated.

Carry on with your politics. We'll carry on with the science.

We'll go to the future while you run to the past. Let's see who gets there first.

You go right ahead and do that s0n!!!!:2up:

Your acting as court jester has no impact on IPCC science or the many sustainable energy projects underway. Progress is being made despite your shenanigans.
From Obama's EIA report >>>>

1.A lot more energy use worldwide: World energy consumption will grow by 53 percent from 2008 to 2035, and half of that growth will come from China and India.

2.China will outpace the U.S.: China will use 68 percent more energy than the U.S. by 2035. And a lot of it will come from coal. China will account for 76 percent of the increase in world coal use.:coffee:

3.China and India will lead energy growth: in 2008 the two countries made up 21 percent of world energy consumption. In 2035, it will be 31 percent.

4.Fossil fuels will still dominate :fu:: They will account for 78 percent of world energy use in 2035. Coal consumption will grow by 1.5 percent a year.

5.Renewable energy will double: Consumption will increase by 2.8 percent a year, and its share of total energy use will grow from 10 percent in 2008 to 15 percent in 2035. That is, if current laws and policies remain in place. Renewables will be the fastest growing source of new electricity generation, increasing by 3.0 percent and outpacing the average annual increases for natural gas (2.6 percent), nuclear power (2.4 percent), and coal (1.9 percent).

6.More fracked natural gas: Natural gas will be the fastest-growing fossil fuel :up:, thanks in large part to new extraction methods (such as fracking) for gas in tight rock formations, shale, and coal beds. World natural gas consumption will increase 1.6 percent per year, from 111 trillion cubic feet in 2008 to 169 trillion cubic feet in 2035. Supplies from the U.S., Canada and China will increase.

7.Gas prices stay high: A barrel of light sweet crude oil will reach $125 per barrel (they’re around $90 a barrel today). However, the EIA reports, depending on supply and demand, and economic growth in developing countries, the price of oil could be as high as $200 a barrel by 2035 or as low as $50 a barrel.

8.Oil consumption keeps growing :woohoo:: The world’s petroleum other liquid fuels usage will increase by 36.9 million barrels a day from 2008 to 2035.

9.More gas from biofuels and oil sands: Less than half the growth in fuel consumption will come from conventional crude production. Production of unconventional sources including biofuels, oil sands, extra heavy oil, coal-to-liquids and gas-to-liquids will grow from 3.9 million barrels a day in 2088 to 13.1 million barrels a day in 2035.

10.Carbon emissions will rise: Energy-related carbon-dioxide emissions rise by 43 percent – from 30.2 billion metric tons in 2008 to 43.2 billion metric tons in 2035. Much of the increase will come from developing countries, especially Asia ( agw nutters.....ummmmm duh :eusa_dance:

10 predictions for the world's energy future » News » OPB

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