More SCOTUS winning.

The Nation loses
Progs have this major flaw where they dress people down in vicious ways. At a Correspondents Dinner then President Obama and Seth Myers torched Trump. That motivated him. Events playing out over a period of years with the egos of Progs hurting them that led to the Supreme Court decision. Which really is not the end of the world with abortions. On the surface many agendas seem noble. But the people pushing them are not.
So you finally got your partasan Supreme Court.
I bet you dollars to doughnuts that if you leftist idiots could pack the court at 13, 7 progressives to 6 conservatives you would be jumping up for joy. In your demented minds, your partisan court would be good but for some whacky reason our duly nominated 9 member court is bad. Please move to Russia, or China, or some other 3rd would chit hole.
I bet you dollars to doughnuts that if you leftist idiots could pack the court at 13, 7 progressives to 6 conservatives you would be jumping up for joy. In your demented minds, your partisan court would be good but for some whacky reason our duly nominated 9 member court is bad. Please move to Russia, or China, or some other 3rd would chit hole.
The number of Supreme Court justices has already changed 6 times. There is no legal reason the number can't change again. Since the current court has become partisan, You should consider what might happen when its main party affiliation changes. We all know it will. More justices would help prevent a small extreme partisan group, from either party, from taking over the court.
The number of Supreme Court justices has already changed 6 times. There is no legal reason the number can't change again. Since the current court has become partisan, You should consider what might happen when its main party affiliation changes. We all know it will. More justices would help prevent a small extreme partisan group, from either party, from taking over the court.
Are you suggesting Dems should pack the court with liberals to RIG it?
Are you suggesting Dems should pack the court with liberals to RIG it?
No. I'm suggesting the number of justices be increased so a few rogue justices from either party can't hijack the court. The court we have just approved gerrymandering in Lousiana where only one of six districts will be black majority while 1/3 of the state population is black. Seems right wingers don't care much about the black vote after all. They are trying to go back to the 50s.
Will you feel the same way when liberals gain the majority on the court?
The only activist justices in the past fifty years have been left leaning, RBG included. I look for the day that courts are not activist. The circuit system is proof that it has been controlled by activist democrat appointed justices for years. The congress is tasked with making laws--the courts are there only to enforce what the congress hands them and to determine their constitutionality. They are not there to make you or anyone else feel good.

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