More special treatment of Trump by FBI/DOJ

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
It seems even more evidence of how special an ex-President is treated has come to light:
As investigators would later learn, Trump allegedly had the closet's lock changed while his attorney was in Mar-a-Lago's basement, searching for classified documents in a storage room that he was told would have all such documents. Trump's alleged efforts to conceal classified documents from both the FBI and his own attorney are a key part of Smith's indictment against Trump in Florida.

Jordan Strauss, a former federal prosecutor and former national security official in the Justice Department, called the FBI's alleged failure to search the closet "a bit astonishing."

"You're searching a former president's house. You [should] get it right the first time," Strauss told ABC News.

In addition to the closet, the FBI also didn't search what authorities have called a "hidden room" connected to Trump's bedroom, sources said.

This is ridiculous. It was already known by the FBI/DOJ that Mr. Trump was resistant to dealing honestly with them and with his own lawyers. Mr.Trump should've been given as little consideration as any other powerful and connected suspect. Instead it looks like he got away -- again -- with bulldozing them all -- his own lawyers, FBI/DOJ. But justice is coming...

Special counsel asked witnesses about 2 Mar-a-Lago rooms FBI didn't search: Sources

And Biden stole classified documents and kept them in unsecured boxes in his garage next to his Corvette for years, some even with "top secret" classified markings, documents he openly allowed others to see, but no charges for him because he's old and senile. But he can still run the country, according the liberals.

Two tiered justice is justice failed.

The only reason he cooperated is because he was caught.
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And Biden stole classified documents and kept them in unsecured boxes in his garage next to his Corvette for years, some even with "top secret" classified markings, documents he openly allowed others to see, but no charges for him because he's old and senile. But he can still run the country.

Two tiered justice is justice failed.

The only reason he cooperated is because he was caught.
Trump was caught and didn't cooperate.

I guess that is the lesson here.
Trump was caught and didn't cooperate.

I guess that is the lesson here.

But he wasn't caught. Everyone knew he had them, he had a right to them as president. Biden NEVER did. Biden stole them, period. Biden committed multiple felonies and will not be charged because he's a democrat.

Two tiered justice is justice failed.
But he wasn't caught. Everyone knew he had them, he had a right to them as president. Biden NEVER did. Biden stole them, period.
He was caught. He didn't have a right to have them. They didn't know he had them until he turned them over to NARA and NARA told DoJ.

Then the DoJ told him to return them all because Trump had no authority to keep them at Mar a Lago.

Trump said "okay, I'll return all of them", but didn't actually do it and kept a ton of them anyway.

The DoJ caught on that Trump was lying to them and that's what led to the raid.
He was caught. He didn't have a right to have them. They didn't know he had them until he turned them over to NARA and NARA told DoJ.

Then the DoJ told him to return them all because Trump had no authority to keep them at Mar a Lago.

Trump said "okay, I'll return all of them", but didn't actually do it and kept a ton of them anyway.

The DoJ caught on that Trump was lying to them and that's what led to the raid.

He was in the middle of handing them over when he was charged.
He was in the middle of handing them over when he was charged.
Where did you get that information?

Trump claimed through his lawyer that he had turned over everything in June 2022 when the DoJ lawyers visited Mar a Lago to take custody of them.

But we know that was a lie.
It seems even more evidence of how special an ex-President is treated has come to light:

This is ridiculous. It was already known by the FBI/DOJ that Mr. Trump was resistant to dealing honestly with them and with his own lawyers. Mr.Trump should've been given as little consideration as any other powerful and connected suspect. Instead it looks like he got away -- again -- with bulldozing them all -- his own lawyers, FBI/DOJ. But justice is coming...

Special counsel asked witnesses about 2 Mar-a-Lago rooms FBI didn't search: Sources

You can dish it out but you can't take it.
Where did you get that information?

Trump claimed through his lawyer that he had turned over everything in June 2022 when the DoJ lawyers visited Mar a Lago to take custody of them.

But we know that was a lie.

And Biden claimed he handed over everything and they've found more documents hidden. Why the double standard?
And Biden claimed he handed over everything and they've found more documents hidden. Why the double standard?
Biden invited the FBI to search his property for him.

So where did you get that he claimed to have handed everything over? It appears that is made up.
Biden invited the FBI to search his property for him.

So where did you get that he claimed to have handed everything over? It appears that is made up.

And Trump invited them to come to Mar a Lago, he voluntarily turned them over, even if you didn't know that because you watch PMSDNC.

He had not handed over everything YET, he was STILL handing stuff over when he was charged.

The special council NEVER stated "cooperation" as a reason they didn't charge him. They said it was because he was old and senile, unfit for trial. How can he be unfit for trial yet fit to be president? So why are you liberals jumping on it as the reason he wasn't charged?

So why was Biden not charged for stealing classified documents and keeping them unsecured in his garage with his Corvette? Is that not a felony? Why did he get away scott free? Lots of people without the last name "Biden" are sitting in US prisons right now who fully cooperated with investigators too. Cooperating with the investigators should be a consideration during sentencing, not a reason to let him get away scott free.
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And Trump invited them to come to Mar a Lago, he voluntarily turned them over, even if you didn't know that because you watch PMSDNC.

He had not handed over everything YET, he was STILL handing stuff over when he was charged.
Trump did not allow the FBI to search Mar a Lago.

He didn't "voluntarily" turn them over since the FBI had to come with a search warrant to take them by force.

I still don't know where you get the idea that he was "STILL" handing stuff over, because that's simply not true.
Trump did not allow the FBI to search Mar a Lago.

Yes, he did. He absolutely allowed people in to get documents.

It DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER. The special council NEVER claimed "cooperation" as a reason he wasn't charged. They said it was because he was old and senile and unfit for trial. So why do you fucking liberals KEEP CLAIMING "cooperation" as the reason he wasn't charged when the special council NEVER said that?

Why don't you fucking answer the fucking question. WHY THE DOUBLE STANDARD? Why do liberals not get charged when they commit crimes identical to republicans who are charged with 40 counts for the exact same thing? Oh yea, Biden was NEVER president so he never could legally possess the documents. Trump was and declared them unclassified, which only HE can do.

The two tiered justice system is a failed justice system.
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Yes, he did. He absolutely allowed people in to get documents.
Says who? Tell me where you got this from because everything I've seen indicates the exact opposite.

Your claims of double standards is based on falsehoods. So we need to strip back the falsehoods to get at what is and isn't the double standard. I don't accept the premise of your accusation and I'm telling you why.
Says who? Tell me where you got this from because everything I've seen indicates the exact opposite.

Your claims of double standards is based on falsehoods. So we need to strip back the falsehoods to get at what is and isn't the double standard. I don't accept the premise of your accusation and I'm telling you why.

Because everything you've seen is from CNN and PMSDNC.

You want to talk about falsehoods? Show me where the special council claimed that "cooperation" was why Biden wasn't charged. You claim it, you back it up. I've asked you 3 times and you refuse to answer because you refuse to admit the two tiered justice system.

Here is the fucking timeline of Trump allowing people at Mar a Lago and when he did:


NARA “continued to make requests” for records it believed to be missing for several months, according to the affidavit. Around late December 2021, a Trump representative informed the agency that an additional 12 boxes of records that should have been turned over had been found at the former president’s Mar-a-Lago club and residence and were ready to be retrieved.

Does "an additional 12 boxes of records that should have been turned over and were found and were ready to be picked up" sound like someone who was obstructing justice? Sounds like he was being VERY fucking open and honest to me.

JUNE 3, 2022​

Three FBI agents and a DOJ attorney went to Mar-a-Lago to collect additional material offered by a Trump attorney in response to the subpoena.

If they weren't allowed at Mar a Lago, why does it say they were???? You are a PMSDNC watching disingenuous fucking liar. Nothing more. Why would they say ADDITIONAL MATERIAL unless they had been there multiple times before that???
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You want to talk about falsehoods? Show me where the special council claimed that "cooperation" was why Biden wasn't charged. You claim it, you back it up.
I never said the special council claimed that.

Thats my opinion, as it represents the biggest difference between the two cases. Cooperation means a lot.

So when are you going to show me why you think Trump let the DoJ search Mar a Lago.

JUNE 3, 2022​

Three FBI agents and a DOJ attorney went to Mar-a-Lago to collect additional material offered by a Trump attorney in response to the subpoena.

If they weren't allowed at Mar a Lago, why does it say they were???? You are a PMSDNC watching disingenuous fucking liar. Nothing more. Why would they say ADDITIONAL MATERIAL unless they had been there multiple times before that???
They were allowed to come into the building to take possession of the documents, but they were not allowed to search through anything.

There's a difference about visiting Mar a Lago to take possession of the documents and visiting Mar a Lago to search the compound.

Biden allowed them to search his house. Trump did not.

It seems even more evidence of how special an ex-President is treated has come to light:

This is ridiculous. It was already known by the FBI/DOJ that Mr. Trump was resistant to dealing honestly with them and with his own lawyers. Mr.Trump should've been given as little consideration as any other powerful and connected suspect. Instead it looks like he got away -- again -- with bulldozing them all -- his own lawyers, FBI/DOJ. But justice is coming...

Special counsel asked witnesses about 2 Mar-a-Lago rooms FBI didn't search: Sources

Trump never stopped the FBI as a matter of fact when the FBI visited him in March of 2021 they told him to replace the locks he kept the documents in.
How does Biden get away with having decades of classified documents and Trump had a few for a couple of months?

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