More Tales Of White Supremacy And White Privilege

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They left and the African nations became shitholes.
But you just continue thinking ad hominems will change the fate of Black Aficans.
Youre just mad you got caught in a lie. If African nations are shitholes then dont go there or use their resources. :rolleyes:
In other words, you have nothing positive to say about the natives.
Thought so.
I do agree, though, Europeans should wait until everyone in Africa dies of aids and then move in.

Modern racism, symbolic racism, symbolic prejudice, or racial resentment, are beliefs that reflect an underlying prejudice towards black people in the United States. The difference in modern racism than old time classic white racism is that the attacks focus on a groups culture. Modern racism is not face to face, it is primarily done online and in social media.
You think I don’t discuss this with Black face to face!
You’re so wrong.
I believe in equal educational and equal opportunity for all American citizens.
It’s interesting that I never have to discuss with Jamaicans what’s important: they wouldn’t be caught dead being unemployed.

The problem with your racist claim is 2 fold. 1. Jamaicans are black. 2. Blacks have a 6.8 percent unemployment rate. 93.2 percent are employed.
My point is that Jamaicans are Black and don’t live to suck Welfare dry.
The unemployed Jamaicans are working as babysitters and housekeepers.
The issue is that they’re working.
Youre just mad you got caught in a lie. If African nations are shitholes then dont go there or use their resources. :rolleyes:
In other words, you have nothing positive to say about the natives.
Thought so.
I do agree, though, Europeans should wait until everyone in Africa dies of aids and then move in.

Modern racism, symbolic racism, symbolic prejudice, or racial resentment, are beliefs that reflect an underlying prejudice towards black people in the United States. The difference in modern racism than old time classic white racism is that the attacks focus on a groups culture. Modern racism is not face to face, it is primarily done online and in social media.
You think I don’t discuss this with Black face to face!
You’re so wrong.
I believe in equal educational and equal opportunity for all American citizens.
It’s interesting that I never have to discuss with Jamaicans what’s important: they wouldn’t be caught dead being unemployed.

The problem with your racist claim is 2 fold. 1. Jamaicans are black. 2. Blacks have a 6.8 percent unemployment rate. 93.2 percent are employed.
My point is that Jamaicans are Black and don’t live to suck Welfare dry.
The unemployed Jamaicans are working as babysitters and housekeepers.
The issue is that they’re working.

So are 93 percent of the rest of us blacks. Just understand that you are part of the race who has received welfare for 242 years and deal with it.
In other words, you have nothing positive to say about the natives.
Thought so.
I do agree, though, Europeans should wait until everyone in Africa dies of aids and then move in.

Modern racism, symbolic racism, symbolic prejudice, or racial resentment, are beliefs that reflect an underlying prejudice towards black people in the United States. The difference in modern racism than old time classic white racism is that the attacks focus on a groups culture. Modern racism is not face to face, it is primarily done online and in social media.
You think I don’t discuss this with Black face to face!
You’re so wrong.
I believe in equal educational and equal opportunity for all American citizens.
It’s interesting that I never have to discuss with Jamaicans what’s important: they wouldn’t be caught dead being unemployed.

The problem with your racist claim is 2 fold. 1. Jamaicans are black. 2. Blacks have a 6.8 percent unemployment rate. 93.2 percent are employed.
My point is that Jamaicans are Black and don’t live to suck Welfare dry.
The unemployed Jamaicans are working as babysitters and housekeepers.
The issue is that they’re working.

So are 93 percent of the rest of us blacks. Just understand that you are part of the race who has received welfare for 242 years and deal with it.
Black African babysitters!
Make me laugh!
Where did I say I was evil ?
(one line later)
I am racist. I already know

There you go, you admitted that you were evil in the very post you asked where you said you were evil.

  1. It goes in the opposite direction in that I favour blacks, not whites
  2. I'm honest about being racist.
Which changes nothing. You are still admitting openly that you are in fact a entirely evil person.
You don't have to be evil to be racist.

I've known white people married to black people who were hardcore racists.

Because racial stereotypes about black people serve as a mechanism of justification for white supremacists like you who would gladly discriminate.

The white employer who believes black folks don’t make good employees can rationalize that as good business and not racial.

The landlord who refuses to rent an apartment to someone whose last address was in the black area could rationalize that the grounds that they're not gonna to take care of the property.

A teacher who was teaching blk kids in school can justify tracking them into remedial classes because they believe those children are not going to attend college, and aren’t capable of more advanced work.

The cop who kills a black man will justify and say he felt threatened.

And they could do this while insisting that the decisions had nothing to do with race,

It's black people who have to battle to convince employers that they aren’t lazy, aren’t unreliable, aren’t criminals, and aren’t crackheads. How we constantly have to try and convince social workers that they aren’t bad parents. How we constantly have to try and convince police that they aren’t drug dealers. How we constantly have to try and convince teachers that they want to learn.

What does anything you said here, have to do with what has happened today?
Today is built on yesterday and Tomorrow us built on Today.

Whites want to take pride in the good things from their past (inventions made, battles won, rights fought for) but then act as if the bad things have nothing to do with them – like slavery, genocide and rights not fought for.

You can't have it both ways.

If the inventions are proof of the intelligence of whites, then slavery and genocide are proof of the great evil of whites.

You can't claim one without the other.

Or if slavery and genocide came about through the workings of human nature under a particular set of circumstances then if anyone else would have done the same thing then the same goes for the inventions too.

Please explain to me how many "Rosewood" type events have happened in the last 10 years, 20 years, 30 years?
OK. I'll explain.

It does not have to be a Rosewood type of event.

Racism towards black people is mainly economic

The reason why whites resorted to bombing Rosewood is because they dropped the ball and their arrogance made them think "These dumb negroes can't do anything for themselves"

So most "Rosewood" type of events have been in stopping a Rosewood from ever happening again.

How do they that ?

Once again.

Racism towards black people is mainly economic.

So whites have to make sure black areas are economically deprived and black people as group are economically deprived.

White people don't mind a LeBron, Jay Z, Diddy, Oprah Beyonce.

They don't mind some black people having money because for one they'll make sure that none of their money is passed down because they'll make sure that their kids and family don't own any of the rights to their shit and two they control them.

But black people (As a group) living well independent of white control ?


That's what all the land problems in South Africa are truly.

White people can't stand to see black people (As a group) doing well. Hell you try being a black man in a 5 Star hotel.

That's kryptonite to many whites.

They HATE black people being around nice sh*t. "Hey - dude. What do you do ? Do you play NBA ? Are you a rapper ?"

Whites always wanna know your business when your in places they don't think you should be.

So since Rosewood whites have used zoning laws which tightly restricted where black people were allowed to live.

So black families often had to double-up in small apartments, which were often shit holes because the white landlords had little incentive to improve their properties, since they knew there was nowhere else for black tenants to turn.

Then in the 1930s, the government began offering low-interest loans through the Federal Housing Administration. Over a thirty-year period about $100 billion in home equity was loaned mainly whites middle-class. There would be few if any loans for blacks seeking to move to mostly white areas either.

As if this wasn’t bad enough ? Whites then began this “urban renewal” sh*t which meant low-and-moderate-income family housing was to be replaced by office buildings, shopping centers and parking lots.

So black areas have remained isolated, with lots of poverty and the problems that come with it, including higher crime rates, family breakdown.

But whites have never had to worry about a landlord taking one look at u, or maybe just speaking with u on the phone and guessing your race, and then telling u the last unit was just rented. Whites have never had to consider that perhaps getting a place to live might be about more than your credit, collateral, income and good attitude. But for black people ? We have never had the luxury of believing that those were the only relevant factors, they never have been.

Not to mention the fact that white supremacy is global thing so they're dropping bombs on black people all over the world.


Please list in detail each black town burned to the ground in the relevant past.

The MOVE bombing was where Philadelphia police in the US bombed the house of MOVE, a Black back-to-nature movement. Eleven people were killed. Five were children, ages 5 to 13. The fire department stood right there and did nothing for an hour as the fire spread, destroying 61 houses in the mostly Black, West Philly neighbourhood.

No CVS pharmacy was damaged. The grand jury saw no crime. No one was ever sent to prison.

This is why America is a tyranny, even a small group of black people living like this, together in peace and harmony is enough of a threat that they need to be bombed from the air. America has never been bombed from the air EXCEPT in the cases of the Greenwood District of Tulsa, Oklahoma in 1921 and the MOVE organization in 1985, which destroyed two city blocks of homes in West Philadelphia. Over a 1,000 people were left homeless in the Tulsa bombing and 250 people were left homeless in the West Philadelphia neighborhood bombing.

A few years back you had the Flint water crisis. There Governor Rick Snyder of Michigan knowingly poisoned children, causing permanent brain damage in up to 8,000, two-thirds of them Black. The US government’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) knew the water was unsafe – and did nothing.


Not to mention the fact that black people are still last-hired and first fired and it's doesn't even matter if the black person is educated or more qualified. And if black person wants to start his own business then he/she will have to deal with white supremacist banks who will tell him (Politely) to go away.

Do you want more ? I gotta a lot more for you if you want some more of this work.

Wow but your a fucking liar.

I mean seriously.

Mayor of Flint


Black of course

Director of the Flint water board


Black of course

So what was that again, you lying pile of shit?

Fucking racist fool.

You might want to go study that situation before you run your white mouth.


You racist fuck.

Black people fucked up the Flint water supply through corruption and incompetence.
Modern racism, symbolic racism, symbolic prejudice, or racial resentment, are beliefs that reflect an underlying prejudice towards black people in the United States. The difference in modern racism than old time classic white racism is that the attacks focus on a groups culture. Modern racism is not face to face, it is primarily done online and in social media.
You think I don’t discuss this with Black face to face!
You’re so wrong.
I believe in equal educational and equal opportunity for all American citizens.
It’s interesting that I never have to discuss with Jamaicans what’s important: they wouldn’t be caught dead being unemployed.

The problem with your racist claim is 2 fold. 1. Jamaicans are black. 2. Blacks have a 6.8 percent unemployment rate. 93.2 percent are employed.
My point is that Jamaicans are Black and don’t live to suck Welfare dry.
The unemployed Jamaicans are working as babysitters and housekeepers.
The issue is that they’re working.

So are 93 percent of the rest of us blacks. Just understand that you are part of the race who has received welfare for 242 years and deal with it.
Black African babysitters!
Make me laugh!

Are you really this ignorant? What is so funny or unbelievable about a Black sitter? I have 3 nieces and a granddaughter who all earn money doing it on weekends, and they all have classmates doing the same.
I teach young blacks son. We don't need to learn shit from whites. You DO NOT want us to do things as you have done.
So Whites do things that Blacks don’t and yet you don’t need to learn from Whites.
Do you realize how stupid you sound?
Why would we need to learn how to mud wrestle pigs and rape dogs?
Ewwww! You guys do that? Your culture needs an overhaul.
No whites do that. He said things Blacks dont do. :rolleyes:

If only white people were into cool African shit, like walking around naked and holding hands with fat guys. Dont forget to wear your feather! :laugh:

So that is where the BBC myth came from.....
So why did you lie and say the land was worthless when it requires whites to be murdered for them to leave? :rolleyes:
I would ask to to stop playing dumb but I know you’re seriously dumb.
The South African land that Whites utilized had value.
The rest of the continent is a money pit.
So you admit you lied. Good. So why did whites colonize the rest of the continent? :rolleyes:
They left and the African nations became shitholes.
But you just continue thinking ad hominems will change the fate of Black Aficans.
Youre just mad you got caught in a lie. If African nations are shitholes then dont go there or use their resources. :rolleyes:
In other words, you have nothing positive to say about the natives.
Thought so.
I do agree, though, Europeans should wait until everyone in Africa dies of aids and then move in.
The natives are incredible and dont need me to say anything about them. If you believe europeans should wait for them to die off and then move in then that means you were lying when you said the land had no value. Thats twice now you have contradicted yourself. :rolleyes:
Where did I say I was evil ?
(one line later)
I am racist. I already know

There you go, you admitted that you were evil in the very post you asked where you said you were evil.

  1. It goes in the opposite direction in that I favour blacks, not whites
  2. I'm honest about being racist.
Which changes nothing. You are still admitting openly that you are in fact a entirely evil person.
You don't have to be evil to be racist.

I've known white people married to black people who were hardcore racists.

Because racial stereotypes about black people serve as a mechanism of justification for white supremacists like you who would gladly discriminate.

The white employer who believes black folks don’t make good employees can rationalize that as good business and not racial.

The landlord who refuses to rent an apartment to someone whose last address was in the black area could rationalize that the grounds that they're not gonna to take care of the property.

A teacher who was teaching blk kids in school can justify tracking them into remedial classes because they believe those children are not going to attend college, and aren’t capable of more advanced work.

The cop who kills a black man will justify and say he felt threatened.

And they could do this while insisting that the decisions had nothing to do with race,

It's black people who have to battle to convince employers that they aren’t lazy, aren’t unreliable, aren’t criminals, and aren’t crackheads. How we constantly have to try and convince social workers that they aren’t bad parents. How we constantly have to try and convince police that they aren’t drug dealers. How we constantly have to try and convince teachers that they want to learn.

What does anything you said here, have to do with what has happened today?
Today is built on yesterday and Tomorrow us built on Today.

Whites want to take pride in the good things from their past (inventions made, battles won, rights fought for) but then act as if the bad things have nothing to do with them – like slavery, genocide and rights not fought for.

You can't have it both ways.

If the inventions are proof of the intelligence of whites, then slavery and genocide are proof of the great evil of whites.

You can't claim one without the other.

Or if slavery and genocide came about through the workings of human nature under a particular set of circumstances then if anyone else would have done the same thing then the same goes for the inventions too.

Please explain to me how many "Rosewood" type events have happened in the last 10 years, 20 years, 30 years?
OK. I'll explain.

It does not have to be a Rosewood type of event.

Racism towards black people is mainly economic

The reason why whites resorted to bombing Rosewood is because they dropped the ball and their arrogance made them think "These dumb negroes can't do anything for themselves"

So most "Rosewood" type of events have been in stopping a Rosewood from ever happening again.

How do they that ?

Once again.

Racism towards black people is mainly economic.

So whites have to make sure black areas are economically deprived and black people as group are economically deprived.

White people don't mind a LeBron, Jay Z, Diddy, Oprah Beyonce.

They don't mind some black people having money because for one they'll make sure that none of their money is passed down because they'll make sure that their kids and family don't own any of the rights to their shit and two they control them.

But black people (As a group) living well independent of white control ?


That's what all the land problems in South Africa are truly.

White people can't stand to see black people (As a group) doing well. Hell you try being a black man in a 5 Star hotel.

That's kryptonite to many whites.

They HATE black people being around nice sh*t. "Hey - dude. What do you do ? Do you play NBA ? Are you a rapper ?"

Whites always wanna know your business when your in places they don't think you should be.

So since Rosewood whites have used zoning laws which tightly restricted where black people were allowed to live.

So black families often had to double-up in small apartments, which were often shit holes because the white landlords had little incentive to improve their properties, since they knew there was nowhere else for black tenants to turn.

Then in the 1930s, the government began offering low-interest loans through the Federal Housing Administration. Over a thirty-year period about $100 billion in home equity was loaned mainly whites middle-class. There would be few if any loans for blacks seeking to move to mostly white areas either.

As if this wasn’t bad enough ? Whites then began this “urban renewal” sh*t which meant low-and-moderate-income family housing was to be replaced by office buildings, shopping centers and parking lots.

So black areas have remained isolated, with lots of poverty and the problems that come with it, including higher crime rates, family breakdown.

But whites have never had to worry about a landlord taking one look at u, or maybe just speaking with u on the phone and guessing your race, and then telling u the last unit was just rented. Whites have never had to consider that perhaps getting a place to live might be about more than your credit, collateral, income and good attitude. But for black people ? We have never had the luxury of believing that those were the only relevant factors, they never have been.

Not to mention the fact that white supremacy is global thing so they're dropping bombs on black people all over the world.


Please list in detail each black town burned to the ground in the relevant past.

The MOVE bombing was where Philadelphia police in the US bombed the house of MOVE, a Black back-to-nature movement. Eleven people were killed. Five were children, ages 5 to 13. The fire department stood right there and did nothing for an hour as the fire spread, destroying 61 houses in the mostly Black, West Philly neighbourhood.

No CVS pharmacy was damaged. The grand jury saw no crime. No one was ever sent to prison.

This is why America is a tyranny, even a small group of black people living like this, together in peace and harmony is enough of a threat that they need to be bombed from the air. America has never been bombed from the air EXCEPT in the cases of the Greenwood District of Tulsa, Oklahoma in 1921 and the MOVE organization in 1985, which destroyed two city blocks of homes in West Philadelphia. Over a 1,000 people were left homeless in the Tulsa bombing and 250 people were left homeless in the West Philadelphia neighborhood bombing.

A few years back you had the Flint water crisis. There Governor Rick Snyder of Michigan knowingly poisoned children, causing permanent brain damage in up to 8,000, two-thirds of them Black. The US government’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) knew the water was unsafe – and did nothing.


Not to mention the fact that black people are still last-hired and first fired and it's doesn't even matter if the black person is educated or more qualified. And if black person wants to start his own business then he/she will have to deal with white supremacist banks who will tell him (Politely) to go away.

Do you want more ? I gotta a lot more for you if you want some more of this work.

Wow but your a fucking liar.

I mean seriously.

Mayor of Flint


Black of course

Director of the Flint water board


Black of course

So what was that again, you lying pile of shit?

Fucking racist fool.

You might want to go study that situation before you run your white mouth.


You racist fuck.

Black people fucked up the Flint water supply through corruption and incompetence.

Like I said...

You might want to go study that situation before you run your white mouth.
I would ask to to stop playing dumb but I know you’re seriously dumb.
The South African land that Whites utilized had value.
The rest of the continent is a money pit.
So you admit you lied. Good. So why did whites colonize the rest of the continent? :rolleyes:
They left and the African nations became shitholes.
But you just continue thinking ad hominems will change the fate of Black Aficans.
Youre just mad you got caught in a lie. If African nations are shitholes then dont go there or use their resources. :rolleyes:
In other words, you have nothing positive to say about the natives.
Thought so.
I do agree, though, Europeans should wait until everyone in Africa dies of aids and then move in.
The natives are incredible and dont need me to say anything about them. If you believe europeans should wait for them to die off and then move in then that means you were lying when you said the land had no value. Thats twice now you have contradicted yourself. :rolleyes:
A resource is only as worthwhile as the person who possesses it.
You think I don’t discuss this with Black face to face!
You’re so wrong.
I believe in equal educational and equal opportunity for all American citizens.
It’s interesting that I never have to discuss with Jamaicans what’s important: they wouldn’t be caught dead being unemployed.

The problem with your racist claim is 2 fold. 1. Jamaicans are black. 2. Blacks have a 6.8 percent unemployment rate. 93.2 percent are employed.
My point is that Jamaicans are Black and don’t live to suck Welfare dry.
The unemployed Jamaicans are working as babysitters and housekeepers.
The issue is that they’re working.

So are 93 percent of the rest of us blacks. Just understand that you are part of the race who has received welfare for 242 years and deal with it.
Black African babysitters!
Make me laugh!

Are you really this ignorant? What is so funny or unbelievable about a Black sitter? I have 3 nieces and a granddaughter who all earn money doing it on weekends, and they all have classmates doing the same.
We use Mexicans or Jamaicans...string family values and no spending hours on the phone with the guy they’re having an affair with.
So you admit you lied. Good. So why did whites colonize the rest of the continent? :rolleyes:
They left and the African nations became shitholes.
But you just continue thinking ad hominems will change the fate of Black Aficans.
Youre just mad you got caught in a lie. If African nations are shitholes then dont go there or use their resources. :rolleyes:
In other words, you have nothing positive to say about the natives.
Thought so.
I do agree, though, Europeans should wait until everyone in Africa dies of aids and then move in.
The natives are incredible and dont need me to say anything about them. If you believe europeans should wait for them to die off and then move in then that means you were lying when you said the land had no value. Thats twice now you have contradicted yourself. :rolleyes:
A resource is only as worthwhile as the person who possesses it.

No, Europe just doesn't have any resources.
The problem with your racist claim is 2 fold. 1. Jamaicans are black. 2. Blacks have a 6.8 percent unemployment rate. 93.2 percent are employed.
My point is that Jamaicans are Black and don’t live to suck Welfare dry.
The unemployed Jamaicans are working as babysitters and housekeepers.
The issue is that they’re working.

So are 93 percent of the rest of us blacks. Just understand that you are part of the race who has received welfare for 242 years and deal with it.
Black African babysitters!
Make me laugh!

Are you really this ignorant? What is so funny or unbelievable about a Black sitter? I have 3 nieces and a granddaughter who all earn money doing it on weekends, and they all have classmates doing the same.
We use Mexicans or Jamaicans...string family values and no spending hours on the phone with the guy they’re having an affair with.

So you don't use white teenage girls.
My point is that Jamaicans are Black and don’t live to suck Welfare dry.
The unemployed Jamaicans are working as babysitters and housekeepers.
The issue is that they’re working.

So are 93 percent of the rest of us blacks. Just understand that you are part of the race who has received welfare for 242 years and deal with it.
Black African babysitters!
Make me laugh!

Are you really this ignorant? What is so funny or unbelievable about a Black sitter? I have 3 nieces and a granddaughter who all earn money doing it on weekends, and they all have classmates doing the same.
We use Mexicans or Jamaicans...string family values and no spending hours on the phone with the guy they’re having an affair with.

So you don't use white teenage girls.
Someone with your credentials caves so easily.
Is your Masters in Community Uprisings?
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