More U.S. Children Live In Poverty Now Than During the Recession

Is this going to be on Obama's "legacy" list?

No idiot, it will be the Republican/conservative's legacy....they hate blacks and latinos and want to do away with know, the "compassionate conservatives" - because they claim to follow Jesus, but don't really believe it when the Bible tells them to give to the poor.

Proverbs 19:17
17 Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord,
and he will repay him for his deed.

Conservatives think Jesus was talking about the rich, when he said this:

For if you give, you will get! Your gift will return to you in full and overflowing measure, pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, and running over. Whatever measure you use to give -- large or small -- will be used to measure what is given back to you." (TLB, Luke 6:38)
The bible also says you don't work, you don't eat.
Heey bible thumping retard this country is based on the constitution not the goyim asswipe book
The result is probably because more children are born to poor families. Middle class families have been reducing family size for a couple of generations now. Poor families haven't, partly because more children means more money be it the old ADC or more modern programs.

Make birth control and abortion safe and readily available.

Feed and educate the children who are already here.

We're human beings. Its inexcusable that we even question whether or not we should be doing any of that.
Lol, educate them? That's funny nutty, if you educate them them they become republicans. Ask Carson.
That's a myth. The states that are liberal are more highly educated than most of the red states. Educated people flock to places like Oregon, Washington, California, the Northeast, New York, Boston, etc. Schools are better than in the South, which is mostly red states. Sorry, but it's a bedtime story you conservatives tell yourselves that Republicans are more highly educated: just not true.
Isn't there a bit of a double-standard describing children as poor, when we don't describe children of well-off or wealthy people as "rich children?" It's not the children in either case making the money. If children are "poor" maybe children should get a job. :)
Obama fault. the ass has been President now for Seven freaking years

also he's bringing in how many people and calling REFUGEES to flood our country for his grand : transformation of our country

you people who put him in office should be ashamed of yourselves

Is this going to be on Obama's "legacy" list?

No idiot, it will be the Republican/conservative's legacy....they hate blacks and latinos and want to do away with know, the "compassionate conservatives" - because they claim to follow Jesus, but don't really believe it when the Bible tells them to give to the poor.

Proverbs 19:17
17 Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord,
and he will repay him for his deed.

Conservatives think Jesus was talking about the rich, when he said this:

For if you give, you will get! Your gift will return to you in full and overflowing measure, pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, and running over. Whatever measure you use to give -- large or small -- will be used to measure what is given back to you." (TLB, Luke 6:38)
The bible also says you don't work, you don't eat.
Heey bible thumping retard this country is based on the constitution not the goyim asswipe book
Awe, you don't mind twisting the bible to serve your needs, but when I state differently. You get all huffy. Lol Maybe you ought to tell your home boy that there is a constitution.
The result is probably because more children are born to poor families. Middle class families have been reducing family size for a couple of generations now. Poor families haven't, partly because more children means more money be it the old ADC or more modern programs.

Make birth control and abortion safe and readily available.

Feed and educate the children who are already here.

We're human beings. Its inexcusable that we even question whether or not we should be doing any of that.
Lol, educate them? That's funny nutty, if you educate them them they become republicans. Ask Carson.
That's a myth. The states that are liberal are more highly educated than most of the red states. Educated people flock to places like Oregon, Washington, California, the Northeast, New York, Boston, etc. Schools are better than in the South, which is mostly red states. Sorry, but it's a bedtime story you conservatives tell yourselves that Republicans are more highly educated: just not true.
But, but one of the first thing Obama did in Washington was to cut funding to a charter school. He had to reinstate it because of the outrage from the minorities. Liberals are against any school for minorities that they can't control. Keep them uneducated and on welfare for a vote. Sorry but what you state is the bed time story.
It is written in the Bible. Obviously today's GOP doesn't really follow those teachings of Jesus, they only pretend to.

Same is true of many of the "christians" posting on this board.

Its just stunning to me that human beings would stand by and watch children starve, homeless, in the streets but I have no doubt that some RWs would indeed do exactly that.

LMAO No kids have ever or will ever starve in the country as long as we taxpayers are forced to provide for them.

Blame the Christians? Instead of those who are responsible for themselves and their kids.

That's your mantra?? Not surprised because your just as big an idiot as the rest of the bleeding hearts. Its just to bad you and all likeminded don't have the sole burden of taking care of all those poor, poor people.

If you were, you'd be singing a different tune or go broke. Whichever came first.
:cuckoo: Your 'let them eat cake' rantings and over the top mean spirited, added to your repeated lack of articulation lead me to believe your are either a troll, a drunk or quite uneducated yourself. You need to put more intellectual substance into your posts. Capisce?

Your a riot. If you want to take care of the poor then by all means have at it.

You and Mer something or other should team up and spend away.

Speaking of trolls and lack of articulation and being drunk and quite uneducated?

From you that's a complement. One I gladly accept.

"je comprends"?
More irony. LMAO

Comprenez vous?

Embrasse moi comme
shameful and disgusting

Obama Oversees Rise in Childhood Poverty
More kids in poverty now than during recession

new study put out by the Annie E. Casey Foundation. USA Today reports that childhood poverty rose substantially from 2008 to 2013.

About 22% of children in the U.S. lived below the poverty line in 2013, compared with 18% in 2008, the foundation's 2015 Kids Count Data Book reported. In 2013, the U.S. Department of Human and Health Service's official poverty line was $23,624 for a family with two adults and two children.

all of it here:
Obama Oversees Rise in Childhood Poverty Truth Revolt
shameful and disgusting

Obama Oversees Rise in Childhood Poverty
More kids in poverty now than during recession

new study put out by the Annie E. Casey Foundation. USA Today reports that childhood poverty rose substantially from 2008 to 2013.

About 22% of children in the U.S. lived below the poverty line in 2013, compared with 18% in 2008, the foundation's 2015 Kids Count Data Book reported. In 2013, the U.S. Department of Human and Health Service's official poverty line was $23,624 for a family with two adults and two children.

all of it here:
Obama Oversees Rise in Childhood Poverty Truth Revolt
This is because of the recession. Obama did not cause the recession. It is a world wide recession. Trying to hold Obama responsible for it is ludicrous. You people are so simple minded; you have no critical thinking skills whatsoever.
Is this going to be on Obama's "legacy" list?

No idiot, it will be the Republican/conservative's legacy....they hate blacks and latinos and want to do away with know, the "compassionate conservatives" - because they claim to follow Jesus, but don't really believe it when the Bible tells them to give to the poor.

Proverbs 19:17
17 Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord,
and he will repay him for his deed.

Conservatives think Jesus was talking about the rich, when he said this:

For if you give, you will get! Your gift will return to you in full and overflowing measure, pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, and running over. Whatever measure you use to give -- large or small -- will be used to measure what is given back to you." (TLB, Luke 6:38)
The bible also says you don't work, you don't eat.

Where exactly does it say that those that can work but don't shouldn't eat? Please quote the scripture verse because I'm sure it says those that aren't willing to work. Most poor people that use welfare, would work if they could....and I guess you expect children to work in order to eat, conservative of you.
The result is probably because more children are born to poor families. Middle class families have been reducing family size for a couple of generations now. Poor families haven't, partly because more children means more money be it the old ADC or more modern programs.

Make birth control and abortion safe and readily available.

Feed and educate the children who are already here.

We're human beings. Its inexcusable that we even question whether or not we should be doing any of that.
Lol, educate them? That's funny nutty, if you educate them them they become republicans. Ask Carson.

That's funny, because most conservatives posting here, like you, aren't very educated.
Is this going to be on Obama's "legacy" list?

Yeah, cuz kids were never poor until he was elected.

IOW, you're an idiot.

Why don't RWs ever have the gumption and honesty to just respond to a thread instead of ALWAYS trying to blame the president or just derail the thread? Chicken shit cowards.

To the OP, I posted a thread about this a while back and, no surprise, the RWs were in favor of hungry kids.

US is a world leader in child poverty US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Oh I see, so even though "child poverty" has risen more under Obama, he can't be held responsible in any way existed before at some (much lower) level.

Yup, that makes a lot of sense. can't make this shit up.
It has risen, a little, because of the recession (btw the recession is global, not just in the US). Obama did not create the recesssion.

No, G W Bush created the recession......but they somehow overlook that.
Is this going to be on Obama's "legacy" list?

No idiot, it will be the Republican/conservative's legacy....they hate blacks and latinos and want to do away with know, the "compassionate conservatives" - because they claim to follow Jesus, but don't really believe it when the Bible tells them to give to the poor.

Proverbs 19:17
17 Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord,
and he will repay him for his deed.

Conservatives think Jesus was talking about the rich, when he said this:

For if you give, you will get! Your gift will return to you in full and overflowing measure, pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, and running over. Whatever measure you use to give -- large or small -- will be used to measure what is given back to you." (TLB, Luke 6:38)
The bible also says you don't work, you don't eat.

Where exactly does it say that those that can work but don't shouldn't eat? Please quote the scripture verse because I'm sure it says those that aren't willing to work. Most poor people that use welfare, would work if they could....and I guess you expect children to work in order to eat, conservative of you.
2 Thessalonians 3:10 For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: "if a man will not work, he shall not eat." Now if a person cannot work, of course we should take care of them. I'm talking about the ones that abuse the system. I've said on here before, I knew a girl years back she got disability because she was stupid. But she wasn't that stupid, because she collected disability, and was a stripper made great money.
The result is probably because more children are born to poor families. Middle class families have been reducing family size for a couple of generations now. Poor families haven't, partly because more children means more money be it the old ADC or more modern programs.

Make birth control and abortion safe and readily available.

Feed and educate the children who are already here.

We're human beings. Its inexcusable that we even question whether or not we should be doing any of that.
Lol, educate them? That's funny nutty, if you educate them them they become republicans. Ask Carson.

That's funny, because most conservatives posting here, like you, aren't very educated.
Public school educated, and you aren't supporting me. Am I supporting you?
More U.S. Children Live In Poverty Now Than During the Recession
Thousands of children in the US live in poverty but they are mostly Latin Americans and African Americans. Looks like their parents can't provide them with food and money. So why do they Latin Americans keep coming to the US? Is the life in their countries really that bad so they abandon everything and live here in squalor? Maybe it would be better to come back home just to save the children?

Despite the trillions spent on welfare over the years, it's only gotten worse. Few good jobs available and too many who don't qualify for jobs. The left says hard work doesn't pay off, but so many don't even try. If you have at least a high school diploma, no police record and can pass a drug test, you should be able to do better working than on welfare. Of course, it helps if a person hasn't already had as many children as possible to increase a welfare check.

Many of the poor immigrants are not educated and unable to speak English so can only find low paying farm jobs or hotel maid jobs. Of course, they aren't going to succeed if they take no action.

I think the poor from other countries find our welfare system to be way better than in their countries. I don't think Mexico even has a welfare system, at least not their own. It's no secret they use ours and they end up with billions of money made here, thanks to remittances their people send back. The Obama administration just made that easier for them by starting a new service at the post office to help them send the money back home. It's not for citizens, just illegal aliens.

Not hard to see what lures them here.

Meanwhile, we still have complete idiots of our own who can't put a sentence together, have no idea about history or current events (other than the talking points fed to them by Sharpton and company), often have a police record and they have no education. Of course, they blame white privilege for forcing them to quit school and then not hiring them over educated people with job experience. Blacks who don't fit the mold are just Uncle Toms or traitors, as far as the left is concerned and they don't count. I guess blacks who take personal responsibility for their own lives are wrong for not fitting into the stereotype set forth by liberals. They are so mean to blacks who manage without being taken care of by nanny government. I wish the media would focus more on blacks who have succeeded just fine and hold them up to others as examples of what to do. Some minorities are racist and don't want to look at whites for inspiration, but there are more blacks doing well than not and I can't figure out why the left likes to keep that secret. I suppose since they dislike them giving other minorities big ideas about leaving the plantation, the left feels the need to label and bash them.

Policies like Obamacare and increasing taxes have made so many jobs disappear that it's harder than ever for people to pull themselves out of poverty.

It needs to be a process of encouraging people so they want to improve, then making sure opportunities are out there so they can actually do it. The left's actions are always the opposite of what they need to do, but then giving up a class of dependents who vote for them isn't incentive for doing the right thing.
Liberals, take part in a real life experiment:

Pick a family that lives in poverty, mother and three kids. With $1,000 in your pocket approach the mother and give her the money and then leave.

That should have been easy enough for a magnanimous liberal like you.

OK, then, follow your $1,000. See how much of it the mother will spend on easing the kids' poverty. You know, food, clothes, books and some such.

Then you will see that whether it is the money that you gave directly or thru taxes will have been spent the same way.

There is no such thing as child poverty, only parental irresponsibility.
More U.S. Children Live In Poverty Now Than During the Recession
Thousands of children in the US live in poverty but they are mostly Latin Americans and African Americans. Looks like their parents can't provide them with food and money. So why do they Latin Americans keep coming to the US? Is the life in their countries really that bad so they abandon everything and live here in squalor? Maybe it would be better to come back home just to save the children?

perhaps your teatards in the house should get the hell out of the way of government and children won't starve.

as for immigrants, the numbers have dropped because the economy in mexico is better and ours isn't. I think we're at a net zero increase in immigrants.

I hope that helps.

You can thank Obama that the economy in Mexico is better than that of America.

That bastard promised hope and change and there it is!
Is this going to be on Obama's "legacy" list?

No idiot, it will be the Republican/conservative's legacy....they hate blacks and latinos and want to do away with know, the "compassionate conservatives" - because they claim to follow Jesus, but don't really believe it when the Bible tells them to give to the poor.

Proverbs 19:17
17 Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord,
and he will repay him for his deed.

Conservatives think Jesus was talking about the rich, when he said this:

For if you give, you will get! Your gift will return to you in full and overflowing measure, pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, and running over. Whatever measure you use to give -- large or small -- will be used to measure what is given back to you." (TLB, Luke 6:38)
The bible also says you don't work, you don't eat.

Where exactly does it say that those that can work but don't shouldn't eat? Please quote the scripture verse because I'm sure it says those that aren't willing to work. Most poor people that use welfare, would work if they could....and I guess you expect children to work in order to eat, conservative of you.

If that was true the fruits and vegetables would be picked by people with skin darker than that of a Latino.

Which would be a twofer: Less crime downtown.

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