More U.S. Children Live In Poverty Now Than During the Recession

Your an ass.

Where is it written that anyone is required to take responsibility for anyone else??

Oh and I don't hate the poor. I just don't take responsibility for them or their lives.

You, however, hate anyone who's not a bleeing heart like you are.

Fuck off asshole.

You're the don't even know how to respond to a post....I assume you were talking to me, but like an idiot you just post without quoting because you probably haven't even learned how to do that.

It is written in the Bible.......and most conservatives claim to be Christian.....if you're not, then you need to take that up with them.

And you claim you don't hate the poor, you just think that people choose to be poor, just like they choose to be black and choose to be gay. You're the idiot.

I'm not a bleeding heart, but at least I have a heart, and am not greedy like you. You probably just make enough to get by, why you are so greedy.

And you fuck off, greedy shit bag.

Well if I believed in the bible your words might mean something. Since I don't you can fuck off.

Yeah. Your a bleeding heart who hates anyone who doesn't think like you. You want to assume the responsibility of taking care of the poor and have nothing but disgust for those who don't care for the honor.

Your an asshole and a fucking idiot to boot and you can kiss my ass.
LMAO No kids have ever or will ever starve in the country as long as we taxpayers are forced to provide for them. just complained because you have to....if it was up to you, we wouldn't provide for them, and you are are starving, thanks to greedy assholes like you. And, it's the red states that don't take care of the poor.....who would have known.

Child Hunger in America Statistics Facts No Kid Hungry End Child Hunger in America

The states with the highest child food-insecurity rates are clustered in particular regions, and tend to be sparsely populated. These include states along the Mexican border, such as Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, as well as states like Mississippi. In general, they have fewer highways, less public transportation.
States where the most children go hungry
"The Middle Class have been buried these past four years" -- Joe Biden Oct 2012 describing Obama's success at driving people into poverty. And not a single peep from Republicans
The result is probably because more children are born to poor families. Middle class families have been reducing family size for a couple of generations now. Poor families haven't, partly because more children means more money be it the old ADC or more modern programs.
Only someone who has never raised a child or a complete idiot would think that people have kids to get a bigger check.
Well if I believed in the bible your words might mean something. Since I don't you can fuck off.

Yeah. Your a bleeding heart who hates anyone who doesn't think like you. You want to assume the responsibility of taking care of the poor and have nothing but disgust for those who don't care for the honor.

Your an asshole and a fucking idiot to boot and you can kiss my ass.

You're the asshole and the fucking idiot and you are already kissing your own ass.
LMAO Your an idiot.

Your right. If it were up to me their parents would have to provide for them and if they couldn't that's what charities are for.

If you want to assume the burden of the poor, be my guest.

Just don't expect everyone to believe as you do just as I don't expect everyone to believe what I believe.

Nowhere is it written that anyone in America has to take care of anyone else.
Well if I believed in the bible your words might mean something. Since I don't you can fuck off.

Yeah. Your a bleeding heart who hates anyone who doesn't think like you. You want to assume the responsibility of taking care of the poor and have nothing but disgust for those who don't care for the honor.

Your an asshole and a fucking idiot to boot and you can kiss my ass.

You're the asshole and the fucking idiot and you are already kissing your own ass.

Glad to hear it since I'll give your words all the consideration that they are due. Which is none.

Fuck off idiot. Go spend your last buck taking care of those poor, poor people. Asshole LMAO.

Oh and your Hillary for President Sig tells it all and you're not worth the time or the effort.
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More U.S. Children Live In Poverty Now Than During the Recession
Thousands of children in the US live in poverty but they are mostly Latin Americans and African Americans. Looks like their parents can't provide them with food and money. So why do they Latin Americans keep coming to the US? Is the life in their countries really that bad so they abandon everything and live here in squalor? Maybe it would be better to come back home just to save the children?

perhaps your teatards in the house should get the hell out of the way of government and children won't starve.

as for immigrants, the numbers have dropped because the economy in mexico is better and ours isn't. I think we're at a net zero increase in immigrants.

I hope that helps.
LMAO Your an idiot.

Your right. If it were up to me their parents would have to provide for them and if they couldn't that's what charities are for.

If you want to assume the burden of the poor, be my guest.

Just don't expect everyone to believe as you do just as I don't expect everyone to believe what I believe.

Nowhere is it written that anyone in America has to take care of anyone else.

yes, we all know how charitable right wing so-called Christians are....

but ultimately, being charitable isn't the only reason not to let people starve (although it's enough for normal people). the reality is that societies with a vast difference between the haves and have-nots end up being banana republics where people with means live behind barbed wire with armed guards and society falls apart.

I understand that's what a lot of righgtwingnuts want. but it's sick.
Well hell. You take care of em since you think its such a great idea.

Have a blast. You're an attorney. You make good money. Spend away.
Your an ass.

Where is it written that anyone is required to take responsibility for anyone else??

Oh and I don't hate the poor. I just don't take responsibility for them or their lives.

You, however, hate anyone who's not a bleeing heart like you are.

Fuck off asshole.
It is written in the Bible. Obviously today's GOP doesn't really follow those teachings of Jesus, they only pretend to.

Same is true of many of the "christians" posting on this board.

Its just stunning to me that human beings would stand by and watch children starve, homeless, in the streets but I have no doubt that some RWs would indeed do exactly that.

LMAO No kids have ever or will ever starve in the country as long as we taxpayers are forced to provide for them.

Blame the Christians? Instead of those who are responsible for themselves and their kids.

That's your mantra?? Not surprised because your just as big an idiot as the rest of the bleeding hearts. Its just to bad you and all likeminded don't have the sole burden of taking care of all those poor, poor people.

If you were, you'd be singing a different tune or go broke. Whichever came first.
:cuckoo: Your 'let them eat cake' rantings and over the top mean spiritedness, added to your repeated lack of articulation, lead me to believe your are either a troll, a drunk or quite uneducated yourself. You need to put more intellectual substance into your posts. Capisce?
LMAO Your an idiot.

Your right. If it were up to me their parents would have to provide for them and if they couldn't that's what charities are for.

If you want to assume the burden of the poor, be my guest.

Just don't expect everyone to believe as you do just as I don't expect everyone to believe what I believe.

Nowhere is it written that anyone in America has to take care of anyone else.
"Your an idiot." Oh, the irony.
[/QUOTE="Claudette, post: 11889477,

Oh and I don't hate the poor. I just don't take responsibility for them or their lives.

You, however, hate anyone who's not a bleeing heart like you are.

Fuck off asshole.
It is written in the Bible. Obviously today's GOP doesn't really follow those teachings of Jesus, they only pretend to.

Same is true of many of the "christians" posting on this board.

Its just stunning to me that human beings would stand by and watch children starve, homeless, in the streets but I have no doubt that some RWs would indeed do exactly that.

LMAO No kids have ever or will ever starve in the country as long as we taxpayers are forced to provide for them.

Blame the Christians? Instead of those who are responsible for themselves and their kids.

That's your mantra?? Not surprised because your just as big an idiot as the rest of the bleeding hearts. Its just to bad you and all likeminded don't have the sole burden of taking care of all those poor, poor people.

If you were, you'd be singing a different tune or go broke. Whichever came first.
:cuckoo: Your 'let them eat cake' rantings and over the top mean spirited, added to your repeated lack of articulation lead me to believe your are either a troll, a drunk or quite uneducated yourself. You need to put more intellectual substance into your posts. Capisce?[/QUOTE]

Your a riot. If you want to take care of the poor then by all means have at it.

You and Mer something or other should team up and spend away.

Speaking of trolls and lack of articulation and being drunk and quite uneducated?

From you that's a complement. One I gladly accept.

"je comprends"?
LMAO Your an idiot.

Your right. If it were up to me their parents would have to provide for them and if they couldn't that's what charities are for.

If you want to assume the burden of the poor, be my guest.

Just don't expect everyone to believe as you do just as I don't expect everyone to believe what I believe.

Nowhere is it written that anyone in America has to take care of anyone else.
"Your an idiot." Oh, the irony.

You're a bigger idiot. LOL
[/QUOTE="Claudette, post: 11889477,

Oh and I don't hate the poor. I just don't take responsibility for them or their lives.

You, however, hate anyone who's not a bleeing heart like you are.

Fuck off asshole.
It is written in the Bible. Obviously today's GOP doesn't really follow those teachings of Jesus, they only pretend to.

Same is true of many of the "christians" posting on this board.

Its just stunning to me that human beings would stand by and watch children starve, homeless, in the streets but I have no doubt that some RWs would indeed do exactly that.

LMAO No kids have ever or will ever starve in the country as long as we taxpayers are forced to provide for them.

Blame the Christians? Instead of those who are responsible for themselves and their kids.

That's your mantra?? Not surprised because your just as big an idiot as the rest of the bleeding hearts. Its just to bad you and all likeminded don't have the sole burden of taking care of all those poor, poor people.

If you were, you'd be singing a different tune or go broke. Whichever came first.
:cuckoo: Your 'let them eat cake' rantings and over the top mean spirited, added to your repeated lack of articulation lead me to believe your are either a troll, a drunk or quite uneducated yourself. You need to put more intellectual substance into your posts. Capisce?

Your a riot. If you want to take care of the poor then by all means have at it.

You and Mer something or other should team up and spend away.

Speaking of trolls and lack of articulation and being drunk and quite uneducated?

From you that's a complement. One I gladly accept.

"je comprends"?
More irony. LMAO

Comprenez vous?
LMAO Your an idiot.

Your right. If it were up to me their parents would have to provide for them and if they couldn't that's what charities are for.

If you want to assume the burden of the poor, be my guest.

Just don't expect everyone to believe as you do just as I don't expect everyone to believe what I believe.

Nowhere is it written that anyone in America has to take care of anyone else.
As spoken by Ebenezer Scrooge.
The result is probably because more children are born to poor families. Middle class families have been reducing family size for a couple of generations now. Poor families haven't, partly because more children means more money be it the old ADC or more modern programs.

Make birth control and abortion safe and readily available.

Feed and educate the children who are already here.

We're human beings. Its inexcusable that we even question whether or not we should be doing any of that.
Lol, educate them? That's funny nutty, if you educate them them they become republicans. Ask Carson.
The result is probably because more children are born to poor families. Middle class families have been reducing family size for a couple of generations now. Poor families haven't, partly because more children means more money be it the old ADC or more modern programs.

Make birth control and abortion safe and readily available.
Over 56,000,000 abortions since 1973 isn't considered "safe and readily available"? :dunno:

Well readily available anyway.They couldn't give a shit about safe.
Is this going to be on Obama's "legacy" list?

No idiot, it will be the Republican/conservative's legacy....they hate blacks and latinos and want to do away with know, the "compassionate conservatives" - because they claim to follow Jesus, but don't really believe it when the Bible tells them to give to the poor.

Proverbs 19:17
17 Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord,
and he will repay him for his deed.

Conservatives think Jesus was talking about the rich, when he said this:

For if you give, you will get! Your gift will return to you in full and overflowing measure, pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, and running over. Whatever measure you use to give -- large or small -- will be used to measure what is given back to you." (TLB, Luke 6:38)
The bible also says you don't work, you don't eat.

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