More U.S. Children Live In Poverty Now Than During the Recession

The result is probably because more children are born to poor families. Middle class families have been reducing family size for a couple of generations now. Poor families haven't, partly because more children means more money be it the old ADC or more modern programs.
No, they do not have children because they are looking for government handouts. They have children because they are not well educated. This is going on all over the world. For example, I lived in Austria, which is a country that has cradle to grave govenment support. Austria is also a highly educated country. Their population growth is almost zero. That's because the people are well educated, not because they want government handouts.

It is education people need...if you want to improve the society, make sure all the people have access to education and are well educated.
Bullshit. Everybody in this country has access to education.
Hungry kids work harder and are more appreciative to those who will bestow upon them the gift of hard labor.
Interesting, some on the Right report regularly that the US has no poor people.
You got a link for that, slick?
Here's one example:
Oh my, the Heritage Foundation.
Redefining poverty America s poor have luxuries study shows
Leftists try to paint our welfare groups as starving and oppressed in order to increase incentives for them to sit on their asses and have money thrown at them. Our money. We occasionally point out that 'poor' in this country bears zero similarities to poverty and oppression worldwide. The loons eternally compare is unfavorably to our socialist brethren across the sea....except in this. Probably because they know that socialism and communism lead directly to starvation and die off.
People should be responsible for themselves and if they have children then those kids are their responsibility.

There will always be poor and America's war on poverty has been an abysmal failure that has cost the taxpayers of this country billions of dollars.

The poor are no ones responsibility but their own.
This is the mantra your leaders, like Rush Limbaugh, tell you to believe. It is not the truth.

"Critics note that the official poverty rate, as calculated by the Census Bureau, has fallen only modestly, from 19% in 1964 to 15% in 2012 (the most recent year available). But other analysts, citing shortcomings in the official poverty measure, focus on a supplemental measure (also produced by the Census Bureau) to argue that more progress has been made. A team of researchers from Columbia University, for example, calculated an “anchored” supplemental measure — essentially the 2012 measure carried back through time and adjusted for historical inflation — and found that it fell from about 26% in 1967 to 16% in 2012."Who s poor in America 50 years into the War on Poverty a data portrait Pew Research Center

The issue is not so simple as those with simple minds like to think it is. Yes, there will always be people in need, and it is the responsibility of the strong to help the weak. Your Christ was not into the self serving rhetoric you are spouting.
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People should be responsible for themselves and if they have children then those kids are their responsibility.

There will always be poor and America's war on poverty has been an abysmal failure that has cost the taxpayers of this country billions of dollars.

The poor are no ones responsibility but their own.
This is the mantra your leaders, like Rush Limbaugh, tell you to believe. It is not the truth.

Agree. The poor are everyone's business and our country's problem. We are a country of over 300 million people, and there aren't nearly enough jobs or well enough paying jobs for everyone. The amount of poverty is a reflection of how well you are doing as a country.
Is this going to be on Obama's "legacy" list?

Yeah, cuz kids were never poor until he was elected.

IOW, you're an idiot.

Why don't RWs ever have the gumption and honesty to just respond to a thread instead of ALWAYS trying to blame the president or just derail the thread? Chicken shit cowards.

To the OP, I posted a thread about this a while back and, no surprise, the RWs were in favor of hungry kids.

US is a world leader in child poverty US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Oh I see, so even though "child poverty" has risen more under Obama, he can't be held responsible in any way existed before at some (much lower) level.

Yup, that makes a lot of sense. can't make this shit up.
It has risen, a little, because of the recession (btw the recession is global, not just in the US). Obama did not create the recesssion.
People should be responsible for themselves and if they have children then those kids are their responsibility.

There will always be poor and America's war on poverty has been an abysmal failure that has cost the taxpayers of this country billions of dollars.

The poor are no ones responsibility but their own.
This is the mantra your leaders, like Rush Limbaugh, tell you to believe. It is not the truth.

"Critics note that the official poverty rate, as calculated by the Census Bureau, has fallen only modestly, from 19% in 1964 to 15% in 2012 (the most recent year available). But other analysts, citing shortcomings in the official poverty measure, focus on a supplemental measure (also produced by the Census Bureau) to argue that more progress has been made. A team of researchers from Columbia University, for example, calculated an “anchored” supplemental measure — essentially the 2012 measure carried back through time and adjusted for historical inflation — and found that it fell from about 26% in 1967 to 16% in 2012."Who s poor in America 50 years into the War on Poverty a data portrait Pew Research Center

The issue is not so simple as those with simple minds like to think it is. Yes, there will always be people in need, and it is the responsibility of the strong to help the weak. Your Christ was not into the self serving rhetoric you are spouting.

Don't listen to Rush or any talk radio. Not that its any of your business.

And who the hell are you to say that the strong should assume the burden of the weak??

Its not my responsibility to assume that burden. Nor is it anyone else's.

If you and like minded want to assist them then feel free.

As for Christ? Sorry to disappoint but in my mind religion is the ban of the world.

You can take your bleeding heart thoughts and shove em up your ass.
People should be responsible for themselves and if they have children then those kids are their responsibility.

There will always be poor and America's war on poverty has been an abysmal failure that has cost the taxpayers of this country billions of dollars.

The poor are no ones responsibility but their own.
This is the mantra your leaders, like Rush Limbaugh, tell you to believe. It is not the truth.

"Critics note that the official poverty rate, as calculated by the Census Bureau, has fallen only modestly, from 19% in 1964 to 15% in 2012 (the most recent year available). But other analysts, citing shortcomings in the official poverty measure, focus on a supplemental measure (also produced by the Census Bureau) to argue that more progress has been made. A team of researchers from Columbia University, for example, calculated an “anchored” supplemental measure — essentially the 2012 measure carried back through time and adjusted for historical inflation — and found that it fell from about 26% in 1967 to 16% in 2012."Who s poor in America 50 years into the War on Poverty a data portrait Pew Research Center

The issue is not so simple as those with simple minds like to think it is. Yes, there will always be people in need, and it is the responsibility of the strong to help the weak. Your Christ was not into the self serving rhetoric you are spouting.

Don't listen to Rush or any talk radio. Not that its any of your business.

And who the hell are you to say that the strong should assume the burden of the weak??

Its not my responsibility to assume that burden. Nor is it anyone else's.

If you and like minded want to assist them then feel free.

As for Christ? Sorry to disappoint but in my mind religion is the ban of the world.

You can take your bleeding heart thoughts and shove em up your ass.
My goodness, you are so terribly articulate.
People should be responsible for themselves and if they have children then those kids are their responsibility.

There will always be poor and America's war on poverty has been an abysmal failure that has cost the taxpayers of this country billions of dollars.

The poor are no ones responsibility but their own.
This is the mantra your leaders, like Rush Limbaugh, tell you to believe. It is not the truth.

"Critics note that the official poverty rate, as calculated by the Census Bureau, has fallen only modestly, from 19% in 1964 to 15% in 2012 (the most recent year available). But other analysts, citing shortcomings in the official poverty measure, focus on a supplemental measure (also produced by the Census Bureau) to argue that more progress has been made. A team of researchers from Columbia University, for example, calculated an “anchored” supplemental measure — essentially the 2012 measure carried back through time and adjusted for historical inflation — and found that it fell from about 26% in 1967 to 16% in 2012."Who s poor in America 50 years into the War on Poverty a data portrait Pew Research Center

The issue is not so simple as those with simple minds like to think it is. Yes, there will always be people in need, and it is the responsibility of the strong to help the weak. Your Christ was not into the self serving rhetoric you are spouting.

The old "Are you going to believe the facts, or what we tell you?" routine. Stuff it.
People should be responsible for themselves and if they have children then those kids are their responsibility.

There will always be poor and America's war on poverty has been an abysmal failure that has cost the taxpayers of this country billions of dollars.

The poor are no ones responsibility but their own.
This is the mantra your leaders, like Rush Limbaugh, tell you to believe. It is not the truth.

"Critics note that the official poverty rate, as calculated by the Census Bureau, has fallen only modestly, from 19% in 1964 to 15% in 2012 (the most recent year available). But other analysts, citing shortcomings in the official poverty measure, focus on a supplemental measure (also produced by the Census Bureau) to argue that more progress has been made. A team of researchers from Columbia University, for example, calculated an “anchored” supplemental measure — essentially the 2012 measure carried back through time and adjusted for historical inflation — and found that it fell from about 26% in 1967 to 16% in 2012."Who s poor in America 50 years into the War on Poverty a data portrait Pew Research Center

The issue is not so simple as those with simple minds like to think it is. Yes, there will always be people in need, and it is the responsibility of the strong to help the weak. Your Christ was not into the self serving rhetoric you are spouting.

Don't listen to Rush or any talk radio. Not that its any of your business.

And who the hell are you to say that the strong should assume the burden of the weak??

Its not my responsibility to assume that burden. Nor is it anyone else's.

If you and like minded want to assist them then feel free.

As for Christ? Sorry to disappoint but in my mind religion is the ban of the world.

You can take your bleeding heart thoughts and shove em up your ass.
My goodness, you are so terribly articulate.

I'd rather listen to her all day before having to listen to your nasty garbage.
What happened to the retarded "there are poor children in this country because they don't have access to education" bullshit? Let's keep going on that.
What happened to the retarded "there are poor children in this country because they don't have access to education" bullshit? Let's keep going on that.

Maybe if you had gotten an education you wouldn't be in the same situation you are in now, repeating your childhood circumstances as you told us already
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Your an ass.

Where is it written that anyone is required to take responsibility for anyone else??

Oh and I don't hate the poor. I just don't take responsibility for them or their lives.

You, however, hate anyone who's not a bleeing heart like you are.

Fuck off asshole.
It is written in the Bible. Obviously today's GOP doesn't really follow those teachings of Jesus, they only pretend to.
Your an ass.

Where is it written that anyone is required to take responsibility for anyone else??

Oh and I don't hate the poor. I just don't take responsibility for them or their lives.

You, however, hate anyone who's not a bleeing heart like you are.

Fuck off asshole.
It is written in the Bible. Obviously today's GOP doesn't really follow those teachings of Jesus, they only pretend to.

Same is true of many of the "christians" posting on this board.

Its just stunning to me that human beings would stand by and watch children starve, homeless, in the streets but I have no doubt that some RWs would indeed do exactly that.
Yes, all of our children should have an adequate educational experience, and an equal one. Money to go doesn't mean you are more deserving than one who doesn't have the money to attend.
Conservatives love to gloat about the number of children who live in poverty

But when ou try to do something about it....they block it
Your an ass.

Where is it written that anyone is required to take responsibility for anyone else??

Oh and I don't hate the poor. I just don't take responsibility for them or their lives.

You, however, hate anyone who's not a bleeing heart like you are.

Fuck off asshole.
It is written in the Bible. Obviously today's GOP doesn't really follow those teachings of Jesus, they only pretend to.

Same is true of many of the "christians" posting on this board.

Its just stunning to me that human beings would stand by and watch children starve, homeless, in the streets but I have no doubt that some RWs would indeed do exactly that.

LMAO No kids have ever or will ever starve in the country as long as we taxpayers are forced to provide for them.

Blame the Christians? Instead of those who are responsible for themselves and their kids.

That's your mantra?? Not surprised because your just as big an idiot as the rest of the bleeding hearts. Its just to bad you and all likeminded don't have the sole burden of taking care of all those poor, poor people.

If you were, you'd be singing a different tune or go broke. Whichever came first.
Conservatives love to gloat about the number of children who live in poverty

But when ou try to do something about it....they block it

They are "pro" life until it is born, then , take care of yourself

Your an ass.

Where is it written that anyone is required to take responsibility for anyone else??

Oh and I don't hate the poor. I just don't take responsibility for them or their lives.

You, however, hate anyone who's not a bleeing heart like you are.

Fuck off asshole.

You're the don't even know how to respond to a post....I assume you were talking to me, but like an idiot you just post without quoting because you probably haven't even learned how to do that.

It is written in the Bible.......and most conservatives claim to be Christian.....if you're not, then you need to take that up with them.

And you claim you don't hate the poor, you just think that people choose to be poor, just like they choose to be black and choose to be gay. You're the idiot.

I'm not a bleeding heart, but at least I have a heart, and am not greedy like you. You probably just make enough to get by, why you are so greedy.

And you fuck off, greedy shit bag.

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